Think-fulness Leads to Thankfulness

[195 words] Did you know that our English words “think” and “thank” come from the same root? I believe that brings forth an important concept. Our thankfulness is based upon our “think”fullness. In other words, we can always give thanks if we just give it some thought. That’s what David seems to be doing in…

Some Unusual Things for Which to Be Thankful

[325 words] Be thankful that you don’t already have everything you desire…it means you have something to look forward to. Be thankful when you don’t know…it gives you opportunity to learn. Be thankful for difficult times…it is during those times you grow. Be thankful for limitations…they give you opportunities for improvement. Be thankful for a…

Expecting Unexpected Turbulence

[276 words] On a recent overseas flight, first the flight attendant and then the captain announced over the intercom that the seatbelt signs had been turned on because they were “expecting unexpected turbulence.” There’s nothing like a good oxymoron to entertain exhausted airplane passengers. However, the long flight gave me ample time to contemplate the…

You Can’t Fool God

[88 words] You can fool the hapless public, You can be a subtle fraud, You can hide your little meanness, But you can’t fool God! You can advertise your virtues, You can self achievement laud, You can load yourself with riches, But you can’t fool God! You can criticize the Bible You can be a…

I Can’t Go To Church Today

[257 words] “I cannot go to church today,” Said little Peggy Ann Mckay. “I have the measles and the mumps, A gash, a rash and purple bumps. My mouth is wet, my throat is dry, I’m going blind in my right eye. My tonsils are as big as rocks, I’ve counted sixteen chicken pox And…

Who Is God?

  [116 words] He is the Creator of all that exists (Gen. 1:1). He is a Spirit (John 4:23-24). He is all-powerful (Psalms 89:8), all-knowing (Rom. 8:27), present everywhere (Psalms 139:7-10), and does not change (Malachi 3:6; James 1:7). He is great (Duet. 5:24) and He is good (Psalm 33:5). He is loving (John 3:16),…

The Colors of Love

[142 words] Purple was the robe, the beaten Jesus wore (Matt. 27:28) Brown, the thorny crown which in much pain He bore (Matt. 27:19) White, the sinlessness from which He didn’t shrink (Heb. 4:15) Yellow, the bitter gall that He’d refuse to drink (Matt. 27:34) Green, the lovely plants nearby Calvary’s hill (John 19:41) Red,…

Ten Things to Avoid

[52 words] 1. Remorse over yesterday’s failure. 2. Anxiety over today’s problems. 3. Worry over tomorrow’s uncertainty. 4. Procrastination with one’s duty. 5. Resentment of someone’s success. 6. Criticism of a neighbor’s imperfections. 7. Hatred of another’s differences. 8. Impatience with youth’s inexperience. 9. Skepticism of the church’s future. 10. Unbelief in God’s providence…. We…


[390 words] We have so much for which to be thankful! Every single day our Might God blesses us with numerous good things. As those who have been blessed, we have a responsibility to Our Lord to show Him gratitude. In fact, Jesus actually expects us to say “thanks” when He blesses (Luke 17:17). With…

Be All You Can Be

[297 words] As Christians are we being ALL WE CAN BE? We all have talent that allows us to make contributions to the expansion of God’s Kingdom. When we don’t utilize our talents we have a tendency to utilize excuses. Moses struggled with this as well. We know Moses as a Leader but he also…

Don’t ‘Just Say No!’

[331 words] During the 1980’s when the War On Drugs began, one of the phrases developed to deter teens and young adults to stay away from drugs was called, “Just Say No!” Of course the idea was if you were approached to partake in drug use, everyone was encouraged to “Just Say No!” If you…

Lest We Think God Doesn’t Care About How We Worship

[531 words] Worship is vital to the church. Reading the New Testament, we find the church coming together for worship each Lord’s day (Acts 20:7) and Christians being encouraged not to fall into a habit of being absent (Hebrews 10:25). We find that worship was regulated and that God, through the inspired writers, gave five…

