[267 words] When tragedies and disasters occur—like our present pandemic—conspiracies abound. The temptation to believe them is strong because they make sense of an otherwise senseless event. They grant us the power to place blame at the feet of someone, rather than remain a victim of confusion. They provide comfort in the calamity by legitimizing themselves with partial truths and creating a common enemy (usually a corporation or government). Our present culture is rife with false news stories which appear legitimate. We cling to them because, often, they solidify our prior suspicions and make us feel superior to others who aren’t “in the know.” Our post-modern world has fashioned a society where there is no shared truth, no normative sources of information—you have your facts, and I have mine. Yet, however legitimate you may feel a conspiracy is, as God’s people we must “have nothing to do with irreverent, silly…