A Worship Experience

[304 words] When it comes to corporate worship of the church, should Christians seek a worship experience or seek to offer worship? Should followers of Christ choose a worship style that suits them, or worship by divine biblical design? How much of our worship style is left to liberty and tradition? When considering the state…

The Road to a Serpent’s Bite

[397 words] The wise man Solomon gave specific warnings that most people ignore. He said that a loose tongue will get you into trouble (Prov. 18:7). He warned that pride will bring a man low (Prov. 16:18). He said that toying with lust is like playing with fire (Prov. 6:25-29). Millions pay a heavy price…

Let God Make You Over

[320 words] In the book of Jeremiah, we get a very visual picture of us and God working in our lives. In the opening verses of chapter 18 are these words: “The word which came to Jeremiah from the LORD, saying: ‘Arise and go down to the potter’s house, and there I will cause you…

Reasons to Read the Bible Each Day

[322 words] There is no way to know all the challenges, trials, triumphs, and sorrows the year will bring. However, one thing is certain: you will have a better year if you read the Bible each day. The following are reasons to read the Bible each day: Read the Bible to increase your faith. “So…

Christianity in Common

[361 words] The beautiful thing about the gospel is that it brings people together. People from every race, nationality, gender, and social class have united under the banner of Christ. People with every background imaginable have dropped off their baggage at the foot of the cross. One could travel the world and find the New…
Walking in Park

Stepping Toward the Future

[369 words] The new year will soon be upon us and I’m sure we are all individually making plans for our future. As we make steps toward completing our desires and expectations, there are some things to remember. The great apostle Paul can help us through his example in Philippians 3:12-14. As we step toward…

You Could Have Done That

[393 words] Carol Bartz was the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of Yahoo. In an interview while at a forum at Georgia State University she was asked what the best advice was she had been given. She said it came from her grandmother, who raised her, on a farm in Minnesota. “I was in the machine…

I Will Sing With Understanding

[302 words] Some of the songs we sing may be difficult for us to understand if we are unfamiliar with the “poetic license” employed by the authors. The Friendly Visitor bulletin from a church of Christ in Oklahoma City gives the following information about songs which might help you better understand some difficult wording. EBON…

How One Person Made a Difference at Thanksgiving

[357 words] With Thanksgiving getting closer, I am reminded about the amazing story of how God used a Native American (Indian) named Squanto to bless the Pilgrims who settled in America. Historical accounts of Squanto’s life vary, but around 1608 a group of European traders sailed to what is today Plymouth, Massachusetts. When the trusting…
Man with red beard and glasses

We Must Be Ready

[331 words] Recently I read an article with this title: “10 of the Fanciest Entries from the World Beard and Mustache Championships.” As I continued to read I found that about three hundred men, from nine different countries, spent the entire year trying to win the title: World’s Greatest Beard. This made me think about…

The Ripple Effect

[370 words] A relay was tripped at the Sir Adam Beck Power Station on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls. The stage had been set when the relay was inadvertently set too low a few days before; it tripped at 5:16 p.m. on November 9, 1965. It was this incident that inspired the 1968 film,…

Freedom is Not Free

[320 words] Inscribed on the Korean War Memorial are the words, “Freedom Is Not Free.” Every time I think of these words I think of two aspects of my freedom. First, I think of my rights as an American citizen. It is a great blessing to live in a country where I have so many…

Are You Living Up to Your Name?

[313 words] Nestled in the little New Testament book of Philemon is a wonderful jewel of example and instruction. First, let’s look at a little background. A Christian in Colossae by the name of Philemon owned a slave that had run away from him. Ending up in Rome, the slave, Onesimus, had become converted to…

Are You Afraid

[304 words] Are you afraid of anything?  As a child, I was scared of a monster under my bed.  One afternoon my family was working outside, it was cold and I was wearing a winter coat and boots.  As it was getting dark outside my parents told me to go inside and get ready for…

Gaslighting by Satan

[354 words] We often hear the term “gaslight” referring to someone’s political speech, moral matters, theological ideas, or  point of view. To gaslight is means to induce someone to question their sanity and grasp of reality by manipulating his or her perceptions.  Those who “gaslight” use propaganda, logical fallacies, and half truths  to convince those…

The Autumn Years

[303 words] Time passes so quickly. This afternoon, I stood and looked out the back door, watching the yellow leaves from the elm tree float to the ground. The persimmon tree is full of its orange fruit and the possums will begin their nightly feast of the bitter plums. It is Fall once again. There…

