Proper Fear

[329 words] It seems as though the world is talking about the Ebola virus right now. Many are in a panic. Many are terrified. Proper fear can be a good thing. Recognizing something to be a threat is good. Formulating a plan to stay safe is good. Putting the safety plan into action is good.…

Are You Passing on Your Faith?

[349 words] “For I am mindful of the sincere faith within you, which first dwelt in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am sure that it is in you as well” (2 Tim. 1:5). I remember well the name of Howard Hughes. Hughes’ life started with great potential, but his life ended…

The Watchers

[401 words] When I was a kid I loved collecting and reading comic books. Several characters have stuck with me even today. Among them are a group of alien beings called The Watchers. The Watchers are beings that have great powers to manipulate time, material, and space. They spend their time in observance of all…

On Becoming a Christian While Young

[575 words] As a young boy, I remember the excitement of the prospect of becoming a Christian and being allowed to take a part in the work of the church as an added benefit. All the boys and girls in the churches where I worshiped made decisions for Christ at reasonably early ages. I don’t…

Something to Think About

[114 words] He who is not grateful for what he does have will not be happy with the things that he desires to have. He who is ungrateful in little will also be ungrateful in much! If we are not thankful to God for the blessings He bestows, what reason is there to expect Him…

Me, or We?

[458 words] The story is told of an encounter between a high school principal and a young ninth grader. The principal noticed the young man in the hallway with a very defeated and frustrated look on his face. He asked the young man, “Is everything okay?” The boy replied sternly, “No. I don’t understand all…

Are You Secure?

[269 words] What spells security for you? A substantial bank account? Good insurance? Tenure? An alarm system? A strong military? Reliable leadership? A storm shelter? Obviously the idea of security has many applications in a variety of circumstances. Have you ever associated security with a peg? Probably not. But that is precisely what Ezra does.…

Are You One of Jesus’ Sheep?

[519 words] One would have thought Jesus’ sayings would engender unity and love everywhere he went because that was his message, right? That was not the Jew’s reaction. Their reaction was division. In John 10:19, the apostle John wrote, “There was a division therefore again among the Jews” about Jesus’ sayings. Some claimed he was…

How Small is a Small Sin?

[176 words] How small is a small sin? Before you answer we need to ask another question: Who holds the measuring stick ? We tend to think my sin is small and God will take no notice, but your sin is another matter. According to an old story the devil one day gave a man…

I Wish I Would Have…

[354 words] I wish I would not have played so timidly during my high school basketball career. I wish I would not have taken chapel attendance as a suggestion my freshmen year of college. I wish, I wish, I wish… The list could go on and on in my life and I’m sure you could…

Having a Righteous Character

[277 words] “The Lord has rewarded me according to my righteousness; According to the cleanness of my hands He has recompensed me. For I have kept the ways of the Lord, And have not wickedly departed from my God. For all His ordinances were before me, And I did not put away His statutes from…

Giving Ourselves First to the Lord

[300 words] Christ gave Himself up for us, and so, we live this life in our flesh by faith in the Son of God (Eph 5:1; Gal 2:20) to the service and blessing of one another. As husbands, we give ourselves up for our wives (Eph. 5:25). As fathers, we give ourselves to the nurturing…

Whatever It Takes

[232 words] Someone once noted that there are two kinds of people in this world: those who say “whatever” and those who say, “whatever it takes.” “Whatever” is the response of the shrug. It is a “who cares?” attitude, one of indifference and apathy. “Whatever it takes” is the response of the committed. It is…

The Church is Praying

[215 words] “On their release, Peter and John went back to their own people and reported all that the chief priests and elders had said to them. When they heard this, they raised their voices together in prayer to God” (Acts 4:23-24). Prayer is in everything that the people of God do. We are commanded…

A Marriage to Consider

[455 words] Marriages in the Bible were like marriages today. Some were better than others and some were worse, but all of them had their ups and downs. We can relate to their joys and struggles and learn from these old stories. Consider the marriage of Isaac and Rebekah. Isaac was the son of promise.…

Don’t Forget the One Who Allows Us to Make the Memories

[202 words] We strive to avoid forgetting to make memories with family vacations, with having over friends, with watching our children grow older by going to their school and extra-curricular activities and seeing them graduate and succeed on various levels. But while we strive to avoid forgetting to make these memories, are we forgetting the…