Singing Brings Us into God’s Presence

[232 words] Psalms 100 was intended to be a song of praise in the Old Testament worship. There is evidence that this psalm (among others) was part of New Testament worship, as well.* The psalm, in its entirety, is quoted here. “Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the lands! Serve the Lord with…

Jesus Never Had an Obituary

[583 words] Many of us often make it a habit of reading the obituaries to see which one of our classmates, co-workers, friends, and family have gone on to meet their reward.   Obituaries tell us about where a person was born, lived, one’s immediate family history, one’s occupation, hobbies, and many other things, as well…

A Solid Foundation

[237 words] Earthquakes capture the interest of the world. The tragedy is indescribable. Homes, office buildings, and highways were built and people were assured they were safe. Yet the buildings and roadways have proven to be extremely unsafe. Great damage was done and lives were lost as a result. Almost 2,000 years ago Jesus said…
Funny Jokes for Church Bulletin

On The Lighter Side (November 2017)

[205 words] Heavy Holidays The checkout clerk at the supermarket was unusually cheerful even though it was near closing time. “You must have picked up a ton of groceries today,” a customer said to the checker. “How can you stay so pleasant?” “We can all count our blessings,” the clerk replied. “The hardest part of…

Christianity Vs. Patriotism

[421 words] Racism. Patriotism. Football. Protests. Christianity. Maybe by now, you’re all tired of the rhetoric. Some of it has been unkind, some unreasonable, and some just coarse (as heard from our President). But I hope that you will find the brief thoughts below to be none of those things, and actually helpful. Please consider:…

Truth Makes No Retreat

[48 words] When right is wrong and wrong is right, With truth turned upside down; When night is day and day is night, And candor can’t be found; Has come the time to turn and run? Should saints admit defeat? Remember, friend, we’ve just begun, And truth makes no retreat! Dalton Key Broken Arrow, OK……

The Need for Mercy

[153 words] A mother of one of Napoleon’s men was pleading for the life of her son who had deserted his post. It was a heartfelt plea. “Please spare my son,” she begged. Napoleon replied, “If justice is to be met, he must hang!” “But sir,” she pleaded, “I’m not asking for justice, I’m begging…

GPS Signal Lost!

[316 words] This is all I heard when I had Laura’s broken cell phone thinking I had just cured what was ailing it. Thankfully, though, I was made aware of the recurring problem. How do we know when we’ve lost our ‘signal’ with God? When our relationship is not in-sync with His will? First things…

Have You Heard The Good News?

[239 words] The “Good News” is the saving Gospel message of Jesus Christ. We must understand and share the story of our Lord and Savior. Acts 2 teaches us the confidence we have in the One who saves us. Acts 2:22 – He was a man. Acts 2:22 – God showed us who He was…

Whosoever Will

[135 words] In Matthew 8:2, a leper knelt before Jesus and said, “Lord, if you will, you can make me clean.” Jesus responded by saying, “I will; be clean” (Matt. 8:3). Indeed, Jesus was willing to do a great deal. He was willing to leave the glory of Heaven (Phil. 2:6-8). He was willing to…

Because God is Light

[232 words] But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin” 1 John 1:7. Because God is light, we cannot have fellowship with Him if there is any darkness in us at all.…

Being Secure in an Unsafe World – A Study of Psalms 46

[408 words] How can we be secure living in an unsafe world? The Psalmists tells us through their own experiences: “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble” (Psalms 46). That’s where we can find true security and peace. In Psalms 46, we are reminded of three things: Our Security is in…

The Anatomy of Proverbs

[218 words] Recently, as I was reading in the book of Proverbs, I noticed several references to parts of the body. Here are just a few: Hair. Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life (Proverbs 16:31). Head. Blessings are on the head of the righteous, but the mouth…

How Long Do You Want This Church To Be Here?

[219 words] When we build our church buildings how long do we want them to last?  Would we be OK with a contractor that only made a structure good for fifteen years? Would we be satisfied if need to do it all over again in thirty years? If the place is crumbling a few years…

There’s No Comparison!

