A Worship Experience

[304 words] When it comes to corporate worship of the church, should Christians seek a worship experience or seek to offer worship? Should followers of Christ choose a worship style that suits them, or worship by divine biblical design? How much of our worship style is left to liberty and tradition? When considering the state…

An Old Piece of Furniture

[283 words] One popular hobby among crafters and do-it-yourselfers is that of furniture restoration and with current social media platforms, “furniture flipping” has drawn even more interest. There is something intriguing about taking an old, worn-out chair or table, which would be considered useless junk, and bringing it back to life, thus making it useful,…

The Unclaimed Gift

[289 words] About a year ago, Jerald received a birthday card from a dear friend. Inside the card was a gift card to a popular eating establishment. The restaurant wasn’t one that Jerald frequented often, and it was located on the other side of town. He took the gift card and placed it on the…

My Soul for a Potato

[265 words] There was a man named Naboth who had a vineyard that was located next to King Ahab’s palace. (1 Kings 21) The king decided it would make a good vegetable garden for himself and proceeded to make offers to Naboth for the property. Because the vineyard had been in his family for generations,…

The Empty Pew

[273 words] Preachers have a distinctive view of the congregation as he stands before them and delivers the message from God’s word. As he teaches the lesson, he subconsciously assesses the audience, and immediately knows if the attendance for that day is good or is lacking. As human nature would have it, members have the…

Good Citizens

[277 words] Immigration and citizenship are a hot topic in our country today. Why do many people want to come here and become a citizen of the United States? Is it for freedom, political asylum, or the opportunity for a better life? Currently, Christians have a dual citizenship. We are citizens of the earth while…

The Autumn Years

[303 words] Time passes so quickly. This afternoon, I stood and looked out the back door, watching the yellow leaves from the elm tree float to the ground. The persimmon tree is full of its orange fruit and the possums will begin their nightly feast of the bitter plums. It is Fall once again. There…

Can We Really Be Like Jesus?

[274 words] When thinking about the earthy life of Jesus Christ, it is nothing short of extraordinary. From His humble birth in a manger, to His ministry to the multitudes, we are fascinated by His composure, compassion and character. He reached out to the rich and the poor, the popular and unpopular, without partiality. Having…
Holding Hands while visiting

Successful Visitation

[177 words] When we go to visit someone, there’s always a reason. Maybe we’ve been invited or those we’re visiting need our help. Perhaps a visit is just to give someone a little company for a while. Whatever the case may be, Christian folks should visit others, especially the sick and needy (James 1:27; Matthew…

Does Secular Education Benefit Christianity?

[304 words] It has always been God’s will that His people teach their children about Him. Speaking of His commands He said, “You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise…

No One Came to Our Party

[306 words] After a few days of hard work, all the preparations had been made and it was time for the party. The tables were ready, filled with stacks of paper plates, plastic flatware, and cups. Cold drinks were iced and ready while the grill belched out smoke with the smell of cooking steaks. There…

Thanks Dad

[207 words] William woke up at his usual time on Sunday morning and headed for the kitchen. As he walked down the hall, he remembered that it was Father’s Day. But this would be a different Father’s Day than all the ones before because this would be the first one in which his 18-year-old son,…

Bearing Fruit

[319 words] In Luke 13:6-9, Jesus tells the “Parable of the Fig Tree.” A certain man had a fig tree in his vineyard and one day went to get some of the sweet fruit but found none. He then told the gardener to cut down the tree because it had been barren for three years…

A Hall of Fame for Mommas

[280 words] While preparing for this week’s traditional Mother’s Day message, I couldn’t help but to think of the old Glen Campbell song “The Hand that Rocks the Cradle.” Out of all the poems, odes, and lyrics you could present on this day, this song seems to capture the essence of a “good momma.” I…

To Catch a Thief

[232 words] Marge Wilson had had enough! For the fourth morning in a row, she had gone to the chicken pen only to find feathers strewn about and one of her good laying hens gone. She knew one thing for sure, the chicken-stealing varmint was consistent and it would surely be back for more. But…

Love Demonstrated

[248 words] “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). God did not just tell us He loved us and then left it there. As the preceding verse states, God demonstrated, revealed, and validated His love for mankind by allowing Jesus to…

Putting Jesus Back in the Box

[232 words] The Christmas holiday has come and gone. Time to take down those decorations, Christmas trees, blow-up yard ornaments, and lights, including those religious scenes and figurines. Along with the tinsel and multicolored lights, the little statues of the baby Jesus will be placed in boxes and storage bins and stored away till next…

Should I Celebrate Religious Holidays?

