[293 words] Why is it that some Christians seem to believe that their only responsibility in reaching the lost is to live a pure lifestyle before them? Will alien sinners become Christians by simply observing that Christians refrain from things like profanity, fornication, and drugs? Will simply being kind to others convert the lost? Certainly, the Christian’s influence must not be minimized (Matt. 5:13-16); and yes, Christians are to live holy lives and be kind to others (1 Pet. 1:15-16; Matt. 5:38-48); but is that all it takes to convert the lost? Dear reader, there are many others in this world besides Christians who are kind to others. There can even be atheists who choose to be kind to their fellow man. There are other religions besides Christianity which emphasize humility, kindness, sobriety, modest dress, and other forms of morality. What makes Christianity different, and how will the lost learn…