The Jenkins Institute: Encouragement for Preachers

If you are a preacher, you know that sometimes you need to be strengthened and encouraged by those who are familiar with the daily struggles of preaching families. To help fill this need, I would like to point you to The Jenkins Institute for the encouragement and resources they provide. This work is dedicated to…

Getting What You Want

[394 words] Two little teardrops were floating down the river of life. One teardrop asked the other, “Who are you?” “I’m a teardrop from a girl who loved a man and lost him. But who are you?” The first teardrop replied, “I’m a teardrop from the girl who got him.” Life is like that. We…


[281 words] “Behold, I will send for many fishers, saith the LORD, and they shall fish them; and after will I send for many hunters, and they shall hunt them from every mountain, and from every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks” (Jeremiah 16:16). The verses that follow speak of God punishing…

‘But Amnon Had a Friend’

[394 words] “And it came to pass after this, that Absalom the son of David had a fair sister, whose name was Tamar; and Amnon the son of David loved her. And Amnon was so vexed, that he fell sick for his sister Tamar; for she was a virgin; and Amnon thought it hard for…

How to Be Content

[427 words] In Philippians 4:11, the apostle Paul said he learned “how to be content.” How did he do that? Over his years living the Christian life, Paul learned contentment does not depend upon circumstances. Happiness in life can exist in poverty or in riches. It is not the presence or absence of money that…
Funny Jokes for Church Bulletin

On the Lighter Side (June 2014)

[374 words] A none-too-alert motorist sat motionless behind the wheel of his car. The traffic signal changed from green to yellow to red and back to green again. Still he sat staring ahead. Whereupon a police officer approached the absentminded man and demanded: “Mister, don’t we have any colors you like?” – There is a…

God Hates Shorts!

[370 words] You may be thinking that the title is presumptuous, opinionated, and even out of line. Let me disclaim what follows by asserting that God does not hate all shorts. He does, however, hate the following types of shorts. God Hates Shortcuts. At least, He hates humanly devised shortcuts for which He has given…


[379 words] Humans need it. We want others to give it freely, not grudgingly. We want it to come without prompting and we would love for it to happen on a regular basis. However, most of us are of such disposition we do not need it every day or, for that matter, every week, But…

Selling the Old Collectibles

[323 words] While conversing with my father the other day we got on the subject of “collectibles.” I asked him if they (my folks) still had some of the old toys my brother and I used to have. He said they had several old toys boxed up in the basement. Turns out they had kept…

Can You Hear Him Calling Your Name?

[451 words] While I was in school at Harding, I worked on the campus to help pay my expenses. I occasionally worked with a young man from Germany named Edgar Knobel. The name should give a clue to his nationality. Edgar and I had some unique situations in our conversations. He had his German accent…

Description of the Church

[167 words] The church is not made up of people who believe they are better than others, rather of those who believe they ought to be better than they are. The church is not made up of perfect people, but of people who follow a perfect Lord and realize they ought to do the best…

Sobriety Tests

[600 words] The Bible says Christians are to be sober. We must “be sober” if we are to face our adversary the devil (1 Pet. 5:8). Young and old and men and women alike must “live soberly” in this sinful world (Titus 2:1-12). Like many other virtues we read in the New Testament, this word…

How to Handle a Tricky Situation

[157 words] When Paul wrote to Philemon, he was addressing a difficult situation. Philemon’s slave had run away, found Paul, and was obviously baptized into Christ (Philemon 1:10-16). Paul sent the slave (Onesimus) back to Philemon with the letter. How did Paul handle this tricky situation? 1. He recalls all the good things they have…

Will You Open the Door?

