Psalm 119:23

  [83 words] Sometimes I allow the most insignificant things to get in the way of my study of God’s word. Perhaps you do, too. We play right into one of Satan’s traps when we do. Let us keep in mind daily the words expressed by the psalmist in 119:23, “Even though princes sit and…

Psalm 119:30

  [79 words] “I have chosen the faithful way; I have placed Your ordinances before me.” Life is a series of choices. One will not be faithful to God simply because his parents were, or because he wishes to be, or because he sits in a church building a few times a week. One can…

Psalm 119:37

  [110 words] “Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things, and revive me in your ways.” So much of what we choose to look at day after day is worthless when viewed from eternity’s perspective. When all has been said and done and we stand before the judgment bar of Christ, how much…

What We Win Them With, We Win Them To

  [352 words] Years ago, as a youth minister, I had a gentleman from a denominational organization call me and want our group to come to a denominational youth rally. He promised games, prizes, entertainment, a great concert with the latest bands, and that our youth group would be “stoked” to “be on fire for…

Feeling Defensive?

  [302 words] Have you ever caught yourself being defensive? I know I have on more than one occasion. Defensiveness is a product of our desire for justice. We want others to treat us fairly, and when we perceive that isn’t happening, we get defensive. Defensiveness is also a mechanism for self-preservation. We assume that…

The Question of Why?

  [228 words] The question of “why” is noble when we truly desire to understand the reasoning behind some statement, imperative, or suggestion. However, the question of “why” is often asked simply because we want to avoid something and is an indicator of a bad attitude and contentious spirit. Nothing may be more crucial to…


  [66 words] For sunlit hours and visions clear, For all remembered faces dear; For comrades of a single day Who sent us stronger on our way; For friends who shared the year’s long road And bore with us the common load; For hours that levied heavy tolls, But brought us nearer to our goals;…

Don’t Give Up!

  [310 words] Today, some of us somewhere are receiving bad news, having to deal with unexpected challenges, existing in the darkness of being alone, having our feelings hurt, aren’t sure where our next meal is coming from, wandering how are we going to make that payment or going through excruciating physical pain. During times…

Let God Handle It

  [412 words] “Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men. If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, ‘Vengeance is Mine, I will…

Suffering? It Could Be Good!

  [240 words] Most people do everything they can to get out of suffering. Untold amounts of money is spent to make us feel more comfortable and rid ourselves of pain and anguish. We have been indoctrinated that life should always be fun, easy, and pleasant. We are told that all suffering is bad and…

What If…

  [163 words] “I can’t.” “I won’t.” “I don’t.” These are the words that keep people from reaching their potential. There’s no telling how different this world would be if people throughout the ages would not have lived up to their fullest potential. Consider this: What if…Michelangelo said, “I don’t do ceilings.” David said, “I…

Peace of Mind

  [205 words] “How much are you willing to pay for peace of mind?” This is the question posed by a company that makes what they are calling a “Smart Water Bottle.” It will test and then purify your water if such is deemed necessary. Sounds amazing, right? They are charging more then $200 for…

How Much Are You Eating?

  [268 words] The Lord’s disciples had walked into the city of Samaria to find something to eat while Jesus conversed with a woman about eternal things (John 4:7-10). When they returned with lunch and encouraged Jesus to eat, he replied, “I have food to eat that you do not know about…My food is to…

Good Reasons for Being a Christian

  [215 words] Human beings are naturally curious, but sometimes our curiosity progresses to stubbornness. For instance, curiosity causes toddlers to always have the question “why?” on their lips, but it’s stubbornness that drives the teenager to ask the same question when they are receiving orders from their parents. Whether it’s curiosity or stubbornness that…
Funny Jokes for Church Bulletin

On the Lighter Side (July 2018)

  [191 words] Forgiveness There was a man standing before a judge in California for shooting a Condor. This a protected bird and people who kill them must pay the consequences. The man pleaded with the judge by saying, “I just arrived in this state and I have never seen a bird that large before.…

Added Clip Art Packages

“Fourth of July” and “Summer” clip art packages have been uploaded to the website. Visit the site and take a look!…

New Graphics Added to Site

Hello Bulletin Digest friends! We have added new graphics to the site. Specifically, you can find two new Father’s Day graphics here, and we have also begun adding a clip art collection to the site, which can be accessed from your membership page. Get ready for some exciting new improvements to the site…