Time for Eternity

[124 words] Why another day to open my eyes,To breathe at early mom a cooler air,To place my feet upon the floor, ariseFrom sleep, and wash the night from face and hairAnd soul, to face another sun’s surprise? Why, indeed, if not to lift up praiseTo God Almighty?! For zeal and faith to pursueHis will…

Think Happiness

[150 words] Think of the things that make you happyNot of the things that make you sad;Think of the fine and true in mankind,Not its sordid side and bad;Think of the blessings that surround you,Not the ones that are denied;Think of the virtues of your friendships,Not the weak and faulty side;Think of the good of…

The Corinthian Error

[302 words] The Corinthian church was slipping away from the pattern that their Master had set for them to follow. The way they were observing the Lord’s Supper was one of the main problems in this area as it was being eaten with a common meal. The Corinthian brethren had totally lost the significance of…

It is NOT ‘Just Church’

[577 words] Jesus promised to do something never before done on earth: He would build His Church upon the great truth that He is the Christ, the Son of the Living God! “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of…

Just One Number Off

[199 words] We understand the need to be exact when it comes to our daily life. Have you ever used a credit card to buy something on line? What happens if you are just one number off? You try to make a call and you miss just one number. What happened? You misread the price…

Watchful Eye of God

[262 words] David sings and prays to the Lord. The book of Psalms is full of how to praise God and how God looks upon His children. “Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him” (Psalm 33:8). The Lord expects awe and fear, but…

Am I My Brother’s Keeper?

[327 words] We all know the story of Cain and Abel. From childhood, we learned the awful story of how Cain out of anger and jealousy killed his own brother. Cain was the world’s first murderer. He is one of most infamous villains in the history of the world. Yet there may be more of…


[687 words] How close can you come to success and still fail? Why do some people succeed and others who seemingly are doing the same thing fail? I guess I am asking is, “What is the secret to succeeding?” In the Bible God tells us about the lives of some people who were successful and…

A ‘Can Do’ Attitude

[353 words] I remember back in my 9th grade English class, one of my assignments was to make an “eye can.” The teacher asked each one of us in the class to bring to school an empty and clean vegetable can. When the day arrived to complete the “eye can” assignment, she asked each of…

Election: Free to Choose!

[289 words] In November our country had its mid-term elections. This article was written on election day. In our great representative republic, every legal citizen is free to participate in the process of choosing who will represent them in our government and what issues will pass or fail. The place for voting is set by…
Funny Jokes for Church Bulletin

On the Lighter Side (December 2014)

[328 words] Four-year-old to her two-year-old sister: “Let’s play Christmas. I’ll be Santa Claus and you can be a present and I’ll give you away.” — A man was applying for credit at a department store. Clerk: What do you do for a living? Man: I’m a tree trimmer. Clerk: What do you do after…

Elements of a Depraved Culture

[500 words] No God. People have many gods, but not God. They have the god of pleasure. They worship the god of money. Their “god is their belly” (Phil. 3:19). Though the creation plainly declares God (Psa. 19:1), they still refuse to acknowledge Him. No Fear. When men turn to themselves, they become presumptuous, self-willed,…

Life Is Like A Train Ride

[433 words] John C. Maxwell, in his book The Difference Maker, quotes an excerpt from a speech given by former First Lady Barbara Bush at Kennebunk High School in Maine. I thought it was worth sharing: “We get on board that train at birth, and we want to cross the continent because we have in…

The Frayed Rope

[228 words] A tourist wanted to visit a beautiful monastery. The problem was, it was located 3,000 feet up a cliff. The only way to reach it was by a terrifying ride in a basket with several men pulling it up with a single rope. Reluctantly, the tourist and a monk climbed into the basket.…

Evil Exists

[411 words] “I know your deeds and your toil and perseverance, and that you cannot tolerate evil men” (Revelation 2:2). Modern philosophy suggests that there is something good in everyone. Thoroughly “bad” or “evil” persons are not even considered to exist. Everyone who commits particularly heinous deeds do so because they are innocent products of…

What If You Were the Only One!

[203 words] What if by some happenstance you were the only member of the Church left in your town? Does that seem farfetched? In some places in some cities you might be in that circumstance. If you were to find yourself in this situation, what would you do? Would you simply give up and stay…

Rise and Shine!

[394 words] I was conscious enough at 6 a.m. Monday through Friday to hear my dad step inside our doorway and turn on the light. My dad would say, “Rise and shine, my sons!” We got up to our daily chores of cooking breakfast, making coffee, fixing mom and dad’s lunch pails and their thermoses,…

For the Joy of It

[307 words] The Hebrews writer advised his readers to always be “looking unto Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and hath sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2). Notice that phrase, “for…

Are You a Spectator?

