Forever Means Forever

  [164 words] “All flesh is as grass, and the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withers, and its flower falls away, but the Word of the Lord endures forever” (1 Peter 1:24). God’s Word will endure forever. Many ignore God’s Word, but Peter quotes the prophet Isaiah who said His…


[192 words] Do you ever get upset with potholes? You know, life is often referred to as a journey with potholes. We begin our journey at birth. But much of our early life is dictated by someone else. Babies do not have to worry about potholes, a wrong turn, or any bumps in the road.…


  [337 words] Scenes from the past stroll across my memory as l hear the words “fire prevention.” Fire Prevention Week at school brought lessons about fire and its destructive force. Really neat, plastic helmets, “just like the ones firemen wear” adorned the heads of school children. Plastic badges and the title “Jr. Fire Marshall”…

The Goal

  [185 words] Often times, I find myself lost in thought as to how I can improve as a worker in the kingdom of God. My thoughts most recently have been focused around the idea of the goal we pursue. So many aspects of Christianity seem to exist and all seem worthy of pursuit, however,…

But Joshua Spent That Night Among the People

  [316 words] “So Joshua sent them out. And they went to the place of ambush and lay between Bethel and Ai, to the west of Ai, but Joshua spent that night among the people. Joshua arose early in the morning and mustered the people and went up, he and the elders of Israel, before…

Be Strong!

  [96 words] Be strong! We are not here to play, to dream, to drift; We have hard work to do, and loads to lift; Shun not the struggle – face it; ’tis God’s gift. Be strong! Say not, “The days are evil. Who’s to blame?” And fold the hands and acquiesce — oh shame!…

The Keys to Overcoming the World

  [485 words] In Revelation, there is a lot of figurative language and many difficult symbols. Because of that we often avoid reading the book. But in it are some great Bible helps. One of them is found in chapter 12, where we learn how Christians are to overcome the world. To preface what is…

The Trouble Tree

  [403 words] A preacher told of hiring a carpenter to restore an old farm house. On the first day when the carpenter was to report for work, he was an hour late. His tardiness, he said, was because he found that his electric saw was not working, and in addition, he had found a…

Spiritual Superpowers

  [223 words] “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” Romans 12:21. My teens have posed the question: if you were a superhero, what superpower would you want to have? Answers range from extreme speed to flight, from x-ray vision to great strength. Everyone wants to be in control and not…

How Do I Keep from Doing a Sin That I Want to Do?

  [478 words] In a Bible class that was discussing the topic of homosexuality, a 13-year-old girl asked, “What about someone who really doesn’t want to have those feelings but can’t seem to stop them?” That is such a great question, for there are many who are struggling with homosexual desires but they don’t want…

Is the Young Man, Absalom, Safe?

  [368 words] The question above comes from 2 Samuel 18:32. Absalom, David’s son, had tried to wrest the kingdom from his father. He had slept with the ten concubines (wives) of his father. David had to flee his home when he heard Absalom was staging a coup and left these women to tend the…

The Irony of Sin

  [202 words] King Ahab called Elijah the prophet the “troubler of Israel” (1 Kings 18:17). Of course, the prophet wasted no time in pointing out that it was Ahab, not Elijah, who was the real trouble in Israel because he had abandoned the commandments of the LORD (1 Kings 18:18). A few years later,…

Yellow Jackets in the Church

  [282 words] I hate yellow jackets. Over the years, I’ve had many encounters with them. They are aggressive, mean and they hurt everyone they touch. Have you ever been around someone who is a “fault-finder?” All they can do is point out flaws and faults in folks. They, like yellow jackets, hurt whoever they…

Duck Soup

  [561 words] The story is told of a young man who came to the door of a monastery with a large duck in his arms. His uncle, who happened to be one of the monks, answered the knock. “Here, uncle, this is a gift for you and the others. Eat it in good health.”…

Mr. Knew-It-All

  [140 words] Experience is a trait that is very valuable for any organization. A person with experience in an area can usually do a job faster, easier and better than those without. However the Preacher tells us in Ecclesiastes 4:13 of a time when experience is wasted. He says, “A poor yet wise lad…

Leaving Your Bible?