[123 words] Man-made Religion Says: “One way is as good as another.” The New Testament Says: “There is only one way.” (John 14:6) Man-made Religion Says: “One faith is as good as another.” The New Testament Says: “There is only one faith.” (Eph. 4:5) Man-made Religion Says: “One church is as good as another.” The…

Peace from Pain

[55 words] When days are rough, and times seem tough, And we’re ‘neath much stress and strain; Just trust the Lord, and heed His Word And He will bring peace from the pain. Peace from pain we will gain, He has promised, and He will bring; He will employ eternal joy And peace from pain…

To Whom Does the Law Speak?

[233 words] Paul answers the above question in Romans 3:19. The law speaks to those who are under the law. It is obvious that the citizens of America are not subject to the laws of Russia. Paul had just quoted extensively from the Law of Moses (3:10-18) and the law said something to the Jews…

What Do We See?

[278 words] There are so many different doctrines on how to get to heaven, it makes one wonder what people actually see when they read the Bible. …What do you see when you read Peter’s answer to those on the Day of Pentecost who asked what to do to be saved, and he told them…

Four Thieves of the Crucifixion

[391 words] In the following article, Gary Puryear, talks about the thieves that were crucified with Jesus. We know that only two different men were crucified at the same time as Jesus was, but Gary discusses four different angles for us to consider. THE THIEF WHO REGRETTED (John 12:6). Oh the advantages Judas had! He…

Consider Yourself

[219 words] I am often asked my opinion about someone else’s standing with God. “They did so-and-so. If they refuse to repent, will they be lost?” Jesus was asked similar questions. Someone said, “Lord, will those who are saved be few?” And he said to them, “Strive to enter through the narrow door. For many,…

How to Learn

[90 words] Some never listen to any speaker or read any book not already known to agree with most of his or her preferences and prejudices. Minds already made up seek no new or differing facts. However, we grow and learn by being exposed to new thoughts and different thinkers. Truth adequately understood has nothing…
Funny Jokes for Church Bulletin

On The Lighter Side (October 2017)

[230 words] How to Get to Heaven? A teacher asked the children in her Sunday School class, “If I sold my house and my car, had a big garage sale and gave all my money to the church, would I get into heaven?” “NO!” the children all answered. “If I cleaned the church every day,…

Obstruction of View

[340 words] “And there was a man named Zacchaeus. He was a chief tax collector and was rich. And he was seeking to see who Jesus was, but on account of the crowd he could not. because he was small of stature. So he ran on ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree to…

Watch for Briars

[389 words] “And that which fell among thorns are they, which, when they have heard, go forth, and are choked with cares and riches and pleasures of this life, and bring no fruit to perfection” (Luke 8:14). The world has always offered man pleasure. It has always suffocated spirituality because men love darkness rather than…


[330 words] There was a father who was known by his family to be a chronic growler. He complained about everything. He was sitting one day with his family in the presence of a guest in the living room when the subject of food came up. One of the children, a little girl, was telling…

He Was a Very Meticulous Man

[143 words] He always took his trash to the curb on the day it was to be picked up. He never let his grass grow above two inches tall. He paid his bills a week ahead of time to avoid late fees. He never had over two cups of coffee in the morning. He washed…

Tear Jerkers

[231 words] If you are on the internet you have probably received some tear jerker stories that play on your emotions. I have one about a world-wide crisis with a terrible disease and only one little boy could provide a remedy…it would take all of his blood. The mom and dad were asked to sacrifice…

Walking the Walk

[252 words] Many give lip service to the Bible and claim to believe that it is the Word of God. When Jesus was walking the earth, the Jews thought they were worshiping God when in reality they were just following the traditions and commands of men. Jesus said this worship was vain or useless (Matthew…


[264 words] Recently I was asked the following question: “We are in a different time, yes, we serve the same God. However if our worship is sincere, yet strays from the old days, is that somehow less pleasing before God? I think not!” How would you answer this question? We do live in “a different…

Failure Need Not Be Fatal

[455 words] History books are filled with biographies of failures who made good. From them we can learn the valuable lesson that failure need not be fatal. The first President of the United States—the father of our country—lost two-thirds of the battles he fought during the Revolutionary War. But George Washington won the war, founded…