[362 words] The American League and National League division games in Major League Baseball have been great, haven’t they? Okay, so the Tigers didn’t have the start we’d like, but there are more opportunities to win, aren’t there? When one goes to a baseball, football or basketball game, that person goes as a spectator. There…

An Unnecessary Exercise

[371 words] A man was hoeing his garden in a chair. Said the passerby to himself, “What laziness!” However, closer observation revealed to the passerby a pair of crutches leaning against the chair. The passerby was guilty of that unnecessary exercise called “jumping to conclusions.” Be honest! Very little effort is required for attaching the…

All Authority

[527 words] Ken Klaus wrote about an experience that taught him a valuable lesson: “A year or two ago a friend offered me a ride in his custom Corvette. That machine was beautiful to look at, impressive to sit in. Riding a few inches off the ground, my friend put that contraption through its paces.…

Showing Everyday Faith

[188 words] • The respect you show God and His Word on Sundays says a lot about your faith in Him. • The attitude you show the world on Mondays says a lot about your faith in God. • How much time you send reading your Bible and in prayer on Tuesdays says a lot…


[438 words] It happened off the coast of California several years ago. Fishing boats, many of them, would work the many miles of shoreline, going far out into the bay and gather in large catches of sardines to take them to the sardine canning factory at Monterey. In the area also were large numbers of…

The Omnipresence of God

[236 words] Even the most influential and powerful person in the world can only be in one place at one time. But that ‘is not true of God. Jehovah is an omnipresent being, i.e., His presence is in all places at all times. In Jeremiah 23:24, we read, ‘”Can anyone hide himself in secret places,…

Similarities Between a Pearl and the Church

[430 words] “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it” (Matt. 13:45-46). The parable of the pearl of great price is listed among our Lord’s kingdom parables (Matt. 13:1ff).…


[228 words] Reading God ‘s word is exciting. It seems that every time I read it I notice something I had missed in earlier readings. In the past I had noticed the oft repeated phrase (about 56 times), “Then they shall know that I am the Lord (Jehovah) God.” This time I noticed the tragedy…

Time Well Spent

[311 words] Most if not all of us are fam i liar with financial budgets. In them, you make a list of all your available resources each month and a list of all your expenditures for each month. The goal is to arrive at a place where your income is higher than your outgo. To…

You and Satan

[368 words] The Scriptures warn us about the devil. He is not our friend, he is our foe. He doesn’t love us, he hates us. He is not for us, he is against us. He indeed is our number one enemy; therefore, Peter admonishes, “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like…

A Fitting Memorial

[372 words] On the morning of February 19, 1945, the fourth and fifth divisions of the United States Marine Corps invaded Iwo Jima after a 72-hour bombardment. Four days later, the men of the 28th regiment of the fifth division captured Mt. Suribachi. Five Marines and a Navy corpsman planted the U.S. flag in what…

The Presence of the Lord

[194 words] In one sense, the last supper of Jesus with His disciples was a very sad occasion. Although this was a time of sorrow for Jesus, He spoke words of hope as He gave His disciples the cup to drink. He said, “I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine until…

Do You Ever Forget What You Are Doing?

[362 words] Have you ever deliberately walked into a room, gone back to your house, or driven to a store only to forget why you went in there, in the first place? Many of us have done this, unintentionally, of course! We may feel dumb or scatter-brained when it happens. We may even get frustrated.…

Spiritual All the Time

[186 words] I go through cycles in my life,Times of weakness and of strength.The bad times seem to last too long,And the good are too short of length. But what I desire is always clear,What I want in my inner man.I want to be a man of great courage and faith,Always ready to take a…

What If Jesus Had Returned Yesterday?

[342 words] The title of this article is a question of no little importance. And when we reflect upon Jesus’ own words that “many” will choose to walk the way of eternal destruction and that “few” will ultimately make it to the gates of Heaven (cf. Matthew 7:13-14), this question becomes even richer in significance.…

It Starts With Self

[342 words] I am well aware that putting self first does not seem like a Christ-like thing to do, but, for now, that’s where we need to start. My relationship with God has to start with my willingness to meet Him, to see Him, to recognize who He is. He is there waiting, but I…

The Privilege of Serving in the Kingdom

[385 words] Occasionally, I see bulletins with an order of service for the Sunday worship period. They will include the phrase, ‘Those privileged to serve” and follow with a list of the men who will be leading the services. I like that phrase, “Those privileged to serve.” The word “privilege” refers to “a right…granted as…

Become a Mentor: Affect Eternity!