If I Went Shopping For a Dad

[97 words] If I went shopping for a dad,Here is what I’d buy:One who would always stopTo answer a little child’s “Why?” One who would always speak kindlyTo a little girl or boy.One who would give to othersA bit of sunshine and joy. I’d pick a dad that followedThe Bible’s Golden Rule,And one who went…

A Father’s Toolbox

[356 words] Back on the farm, I remember that when something broke down, my father would get out his toolbox and make the repairs. As a child, I was always fascinated by his toolbox and its contents. It seemed my father could fix almost anything with the tools inside. From the very beginning, God has…

Growing in Prayer

[325 words] Most of us would like to be “better” at prayer. We’d like to do it more often and with more power. Just like the disciples of Jesus who came to Him and said, “Lord, teach us to pray” (Luke 11:1), we long for divine guidance in this area. One of the great pertinent…

True Value

[156 words] There are some things you can’t buy on eBay! Some things even Amazon doesn’t stock. One of the proverbs says, “A good name is more desirable than great riches and respect is better than silver or gold.” When is the last time you thought about your honor? There was a time when people…

‘Get a Ph.D. in Knowing Me’

[124 words] It’s hard to believe, but there was a time other than today when higher education abounded yet so many remained ignorant of the simple principles of life – to be brutally honest, many such times have existed throughout history. Such a time even existed during the days of Jeremiah the prophet. Jeremiah preached…

Breaking the Fall

[294 words] He had decided to attempt suicide by jumping from a bridge onto a busy Michigan freeway. The Michigan State Police weren’t going to let that happen if they could help it. In an effort to break the man’s fall, were he to go ahead and jump, troopers directed 13 semis to park close…

Worthless No More

[258 words] I read a story recently about an amazing dog. He’s been trained to sniff out the unique chemical compounds found in electronic items like memory cards, flash drives, and other storage media that might have criminal evidence on them. He’s only 18 months old, but this was the second time he’d been adopted…

What If’s

[155 words] Ever had one of those “what if l’d” moments? We can fantasize on those “what if’s” if we want to, but the time wasted on those fantasies could have been used more wisely so we won’t need to “what if” about that wasted fantasy time later. I would imagine all of us have…

In the World, But Not of It!

[278 words] John 17 records one of the prayers of Jesus. In John 17:15, Jesus says, “I do not ask Thee to take them out of the world but to keep them from the evil one.” He goes on to say in John 17:16, “They are not of the world, even as l am not…

Weakest Link

[107 words] There is an old saying that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. How true it is. And how true also is the saying when it is applied to the Lord’s church. The church is just as strong as its Weakest members. It’s as Well attended as the most unfaithful.…

The Time is Now

[313 words] Most of us “know” better than we “do.” And most of us intend better than we perform. But we feel as if time is on our side. We’ll get to it eventually. We’ll begin tomorrow.  Sadly, many of us never “get to it” and tomorrow never comes. Procrastination is still the thief of…

Advice for Worship from Hebrews 10:22

[48 words] “let us draw near” — The obligation of worship. “ with a true heart” — The sincerity of worship. “in full assurance of faith” — The respect of worship. “having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience” — The humility of worship. “and our bodies washed with pure water” — The purity of…

We Can Win The Battle

[332 words] As I type, Monday is knocking at the door! Challenges lay ahead, temptation is on both sides of the road, and Satan is waiting for me to step off the path I walk with Jesus. You and I will battle sin every hour and every day this week. The Good News is Jesus…

The ABC’s of the Church

[398 words] It is good from time to time to do some introspection and see where we are in life. Sometimes we do not like what we find and then make efforts to get “back to the basics.” This is something that we should do periodically as a church, as well. A congregation can get…

Daily Plodding

[288 words] William James, psychologist and author, believed in “moral muscles.” He encouraged his patients to do at least one good deed every day, just to stay “morally fit.” He believed that a person becomes strong psychologically by resisting life’s small temptations and by doing deeds that an average person might otherwise find tedious, inconsequential,…


[391 words] We all have a problem with procrastination from time to time. Have you ever put off writing a term paper, paying a bill, purchasing Christmas gifts, mowing your yard, completing a house project, cleaning your house, doing the laundry, or filing your tax return? While procrastination in these and other areas will not…

Fulfilling the Law

[259 words] “Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law. For the commandments, ”You shall not commit adultery, You shall not murder, You shall not steal, You shall not covet, ” and any other commandment, are summed up in this word: “You shall love…