What to Expect on Your First Visit

[189 words] A warm welcome, but not a twenty-question interrogation. We know the value of low-key. A simple service—no showy production—just ordinary people offering God sincere worship. Communion with the Lord. We take the Lord’s Supper every Sunday, as the early church did (Acts 20:7; l Corinthians ll). It’s spiritual and meaningful. A Bible sermon.…

Our Treasure

[389 words] As you know, one of Jesus‘ favorite teaching tools were parables. I have heard parables defined as earthly stories with a heavenly meaning. I like that definition, and I think it perfectly describes the short parable we will discuss which is found in Matthew 13:44. “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden…

A Listening Ear

[109 words] When a heart is troubled And the pain too much to bear A listening ear is needed. Do you have an ear to spare? Tears flow freely down the face When no one seems to care. Your listening is needed, Will your ear be there? When troubled words pour out, The pain is…

A Judge’s Haunting Words

[217 words] I went to Sunday school when I was small and learned all about God. After I was married I decided to go again and take my children. I couldn’t persuade my husband to go, but the children and I went regularly for a year. Then I skipped a Sunday. And soon I skipped…

A Lesson from a Child

[440 words] A certain father was trying to teach his son the value of sacrificing for the things we really want in life. At the moment the boy could think of nothing grander than to own a BB gun. His father wanted to help, so he told the son that he would double anything that…

A Loving Father

[317 words] I recall an interview I once read of a young teenage girl. At one point in the exchange, she remarked, ”l know for a fact that my parents don’t love me.” Why do you think this teenage daughter said that? Here’s what ran through my mind when I read those words. Perhaps her…

Right Thinking

[35 words] Think not of past years, When you fell on your chin, Think not of yesterday, And what could have been. Think of today, And what lies within, Think of tomorrow, And the victories to win. Edd Sterchi Campbellsville, KY… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You…

What Is Your Focus?

[312 words] Jesus went into the desert looking for a place to pray. However, when he and his apostles went ashore they discovered a huge crowd of people. Scripture says that there were about 5000 men. (Counting the women and children, I’m guessing that there were 10,000 or more people.) After a full day of…

How We Are to Love Others

[328 words] We can see division and dislike for others in our society. The challenge to love others may exist in our community, workplace, or family for one reason or another. Scripture accurately and carefully guides us when it comes to how we are to love others. How can we love? Galatians 5:13 says, “For…

Indispensable Supports

[327 words] In his farewell address of 1796, George Washington famously stated, “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to a political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.” A couple of years later John Adams said, “We have no government armed in power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and…

When Slavery is a Good Thing

[296 words] Slavery. The mere mention of the word evokes emotions of the deepest sort, none of them positive. The thought of one group forcibly taking the innocent from their homes and families, chaining them up like dogs, and subjecting them to merciless physical and mental abuse is repugnant to sensible people, and rightly so.…

Does God Hear Your Voice?

[168 words] What better way to begin one’s day than in communion with God? I know that mornings can be among the busiest parts of the day, especially if you do what I do too often – keep hitting the snooze button until I end up in a mad scramble to get out of the…

What Did Jesus Give Up For Us?

[491 words] We often talk about what all Jesus gave on our behalf, i.e. He gave His blood (Matt. 26:28; Acts 20:28). And it is right and good to focus on what Jesus gave. But I would like to focus for a few moments on the things Jesus gave up for us. The text in…

A Wise Answer

[232 words] A little girl, age 3, was riding in a taxi with her mother when she pointed to the driver and asked, “Mommy, why is he so black?” The mother noticed that the man’s shoulders stiffened at the question. She hastily searched for the right words that would satisfy both the driver and her…
Funny Jokes for Church Bulletin

On the Lighter Side (September 2017)

[344 words] Beware of Dog? As the stranger enters a country store, he spots a sign: “Danger! Beware of Dog!” Inside, he sees a harmless old hound asleep in the middle of the floor. “Is that the dog we’re supposed to beware of?” he asks the owner. “That“s him,” comes the reply. “He doesn’t look…