[529 words] William Holman Hunt was an English painter from the late 19th century. He was a very religious man and spent much of his talent for painting directed toward religious subjects. In 1854, he completed another religious work. The painting was titled “Light of the World.” The title for the painting comes from the…


[195 words] The March 2014 issue of Reader s Digest had an article by Robert Powell titled, “The Psychic, the Novelist, and the $17 Million Scam.” It is the true story of a writer who went to a psychic “on a whim” and would end up losing $17 million. The novelist was bored, had been…

I Met a Man and He Said…

[412 words] Recently I talked with a young man who said he wanted to ask me some questions. I am always pleased to deal with any questions people may have, especially questions that have to do with the soul. This young man asked me: 1. “Don’t you believe that God is concerned more with what…

Just an Angel?

[273 words] Unless this preacher has missed it somewhere else in the Bible, his name is still a mystery. Yet there is great significance attached to his name. Notice this declaration from heaven: “Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I…


[320 words] The Lord’s church consists of saved sinners who have entered into Christ through gospel obedience (Eph. 5:23; 2 Tim. 2:10; Mk. 16:15-16; 2 Thess. 1:8). Anyone who has entered into Christ is a “new creation” (2 Cor. 5:17). Christians are God’s “workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand,…

Hard Does Not Mean Impossible!

[195 words] I have often used the expression, “it is hard to rise above your raising.” Those who are raised in an abusive home often abuse others. Many who abuse drugs learned that way of living at home. Unfaithful parents raise unfaithful children. Such children grow up believing that immorality, hatefulness, and abuse is normal.…

How Will You Sleep?

[80 words] You’ve probably been asked, “How did you sleep?” But what about, “How will you sleep?” when it comes to death. We can sleep peacefully in Jesus (1 Thessalonians 4:14) or we can sleep miserably in our own bed of spiritual failures only to wake up on the wrong side of eternity (Mark 13:34-37).…

It Is Finished

[486 words] When talking about His sheep and how He was the Good Shepherd, Jesus said, “For this reason the Father loves Me, because I lay down My life so that I may take it again. No one has taken it away from Me, but I lay it down on My own initiative. I have…

Like a Thief in the Night

[324 words] Have you ever been robbed? In December of 1989, just before Christmas, I returned home from college one afternoon to find our back door standing wide open. It had been kicked in by thieves who had robbed our home and the home of my aunt and uncle down the road. All of our…

A Cost Analysis of Love

[386 words] God is love (1 John 4:8). In my opinion the best place to start an attempt to grasp something that is unfathomable is beginning with something we do understand: family. When our children were born, what joy they brought in our lives and oh, so many concerns. If we were the parents we…

Telling My Brother in the Woods

[236 words] Missionary Egerton Ryerson Young served the Salteaux tribe in Canada in the 1700’s. The chief of the tribe thanked Young for bringing the good news of the Gospel to them, noting that he was hearing it for the first time in his old age. Since he knew that God was Young’s heavenly Father,…

Clearly In My Mind

[169 words] I have often wondered in my heart,As quiet moments of reflection take me,What in life is real and right and true?And what lies am I told by what I see? Things I touch seem so tangible,My fingers confirm it to be so,Yet, I know of a world I cannot touch,And there my thoughts…

Brotherly Love

[196 words] There once was a ladWho often got madAt his brother while they were at play.He would fuss and fightWith all of his mightAnd, oh, the ugly things he would say! You never could tellFrom the way he’d yellIf he had any love in his heart.He never gave thoughtNot even when caughtThat he and…

Precious Wounds

[428 words] Paul exhorted, ‘Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing” (1 Thessalonians 5:11, ESV). We want to “encourage one another” as Christians, but what does that involve? Our minds immediately go to positive remarks and actions that impart courage, confidence and support. Consider another, less appreciated but…

The Beatles

[310 words] For a couple of weeks now, people have been celebrating the influence of the Beatles on the music industry. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the “British Invasion” that shook the foundation of the entertainment industry in our nation. Since the Beatles first appeared on the Ed Sullivan television program, their influence…

Have I Waited Too Long?