[336 words] What do Jesus, Batman, and peanut butter all have in common? Sidekicks. Jesus has the 12 apostles, Batman has Robin, and peanut butter has jelly. These tandems create dynamic teams. Think of it this way: Timothy would have don a fine job preaching and teaching in Acts 16 but Paul heard about him…

He Loved Us

[197 words] I knew a man in Africa who was a farmer during the Bush War in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe. Terrorists often attacked farmers in those days and as he looked out the window one day, he saw a group of armed communist terrorists approaching the farmhouse. He quickly told his pregnant wife to run out the…


[116 words] Skeptic: “If there is a good, all-powerful God, why doesn’t he end all the evil, violence, wickedness and suffering in the world?” Christian: “He will. When Christ comes again he will judge the world in righteousness, punish all evil doers and bless and reward the faithful.” Skeptic: “What is he waiting for? Why…

The Fish Net

[224 words] When Jesus began His ministry, He began with a fish story (of sorts). Not really a fish story, but an occasion where experienced fishermen worked all night and were preparing to return, having caught nothing. Jesus sees the men returning and they were somewhat downcast as a result of an empty night. The…
Funny Jokes for Church Bulletin

On the Lighter Side (November 2014)

[397 words] A woman and her husband interrupted their vacation to go to a dentist. “I want a tooth pulled, and I don’t want Novocaine because I’m in a big hurry,” the woman said. “Just extract the tooth as quickly as possible, and we’ll be on our way.” The dentist was quite impressed. “You’re certainly…

That’s Disgusting!

[317 words] Stephen doesn’t feel disgust. Ever. After years of attempting to find a reason for his lack of ability to feel emotions, Stephen’s doctors finally diagnosed him with a little-known condition called alexithymia. People who fit into this category are unable to feel excitement, shame, disgust, anticipation, or even love. One might think that…

Why Do You Go to Worship?

[300 words] Praise the Lord! I will praise the Lord with my whole heart, in the assembly of the upright and in the congregation” (Psalm 111:1). We gather and worship on a different day than those spoke of in the passage above. Yet, God’s people have always been commanded to worship Him in a prescribed…

Godliness is Greater

[348 words] Devotion in action. Seeking to be like God for God’s sake. With phrases such as this we attempt to convey what we mean when we speak of living a godly life. In a world that is searching for the right way to live and the best way to experience fulfillment, it is godliness…


[428 words] “Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you” (Eph. 4:32). The character of the Christian includes “bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you” (Col. 3:13). What…

The Patience of the Father

[151 words] We are told that children learn many life lessons from their fathers. I am delighted to hear that more and more fathers are seeing the importance of their role in the upbringing of their children. A recent survey showed that nearly half of all fathers spend more time with  their children than their…

The Sixth Command

[603 words] You shall not kill. The Hebrew word for “kill” is a word modern translations render “murder.” The Hebrew word can be used in contexts where one is killed intentionally or unintentionally. In Matthew 5:21-26, Jesus develops what we are to understand. The command “thou shalt not kill” is a moral failing that begins…

Getting the Word Out About Eating Right

[182 words] What would happen if you consumed meals that consisted only of candy? While it might be very tasty, it would not be nutritious at all. And while you might make it fine for a while, eventually your body would fail you because it did not receive the sustenance needed for a healthy life.…

Are You An Active Member?

[110 words] Are you an active member,The kind that would be missed?Or are you just contentedThat your name is on the list? Do you attend the meetingsAnd mingle with the flock,Or do you stay at homeAnd criticize and knock? Do you ever go and visitA member that is sickOr leave the work for just a…

Winning Souls for Christ

[391 words] Proverbs 11:30 states, “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that wins souls is wise.” The New Testament continues to emphasize the winning of souls by teaching us to make disciples in Matthew 28:19 and Mark 16:15-16. Once one has been won to Christ, we are to continue being taught. In Acts 2:42 it…

But I Was There!

[106 words] For many, a person’s faithfulness is synonymous with attendance. A person is faithful to the Lord if they are at the services with regularity. While assembling together is vital for a Christian (Hebrews 10:25), we have more than just services to attend, we have to attend to service. Christian duty does not begin…

Getting God On Our Side

[178 words] In his inaugural speech John F. Kennedy said, “With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God’s work must truly be our own.”…

Guess Your Future?