Real Reality

[373 words] Shortly after a Cub’s game, Yusef Dale, a blind man carrying a cane, was standing near the curb outside Wrigley Field in Chicago. He tried repeatedly and unsuccessfully to ‘flag down” a taxi in order to travel home. Casey Spelman, from Indiana, was a stranger to Yusef and was standing nearby with her…

A Sermon Never Forgotten

[366 words] Throughout the years I have heard many wonderful sermons which I have forgotten, but one sermon have I seen, and it has remained in my heart until this day. It happened on a Sunday morning when I was on my way to one of the two small congregations in Munich, Germany, on a…

A Loyal Heart

[240 words] One of the strangest verses in the Bible (my opinion) is found in 2 Chronicles 25:2. It is about king Amaziah. It says “he did what was right in the sight of the Lord, but not with a loyal heart” (NKJV). Normally I can’t see into your heart. But God can, and He…

Trusting God

[199 words] Many have memorized the 23rd Psalm, but have you ever noticed the prayer of David in the 25th Psalm? “To You, O Lord, I lift up my soul. O my God, I trust in You, Let me not be ashamed; Let not my enemies triumph over me. Indeed, let no one who waits…

Persons of Conviction

[432 words] A traveling preacher in pioneer days asked a backwoods woman if she had any religious convictions. She said, “Naw, nor my ole man neither. He was tried for hog stealin’ once, but he warn’t convicted.” Some people understand the word conviction about as much as this woman did. Yet conviction is the very…

Good Exercise

[149 words] Did you get your exercise today? What if we would walk with the Lord? Walking with the Lord in the Bible means living for the Lord daily. Second Corinthians 4:16 reminds us to be renewed day by day. We do this by: 1. Every day let God say something to you (Psalm 119:11,…

Withstand the Ridicule

[300 words] The first surviving visual representation of Jesus’ crucifixion comes from graffiti scratched on a stone in a guardroom on Palatine Hill near the Circus Maximus in Rome. (Open your web browser and Google ”The Alexamenos Graffito.”) It is a crude drawing of a man with the head of a donkey hanging on a…

Silent Violins

[202 words] Luigi Tarisio was found dead one morning with scarce a comfort in his home, but with 246 exquisite violins, which he had been collecting all his life, crammed into an attic, the best in the bottom drawer of an old rickety bureau. In his devotion to the violin, he had robbed the world…

Are You Too Busy?

[302 words] A merchant sat at his desk, and all around him were letters, bills and other evidences that he was much absorbed in the details of his business. A gospel preacher entered and said, “I have come to try to interest you in a matter of great importance. I would like to talk to…

She Invited a Friend!

[327 words] This is the true story of a four-year old girl. Each Sunday morning and Wednesday night a little girl named Becky would skip out her front door and over to the next door with a tender knock. Becky’s question was simply, “Can Denise come to church with us today?” Most of the time…

How to Have a Great Marriage

[211 words] Your marriage does not have to be just good. It can be great! What separates good marriages from great ones? Give God His place in your marriage. Remember that Solomon said, “A threefold cord is not quickly broken” (Ecclesiastes 4:12). Couples who strive to build a relationship with Christ at its center enjoy…

When is a Shark Not a Shark?

[225 words] Surely you saw it on TV about a man who was going to race a great white shark. I didn’t see the show but I believe the shark won the race. But then the rage started. People found out that the shark was not real. It really was all a stunt, a farce.…

Finding Ourselves

[293 words] She was described by those leading the search as “Asian, about 160 cm, in dark clothing and speaks English well.” The woman had been reported missing from an Icelandic tour bus after her fellow travelers claimed that she had gotten off the bus but never returned. It turned out that she had, in…

When We Walk With God, the Best is Yet to Come

[202 words] Youth! As children, we thought that there wasn’t anything we couldn’t achieve. And we believed we could become anything. Astronauts, famous scientists, sports stars, movie stars, presidents, and generals! But then we grew older. Life began to beat us down. Victories were fewer than defeats. Health began to wane. And most people my…

