Yes, It’s a Pandemic

[395 words] Uncontrolled disease can be horrific. With the current worries about the spread of a new coronavirus dubbed “COVID-19,” we have heard the terms “epidemic” and “pandemic” tossed around quite a bit. An epidemic occurs when a disease affects a greater number of people than is usual for an area, and a pandemic is…

Security of Believers

[308 words] One of the basic doctrines of Calvinism is the impossibility of apostasy. This teaching says that once a person becomes a Christian there is nothing he or she can do to be lost One man went so far as to say that even if he murdered someone in cold blood he could not…

My Brother

[335 words] “Afterwards the LORD asked Cain, “Where is Abel?” “How should I know?” he answered, “Am I supposed to look after my brother?” (Genesis 4:9 CEV) In 1964, a young woman was stabbed and raped outside her Queens apartment while witnesses observed and did nothing. The perp even left and returned to resume stabbing…

The Day Jesus Cleaned House

[336 words] Why did Jesus have to cleanse the temple? Why was He not content to just let things go on business as usual? In John 2, Jesus “cleans house” literally because those Jews had made the temple a “house of merchandise” (John 2:16). There were things, behaviors, and attitudes that didn’t belong in a…

Of Fools and Blind Faith

[335 words] Both evidence and reason point convincingly to faith in God. The charge of “blind faith,” often leveled against the conviction of believers, better describes the plight of those who see a world without God. “For every house is built by someone, and He that built all things is God.” (Hebrews 3:4, McCord.) A…

Credibility from Mountaintops

[363 words] There are many people who look on those who are religious as naïve, that is, people with good intentions, but devoted people deluded by ideas not based in reality. Though this is hardly the case, it matters not; some just choose to think this because they desire to live in accordance with what…

Are You Tired?

[351 words] “Man who is born of woman is of few days and full of trouble. He comes forth like a flower and fades away; he flees like a shadow and does not continue.” Job 14:1-2 reminds us life is hard and short.  This is not “news” to any of us! We are all aware…

Wedding Vows Are to Be Honored

[357 words] “Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife…through sickness and health, until death do you part?” “I do.” “Do you take this man…until death do you part?” “I do.” “Before God and these witnesses, I now pronounce you man and wife.” Of course, you have heard or spoken similar words…

God’s GPS of Salvation

[351 words] Our technological society has become very familiar with the “GPS” which facilitates navigating from point A to point B. When properly set, the GPS ideally prevents one from becoming “lost” when driving. I totally depend upon my GPS to navigate me through an unfamiliar city or location. I love it for the miles…

Beds, Aren’t You Glad We Have Them!

[352 words] It was another cold rainy morning. I just wanted to go back home and curl up in my bed. Sound familiar? It got me thinking about the word bed in the Bible. The word bed is mentioned in the Bible about 108 times in the King James Version. We know that people made…


[307 words] In the fable of the ant and the grasshopper, the ant is portrayed as wise because he prepares for winter while the grasshopper lacks the common sense to acknowledge its approach and thus suffers and dies. God seemingly did infuse the ant with an instinct to cooperate and work for the common good…

Securing Their Hearts

[387 words] How shall the young secure their hearts and guard their lives from sin? Thy Word, the choicest rules impart to keep the conscience clean! Where in the world can young people learn what is holy and pure and right? The words of that old song clearly and lovingly convey the solitary truth that…

Family in the Faith

[328 words] Throughout Paul’s missionary journeys recorded in the book of Acts, he interacts with a number of young men who variously traveled with him, ran errands for him, and continued the work in a congregation begun by him. However, while the text mentions a few of these younger preachers, the relationship Paul had with…

Times of Grief

[343 words] Have you ever been in such emotional pain that your heart felt like it was literally aching? The worst pain in this life is not always physical. Often times it’s the emotional pain of saying “good bye” that can drive us to our knees. It can make us lash out in anger. It…