[139 words] There are those that claim they can see the future. From the side room psychics to wannabe Nostradamus; their claims are nothing but vague guesswork and fuzzy images. With some imagination, you can bend their prophecy into something that maybe resembles the facts of the future.  But the prophecy of God is different.…

Let God Send You

[442 words] When we think of the great apostle Paul, we think of a rugged warrior for Christ – a courageous, daring, fearless man who laughed in the face of danger. After all, he was the man who got up and walked back into the town where folks had stoned him, drug him out of…

Are We Being Consistent with Sin?

[404 words] My son is in school at Bear Valley Bible Institute. He told me of a student that went to the president of the school with an idea that might be too controversial. The president okayed it because it raised a tremendous point. This student was to bring a lesson in one of his…

Lessons From The Lost Coin

[309 words] Luke 15:1-2 sets up the three parables Jesus is using to teach His lessons. The “tax collectors and sinners” were drawn to the uplifting message of Jesus! These groups wanted an alternative to the ugliness found in their lives while having no sense of hope and direction. Luke 15:8-10 says, “Or what woman,…

The Fear of the Lord

[192 words] Fear is normal! It is part of human nature to fear what we cannot control (or, at least, what we perceive as what we cannot control).  Any thing that results in situations that we cannot control produce fear. We can actually fear our God in this way. Remember how the apostles feared Jesus…

Are You a Watchman?

[126 words] Without satellite imagery or drone aircraft, ancient cities were guarded by “watchmen.” These brave men would stand guard in towers and constantly scan the horizon for potential danger. In addition, because they had no spotlights or night-vision goggles, watchmen dreaded the dark. It was their most vulnerable time. So they longed for morning’s…

Another Reason for Joy

[104 words] “Even if I am to be poured out as a drink offering upon the sacrificial offering of your faith, I am glad and rejoice with you all. Likewise you also should be glad and rejoice with me” (Philippians 2:17-18). Today if you are called upon to sacrifice something of yourself – perhaps time,…

Remember Who We Are

[291 words] At the beginning, the church’s foremost focus was upon God, not man (Acts 5:29; Galatians 1:10); upon heaven, not earth (Colossians 3:1,2); upon the spirit, not the flesh. (Romans 8:6; 1 Timothy 4:8.) And in spite of severe persecution and constant privations, the church thrived, turning the ancient world “upside down” with the…
Funny Jokes for Church Bulletin

On the Lighter Side (March 2019)

[258 words] Too Many CatsTeacher: “If I gave you 2 cats and another 2 cats and another 2, how many would you have?”Johnny: “Seven.”Teacher: “No, listen carefully… If I gave you two cats, and another two cats and another two, how many would you have?”Johnny: “Seven.”Teacher: “Let me put it to you differently. If I…

March 2019 Graphics

Click on an image to open it in a lightbox view. Then right-click on any image and choose “Save As” to download the image to your computer. Finally, import the image into your bulletin using your preferred word processing program…. We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either…

The Quran

[531 words] Last month marked thirteen years since radical adherents to the religion of Islam organized an attack against our country. It is hard to believe that it was that long ago. However, militants such as these continue to dominate the headlines. Groups like the Islamic State and Boko Haram seek to strike fear in…

My People

[243 words] Joshua, the great leader of Israel, said, “Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve” (Joshua 24:15). It has always been up to man to choose his own path. Truth and error is ever present. The sad part is that men often choose to follow the wrong way. The tendency is to…

Don’t Confuse God’s Love with God’s Salvation

[170 words] God’s wants no one to be lost—fact! (1 Tim. 2:3-4). Jesus Christ died for the sins of the entire world—fact! (1 John 2:1-2). God’s motivating factor behind the death of Jesus was salvation through love—fact! (John 3:16-17). Every sinner will go to Heaven after the judgment because of God’s love—false! (Matthew 7:13-14). There…

My Wife

[141 words] My wife, sweet wife, my angel fair,My daily source of joy and power;Through day and night you’re always there,In both the bleak and cheerful hour.Through the years, and times of gladness,We’ve walked together, arm in arm;In the times of tears and sadness,We have weathered the darkest storm.One verse from Paul you’d oft repeat:”Things…


[309 words] One Sunday morning, a preacher pointed out to one of the elders that the flower arrangement that sits in front of the pulpit was missing. The elder hadn’t noticed it, but he certainly did now. This elder pulled all the other elders to the side and asked them if they had any knowledge…

What Does It Cost You?