I Know It’s Not Dead

[350 words] One of the marks of New Testament Christianity is that on the first day of the week, we give of our means, (our money) to help with the work of the church. Several passages of scripture teach us this (Acts 2:45, 1 Cor. 16:2). We are also taught the attitude in which we are…
Woman influencer recording a video

The Real Influencers

[320 words] You know what people who are really popular on YouTube, Instagram, or TikTok are called? Influencers. I guess because so many people follow them and are influenced by them. Well, let me tell you who the real influencers are supposed to be: Christians – you and me – and we don’t need to…

Don’t Blow It

[351 words] In 2 Timothy 2:15, Paul reminded Timothy (and through inference, us) that he was a worker for the Lord. But also in that verse are great bits of advice of how we are to perform our work. If you’ll forgive my cheesy rhyming to help with remembering the points, allow me to make…

I Think You Can

[338 words] Robert Rosenthal came to teachers with a new test called the Harvard Test of Inflected Acquisition. This test, he informed the instructors, could accurately predict kids that would excel in the coming year. The test was administered and the teachers were given the names of potentially high-achieving students. Rosenthal expressed to them that…

Gracious Faithfulness

[377 words] “Come and hear, all who fear God, and I will tell of what He has done for my soul. I cried to Him with my mouth, and He was extolled with my tongue. If I regard wickedness in my heart, the Lord will not hear; but certainly God has heard; He has given…

Does Secular Education Benefit Christianity?

[304 words] It has always been God’s will that His people teach their children about Him. Speaking of His commands He said, “You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise…

What Motivates You?

[370 words] We all could use some motivation from time to time to stay on the “strait and narrow.” And it’s always good to get advice from a seasoned Christian concerning matters like this. So let’s do so. Paul mentions in 2 Corinthians 5:9, “Therefore we make it our aim, whether present or absent, to…

‘Are You the Church That __?’

[357 words] I used to get phone calls frequently asking if we were the church that gave away furniture. There was another group in town that did. I do not ever get a call asking if we are the church mentioned in the Bible. People may not ask that question. Doctrine alone may not attract…

The City of Can’t

[399 words] You may have never heard of the city of Can’t. It was founded by settlers who didn’t want to go any further, since it was too much work to keep going, so they sat down and said, “We Can’t!”  Can’t became a place simply because folks had it in their heads that this…

Real Zeal

[315 words] What do you call an aquamarine aquatic mammal that expresses genuine enthusiasm for gelatinous foods? A teal seal that feels real zeal for congealed meals! (Go ahead and groan, if you must.) No, I didn’t write that joke, though those who know my sense of humor could easily see me coming up with…

A Hero

[372 words] The events that took place Saturday, July 13, at Donald Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania have the entire world talking. Some of the discussion centers around the apparent lack of security and ease with which the shooter got into position to attempt his evil deed. Nevertheless, one thing that jumped out to me (and…

The Local Church that God Desires

[358 words] As I study about the church in the pages of the New Testament, three important concepts concerning the local congregation keep coming to mind. It is very obvious that each congregation, as God desires it, must be… Scriptural. The church was founded by the Lord Himself (Matt. 16:18), and it is His desire…

He Who Has An Ear

[376 words] “I think a Christian can go anywhere,” said a young woman who was defending her attendance at some very doubtful places. “Certainly she can, why not?” said her friend. An older man spoke up and said, “There is nothing keeping her from going but many things will come back with her.” He went…

Bird Fight in the Church Parking Lot at Dawn!

[395 words] Wednesday morning, as I drove in, I noticed dark feathers flopping around on the parking lot. It looked like a bird had a broken wing and was trying to right himself. The wings kept fluttering, but the bird silhouette that is normal for a bird never emerged. I immediately wondered what happened. Was…

No One Came to Our Party

[306 words] After a few days of hard work, all the preparations had been made and it was time for the party. The tables were ready, filled with stacks of paper plates, plastic flatware, and cups. Cold drinks were iced and ready while the grill belched out smoke with the smell of cooking steaks. There…

The Unimportant Church Member

[335 words] Have you ever met a member of the church who was unimportant? You know the type—the one who says, “My presence in worship services is really not important. After all, I’m not a preacher, Bible class teacher, or a song leader.” Or someone might say, “I’m just a one-talent man. The service I…

Then Who, What, When, Where, Why?