A Walk Down Memory Lane

[303 words] Bill drove into his hometown for one more chore. His mother’s funeral had been a month earlier. His dad had passed away two years ago. Today, he had to sign final papers to sell his childhood home. He arrived in town a little early, so he decided to take one last look at…

Help Wanted

[302 words] The kingdom of Christ has the following positions available for immediate employment: Ambassadors (2 Cor. 5:20) – Must be willing to represent Christ honestly, honorably, and faithfully. Bakers (Matt. 13:33) – Must be able to add leavening properly. Farmers (Matt. 13:3) – Must be willing to rise early and sow the seed in…

Good Communication Requires Wisdom

[324 words] The root cause of conflict points back to “poor communication.” How many of us want to be “heard?” How many times do we feel we failed in a conversation? My parents would not be happy and would say to me, “You shouldn’t speak before you think!”  Forty-six years later, I still struggle to…

Dealing with Shame

[341 words] Rayden Overbay is a 12-year-old with special needs from Yukon, Oklahoma. He became somewhat famous not long ago because of the terrible way he was treated. A video of him being bullied went viral. He was bullied to such a degree—he felt such shame—that he had written, “I want to kill myself” on…

The Importance of Knowledge

[387 words] It has been suggested that the word “knowledge” is the key word of 2 Peter. A quick reading of Peter’s letter shows why that may be true. In the New King James Version, the word appears five times in chapter 1, once in chapter 2, and is found in the final verse of…

Why Do Some Attend the ‘Optional’ Worship Services and Bible Classes?

[388 words] It has always been a struggle to get every member of the local church to attend all Bible classes and worship services. Yes, they will come to the A.M. worship service, but not to the other periods of Bible study and worship. When asked why, they will respond: “Those services are optional. They…

Maybe I Can Wait

[331 words] The Houston Airport had a problem. Over and over, a major complaint from its customers was that they had to wait too long for their bags after the flight. So the executives worked to address the issue. They added new staff, streamlined the process and were able cut wait time from as long…

A Time to Rejoice

[301 words] Overheard at the Mall: “I just dread the Christmas season.” When I heard these words, I felt sorry for the one speaking them. To me, this time of year lifts my heart because of three nostalgic reasons.  First, I remember how my parents (especially my mother) worked hard to make this season of…

Reasons to Rejoice!

[329 words] The Bible speaks a number of times regarding rejoicing. David once stated, “This is the day which the Lord has made,” and then he added, “We will rejoice and be glad in it” (Ps. 118:24). Why isn’t that just as true today as the day David wrote it? A celebrated writer once wrote,…

Am I Being A Good Sibling?

[364 words] As the oldest in my family, I was held responsible for my younger siblings’ actions. There were times I would be put in charge. There were times I just happened to be with them when they got in trouble or hurt. Suddenly, it was my responsibility. I should have been watching them, I…

Through Him

[363 words] Christianity is all about our relationship with Jesus. He died for us and we are to live for Him. Upon obeying the gospel, we gain a lot of “prepositional aspects” having to do with ourselves and Jesus: we are in Him, with Him, and for Him. But there is another preposition that describes…

It Isn’t Hard to Find the Flaws

[352 words] Take a moment to think about what happens in the course of a typical day. The coffee’s too hot (or not hot enough) or it tastes funny. The car in front of me is going too slow. The internet’s malfunctioning. The waitress has forgotten me. My coworker is lazy or undependable. My spouse…

Thanksgiving All Year Long?

[345 words] On November 11, 1620, about 102 settlers aboard the Mayflower arrived in the New World, and there was nothing to greet them except the harsh reality of a New England winter. Within five months, over half their number had died of starvation, cold, and disease. How amazing, then, that these “pilgrims” could still…

Healing A Broken Heart

[310 words] “We spend the first half of our life making friends, we spend the second half of our life burying them.” — Unknown How many of us have said “goodbye” to a friend or family member at the funeral home? I find myself attempting to provide comfort to others and watch people I care…

Mimicking a Viper

[384 words] What looks like a Gaboon viper, sounds like a Gaboon viper, and acts like a Gaboon viper? A Gaboon viper, of course. Also, the Congolese giant toad. With its two-inch fangs, the Gaboon viper is one of the largest vipers in Africa. The Congolese giant toad can be found only in the same…

Have You Decided Who You Are?

