[281 words] The book of Acts vividly records the first thirty years of the history of the church of Christ. As Wayne Jackson noted, “Christianity burst into existence with a debut more dramatic than anything history had ever known” (The Acts of the Apostles: From Jerusalem to Rome, p. 1). Embedded within this thrilling description of events are practical lessons in abundance. Following are a few more examples of these useful messages. 1. Debating is not inconsistent with Christians principles (6:9). 2. When dishonest people will not accept the truth, they will resort to any tactic (6:10-11). 3. God never forsakes His faithful children, even when it may seem like He does (7:9). 4. We should love our enemies (7:60). 5. It is possible for a Christian to lose his salvation (8:13, 20-23). 6. Among those who could perform miracles, only apostles could pass along those abilities to others (8:14-17)….