Long Walk Part of Gift

[316 words] A missionary’s wife was once teaching some children in Africa about the value of giving. She quoted Acts 20:35 where our Savior is quoted as saying, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” One little African boy soaked in every word and then decided to live out her teaching, but he…


[387 words] We expect the artists of our day, such as poets, composers, and painters, to point the masses to another world by exciting the senses and exposing the world to that which is beautiful. Such was the case with the biblical poets as well. The Psalmist often spoke of the amazing beauty of God.…

I Wonder…

[101 words] If I were chosen to repeat the story of Jesus today, could I ably tell the powerful gospel as Philip, or Peter? If I were sought out to care for the sick and invalid would I do as well as Tabitha or the Samaritan? If I were asked to travel to an unfamiliar…

To Be More Like Jesus

[527 words] There is a wonderful transformation that takes place in the heart and mind of one who follows Jesus. Jesus’ disciples turn from darkness to light, and shift from serving sin to serving the Savior. This wonderful change produces peaceable fruit. No longer do we seek revenge or look to get even for every…

Only What You Bring In

[227 words] “You don’t get much sunshine in here, do you?” remarked a woman to an elevator operator as she entered a large department store. “Only what you bring in,” replied the elevator operator. “Some folks carry enough sunshine around with them to light others up a bit,” she replied. That’s really very true! We…

Back To School? Please Pray For Our Children!

[187 words] As school begins, we must monitor our kids each day. Brad Harrub identified reasons we are losing our children along with solutions to ensure our kids will remain steadfast in their walk with Christ. Reasons We Are Losing Our Kids: 1. Lack of Knowledge (Hosea 4:6, 1 Peter 3:15). 2. Lack of Combat…
Funny Jokes for Church Bulletin

On The Lighter Side (August 2017)

[340 words] Nice Guy One night a teenage girl brought her new boyfriend home to meet her parents, and they were appalled by his appearance: leather jacket, motorcycle boots, tattoos, and a pierced nose. Later, the parents pulled their daughter aside and confessed their concern. “Dear,” said the mother diplomatically, “he doesn’t seem very nice.”…

The Choice ls Ours

[378 words] A young psychology student went into the army. Drawing KP duty, he decided to test a long-held theory of his concerning the power of the positive. He was given the job of passing out apricots at the end of the chow line. Now if you have ever tasted army apricots, you will understand…

Something Special About That Day

[329 words] “Upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight” (Acts 20:7). Note the time: the first day of the week. Note the purpose: to break bread (the Lord’s Supper, 1 Corinthians…

Securing Your Future?

[473 words] “My family will never go hungry.” A famous athlete was talking about the millions of dollars he had made in his career. In one way we can appreciate his concern for his children and the way he had managed his money. He hadn’t neglected his family or squandered his wealth. But it was…

What Do You Believe?

[115 words] Give book and chapter, also verse for your belief today Otherwise you’d better find the right and better way. One day His word will judge your life is what your Savior said He died upon the cross for you then rose up from the dead. The perfect sacrifice for sin this precious Lamb…
Funny Jokes for Church Bulletin

On the Lighter Side (July 2017)

[327 words] Beware of Dog? As the stranger enters a country store, he spots a sign: “Danger! Beware of Dog!” Inside, he sees a harmless old hound asleep in the middle of the floor. “Is that the dog we’re supposed to beware of?” he asks the owner. “That’s him,” comes the reply. “He doesn’t look…

Jesus and Crowds

[233 words] Crowds followed Christ. He could have used the crowds that followed Him to have thrown Jerusalem and Palestine into a turmoil. But Christ would not sacrifice truth and righteousness for a crowd. When Christ saw that the crowds were following Him for what they could get, that their motives were wrong, and that…

‘The Internet Is Where Religion Goes To Die’

[318 words] On September 29, 2011, I debated Blair Scott, the Director of Communications for American Atheists, Inc. During the debate, he made several comments regarding religion in general and Christianity specifically. One of the more memorable statements he made was: “The Internet is where religion goes to die.” I remember sitting on stage thinking…

When God Is Silent

[488 words] Those reading this article will likely agree that we should do what God says in his word. When God has given a commandment, those who love God will obey (I John 5:3). But how should we interpret God’s silence? In cases in which God has given no instruction, do we have the authority…

Too Rich to Sleep?