[373 words] What would you do to be at the birth of your child? Would you miss work? Skip an important meeting? Risk disappointing customers and co-workers? That’s the decision Daniel Hudson faced recently. Only Daniel isn’t in the corporate world; he’s a relief pitcher for the Washington Nationals. And, despite it being the first…

Vintage Gospel Advocate: A Call for Spurgeon to Preach Only the Truth

[353 words] Editor’s Note: Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892) was a famous denominational preacher. Spurgeon collected a great following during his day, and his influence is still felt among the denominations today. The following comments regarding Spurgeon’s work and influence are from James A. Butler, a member of the Lord’s church, and were printed in the Gospel…

The Hug Heard Around the World

[325 words] Having been convicted of murdering Botham Jean, a member of the Dallas West church of Christ, the last thing Amber Guyger probably expected to hear at her sentencing were the words “I forgive you” from a member of the victim’s family.  After reading a statement which expressed forgiveness and even a wish that…

Diligence and Neglect

[320 words] The apostle Peter, in the early part of his second letter, gives emphasis to the importance of Christians being diligent in the development of spiritual qualities. How diligent did he want them to be? He urges, “…giving all diligence…” (2 Pet. 1:5). Later, he adds, “…be even more diligent…” (2 Pet. 1:12). Since…

The Highjacking of Our Language

[310 words] Over the years, many great phrases and hand gestures have been adopted by anti-Christian people as terms of derision and hate. The most recent has been a gesture I’ve used all my life: the “OK hand gesture.” It’s a simple gesture, you make an “O” with the forefinger and the thumb and the…

My Tailor-Made God

[316 words] In your Bible reading, do you ever come across something that doesn’t fit into your theology? The margins of my daily reading Bible are full of my comments, references, and a few question marks. The question marks mean that I don’t know God as well as I need to. They say, “Your theology…

What Is Peace?

[307 words] Peace can be defined as “tranquility, harmony, or security.” Depending on the situation, it could also mean “prosperity” or “well-being.” The different forms of the word peace are found 429 times in the King James Version of the Bible. There are also different types of peace: false peace, inner peace, peace with God,…

Left Behind, Missing Our Family and Friends

[347 words] I am thankful each day to rise and participate in life. However, I am seeing more and more of my family, friends, and those who have meant so much to me pass away. We know grief and death are part of life (Hebrews 9:27), but I think we all yearn to spend more…

It Goes Without Saying

[318 words] We’ve all probably heard the adage that the majority of communication is nonverbal. This notion is from Dr. Albert Mehrabian, author of the book Silent Messages. In his research, he found that only 7 percent of any message is conveyed through words, the rest (38 percent through certain vocal elements and 55 percent…

The Gathering

[333 words] The phenomenon is called “shikadamari“ in Japanese. A loose translation would be, “deer gathering spot.” A large population of free-roaming deer live in and around the Japanese city of Nara, spending most of their time in the city park. Every summer evening at around 6:30, over 600 deer gather in the same spot…

The Christian and the World

[329 words] Do you know what you look like when you dress like the world? The world. Do you know what you sound like when you speak like the world? The world. Do you know what you “smell” like when you commune with the world? The world. Do you know what you become like when…

Interesting Fish Facts From The Bible!

[341 words] God created fish and all the things that live in the water on the fifth day. “And God said, ‘Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the vault of the sky.’ So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing with…

Is the Genesis Flood Just a Myth?

[334 words] Today, there are some who would label the first several chapters of the Bible as “myth.” They do not want to believe that God created the universe, the earth or mankind. They do not believe in the worldwide flood. Interestingly, our Lord Jesus Christ and the beloved Apostle Paul believed that these events…

Let Singing Be Stirring!