Come and See

[278 words] “Look!” I can remember hearing that so many times when our kids were small. Sometimes they had discovered something new. Sometimes they had done something they thought was amazing. Sometimes they just needed to know I was interested and paying attention. They might have been diving into the pool for the first time…
Funny Jokes for Church Bulletin

On the Lighter Side (June 2018)

[96 words] Dad JokesQ: How many apples grow on a tree?A: All of them. Q: What do you call a fake noodle?A: An impasta. Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon? Great food, not atmosphere. Lack of KnowledgeYears ago, my dad started first grade in a one-room country school. When he returned home…

Abandoned Children

[279 words] They’re called “baby hatches.” They were designed as a way for parents to anonymously drop off unwanted babies which might otherwise have been abandoned in the street. An infant is placed in a box that is built into a wall of a safe haven. When the box is closed, an alarm goes off,…

Why Do You Talk So Much About Jesus?

[216 words] An old Indian chief constantly spoke of the Lord Jesus and what He meant to him. “Why do you talk so much about Jesus?” asked a friend. The chief did not reply, but slowly, gathered some sticks and bits of grass. He made a circle of them and in the circle he placed…

The ABC’s of Becoming a Follower of Jesus

[387 words] Acknowledge that God not only exists, but that He is eager to bless people whose hearts are hungry for His presence (Hebrews 11:6; Acts 17:24-28; Matthew 5:8). Admit your own unworthiness when compared to such a holy and righteous God. After our ancestor Adam, all of us have chosen the path of sin…

The Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Friend

[146 words] This peculiar proverbial statement is something the Bible also implicitly teaches. It informs us that the Devil is our enemy. “Your adversary the Devil” (1 Peter 5:8). It tells us the enemy of the Devil is the Lord. “For the prince of this world is coming. He has no hold over Me” (John…

Benevolence, or Enabling Bad Behavior?

[401 words] “For even when we were with you, we commanded you this; If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat” (2 Thessalonians 3:10). “But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever“ (1Timothy 5:8). There…

Does Satan Deserve the Power We Give Him?

[364 words] Sometimes as humans, we tend to give more credit to our enemies than they actually deserve. I know that in my personal life, I struggle with making Satan much more powerful than he already is. Sometimes, we tend to think of Satan as an all-powerful being, when in reality he isn’t. This is…

Mother’s Day 

[219 words] Where did Mother’s Day come from? While naysayers have tried to identify this holiday with past pagan rituals, the truth is Mother’s Day began as a day to honor good Christian moms. Anna M. Jarvis (1864-1948) is credited with bringing in the celebration of Mother’s day with the first observance at a church…

Learning from a Mother’s Love

[291 words] The Bible gives many comparisons of God’s constant care for His children. In the 103rd Psalm and in Proverbs 3, God is depicted as a concerned and disciplining father. Isaiah 27 mentions God as a gardener tending His garden. And in the 23rd Psalm, we read of God as a shepherd. But when…

The Best Things To Give

[45 words] – To a friend: loyalty- To an enemy: forgiveness- To a stranger: kindness- To your neighbor: peace- To your boss: service- To a child: good example- To your father: respect- To your mother: gratitude- To your spouse: devotion- To all men: charity- To God: your life Author Unknown… We are sorry, but this…

James: Where Faith Meets Real Life

[333 words] We all are looking for ways to deal with the trials and tribulations in our life each day. The book of James provides us with practical strategies from Scripture which allow us to overcome challenges, grow spiritually, and help others with struggles. James 1:1-7 teaches us we can profit from trials! This section…

Honor Your Father and Mother

[410 words] God had just finished the giving of the first four commandments relating to the love we should have for Him (Ex. 20:3-11). He then turns His attention to the love we are to have for others, and begins with, “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the…

Honoring Moms

[316 words] Did you know that Mother’s Day is known as the #1 most popular day of the year for eating in a restaurant? All the restaurants will be slammed as people don’t want mom to have to cook and everyone says, “let’s go out and honor mom!” We should rightly honor mothers everywhere for…

True Christianity

[42 words] True Christianity means: • SERVING, even when we are not being served. • LOVING, even when we may not be loved. • HELPING, even when we have not been helped. • GIVING, even when we have not received. • PLEASING, even if others do not please us. Author Unknown… We are sorry, but…

Satan’s Lie

[276 words] Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but…

Each One Can Reach One

[367 words] In Acts 21, Paul is returning to Jerusalem from his third missionary journey. On his way back, he runs into brethren at Tyre. Interestingly, we are not told how the church there got started. Since none of Paul’s other missionary journeys went that way, we must speculate. One strong likelihood is that there…

