September Update, New Product Offerings

Fall is almost here, and we wanted to let you know about some exciting new product offerings at the Bulletin Digest website! First, your September articles have been uploaded. Lifetime and Annual members have already received these by email throughout August, so be sure and mark the articles you have used. This not only helps…

New: Sermon Outlines and Illustrations

We have now begun uploading and categorizing sermon outlines and illustrations for our Annual and Lifetime members to use. These can be found on the new Sermon Outlines and Sermon Illustrations pages. The beauty of this is that the outlines and illustrations can be marked as “used” or “unused” just like regular articles, so preachers…

Preaching Ideas for March 29, 2022 is emailed!

03/29/2022 — As of 12:15 p.m. Central, the Preaching Ideas newsletter has been sent to all subscribers. Check your email. If it is not there, check your spam folder. If you still don’t see it, make sure we have a valid email address on file for you! If you are not a subscriber, sign up

Preaching Ideas newsletter is sent!

03/16/2022 — As of 11:37 a.m. Central, the Preaching Ideas weekly newsletter has been sent to the email address of all Monthly and Annual subscribers. My apologies for the lateness, I currently the flu. Please keep me in your prayers! If you would like to receive this newsletter, along with weekly Bulletin Digest newsletter, see

Preaching Ideas has been sent

03/08/2022 — Check your email for your weekly Preaching Ideas newsletter! Monthly and Annual subscribers will receive it weekly if they have a valid email address on file with us. …

Preaching Ideas newsletter sent

03/01/2022 — The Preaching Ideas weekly newsletter has been sent as of 2:52 p.m. Annual and Monthly subscribers should receive this newsletter by email. If you have not received it, check your spam folder. If it is not there, make sure you have a valid email address on file with us!…

This Week’s Preaching Ideas is Sent!

02/22/2022 — If you are a Monthly or Annual member, check your email for this week’s Preaching Ideas! As of 5:55 p.m., it is on the way! Hope you enjoy it!…

BD Newsletter is Sent!

02/21/2022 — As of 10:10 p.m., this week’s Bulletin Digest Weekly Newsletter is on the way to all subscribers! We hope you enjoy this week’s installment!…

Error with Crossword Puzzles Repeating

02/21-2022 — We fixed an error where the same crossword puzzle was being repeated in multiple posts. This error was discovered thanks to an alert member! Thank you!…

May 2013 Added to Archives

02/18/2022 — The May 2013 edition of Bulletin Digest has been added to the archives. Annual Members can access the materials from membership page, or by clicking here.…

Bulletin Digest Newsletter for February 14 Sent

02/14/2022 — As of 11:03 a.m. Central, the Bulletin Digest Weekly Newsletter has been emailed to all subscribers! Remember, if you unsubscribe from our emails you WILL NOT receive your newsletters. Also, please check your spam folder and mark any emails you get from Bulletin Digest as “not spam” so you will get all your…

Weekly BD Newsletter Headed to You

02/07/2022 — As of 11:26 a.m. Central, the Bulletin Digest Weekly Newsletter has been emailed to all subscribers! If you didn’t receive it, check to make sure your membership is up-to-date, and check your spam folder too!…

Fixed Problem with Contact Form

02/03/2022 — A website error was causing us to not receive contact form submissions. This has been corrected and everything is working as it should.…

BD Newsletter Sent for January 31

01/31/2022 — As of 10:20 a.m. Central, the Bulletin Digest Weekly Newsletter has been emailed to all subscribers! If you didn’t receive it, check to make sure your membership is up-to-date, and check your spam folder too!…

Updates to Word Search and Crossword Pages

01/26/2022 — In preparation for adding new puzzles and keeping them better organized, the crossword and word search pages have been edited. Now all Bible books are listed on each page. If we have puzzles for those books, click the link. It is now easier to mark the word searches as “used,” just like you…

BD Newsletter for January 24 Sent

01/24/2022 — As of 1:33 p.m. Central, the Bulletin Digest Weekly Newsletter has been emailed to all subscribers! If you didn’t receive it, check to make sure your membership is up-to-date, and check your spam folder too!…

Bulletin Digest Newsletter Sent (01/17)

01/17/2022 — As of 10:34 a.m. Central, the Bulletin Digest Weekly Newsletter has been emailed to all subscribers! If you didn’t receive it, check to make sure your membership is up-to-date, and check your spam folder too!…

First Newsletter on the Way

01/10/2022 — Alright! As of 7:24 p.m. Central, the first Bulletin Digest Weekly Newsletter has been emailed to all subscribers! Let us know what you think about receiving articles a little earlier by email!…

Big Changes at Bulletin Digest!

01/08/2022 — We are working hard to make Bulletin Digest more accessible, easier to use, and more efficient for our members. With that goal in mind, we have made several changes to our website. First, we have eliminated the “Extended” membership. For those who wish to purchase a term longer than one year, email us…

Notice Anything Different?

01/01/2022 — We have updated the website with a new, simpler look for 2022! You should also notice that the website loads faster. Let us know if you have any trouble with the new layout.…

New Features We Are Working On

12/24/2021 — Currently we are planning to include a new Sermon Resources section on the Bulletin Digest website. Sermon seeds, full outlines, illustrations, and other materials are among the content we are planning. This section will only be accessible to Premium members. If you have suggestions for this part of the site, we would love…