[338 words] When we sing songs that we’ve sung for years, we often have a temptation to “shift our brains into neutral” and cease thinking about the words and messages; about the benefits and recipients of those messages we sing! God wants singing to be a part of His worship (Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16; Heb.…
Walking in Park

Following at a Distance

[371 words] “And they led Jesus away to the high priest; and with him were assembled all the chief priests, the elders, and the scribes. 54 But Peter followed Him at a distance, right into the courtyard of the high priest. And he sat with the servants and warmed himself at the fire” (Mark 14:53-54).…


[371 words] Working hard all day at a physical activity leads to a tiredness we can all relate to. We all know the relief of being able to finally sit down and rest. The great thing about physical tiredness is that usually after a time of rest we feel better and are able to return…

A Root in the Dry Ground

[306 words] Yesterday, I ate my first apricot off of our tree. My wife and I have an apricot tree on the side of our house. The previous owners planted it, but we’ve tried to nurture it. Despite the windstorms and a tornado, we still have a nice crop of the fruit (which I love).…

Bridging Gaps

[353 words] One blade of grass at a time. That’s how the last remaining Inca rope bridge is rebuilt every year. The Q’eswachaka bridge spans the Apurimac river in the Cusco region of Peru. For 600 years, communities from both sides of the bridge have been assembling to cut down the old bridge and rebuild…

How You Can Help ‘Boost Our Bible School’

[351 words] VBS is here! It is one of my favorite times of year. It’s exciting to see really creative and talented minds that shine in making a great experience for our kids. It is an opportunity to really “think outside the box” and to make a lasting impression on these kids about Jesus. Even…

Missing Our Loved Ones

[326 words] Not an hour fades from the clock that doesn’t find us thinking about, missing, or longing to be with our friends, neighbors, family members, or spouse that has already passed away. We know the void we have is a result of the deep love we shared. We are confident in the expectation of…

What We Need in the Church Today

[353 words] More knocking on doors and less knocking on each other. The great commission demands that we busy ourselves in taking the gospel to others (Mark 16:15). The Bible says, “speak not evil of one another” (James 4:11). It is so much better to be busy doing good rather than evil. More sound heads…

Loving Discipline

[313 words] It is hard to say you love discipline when in the middle of it. Young and old people alike find it hard to appreciate discipline, yet we yearn for knowledge. How do you react when someone critiques your work, when a friend calls you out on something wrong you have done, when a…

Why Are You Sleeping?

[342 words] In a time of great trial and agony for Jesus, He lacked support from his closest disciples. Luke records that in the garden, Jesus prayed earnestly; “And when he rose from prayer, He came to the disciples and found them sleeping for sorrow, and He said to them, Why are you sleeping? Rise…

Cross For Me

[329 words] “There they crucified Him” (Luke 23:33). At the heart of the gospel is a cross. Three important events took place at the cross. Jesus died there. Matthew says that Jesus “Yielded up His spirit” (27:50). Luke says “He breathed His last” (23:46), John said the soldiers who examined the body of Jesus at…

Planting a Red Flag

[375 words] A red flag is a warning signal. Thus, “to plant a red flag,” has become a figure of speech meaning to give a warning. In this article, I would like to “plant a red flag” in all our minds on the subject of marriage, divorce, and remarriage. I realize that this is one…

Turning the Other Cheek

[336 words] The Sermon on the Mount is the greatest sermon ever preached. We admire it, and quote it. But do we really follow it? I would say most of the time, yes. But there are some difficult things contained in it that challenge us today. In his sermon, Jesus tells his audience, “You have…


[357 words] “Did you do your homework?” I’m very proud of you!” “Do you need anything?” “I love you.” “Can you hold this light for me?” These are just a few of the words I can still hear my father saying to me. Although my father has been gone for 24 years, I can still…

The Backpack

[308 words] Maggie Vasquez, who has cerebral palsy, wasn’t going to get to go on the annual school camping trip as her wheelchair and walker wouldn’t work on the rugged terrain of the forest where the group would be hiking. One of Maggie’s teachers, Helma Wardenaar, was determined that the ten-year-old would go on the…