[368 words] Tuesday morning I went to get the oil changed in my car because it was long past due. So I finally woke up early one morning and drove to Wal-Mart to have them take care of it. As I sat and watched the men prepare to work I noticed one of them shaking…

How to Love Someone You Can’t Stand

[178 words] Jesus called for His disciple to “Love one another as I have loved you.” This call is still in effect today. The question that immediately comes to mind is, “Does this apply to people who seem to be unlovable?” What about obnoxious, crude, blasphemous or cruel people we meet and interact with? How…

Ask Not

[85 words] “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country!” This challenge, made famous during the Kennedy presidency, suggests a like principle that should guide every Christian’s attitude toward the church. We should be less concerned about what is being done for us and more attentive…

Is Your Mood Harming the Church?

[357 words] Do you know what will kill the vibrancy of a local congregation quicker than anything else? It may not be what you think. Failing to have adequate church programs may be a contributor, but that’s not the main thing. A lack of passion in the pulpit may be a contributor, but that’s not…

Do You Hurry From the Tomb?

[221 words] “So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples” (Matthew 28:8). In Luke 2, the angel told the shepherds, “I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has…

Find True Power

[364 words] People often look in the wrong place to find real power. Sometimes, folks look for power in the teachings of human beings. We humans are sometimes amazing. But, when it comes to true power we suddenly find ourselves unable to do very much. The teachings of Confucius are great, but are not divinely…

How Are You?

[284 words] The Barna Group (a research firm specializing in religious issues) recently released a major study of how our culture has changed in just the last 10 years. Part of the report focused on technology. Among the many goals of technology, it is undeniable that at least in part, the idea is for our…
Funny Jokes for Church Bulletin

On the Lighter Side (May 2014)

[347 words] An announcement that actually appeared in a church bulletin: “Ladies, don’t forget the rummage sale. It’s a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Don’t forget to bring your husband.” — A distraught senior citizen phoned her doctor’s office. “Is it true,” she wanted to know, “that…

February 2019 Bulletin Digest Uploaded

We wanted you to know the February 2019 edition of Bulletin Digest has been uploaded. Be sure to check the Love and Valentine’s Day tags for any entries there. Also, there is a new section on your membership page that lists the latest posts added to the archives. This list will continue to change daily…

Worried You Won’t Get a Valentine?

[263 words] Holidays are times that usually fill people with joy and offer an opportunity to create memories with family, friends, and loved ones. Sometimes, however, holidays can be difficult. For instance, Valentine’s Day. The number one reason some people dislike Valentine’s Day is because of the emotional torture they experience if they are not…

Good Days

[224 words] Would you rather have good days or bad days? I know the answer to that question, but here is another question for you: do you know how to have good days? Many people pursue good days and never find them because they run in the wrong direction. God’s Word holds the secret to…

Nothing New Under the Sun

[261 words] “That which has been is what will be. That which is done is what will be done. And there is nothing new under the sun” (Ecc. 1:9).  Looking back at the history of the church in the first century, the Bible Records many warnings against those who teach false doctrines (Gal. 1:6-9; 2…

Observations From Perhaps The Most Difficult Passage In The New Testament

[348 words] What is perhaps the most difficult statement in the Bible is not grammatically complex or difficult to comprehend from an intellectual standpoint. But what elder, preacher, or other member has not agonized over it many times. Asked point blank for His teaching on the subject of marriage, divorce, and remarriage, Jesus says, “Because…

Never Lose the Wonder

[188 words] England’s premiere theologian, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, said, “Everything God does is wonderful until we get used to it.” I heard evangelist George W. Bailey, say, “If just once in a lifetime the clouds were rolled back and we could see the heavenly host, that would impress us. But we see that all the…

You Could Care Less If Dad Is Gone

[261 words] Empathy is the ability to feel for others. It’s what makes us care about each other as people and forms the roots of compassion and love. In a world that struggles with bullying, anger, and coldness, you could imagine why people want to know how to build it. Richard Koestner, a psychologist at…