[294 words] In Eccl. 5:12 we read: The sleep of a labouring man is sweet, whether he eat little or much: but the abundance of the rich will not suffer him to sleep. Many are those who lose sleep worrying about bills. The visions of looming debt and hardship often chases sleep away. Were there…

When We All Get to Heaven

[195 words] There is a wondrously upbeat song that many love to sing in our worship services. The refrain goes like this: When we all get to Heaven, What a day of rejoicing that will be! When we all see Jesus, We’ll sing and shout the victory! The problem with that song is that not…

How Can We Improve Our Self-Esteem?

[413 words] Self-esteem is a vital component in Christians growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ (2 Pet. 3:18). Here are some things to remember that can help us improve our self-esteem. Remember that we are created in God’s image (Gen. 1:26). God has given us humans something that nothing else of His…

The Spring Will Come

[182 words] In the dead of winter, a young man was told by his father to fetch some firewood. When he got to the wood box outside, he found it empty. Not wanting to disappoint his father, we went looking about their farmstead and found a tree that looked quite dead and he sawed it…

Forgive and Forget

[396 words] The phrase “forgive and forget” has been in the English language for a long time. An older member of the church once commented to me concerning forgiving and forgetting, “I don’t know which is harder to do!” As difficult as they are for us humans to do–do them we must if we are…

No Matter What – Remember This

[84 words] • No matter what you’ve done– you’re not a terrible person. • No matter what you’ve done– it’s no worse than what I’ve done. • No matter what you’ve done– Jesus died for you. • No matter what you’ve done– His grace can cover your sins. • No matter what you’ve done– God…

Chain Up

[304 words] Imagine being caught up in a rip current and being helplessly swept away into the sea. Imagine nobody being around to help bring you to safety. That’s not what happened a few days ago on a Florida beach. While several members of a family were caught up in a very strong rip current…

10 Promises from the Book of Proverbs

[116 words] 1. God gives healing to those who confess Him (3:6-8). 2. The Lord does not let the righteous go hungry (10:3). 3. The Lord protects those whose way is upright (10:29). 4. The Lord blesses the Godly giver with more (10:24). 5. When you are kind to the poor, the Lord repays our…

Missing Our Loved Ones

[325 words] Not an hour fades from the clock that doesn’t find us thinking about, missing, or longing to be with our friends, neighbors, family members, or spouse that has already passed away. We know the void we have is a result of the deep love we shared. We are confident in the expectation of…

Overcoming Temptation

[298 words] We are constantly tempted with sin. How do we prepare? How do we cope? Scripture says, “No temptations has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation He will also provide the way of escape,…

It Is a Lot of Garbage

[280 words] What the biggest man-made structure? You might be thinking the Pyramids, the Great Wall of China, or One World Trade Center. However, those are all wrong….maybe. What do we mean by biggest? Tallest? Widest? Takes up the most area? Even the term ‘man-made structure’ is problematic. What if we really weren’t planning on…

I Shall Not be Moved

[219 words] In Psalm 16:8 we read of the great support we receive through God’s strength: “I have set the Lord always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.” The same faith held by the Psalmist is that which should uphold us today. As Paul says in Romans…

What a Friend We Have in Jesus

[195 words] “A man who has friends must himself be friendly, But, there is a Friend who sticks closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24). We all have a Friend. Jesus left heaven to come to earth to live–and die–for you and me. He was tempted just as we are so He would know the trials…

Hold to Good People

[172 words] All of us know that “evil companions corrupt good morals” (1 Corinthians 15:33). But many of us seem to prefer the company of bad people rather than good people. Good people will be at worship on Sunday. They will sing praise to God, pray and study together; but many had rather sit beside…