Stay Supplied

[386 words] There is more than one way to defeat an army. Head-on clashes with the enemy work – if you’re stronger. A sneakier approach is to cut off the enemy’s supply lines. This tactic has been used for centuries. Soldiers need food, medical supplies, and ammunition. If you can find a way to disrupt…

The Worst Things That Can Happen to People

[380 words] We have all read the horror stories of terrible things that have happened to people.  The horrors of war.  The horrors of being kidnapped.  The horrors of years of abuse.  The horrors of dealing with a disease.  The horrors of addiction to drugs or alcohol.  There things are terrible.  We would never discount…

The Influence of Mothers

[328 words] We are in a time where the lines of morality are blurred. The Bible is plain when it comes to who is to marry (one man and one woman), how children are to be parented (by both parents), and how children are to respond to their parents (reflecting Godly parenting). We should be…

The Blessings of Teachers

[391 words] One of the things I’ve always enjoyed about teaching is witnessing the “a-ha!” moment. It is when the student has the lightbulb go on and suddenly a mysterious concept becomes plain to them. The teacher has just opened the door for the student, and the student now has the keys themselves. There is…

Lest We Drift Away

[301 words] Man-made religions grow due to entertainment worship and an acceptance of feel-good philosophy. Once faithful Christians have exchanged truth for fiction. The Hebrew writer says, “Therefore we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away (2:1). Ignoring God’s commands will cause the once faithful to…

Lessons from a Watermelon

[304 words] William Jennings Bryan wrote of a visit he made to a restaurant in which he ordered a slice of watermelon. He writes, “I was so pleased with the taste of the melon that I took the seeds home with me to plant in my garden. That night a thought came to my mind.…

God Knows Our True Needs!

[338 words] Science says that we need 4 basic things in order for us to survive: 1) Water, 2) Air, 3) Food, 4) Light. Jesus has the perfect water. “Jesus answered her, ‘If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked Him and…

Is It Wrong To Not?

[396 words] Is it wrong to not use an instrument of music in worship service? Is it wrong to not drink alcohol? Is it wrong to attend every church service? Now the opposite of these topics often draw many articles and lesson, as people are curious to find out the limits. But one rarely claims…

On the Lighter Side (May 2019)

[315 words] Come Out and PlayGeorge knocked on the door of his friend’s house. When his friend’s mother answered he asked, “can Albert come out to play?””No,” said the mother, “it’s too cold.””Well, then,” said George, “can his football come out to play?” Three Gifts for MomThree sons left home, went out on their own…

Did Bugs Bunny Corrupt the Scriptures?

[366 words] If I called you a Nimrod, how would you feel? If you are like most people you would probably feel insulted. The popular definition for a nimrod is an inept person, an oaf, a moron, an ignoramus. The original name Nimrod really meant to be a skillful mighty hunter. Its origin is found…

The ‘If-Then’s’ of the Prophets

[396 words] Working your way through the major or minor prophets, where God is rebuking His people, it can become tedious to read. However, as one reads along, a reader will invariably come across an “if-then” statement. A good Bible student will note and highlight these if-then statements because they indicate application of God’s word…

Desensitized by Saturation

[343 words] The practice of desensitization by saturation is very common one. Just take a moment and look back in your life and compare your past to what is allowed and permitted in our culture today. I understand that there is nothing new under the sun (Ecc. 1:9) and the sin we deal with today…

Chariots of Iron

[303 words] The people of Joseph said, “The hill country is not enough for us. Yet all the Canaanites who dwell in the plain have chariots of iron, both those in Beth-shean and its villages and those in the Valley of Jezreel” (Joshua 17:16). When the land of Canaan was being divided, the descendants of…