  [507 words] My father and mother used to carry a Bible to church with them every Sunday. My brothers and sisters and I, when we were old enough to read, were given a Bible so we could do the same. We didn’t leave the house without our Bible because my father would surely tell…

I Will Not Be Enslaved

  [176 words] “‘All things are lawful for me,’ but will not be enslaved by anything” (1 Cor. 6:12). ESV and other translations put quotation marks around “All things are lawful for me,” signifying that the translators believe–and l agree–that Paul is quoting those to whom he is writing. When he does that, he responds…

Power of the Scriptures

  [66 words] The story has been told of a South Sea islander who proudly displayed the Bible to a G.I. during World War II. “We’ve outgrown that sort of thing,” the soldier said. The native smiled back and said, “It’s a good thing we haven’t. If it were not for this Book, you’d have…

The Country of Jesus of Nazareth

  [138 words] Palestine in the first century was less prosperous than some other regions, but Josephus tries to present the country as quite prosperous. He accurately depicts the Jewish population there as primarily engaged in agriculture: “Ours is not a maritime country, neither commerce nor the intercourse with the outside world has any attraction…

How to Remember How Many Books Are in the Bible

  [40 words] How many letters in the word “Old?” — 3 How many letters in the word “Testament?” — 9 There are 39 books in the Old Testament. Multiply 3 x 9 and you get 27. There are 27 books in the New Testament. via Findlay church of Christ Sparta, TN… We are sorry,…

Portraits of Endurance

  [579 words] Barton W. Stone was born in 1772. In his autobiography he wrote, “My father, John Stone, died when I was very young. I have no recollection of him in life.” He grew up without his father, but he never used his loss as an excuse to rebel or quit. When soldiers returned…

House to House

  [268 words] Someone once said that “every man needs to hear the call of the Gospel message before he hears the trumpet call to Judgment!” I couldn’t agree more! God has entrusted within us, His earthen vessels, the Gospel treasure (2 Cor. 4:7), and He commands that we share it with those living in…

You Preach First

  [183 words] The first sermon preached each Sunday is not by the minister, but by you. You preach a message about the importance of the Scriptures when you bring your Bible. You preach a message of good cheer when you say “Good morning!” to those you meet when you park your car and when…

How to Know What God Wants Me to Do

  [321 words] We all face important decisions. These decisions will often have a great impact on us and our families. It may be a question about what job to take, or where to live, or what school to attend, etc. What should we do? Does God offer any help or guidance in making such…

This is My Blood of the Covenant

  [178 words] Israel was in a covenant relationship with God, but as prophesied by Jeremiah 31:31, it was to be replaced (Heb. 8:8). It was replaced by the covenant Jesus initiated at His death and resurrection. He shared the fruit of the vine with the apostles and said, “For this is My blood of…

You Can’t Cross a Bridge Until You Get to It

  [494 words] All my life I have heard the expression, “you can’t cross a bridge until you get to it,” or “l’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.” These often-used expressions have to do with worrying about things before they happen. A traveler was stopped and informed of some dangerous bridges ahead.…

What Your Tongue Says

  [492 words] You know that every human being has a unique fingerprint, but did you realize that each person also has his or her own unique tongue print? According to published reports, scientists have discovered that just as no two people have the same fingerprint, so each one of us can–theoretically–also be identified by…

God’s Beautiful World

  [144 words] God made a beautiful, perfect world and made people to dwell in it. Everything was good and God was pleased with them. He would walk and talk with these people in the cool of the evening. Sin (the Devil) found his way into the people. God could no longer stand to walk…

National Pride

  [258 words] Have you ever wondered why strong nations fall? Think about it: strong nations always have the best armies, most up-to-date weapons, strongest economies, and the best citizens. So why do they fall? And we must admit that they do fall! The British Empire fell. Rome fell. Alexander’s Greek kingdom fell. Babylon, Assyria,…

Don’t Follow the Crowd

  [289 words] God had heard the prayers of His people in Egypt. Though the Israelites murmured and complained most of the way, He had brought them from Egypt to the promised land. As they journeyed God protected them, fed them, clothed them, and had given them everything they needed. But the people still were…

The Scope of Our Influence

  [270 words] “Not because we do not have authority, but to make ourselves an example of how you should follow us” (2 Thess. 3:9). As I look back to when I was growing up in the Church, the things that stand out to me are not what I would expect them to be. Some…

What is a Miracle?