Fill the Void

[135 words] We fall into sin because there is a void in our life. We look for anything to fill it, and since nothing ever fills that void for long, it doesn’t take long before we’re back at it again. What about a love from the One… …who died for us (John 3:16)? …who calls…
Funny Jokes for Church Bulletin

On the Lighter Side (May 2018)

  [131 words] Things Mom Taught Me: Logic: “If you fall off that swing and break your neck, you can’t go to the store with me.” Humor: “When that lawn mower cuts off your toes, don’t come running to me.” Justice: “One day you’ll have kids, and I hope they turn out just like you.…

URGENT: Updated Version of “Words” Article

There has been an important change to the article entitled “Words” in the April 2018 Bulletin Digest. If you plan to use the article, please pick up a fresh copy from the text file, or follow this link:… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual members only. You either are not yet…

March 2018 PDF Uploaded

The March 2018 PDF version of Bulletin Digest has been uploaded for Premium Members. It can be accessed from the membership area. If you are not a member, consider joining today as either a Free Member or a Premium Member!…


[172 words] One day a visitor leaned on the fence around the farm while he watched an old farmer plowing with a mule. After a while the visitor said, “I don’t like to tell people how to run their business, but you could save yourself a lot of work by saying ‘Gee’ and ‘Haw” to…

Changing My Life Into The Likeness of Christ

[174 words] “But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord” (2 Corinthians 3:18). Christ was and I must be: Humble (Phil 2:3-11; James 4:6)Forgiving (Luke 23:24; Mark 11:25)Zealous (John…

Let’s Do It!

[200 words] One of the great things about the Lord’s church is that it is made up of such a diverse group of individuals. Each member brings unique personalities, gifts, and talents into the fold. Some have abilities to do one thing well, and others have different abilities to do other things well. Now, each…


[329 words] Since it opened in 1937, more than 2,000 people have jumped off of the Golden Gate Bridge in an attempt to commit suicide. The jumps have become so commonplace that authorities have placed signs on the bridge that read: “THE CONSEQUENCES OF JUMPING FROM THIS BRIDGE ARE FATAL AND TRAGIC.” They have even…

Winner Or Loser?

[110 words] When a loser makes a mistake, he says, “It wasn’t my fault.”When a winner makes a mistake, he says, “I was wrong.” A loser says, “I’m not as bad as a lot of other people.”A winner says, “I’m not as good as I ought to be.” A loser says, “It may be possible,…

Stubborn Truths

[427 words] • “And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery” (Mat. 19:9). • “Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (Acts…

Live Right and People Will Listen

[394 words] In 2 Kings 5, a very familiar story of the Old Testament is recorded. Naaman was the commander of the army of Syria – an enemy nation of Israel. He was a mighty man of valor, but he also suffered from leprosy. After one of his raids, he brought back a young Israelite…

Help Wanted

[382 words] We all have gone straight to the “Help Wanted” column of the classified section of the newspaper. When I needed a second or third job, I would spend a dollar in hopes of finding employment in the Sunday edition. Most of the time, we can find work if we are seeking. This is…

Guiding the Blind

[298 words] He hasn’t done it all, but he’s done a lot. Erik Weihenmayer has summited Mount Everest as well as becoming one of the 150 climbers in the world who had, at the time, climbed the other 6 highest peaks in the world. He has kayaked the 277 miles through the treacherous white waters…

A Winning Church

[210 words] If you ask the average person why Jesus came to this earth you will get a variety of answers. “He came to do good.” “He came to tell people about God’s love.” “He came to heal people.” These are some of the many responses you will hear. Interestingly, Jesus, himself, told us why…

What Did His Resurrection Mean?