[216 words] The title of our article asks an important question. Should New Testament Christians celebrate religious holidays? In the text of our lesson today (Romans 14:1-12) the subject is discussed because some Jewish Christians were holding on to the “special days” set aside by the Old Testament. This can also be seen in the…

The Dying Leaf

[234 words] As autumn approaches, we welcome the cooler temperatures and the changing of the seasons. We remember the promise of God to Noah, “While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease” (Genesis 8:22). Along with the change in the weather comes the…

Living in a Right-Hand World

[388 words] I’m left-handed and throughout my life it has been a source of both inconvenience and at times downright difficult. For instance, when I started school as a kid the desk we sat at were right-handed, totally opened on the left side. When I tried to write or draw my left arm was up…

The High Cost of Health Care

[258 words] It is reported that our country has one of the highest costs of healthcare in the world. In 2021, U.S. healthcare spending reached $4.3 trillion, which averages to about $12,900 per person. Without health insurance, it is likely that most of us could not afford to be cared for and treated if we…

Considering the Shepherd

[321 words] Considering men who may serve as elders in the church is a critical time within the life of a congregation. They will be entrusted with leadership which will affect the health and future of the congregation. The process is never to be taken lightly, and biblical guidance must be the criteria upon which…

The Demise of the Sunday Night Service

[282 words] Traditions come and go. One such tradition in American churches is the Sunday evening service. It’s unclear when the tradition started, but records would indicate that churches have been holding evening services for well over 100 years. In recent history, there has been a sharp decline in those who attend Sunday evening services.…

The Influence of a Father

[340 words] As we go through life, we have different perspectives about our Dads. Here’s how one person summed it up: When I was… 4 years old, my Daddy could do anything. 7 years old, my Dad knew a lot, a whole lot. 8 years old, my father didn’t quite know everything. 12 years old,…

Mothers in the Bible

[223 words] The role that mothers played in the biblical story is undeniable. From the beginning pages of Genesis to the latter letters of Timothy, the influence of mothers (both good and bad) is seen time and time again. The impact that the mother has on the child can and will have everlasting consequences (2…

No One Came

[348 words] Suppose you planned a community party. You invited all of your friends and neighbors to come and enjoy an afternoon of food and fun. On the week of the party, you began to prepare by cleaning the house and the yard. You rented tables and chairs, even a big portable awning so your…

Benevolence in the Old Testament

[313 words] We all know that Jesus taught us to care for the poor and needy. Benevolence is to be an active part of every Christian’s life. However, giving to those in need is not only a New Testament practice. God has always required His people to care for the less fortunate. God required His…

Let’s Go Fishing

[353 words] Have you ever wondered why fishing is mentioned so often in the four gospel accounts of the New Testament? Could it be that the activity of fishing is one that most people can relate to in one way or another? Even if you’ve never fished in your life, you have a general idea…

The ‘One Another’s’

[257 words] Take your Bible app and search the New Testament for “one another,” mine returned 89 results. The first passage to note is John 13:34 where Jesus says, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.” As you begin…

A Great Weapon

[256 words] We all face temptation, Satan is going to make sure that none of us are exempt. We read in 1 Corinthians 10:13 that it is a common challenge for all people but those who are in God’s family will be provided ways to resist and eliminate temptation. One great weapon we can use…

I Give Up!

[280 words] “Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you” (James 4:7-8). For Christians to have a right relationship with God they may have to get to the point in life where they say, “I give up!” This is…

If It Smells Like a Skunk…

[230 words] Last week when entering the church building we were met with an all-too-familiar odor. Unfortunately, some of us know firsthand just how bad a skunk can really smell. Whether you’ve encountered a skunk one-on-one or not, when you smell the distinctive odor produced by these little varmints, you can immediately identify it. If…