  [243 words] On August 28, 2007, just before 11 a.m., surfer Todd Endris’ worst nightmare came true: he was attacked by a great white shark, not once, but three times! Just as all hope seemed lost, Endris was saved by a pod of bottlenose dolphins that formed a protective ring around the surfer, kept…
Funny Jokes for Church Bulletin

On the Lighter Side (September 2015)

  [426 words] A Special License A policeman looked up to see a woman racing down the center of the road at 100 m.p.h. He pulled her over and said, “Hey, lady, would you mind telling me why you’re going so fast down the middle of the road?” “Oh, it’s okay, Officer,” she replied. “I…

Truths That Ground, Blessings That Lift

[237 words] Occasionally, I have to sit down and take stock, remembering truths that ground me and blessings that lift me. 1. God is in control and guides all things toward the end that he desires. No one can block his will. 2. In Christ are all spiritual blessings, and I’m in Christ. I can…

In Opposition to Abortion

  [368 words] Christians have always stood opposed to abortion. Abortion was common in the Roman Empire in which Christianity was born. Though there is no explicit New Testament reference to it, abortion was clearly condemned in the Christian literature immediately following the New Testament. For instance, in about AD 100 the Didache instructed, “And…

Driven or Drawn?

  [518 words] Several years ago, long before children were required to be in car seats, a mother was having trouble with her young daughter staying seated and in her seat belt. The little girl, like most children of that time, wanted to stand up and see where she was going. The mother repeatedly told…


[332 words] Unemployed is living without a job or without work to be completed. The national unemployment rate as of July 2, 2015 was 5.3% according to a study released by the U.S. Department of Labor. That 5.3% is roughly 8.3 million people in the United States currently living without a job or without work.…

Old, But Great

[213 words] Most of the hymns that we sing in worship service today are old. There are many greatest hymns. The hymn considered by many as the best in the English language is “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” written by Isaac Watts in 1707. This hymn was taken from Paul’s words, “Far be it…

True Idol Worship…Here!

[369 words] It would be foolish to believe that there hasn’t been any worship of graven images, statues, etc. in this country. It has usually been kept very private. We’ve always preached that in this country, our idol worship is material things; activities; money; etc. But now, true idol worshipers have become very public in…

What Can You Say About Matthias?

[152 words] Everything that can biblically be said about Matthias is basically found in Acts 1:20-26, that being: Matthias had a great interest in spiritual matters, since, although not mentioned by name, he was present all throughout the various situations we read about in the gospels, and if not anything else, that alone shows great…

Doing it Right

[374 words] From the book of Exodus comes a great example of doing things right. In chapters 25-29, God gives Moses instructions concerning how the tabernacle is to be built. Many specific directions are given, and God emphasized the importance of following them exactly: “According to all that I show you, that is, the pattern…

What’s Your Preference?

[219 words] A popular Brazilian saying is that one does not dispute preferences. That’s mostly true, I guess, except when it comes to the will of God. The prophets prophesy lies. The priests exercise power by their own authority. And my people love to have it this way. But they will not be able to…

Perils to the Soul

[322 words] Have you noticed the growing fascination that some have with other people’s perils? They pay good money to watch stunt drivers jump a string of cars, or a tightrope walker make his way across a tiny rope 200 feet above the pavement. We marvel when someone unnecessarily puts himself at risk. The greatest…

Do It Well!

[104 words] Amateur, haphazard, slipshod, hit-and-miss, inattentive, incomplete, mediocre, shallow, skill-less, unskillful, wanting. All these adjectives are ones we use to describe things that are done but not done well. It’s an attitude that is far too common today. We settle for what is easy, normal, the status quo. But was this the example of…

Earth’s Cousin?

[238 words] Have you heard about Kepler-452b? Maybe you’ve seen the headlines recently that read something like this: NASA discovers Earth-like planet orbiting “cousin” of Sun. The idea is to emphasize just how un-special we really are. If we exist by complete accident…if we Owe our existence to time and chance…it would not be outside…

Well-organized, but Useless!

[203 words] “…I know your works, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead” (Rev. 3:1). A German soldier was wounded. He was ordered to go to the military hospital for treatment. When he arrived at the large and imposing building, he saw two doors, one marked, “For the slightly…

Lieutenant David Steeves

[257 words] In 1957, Lieutenant David Steeves walked out of the California Sierra Mountains 54 days after his Air Force trainer jet had disappeared. He related an unbelievable take of survival after parachuting from his disabled plane. For almost three months he said he had eaten berries and dug snow tunnels to sleep in, had…

I Drive a Donkey

[224 words] There is an obscure Bible character that holds a great deal of fascination for me. His name is Harbona(h) and his name only appears twice, both in connection with the account of Esther. He is introduced in Esther 1:10 and plays a key role in this divine story of providence in Esther 7:9.…

Painting Possums

[288 words] Several years ago we knew a man with the unusual hobby of trapping possums. No, he didn’t eat them. He painted them! That’s right – he would catch these critters in a box trap, and then he painted them with fluorescent paint and released them. Sounds weird, doesn’t it? But this fella had…

Never Enough

  [140 words] Someone asked John D. Rockefeller, the richest man of his time, how much money is enough? He replied, “Just a little bit more.” Lots of people have that problem. We think if could just make a little more, we would be set. But when we get that little more, it isn’t too…

What About Our Reach?