[113 words] Selfishness is the root sin for so many other wrongs. If our goal is to please self instead of blessing others, we will be miserable and we will make others miserable too. “He’s so full of himself,” or “He’s so self-righteous,” are descriptions people use for the selfish. God says, “Let nothing be…

Read Kant

[310 words] My graduate philosophy instructor was a newly minted PhD, and he was an expert in Immanuel Kant. A well-informed, thoroughly devoted expert. His seminar on the German philosopher was, of course, excellent. His cardinal rule for our class was simple: Read Kant. Too many instructors present philosophy and philosophers through the writings of…

I Have No Voice

[132 words] To live or die,some say is a choice.But as for me, I have no voice. In my mother’s womb,I slowly am formed.With arms and legs,I soon am adorned. All that I need,My mother supplies.Nourishment and oxygen,Even the color of my eyes. And, although on her,For life I depend.I am an individual,On this we…

Abortion in a ‘Christian’ Nation

[181 words] Nazi Germany killed over 6 million Jews, and millions more from other ethnic groups and those they deemed were not fit for society. We justly condemn the barbarism. The Soviet Union wiped out–by conservative estimates–12-15 million of its own citizens, in the gulag (though the total may be as many as 20-25 million).…

Great Chapters from the Greatest Book: Exodus 32

[186 words] Sin has severe consequences: Upon God’s threat to destroy the nation, Moses prayed and asked God to destroy him also (Exodus 32:32). God told Moses, “Whosoever hath sinned against me, him will I blot out of my book” (Exodus 32:33). We will face severe consequences because of our sins, unless those sins are…

First Man in Space

[128 words] As a teenager, I remember a young Russian Cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin becoming the first man to enter space. This happened on April 12, 1961. I am sure he said many things while in space. But, the one thing I remember that he said on his fist trip around the earth is, “I can…

Wanted: A Pair of Shoes

[95 words] Please check your closet for a pair of shoes that a person I know needs. They are not that picky, so any old pair will do. This person has a heart for the Lord and wants to use these shoes to spread the good news about Jesus Christ. What a wonderful thing to…

Encouragers in the New Testament

[59 words] Barnabas – “he was glad and encouraged them all” (Acts 11:23) Silas – “encouraged and strengthened the brothers” (Acts 15:32) Paul – “encouraged them with many words” (Acts 20:2) Tychicus – “that he may encourage your hearts” (Col. 4:8) Timothy – “to…encourage you concerning your faith” (1 Thess. 3:2) Us – “Therefore, encourage…

Benevolence: A Great Responsibility of the Church

[370 words] We are commanded as a group and individually to help others. There are people who are truly in need and we are to be God’s “hands” in these situations.“Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from…

After the Rain

[55 words] The withering grass knows not its needs;The falling rain knows not its worth;But God the silent suffering heeds;And bids His showers refresh the earth. My drooping heart oft may not knowWhat things to pray for as I ought;But God will needed good bestow,Beyond what I have asked or thought. Edward A. Collier… We…

Treating Symptoms and Ignoring Causes

[207 words] I recently read this insightful sentence by Scott Smith and began thinking about all the times people saw the symptom and result but not the real problem: “Immediately after Adam and Eve sinned, they tried to cover their nakedness with leaves to hide what they thought was the problem—after all, it is what…

A Person? Or Just a Part?

[337 words] The abortion issue seems to center upon whether the fetus is a living person or just a part of the mother. If it is a person, aborting the fetus is murder. If it is just a part of the mother, aborting the fetus is just a procedure. There is a broad gap between…

Feeling North

[303 words] Liviu Babitz can actually feel north. Implanted in his chest is a small device, called North Sense, which vibrates when the wearer faces north, and Babitz is one of the first recipients of the technology (Smithsonian Magazine, January 18, 2017). God gave humans five general senses: sight, smell, touch, hearing and taste. The…

The Clock of Life

[78 words] The clock of life is wound but once,And no man has the powerTo tell just when the hands will stopAt late or early hour. To lose one’s wealth is sad indeed,To lose one’s health is more,To lose one’s soul is such a lossThat no man can restore. The present only is our own,So…