Look the Right Directions For the Right Reasons

[381 words] During a time of David’s kingship, Absalom, his son, plotted a revolt against the throne. In a short time, Absalom gathered quite a force, and David decided to flee Jerusalem. Absalom and his army hotly pursued him. No doubt this was a distressing time for David. There are surely times in which we…

Emptying the Ocean

[361 words] When I was a young preacher student at International Bible College, now known as Heritage Christian University, I had the great privilege of sitting at the feet of a man by the name of Basil Overton. Brother Overton was in his mid-sixties and had been preaching since he was 14. He had a…


[377 words] Hamor and Shechem mistakenly said of Jacob’s sons, “These men are at peace with us” (Genesis 34:21). The wise woman of Abel told Joab, “I am among the peaceable and faithful in Israel” (2 Samuel 20:19). Near Gebor the descendants of Simeon found a place to dwell that was “quiet and peaceful” (1…


[397 words] After the events at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut, many are asking one question: Why? We live in a country where blame is the name of the game. We want to blame someone or something for the problems of our world. Some are blaming guns. Some may be looking for blame…


[353 words] Attitude has so much to do with living the Christian life. A negative attitude will cause one to be overly critical and to see only the dark side of life. Such a perspective can be very depressing. When we see only the bad, we cease to experience the joys of being a Christian.…

The Right Attitude Leads to Gratitude

[352 words] I went home for lunch the other day and had a sandwich and leftover potato soup, and let me tell you that soup tasted really good! Now, normally I do not mind leftovers, but it is rare for me to rave about them. I’m sure you’re wondering what it was that made it…

Mustard Seed Faith

[367 words] “So Jesus said to them ‘because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you’” (Matthew 17:20). Unfortunately many modem English translations talk…

Night is Coming!

[304 words] Jesus healed a blind man. Before working the miracle, the Lord declared, “We must work the works of Him who sent me while it is day; night is coming, when no one can work As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world” (Jn. 9:4-5). Jesus knew…

The Prophet Joel Speaks

[301 words] The Old Testament prophets often went unappreciated in their time. Little has changed today. Many Christians do not know the order of the OT prophets, and usually need some extra time looking up a Scripture reference from one of those books during a class or sermon. But these were men of God, speaking…

I Said Nothing

[388 words] Robert Benchly once remarked, “Drawing on my fine command of language, I said nothing.” No matter how great your vocabulary may be, sometimes, the right thing to say is nothing. First, if you cannot speak with purity, the best thing that you can say, no matter how large your vocabulary may be, is…

Outward Appearances

[346 words] “Oh, how horrible our sins look when they are committed by someone else!” — Chuck Smith. It’s so hard to keep our eyes on ourselves rather than to compare ourselves with others, isn’t it? We CAN be too hard on ourselves as we live in a world where it’s normal to compare ourselves…

The Beginning of Life

[375 words] Our bodies were received from our earthly parents; however, our spirit came from God. God is the Father of our spirit (Heb. 12:9). God alone forms the spirit of man within him (Zech. 12:1). Man alone, of all creatures of this earth, has a spirit and bears the image of his Creator. No…

Pleasing to God

[379 words] Do you ever wonder if you are pleasing to God? Do you consider if you are living a life that is pleasing to Him? Jesus stated in John 8:29 that “I always do the things that are pleasing to Him.” God acknowledged that he indeed was pleased with Jesus as the apostle Peter…

Life Isn’t Fair, But It Isn’t God’s Fault!

[387 words] The atheist would argue that the reason life isn’t fair is because there is no God. The agnostic would say that life’s “unfairness” is “evidence” of why he or she can’t make his/her mind up about God. The apathetic, religious person would point to life’s lack of fairness as the reason why he…

Proper Fear

[329 words] It seems as though the world is talking about the Ebola virus right now. Many are in a panic. Many are terrified. Proper fear can be a good thing. Recognizing something to be a threat is good. Formulating a plan to stay safe is good. Putting the safety plan into action is good.…

Are You Passing on Your Faith?