[394 words] The Impala is an amazing creature that has a vertical leap of more than 10 feet and can jump an amazing 30 feet. With such abilities, one would think zoos would have to take extraordinary measures to build enclosures to keep these nearly airborne creatures inside the zoo, but they don’t. It seems…

Five Things No One Will Regret On Judgment Day

[157 words] As Christians, we all have regrets in our lives — things we should have done but didn’t do, and things we shouldn’t have done, but did them anyway. However, there are five things which no one will regret on the day of judgment. If we abide by these principles, we can have boldness…

More Beautiful Than We Imagined

  [152 words] “Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is” (1 John 3:2). A young man who had been blind since he was…

Christian Example

[247 words] My Lord said, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Mt. 5:16). The best I can tell, there’s no limitation to this. In other words, shining forth a good example is not restricted to the church building, or…

A Living Martyr

[211 words] “Stephen wasn’t a martyr because he died; he died because he was a martyr.” After reading that sentence, you may be saying, “Steve, I don’t get it. What do you mean?” Well let me see if I can explain. Did you know that the Greek word translated as “martyr” (Gr. martureo) is the…

God’s Word Has Not Changed in Regards to Marriage

[289 words] The Supreme Court of the United States, by a narrow 5-4 margin, legalized same-sex marriages recently after years of debate and deliberation. Gays and lesbians, as well as progressive politicians, took to the streets to celebrate this monumental decision. Our own commander-and-chief ordered that the White House be lit up in the rainbow…

Clear-minded and Self-controlled

[241 words] “The end of all things is near.  Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray” 1 Peter 4:7. This chapter is pivotal for living a life in Christ!  When we become a Christian, we admit that when we lived for “evil human desires,” we made a mess of our lives. …

Goals with No Nets

[386 words] Back in the day, friends would invite me to meet them somewhere to play a pick-up game of basketball, and few things are more disappointing than showing up to play a game of basketball and seeing a goal with no net. While I might have verbalized my disappointment, it didn’t prevent me from…

Faith Followed by Obedience

[117 words] If Noah had lived by today’s religious standard, he would have said, “Lord I believe you but you are asking too much, I don’t really need an ark.” Abraham would have said, “Lord, I have great faith in you, but I can do just as much good by staying here in Ur.” The…

Tap to Snooze

[510 words] I generally use an Apple iOS device as a wake-up alarm. When the alarm sounds, text appears on the screen of my device and gives me this option: “Tap to snooze.” All I have to do is tap the screen of my nifty device and I’m right back to my comfortable, peaceful sleep…
Funny Jokes for Church Bulletin

On the Lighter Side (August 2015)

  [442 words] The Coin Toss By the time Bobby arrived, the football game had already started. “Why are you so late?” asked his friend. “I couldn’t decide between going to church and going to the football game. So I tossed a coin,” said Bobby. “But that shouldn’t have taken too long.” said the friend.…


  [258 words] It was said about Jesus, “having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them until the end” (John 13:1). People talk about falling in love and falling out of love. Children tell each other, “you are not my best friend any more.” But when you think about Jesus loving…

Heavenly Sunlight

  [459 words] “The people which sat in darkness saw great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up” (Matt. 4:16). The world can be a dark place. “The whole world,” John wrote, “lieth in wickedness” (1 John 5:19). Satan, the “prince of this world” (John…

Deserving Salvation?

  [220 words] Some seem to act as though they deserve salvation on the grounds that they argue so strongly against earning salvation. Some seem to think they are right because they argue so strongly against those who think they are right. Some seem to talk as though grace is reserved only for those who…

What is God to You?