Heaven Will Surely Be Worth it All

[376 words] Thirty years ago, on a Sunday morning, I was in a 15-passenger van with a deacon of the local congregation picking up kids to bring them to Bible study. I remember it as if it were yesterday. The van was packed to the gills with children, and my job was crowd control. It…

Sing And Be Happy

[103 words] A young boy complained to his father that most of the church hymns were boring to him–too far behind the times, boring tunes, meaningless words. His father put an end to the discussion when he said, “If you think you can write better hymns, then why don’t you?” The boy went to his…

Woman, Behold Your Son

[371 words] It was a Jewish custom for a mother to weave a tunic (long shirt) for her son before he left for adulthood. He wore this as one of five articles of clothing; shoes, head wrapping, girdle, tunic and robe. As Jesus hung on the cross, He saw the four soldiers dividing four of…

Making Melody in Our Hearts to the Lord

[233 words] Sing, sang, sung or singing when it comes to worshiping God through it, it’s a verb no matter how you say it. Worship in song is not meant to be entertainment any more than prayer, preaching or partaking of communion. It’s meant to have a purpose, a direction and a result: from us…

Trickle Down Economics?

[430 words] Although I do believe the theory of “Trickle Down Economics” in finances is legitimate, I could hardly attach that mentality to God’s blessings. They do come “down” from above (Ephesians 1:3; James 1:17), but we certainly couldn’t call the amount of blessings He sends a “trickle.” Many of us take for granted the…

Would You Be Missed?

[324 words] After completing many years as a journalist, Arthur Brisbane was offered six months of paid vacation time by William Randolph Hearst, the publisher of the San Francisco Examiner. Brisbane refused to accept the kind offer because of two reasons. He said, “If I quit writing my newspaper column for six months, it might…

Hungry? Really?

[458 words] “The full soul loatheth an honeycomb; but to the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet” (Prov. 27:7). When you are full you don’t want anything else to eat. Even a delicious dessert has no appeal. If you are really hungry, however, you will eat what you can even if it is something…

‘The Poor You Have With You Always’

[232 words] The above statement was made by Jesus in Matt. 26:11. Our government spends billions of dollars trying to help the poor of this nation. Compassion is a wonderful thing but most often their efforts fall short of success. Ever wonder why the poor are poor? Some are poor because of circumstances beyond their…

‘Church Stuff’ Really Works!

[396 words] If I were to try to think of a word that best describes God, I suppose it would be “awesome.” Not in the trivial way it is sometimes used but in moments of quiet deliberation when I contemplate his Word, his purpose, and his ways which inspire awe. Throughout the course of my…

Be All That You Can Be

[450 words] “I may never march in the infantry, ride in the cavalry, shoot the artillery; I may never fly over the enemy, but I’m in the Lord’s Army.” From 1980 to 2001, the popular recruiting slogan was used to imply that it is only in the United States Army that you can “Be All…


[328 words] History records for us an interesting footnote. It was during the dark winter of 1864. At Petersburg, Virginia, the Confederate army of Robert E. Lee faced the Union divisions of General Ulysses S. Grant. The war was now three and a half years old and the glorious charge had long since given way…

Before You Honk

[228 words] A woman was having difficulty getting her car started after it stalled in traffic. The gentleman(?) in the car behind her insisted on expressing his impatience by blowing his horn every few seconds. Finally, worn out by his thoughtlessness, she walked back to his car and said, ”I’m having some difficulty getting my…

Ponder Before You Post

[527 words] It’s happened again. It happens all too frequently. I’ve been online, and I’m wondering if anybody “out there” cares anything at all about basic morality and decency. I’m questioning whether those who say they believe in God really do. I’m wondering if there really is any difference between those who wear the name…

The Truth Shall Set You Free

[231 words] Have you ever heard of postmodernism? Many sociologists and philosophers speak of America today as a “postmodern” society. By that they mean we as a people have more or less rejected the concept that there is such a thing as absolute, objective, “capital-T “ Truth. There was a time when most Americans believed…

Lessons from a Former President

[380 words] John Quincy Adams may have held more important offices than anyone in the history of the United States. He served with distinction not only as the president and secretary of state but also as a senator, congressman, and an ambassador to major European leaders. He also played several key roles in the American…

Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?