[431 words] And the angel answered and said to the women, ” Do not be afraid; for I know that you are looking for Jesus who has been crucified. “He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said. Come, see the place where He was lying” (Matthew 28:5-6 NASB77). Jesus had said…


[304 words] There are many ways we use our words each day. In a recent study researchers found that on average, women speak 16,215 words per day and men speak 15,669 words per day. Some people use very few words and some people seem to never stop talking, even to talking in their sleep. By…

What I Owe My Home Congregation

[245 words] My Loyalty: As long as the program is scriptural, I must help carry it on. My home congregation is depending on me and if I am not loyal, they will not be able to carry out their proposed programs. My Dependability: I am depending on my home congregation for spiritual food and fellowship…

Allergic Reactions

[416 words] This past week I spent a little over 45 minutes with an allergy specialist to determine if Ihave any specific allergies with which to be concerned. After receiving the equivalent of about 64 needle pricks, it was determined that I indeed am allergic to grass. Somewhat disconcerting, but nothing that can’t be handled.…

April 2018 Edition Uploaded

The April 2018 text edition of Bulletin Digest has been uploaded to the website. Premium members can access the materials on their account page. The PDF version will be uploaded soon, as well as new graphics.…
Funny Jokes for Church Bulletin

On the Lighter Side (April 2018)

[214 words] April GroanersQ: Why is everyone so tired on April 1?A: Because they just finished a 31-day March! Q: What goes up when the rain comes down?A: An umbrella! Q: What letter is like a spring flower?A: The letter A, because a bee comes after it. Q: When do monkeys fall from the sky?A:…

The Church of Me

[278 words] Sometimes people will ask me about my church. They assume since I am a minister that somehow I have some ownership or say over it. We do that too. We remark ‘at my church’ or ‘come to my church.’ It might just be a slip of the tongue but we need to work…

How to Lose Your Kingdom

[399 words] “So Saul died for his unfaithfulness which he had committed against the Lord, because he did not keep the word of the Lord, and also because he consulted a medium for guidance. But he did not inquire of the Lord; therefore He killed him, and turned the kingdom over to David the son…

You Are Being Stalked!

[358 words] There have been a few times when I have been followed, stalked if you will, by animals. Once by a cat that wanted to play, once by a skunk on the UAM campus (who didn’t want to play), and once by a large dog that I am sure was trying to hamstring me.…

Dead and Alive

[287 words] Romanian Constantin Reliu strongly disputes the fact that he’s officially dead. In 1982, Reliu left Romania for Turkey in search of work, and after many years of hearing no news from her husband, his wife got an official death certificate for him. Earlier this year, Turkish authorities found Constantin and deported him. After…

A Strange Thing Happened at the Funeral

[305 words] Jesus once came across a funeral procession and did something strange. He walked up to the boy’s grieving mother and said: “don’t cry.” That poor lady might have said: “Why not weep? It is time. I have lost my only son.” But Jesus reached out and touched the open coffin. This was a…

Our Need of Encouragement

[422 words] We are at a time in world history where we are more “connected” than ever before (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.). Due to the advances of technology, we are able to do things that previous generations could not even imagine. Ironically, our ability to connect digitally has not solved our pressing problems such as…

A Few Gray Hairs

[565 words] “Gray hairs are here and there upon him, yet he knoweth not” (Hos. 7:9). “I see some gray hair!” We all hear these Words eventually. The hoary head is one of creation’s Way of reminding us that our lives are like a flower. They bloom and fade quickly. Hosea did not bring up…

A Lesson on Morals from a Corn Field

[293 words] An ambitious farmer, unhappy about the yield of his crops, heard of a highly recommended new seed corn. He bought some and produced a crop that was so abundant his astonished neighbors asked him to sell them a portion of the new seed. But the farmer, afraid that he would lose a profitable…

The Process to Success

[33 words] Put a dream in your headand desire on your heart,Make designs for successand don great hope from the start,Then do it with your handsin full, not in part! Edd SterchiCampbellsville, KY… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have…

Demonstrate That He Doesn’t Belong

[318 words] The student came into my office yesterday with a surprise. “Excuse me, but there’s a snake in the hallway.” “What?” I asked. “Yeah! A snake, right outside your office door!” I opened the door, and sure enough, there was the foot-long garter snake, motionless in the middle of the hallway floor a full…

Did You Know?

[227 words] He was quite famous, a celebrity in Israel. The people flocked to see him, and because of him, many people believed. But the chief priests wanted him dead. Surely you know who we’re talking about, right?  Well, let me give you one last clue: a week before the cross, even Jesus came to…
Funny Jokes for Church Bulletin

On the Lighter Side (March 2018)

[233 words] ON THE LIGHTER SIDE Spring FeverFour high school boys afflicted with spring fever skipped morning classes. After lunch they reported to the teacher that they had a flat tire. Much to their relief she smiled and said, “Well, you missed a test today so take seats apart from one another and take out…