  [227 words] “Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him thanksgiving and extol him with music and song. For the Lord is the great God, the great King above all gods” Psalm 95:1-3. We are to gather to…

One Thing

  [208 words] There are many voices competing for our attention. There are many destinations pleading for our arrival. There are many products and companies begging for our money. Yet only one voice matters. Only one destination is of any consequence. Only one being can inform us as to what to do with and how…

You Do Good by Thinking of Others

  [168 words] “…And so we went toward Rome. And from there, when the brethren heard about us, they came to meet us as far as Appii Forum and Three Inns. When Paul saw them, he thanked God and took courage.” (Acts 28:14-15) When’s the last you “traveled” to “Appii Forum” and “The Three Inns”…

Some Bible Questions to Consider

  [171 words] • Exodus 32:36 – “Who is on the LORD’S side?” • Psalm 113:5 – “Who is like unto the LORD our God, who dwelleth on high…?” • Isaiah 6:8 – “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” • Mark 8:37 – “…what shall a man give in exchange for…

Very Religious People

  [154 words] When the apostle Paul was in Athens he made an interesting observation. He said “Men of Athens, I perceive that in all things you are very religious; for as I was passing through and considering the objects of your worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: TO THE UNKNOWN GOD.…

Why in the World Do We Have VBS Anyway?

  [274 words] I know that VBS is a challenge. I mean if you have been around children for any length of time you know if you get 70 (or more) children together – you have your hands full. But it is important! This week, I fired up my computer’s Bible search engine and began…

What is the Message of the Church?

  [74 words] Using an acrostic of the word “church,” we can clearly see that the church is to have an important message in everything she does: Christ Has Undoubtedly Risen Creating Hope Because of this, we should desire to worship, work, and walk the way the Lord desires! Because of this, we should tell…

What is Your Life About?

  [121 words] We have been studying the book of Philippians in our young adult class on Sunday mornings. We recently covered Philippians 1:21 where Paul makes the statement, “For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” Avon Malone observed that we must ask ourselves the question, “What is my life?”…

January Bulletin Digest is Ready

The January issue of Bulletin Digest has been uploaded and is available for Premium Members. You can access the materials from your membership page.…

A Shortage of Ninjas

  [188 words] Apparently Japan is running out of ninjas. In the small city of Iga, the birthplace of the ancient ninja warriors, officials cannot find enough martial artists to perform for tourists, even though the job can pay up to $85,000 per year. Part of the problem is that the city’s young people are…

Still Can’t Beat God!

[153 words] Around 1970, a fellow named Gordon Moore originated a computer technology maxim which has been termed “Moore’s Law.” Simply stated, the law says that computer processing power will double every two years.   Since that time, the rule has proven true. Personal computers are tremendously fast and powerful, and capable of amazing things,…

Are You Helping this Church to Grow?

  [210 words] It Is Easy For The Church To Grow When We… Have a deep concern for the lost. Enter the worship with preparation and enthusiasm. Are interested in intense Bible study. Work together on church projects. Encourage those who are serving the Lord. Dedicate ourselves to keeping our lives pure. Express brotherly love…

The Right Words at the Right Time

  [277 words] I recently read about an interesting series of questions to ask yourself before saying anything to another person. The idea is to make sure that you speak properly at the proper time. The three questions to ask are: Does this need to be said? Does this need to be said by me?…

I Am the New Year

  [116 words] I AM THE NEW YEAR. I am unused, unspotted, without blemish. I stretch before you three hundred and sixty-five days long. I will present each day in its turn, a new leaf in the book of life for you to place upon it your imprint. I AM THE NEW YEAR. Each hour…

The Power of God’s Word

  [449 words] “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart” (Heb. 4:12). “Therefore put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the…

Foul Language Is Foul

  [312 words] I recently watched a nationally televised athletic event where literally millions of people viewed the same game. During the game, the main camera showed one of the coaches being very upset and using verbally abusive foul language regarding calls made by the officials! What I observed disturbed me. Then I realized how…

Happy New Year

  [279 words] “Happy New Year” is an expression that we throw about. But do we really mean it? As you enter the new year, is your life filled with Joy?  As a Christian, you have many reasons to be joyful. May I mention a few?  All your sins have been forgiven. When you came…

What Are You Making?

  [241 words] While on a trip to Switzerland, an American businessman was watching a Swiss clockmaker carving the case of an ornate cuckoo clock. As the businessman watched the clockmaker carve out the case, he was astounded at his slow rate of progress. The businessman finally said, ”My good man, you’ll never make much…

Refreshing the Hearts of the Saints

  [151 words] One of my all-time favorite passages of scripture is found in Philemon 7. There, the apostle Paul commended Philemon “because the hearts of the Saints have been refreshed through thee, brother.” Wouldn’t it be wonderful if that could honestly be said of every member of the church? Every Christian could be like…

Nothing or Everything?