[349 words] “For I am mindful of the sincere faith within you, which first dwelt in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am sure that it is in you as well” (2 Tim. 1:5). I remember well the name of Howard Hughes. Hughes’ life started with great potential, but his life ended…

I Wish I Would Have…

[354 words] I wish I would not have played so timidly during my high school basketball career. I wish I would not have taken chapel attendance as a suggestion my freshmen year of college. I wish, I wish, I wish… The list could go on and on in my life and I’m sure you could…

Giving Ourselves First to the Lord

[300 words] Christ gave Himself up for us, and so, we live this life in our flesh by faith in the Son of God (Eph 5:1; Gal 2:20) to the service and blessing of one another. As husbands, we give ourselves up for our wives (Eph. 5:25). As fathers, we give ourselves to the nurturing…

The Corinthian Error

[302 words] The Corinthian church was slipping away from the pattern that their Master had set for them to follow. The way they were observing the Lord’s Supper was one of the main problems in this area as it was being eaten with a common meal. The Corinthian brethren had totally lost the significance of…

Am I My Brother’s Keeper?

[327 words] We all know the story of Cain and Abel. From childhood, we learned the awful story of how Cain out of anger and jealousy killed his own brother. Cain was the world’s first murderer. He is one of most infamous villains in the history of the world. Yet there may be more of…

A ‘Can Do’ Attitude

[353 words] I remember back in my 9th grade English class, one of my assignments was to make an “eye can.” The teacher asked each one of us in the class to bring to school an empty and clean vegetable can. When the day arrived to complete the “eye can” assignment, she asked each of…
Funny Jokes for Church Bulletin

On the Lighter Side (December 2014)

[328 words] Four-year-old to her two-year-old sister: “Let’s play Christmas. I’ll be Santa Claus and you can be a present and I’ll give you away.” — A man was applying for credit at a department store. Clerk: What do you do for a living? Man: I’m a tree trimmer. Clerk: What do you do after…

Rise and Shine!

[394 words] I was conscious enough at 6 a.m. Monday through Friday to hear my dad step inside our doorway and turn on the light. My dad would say, “Rise and shine, my sons!” We got up to our daily chores of cooking breakfast, making coffee, fixing mom and dad’s lunch pails and their thermoses,…

For the Joy of It

[307 words] The Hebrews writer advised his readers to always be “looking unto Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and hath sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2). Notice that phrase, “for…

Are You a Spectator?

[362 words] The American League and National League division games in Major League Baseball have been great, haven’t they? Okay, so the Tigers didn’t have the start we’d like, but there are more opportunities to win, aren’t there? When one goes to a baseball, football or basketball game, that person goes as a spectator. There…

An Unnecessary Exercise

[371 words] A man was hoeing his garden in a chair. Said the passerby to himself, “What laziness!” However, closer observation revealed to the passerby a pair of crutches leaning against the chair. The passerby was guilty of that unnecessary exercise called “jumping to conclusions.” Be honest! Very little effort is required for attaching the…

Time Well Spent

[311 words] Most if not all of us are fam i liar with financial budgets. In them, you make a list of all your available resources each month and a list of all your expenditures for each month. The goal is to arrive at a place where your income is higher than your outgo. To…

You and Satan

[368 words] The Scriptures warn us about the devil. He is not our friend, he is our foe. He doesn’t love us, he hates us. He is not for us, he is against us. He indeed is our number one enemy; therefore, Peter admonishes, “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like…

A Fitting Memorial

[372 words] On the morning of February 19, 1945, the fourth and fifth divisions of the United States Marine Corps invaded Iwo Jima after a 72-hour bombardment. Four days later, the men of the 28th regiment of the fifth division captured Mt. Suribachi. Five Marines and a Navy corpsman planted the U.S. flag in what…

Do You Ever Forget What You Are Doing?

[362 words] Have you ever deliberately walked into a room, gone back to your house, or driven to a store only to forget why you went in there, in the first place? Many of us have done this, unintentionally, of course! We may feel dumb or scatter-brained when it happens. We may even get frustrated.…