[197 words] Many years ago it was not uncommon for individuals to close letters and correspondence with “very humbly yours,” or “Your humble servant,” or some other such phrasing which emphasized the humility of the writer. In today’s world, however, such wording is scarcely seen. Humility has become an unpopular virtue with most individuals. We…

Researching Your Family Tree

[332 words] Have you seen the commercials advertising for Every time that I watch those ads I want to sign up for their service to search out my family history. That kind of thing just fascinates me. I remember a few years ago being at Ellis Island in New York and seeing a book…

It’s Best Said In What You Do

[190 words] There are times when we find those around us suffering. When a friend gets the call no one ever wants to get, the diagnosis comes back worse than expected, when tragedy strikes those around us. It can be a very helpless feeling to try and provide comfort to those is the midst of…

It’s Hard to Convince Your Children

[271 words] It’s hard to convince your children that the church is the most important thing in the world when you are negligent about attending its services and supporting its work. It’s hard to convince your children that the church is the greatest institution in the world when you permit them to miss services to…

The Value of Tears

[182 words] How much value do you place on tears? That question may seem odd, but it is something you should think about! Some tears may fall insincerely, but other tears come when words fail to express an emotion we cannot control. God places a high value on our tears. He knows that some tears…

Father’s Day

[359 words] It was the peppery Erma Bombeck who once said of her father, “I never knew what to do with the daddy doll, so I had him say, ‘I’m going off to work now’; and I put him under the bed.” One of the most precious things a father can give his child is…

Are You Prepared–or Confused?

[201 words] Some years ago I knew a man who was always critical of preachers, the church and Christians. He was a man who had been what was once called a “rounder.” He had delved in the pleasures of the world most, if not all, of his life. But, alas, in his old age he…

Conforming to the World

[562 words] One of the most horrific crimes in the history of Israel took place in the days of the weeping prophet Jeremiah. The people built “the high places of Baal, to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings unto Baal” (Jer. 19:5). How could God’s people have done something this barbaric? The Lord…
Funny Jokes for Church Bulletin

On the Lighter Side (June 2015)

The Atheist and the Bear An atheist was taking a walk through the woods. “What majestic trees! What powerful rivers! What beautiful animals!” he said to himself. As he continued walking alongside the river he heard a rustling in the bushes. Turning to look, he saw a seven-foot grizzly charging towards him. He ran as…

Sorry Kanye, But You Aren’t God

[516 words] To say that Kanye West has an ego is quite an understatement. He believes one would have to go back to Beethoven to find his equal; he has compared himself to Picasso; and he has claimed, “I am Steve Jobs,” and “I am Walt Disney.” But his claims to be on par with…


[355 words] I believe one of the hardest lessons for a child to learn growing up is not to return evil for evil. For example, when one child pushes another, the response is typically for the other child to push back in return. As a child growing up, I had an older sister I felt…

A Pool of Sin

[152 words] Getting into sin is a little like getting into a swimming pool. When you first get into a pool, it feels cold and uncomfortable. However, after just a few minutes, you get used to the water temperature and it doesn’t feel uncomfortable anymore. In fact, if you stay in the pool for very…

Church Names

[224 words] Have you ever paid much attention to the names on church signs that you drive past? Church names can be very interesting. Here are a few that I’ve heard about: First Church of the Last Chance World on Fire Revival and Military Academy (in Florida), Hell Hole Swamp Baptist Church (in South Carolina),…

All Things Work Together For Good

[265 words] We’ve heard it said or maybe even said it ourselves, “Nothing good ever happens to me.” We get some bad news, things don’t go as planned, etc., and we immediately respond negatively. I recognize that some folks experience more misfortune than others, and maybe you’re one who has dealt with an overwhelming amount…

Teaching Kids Sexual Purity

[254 words] Our culture is in a sexual free fall. The average age for first-time sexual intercourse for boys is 15.9 (girls 16.2). The vast majority of students are sexual by the time they are high school seniors. By the way, the percentage of “Christian” kids is no different. Parents don’t know what to do.…

Paul or Peale?

[220 words] The name of Dr. Norman Vincent Peale is not the household name it once was. However, he was one of the most widely read preachers and authors of the 20th century. The great problem is that there are so many today who would rather follow preachers like Norman Vincent Peale than listen to…

The Legend of the ‘Taste Berry’

[188 words] In Africa it is said that there is a certain fruit called the “taste berry.” This berry supposedly can affect one’s taste for several hours. Not only is the berry itself sweet, it makes other things seem sweeter when eaten. What a wonderful fruit this must be if it really exists and works…