[287 words] The above cited question is one that has been asked repeatedly down through the years. It doesn’t seem fair, many times, that good people suffer, especially at the hands of an evil-doer. Why do bad things happen to good people? • Bad things happen to good people as a result of sin (cf.…


[425 words] ”Will a man rob God? Yet you are robbing Me! But you say,’How have we robbed You? In tithes and offerings” (Malachi 3:8). Regarding the giving of one’s material blessings to God, the teachings of both Testaments bear out a common encouragement, it should be done generously. In the above text, not giving…

A Good Practice

[251 words] From time to time, church members will ask for assistance in locating a church of Christ in an area where they will be traveling in the near future; perhaps on vacation, during a business trip, or to visit family or friends. Attending worship with fellow-saints on the Lord’s Day figures into their travel…

Looks Aren’t Everything

[392 words] You wouldn’t think to look at him as mighty. When the man of God came to town, he wasn’t even invited to eat with the rest of his family. Sure he was good at what he did. He was trusted to handle the families’ sheep. He was a musician. He was young. He…

Upside Down

[308 words] You are watching a movie on TV or DVD. You are really rooting for the hero to overcome the obstacles before him so that he can ride off into the sunset. Suddenly it dawns on you: “I should not be rooting for this guy!” He has been violating the law! He has conquered…

A Sense of Wonder

[418 words] One of the many joys of watching children grow is seeing the way that they approach life with a sense of wonder. They are inquisitive and want to know why things look the way they do and why they work the way they do. Then, and this is even better, they have the…

Strong, Stately, and Successful

[302 words] “[The righteous] will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither; and in whatever he does, he prospers” (Ps. 1:3). One of the best ways to communicate truth and beauty is by a simile or metaphor; this psalm…

Guaranteed Success from the Lord

[311 words] When young Samuel was with Eli training to be the Lord’s servant, the famous inc ident of the Lord speaking to him occurred in 1 Samuel 3:1-18. Immediately after that, these words are in the holy text, “So Samuel grew, and the LORD was with him and let none of his words fall…

When You’re Having a Bad Day

[187 words] There are many wonderful things that happen to people when they become Christians. Unfortunately, there are also bad things that happen, like being persecuted for your faith. Later in his life, Paul would write: “In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted ” (2 Timothy…

Lorita’s Law

[119 words] I was once complaining in a class about the expensive cologne people gave me. I said I could smell the fragrance for a bit of time, but then it went away. One of our sweet ladies said no, it did not go away. I might not be smelling it, but those around me…

How Gullible Are We?

[254 words] A freshman at Eagle Rock Junior High won first prize at the Greater Idaho Falls Science Fair, April 26, 1997. In his project he urged people to sign a petition demanding strict control or total elimination of the chemical “dihydrogen monoxide.” And for plenty of good reasons, since: 1. It can cause excessive…

Are You Prepared?

[261 words] “But the day of the lord will come like a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat, and the earth and its works will be burned up. Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what sort…

Ten Minutes With Jesus

[327 words] If the Lord Jesus Christ gave you ten minutes with him, what would you ask? There are some who wouldn’t want to speak to the Lord for two minutes, or even one minute because they don’t believe in him. They think he may have been a good teacher, but certainly he wasn’t the…

An ‘Ah Ha!’ Moment

[174 words] A group of students were asked to list what they thought were the present “Seven Wonders of the World.” Though there were some disagreements, the following received the most votes: 1. Egypt’s Great Pyramids; 2. Taj Mahal; 3. Grand Canyon; 4. Panama Canal; 5. Empire State Building; 6. St. Peter’s Basilica; and 7.…