[312 words] A certain group of teens wanted to raise awareness about the plight of the homeless. They decided that for a week they would live like homeless people live. However, the activity was postponed due to weather! Isn’t that ironic? They said they wanted to live like the homeless, but don’t the homeless get…

Abide in the Same Calling

[621 words] Do the best you can in whatever circumstance you face. Your situation in life is never completely ideal. Make the most of it regardless of the obstacles. There are some circumstances you can change, there are some you cannot. But you can live the Christian life either way. Earthly conditions don’t last. Even…

Every Good Gift

[144 words] A poor man was given a loaf of bread. He thanked the baker, but the baker said, “Don’t thank me. Thank the miller who made the flour.” So he thanked the miller, but the miller said, “Don’t thank me. Thank the farmer who planted the wheat.” So he thanked the farmer. But the…

The Formula for Failure

[499 words] I believe each of us desires to succeed. We want to succeed at our business, our families, and in life in general. I think I can also confidently say that we all want to succeed spiritually. It is often said by many a Christian, “I want to hear the Lord say to me,…

Make Straight Paths for Your Feet

[196 words] While driving to the office, I noticed a slightly battered pickup in front of me. What caught my attention was the rear wheels were not aligned with the front. It traveled slightly sideways down the road. The chassis, or rear axle, needed to be straightened or realigned. This problem is more easily seen…

On Demand

[507 words] Several factors have led to a trend in recent years concerning television viewing. One of those factors is the availability of digital recording. With digital video recording (DVR), viewers can record and store multiple programs for later playback. They can then recall the program on demand. That is simply to say that they…

I Beseech You as Strangers and Pilgrim

[249 words] “Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against your soul” (1 Pet. 2:11). I’m often amazed at just how many people there are, both within and without the church, who live as though this life is all there is and will ever be. Their affections…

An Angry Death

[500 words] Last month an ugly and tragic incident played out on a racetrack as a young driver named Kevin Ward, Jr. lost his life. This particular driver had apparently been driven into a wall by another driver during the race. Video of the event then shows Ward exiting his car and walking into oncoming…

Hell is Where They Will Reside

[110 words] (After an impassioned speech by Vice-President Joe Biden on Sept. 3, 2014) “Hell is where they will reside,”Is said of vile and violent men,By powerful heads who themselves divide,And seek to rule again. Hell was made for the father of lies,And all who follow his rebel path;The place where man eternally diesAnd feels…

Two Mules’ Burdens of Earth

[324 words] The story of Naaman receiving a cure for leprosy has been well known in the brotherhood, having been taught by just about every preacher. Most of the time, however, one only hears part of the story and that is the command for Naaman to plunge seven times in the Jordan River. There’s more.…

What Will Be Said to You?

[374 words] This past summer, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor lost in the primary election. It was the first time that a House Majority Leader lost the primary election in American history. In his concession speech, Senator Cantor thanked all those who were loyal until the end of his campaign. At the end of his…

Commands from Christ Are Not Optional

[422 words] I recently read a Bible Q&A article written by a denominational preacher. In it he was asked, “Can you go to heaven if you ‘trust’ Jesus as your Lord and Savior but you are not yet baptized?” He began his answer by saying: “Yes. Baptism has nothing to do with salvation.” Later in…

The Prayer List

[260 words] I’ve read it in several bulletins from many churches. It’s called “The Prayer List” and consists of the names of people who have either requested that we mention them in our prayers or who have had a request given by someone in their behalf. Of course, there is biblical precedence for this practice…

How Often to Take the ‘Feast of Love’

[359 words] I recently read a fascinating article by John H. Armstrong in the September, 2014, issue of Christianity Today. Armstrong starts out reminiscing on early childhood worship experiences in the denomination he attended. He writes that his church celebrated the Lord’s Supper “four times a year. I remember asking why we celebrated it so…

In the Upper Room

[380 words] In Jerusalem, in the upper room of a house, Jesus gathers His disciple s around Him for the last time to eat the Passover feast. This was on the same night of His betrayal. There had been about three and a half years of association between Jesus and His disciples, but that is…

Child-Like Humility

[321 words] “Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 18:4). As wonderful as children are, we as a society would think it foolish to hold children up as the ideal for adults to emulate in every way. Youngsters are shortsighted, tending to choose the things that…

What Brought YOU Here?

[388 words] This morning churches across our nation will fill up with people gathering together for different reasons. For some it was the social interaction. For some it was to check the “go to church” box off our checklist. For some it was because someone made them. For some it was a habit. For some…