  [148 words] Her luggage was destroyed. Her purse disappeared. She had to exit the plane, not through an enclosed ramp, but directly into pouring rain. She would have been furious under normal conditions, but she had just survived the crash of Flight 1420 in Little Rock, Arkansas.  Later, as this lady reflected, she said,…

It Doesn’t Take Much

  [88 words] Years ago a little girl handed me a piece of paper with a brief note scribbled on it. I don’t remember the girl’s name, but I remember the message: “To you from _______. I love you.”  It was simple. It was direct. And, it was appreciated. What does it take to brighten…

When the Rooster Crows

  [416 words] Have you ever heard a rooster crow? Some of you with a little gray hair probably have. I would guess that some of our young people have not. A few years back, most of our grandparents or even our parents lived on a farm. If they had chickens, they also had a…

Six Sources of Joy

  [299 words] First, it was taught by Jesus. “Blessed are you when people hate you, when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil, because of the Son of Man. Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, because great is your reward in heaven. For that is how their…

They Just Won’t Listen

  [388 words] “Then He said to me: ‘Son of man, go to the house of Israel and speak with My words to them. For you are not sent to a people of unfamiliar speech and of hard language, but to the house of Israel, not to many people of unfamiliar speech and of hard…

No Other Way

  [251 words] The words are unbending. Most people would even call them dogmatic. But they are truth and come from the very lips of the Lord Jesus: “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father but by me” (John 14:6). Jesus allows for no possibility of misunderstanding.…

Characteristics of Jesus’ Ministry

  [299 words] There has never been a greater example on this earth of what we ought to strive for than Jesus the Christ. He has done all things well (Mark 7:37), and Christians desire to be conformed to His image (Romans 8:29). So as we seek to minister to the world around us, what…
Holding Hands while visiting

Thank God For Little Things

  [66 words] Thank You, God, for little things That often come our way The things we take for granted But don’t mention when we pray.  The unexpected courtesy, The thoughtful, kindly deed A hand reached out to help us In the time of sudden need. Oh, make us more aware, dear God, Of little…

Church Shutdown

  [261 words] If you follow national news, you know that from time to time our leaders and representatives in Washington cannot come to terms on how to fund federal operations. This can sometimes lead to a “government shutdown,” which means many federal agencies stop performing their functions and services. Why does this happen? Usually…

Children Need Instruction

  [98 words] Proverbs shows the need for children to pay attention to instruction. Solomon admonishes his son to pay attention to his parents (Prov. 1:8-9), and to recognize the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Prov. 1:7). Children also need to be shown how to put those things into practice. The…
Funny Jokes for Church Bulletin

On the Lighter Side (January 2019)

  [ 216 words] Valentine’s Humor Q: How did the telephone propose to his girlfriend? A: He gave her a ring. Q: What did the octopus say to his girlfriend when he proposed? A: Can I have your hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand in marriage? What Every Girl Wants for Valentine’s Day…

What Will You Do With The New?

[336 words] Toward the end of the year, we begin to focus on the “new.” We enjoy giving and receiving “new” presents, and we look forward to the hope of a “new” year. A blank calendar page represents fresh opportunity, but what will we do with it? Hezekiah was known as a man who received…

December Issue of Bulletin Digest Uploaded

  All materials from the December issue of Bulletin Digest are now available online. Premium Members can access the materials on their membership page.  Log In Also, the migration to the new server went well, and on schedule. If you are having any trouble logging in or accessing your materials, please email us. We are…

Rare Bible Found in Trash

[184 words] In 2006, electrician Michael Hoskins discovered a rare, 188-year-old, King James Bible. He told his hometown newspaper, that he went to drop off his household trash, and there it was. He also related that “There were three or four boxes of books leaning up against the concrete wall behind the dump site. I…

When Giving is Wrong

[265 words] Ribbons and wrapping paper, shimmering Christmas trees, and children with sparkling eyes are the hallmarks of the “season of giving.” So many of us enjoy the holiday as a time of expressing love through the imparting of gifts. But did you ever consider when giving may be wrong? Our heavenly Father is certainly…

The Big Buyout

[320 words] The line starts to form around 4:30 in the morning. The goal of the people in line is to buy up the stock of doughnuts at Donut City, a small, family-owned shop in Seal Beach, California. By 7:30 the doughnuts have all been purchased. The motivation of the buyouts: to allow the shop…

Upward Mobility

[300 words] In a tiny coastal Mexican village, a boat comes into port. An American who is nearby compliments the Mexican fisherman on the quality of his catch and asks how long it took him to catch them. “Not very long,” answers the Mexican. “But why didn’t you stay out longer and catch more?” asks…