What He Was Looking For

[193 words] John went to church one Sunday morning. He heard the song leader miss a note, and he winced. He saw a teenager talking when everybody was supposed to be bowed in prayer. He felt like the usher was watching to see what he put in the offering plate, and it made him mad.…
Funny Jokes for Church Bulletin

On the Lighter Side (April 2014)

A truck driver was driving along on the freeway. A sign comes up that reads, “low bridge ahead.” Before he knows it the bridge is right ahead of him and he gets stuck under the bridge. Cars are backed up for miles. Finally, a police car comes up. The policeman gets our of his car…

Don’t Quarrel Along the Way!

[558 words] As is so often the case, a fresh reading of scripture brings a fresh perspective and new insight on passages we have read many times. Such was true with me as I recently perused the story of Joseph and his brothers as recorded in the last few chapters of Genesis. As you know,…

Indecision Keeps Us from Participating In the Victory

[398 words] They were called to war. But they stayed home discussing what to do. For their “great indecision,” they did not go to the front, but sat among the flocks listening to the whistles of the shepherds. They missed out on Israel’s victory! What a shameful moment for the tribe of Reuben! (For this…

Do You Have Any Sense?

[131 words] “Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense” (Proverbs 19:11). According to this proverb, someone who has good sense takes a while to get angry, and is quick to overlook someone else’s failures. The question for us is simply this: “Do we have good sense?” …

You Gotta Be Dead!

[342 words] Overheard in Sunday school: Teacher: “If I sell my house and my car, have a big garage sale, and give all my money to the church, will that get me into heaven?” Children: “No!” Teacher: “If I clean the church building every day, mow the yard, and keep everything neat and tidy, will…

Polar Vortex

[336 words] Climate change activists have seized upon the recent frigid temperatures to promote their ever-evolving theory of “global warming.” They claim that this “polar vortex” is further proof that our climate is changing and that if drastic measures aren’t taken soon to reverse it, the world as we know it will be destroyed. I…

Adopt a Revolutionary Motto for Your Life

[407 words] In the early formation of our country George Washington had the opportunity to become king of the burgeoning nation. But given the young nation’s experience with England and because he had a robust prayer life he knew there was only one King, so he declined the offer. The people of the land apparently…

The Woman at the Well

[349 words] In the text of John 4:6-42, we find a very interesting woman engaged in conversation with the Lord. By and by Jesus tells her to go get her husband and return, to which she replied, “I have no husband.” After Jesus tells her about her five previous marriages and subsequent living condition with…

What Kind of Preacher Are You?

[393 words] The question proposed in the title of this article is not aimed primarily at the gospel preacher but at every member! Have you ever considered how many times you “preach” a message? Let me offer a few examples. You preach a message of good cheer every time you speak to a stranger who…

People Do Change

[404 words] People do change but they do not often change churches. They change from one make of automobile to another. They change their places of residence. Many change husbands or wives. Many change jobs. But there seems to be a kind of stigma against changing churches. People will readily change with churches–that is, if…

We Still Play in the Rain

[371 words] Last night I saw a commercial from an insurance company that showed people playing in the rain. In the commercial, a little girl is talking and says, “Every second somewhere in the world lightning strikes; but we still play in the rain.” The point of the commercial is that even though there are…


[274 words] Solomon knew what he was talking about when he said, “Much study is a weariness of the flesh” (Ecclesiastes 12:12). One of the challenges of Bible study/reading is staying awake and alert while you read. Jesus gave some encouraging words that may help with that problem. At the conclusion of the parable of…

Looking for What Can’t Be Seen…Yet

[456 words] A common theme with God’s people–and by that I mean people who were living in and going after a right relationship with God–all throughout the Bible was their yearning to see something that they couldn’t see at the time that they wanted to see it. They had a hope that looked forward to…