[381 words] We are all familiar with the Five W’s of writing/reporting/journalism: Who? What? When? Where? and Why? Answering these helps people to understand all the details about certain situations. I have seen some of these used in the form of a personal question to help motivate people to action. Let’s use all of them…

Something Spiritual

[306 words] The Lord’s Supper is not just another “act” it is not something we just do. It is not just a tradition. It is not mystical. It is Scriptural. It is spiritual. Because the crucifixion of Jesus was spiritual and Scriptural. Jesus states, He could have called twelve legions of angels (Matthew 26:53). He…

Planting Seeds

[358 words] The springtime is seed time. Some seeds have already been planted for this year. Throughout the year those seeds will need to be watered for the plants to develop. Further nurturing will need to be done before harvest in the Fall. In the Bible the seed is the Word of God (Luke 8:11).…

Competing with Culture

[370 words] King Solomon knew he was in for a fight. He knew it would be a challenge to keep his children from giving in to the pagan culture that surrounded them. He would plead with his son to listen (knowing it was a very real possibility he wouldn’t): “Hear, my son, your father’s instruction,…

Bearing Fruit

[319 words] In Luke 13:6-9, Jesus tells the “Parable of the Fig Tree.” A certain man had a fig tree in his vineyard and one day went to get some of the sweet fruit but found none. He then told the gardener to cut down the tree because it had been barren for three years…

The Three Bears

[396 words] Once upon a time, there were three bears… No, no, no—that’s the wrong three bears. Far from a fairy tale, the three “bears” listed in Galatians 6 are vital to living a fulfilling Christian life. Of course, you may have already figured out that these are not the furry animals, but the concept…

Stephen and Cancel Culture

[381 words] Stephen was a man of tremendous courage who preached God’s Word with great boldness. On the occasion of Acts chapter 7, Stephen preached that he saw the heavens opened and Jesus standing at the right hand of God (Acts 7:56). In the audience that day were unbelieving Jews who rejected Christ. When they…

Sin Destroys the Heart

[395 words] Sin begins in the heart and works out through our lives. It comes out in our thoughts, actions, words, and character. David wrote: “Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence, And do not take Your Holy Spirit…

Sharing Our Faith

[381 words] Why are we afraid to share our faith? Why do we not share with others what God is doing in our lives, and about what Jesus means to us? Rejection is probably the number one reason we hold back. When we invite someone into conversation about Jesus Christ and they resist, it isn’t…

The Weight of Water

[338 words] A lecturer stood before an audience holding a glass of water in in his hand. “How heavy is this glass of water?” the lecturer asked. Answers called out ranged from 20g to 500g. The lecturer replied, “The absolute weight doesn’t matter. It depends on how long you try to hold it. If I…

Resolve to Involve Everything

[385 words] With the new year comes resolutions. We like a fresh start, and we generally feel that the start of a brand new year is best time to implement changes. I guess it’s because we look back on the previous year and analyze successes and failures and make decisions on what we need to…

The Nature of God

[339 words] The Bible is a rich document that provides us details and ideas into who God is. Three New Testament descriptions say that He is something: Spirit (John 4:24), Light (1 John 1:5), and Love (1 John 4:8). Yet, the Bible from cover to cover shows us much more about who God is. We…

The King and His Bible

[332 words] As God anticipated, the people of Israel would one day ask for a king. God spoke this prophecy by Moses in Deuteronomy 17:18-20. One of the most notable commands, and the one that Moses centers on in this passage, was the responsibility of each king of God’s people to make his own copy…

Stay Bold and Stay ‘Old’

[312 words] There is a saying among those who fly planes, “There are old pilots, and there are bold pilots—but there are no old, bold pilots.” While humorous, it makes a good point. Those who choose to fly by the seat of their pants run the risk of being prematurely laid to rest. My prayer…

Greed: What Are You Drawn To?

[375 words] I would be the last person chosen to counsel anyone when it comes to “money!” Additionally, I would never be elected to lecture on personal finance or budget development for an organization or business. But, after fifty years of living, I’ve learned money/possessions should be used as tools and not as something to…

What If Jesus Had Never Come?

[393 words] I cannot imagine trying to make it through life without having “the good shepherd” (John 10:11), who is the “one mediator between God and men” (1 Timothy 2:5) and the “King of kings and Lord of lords” (Revelation 19:16) in my corner. But what if Jesus had never come into this world “to…

God’s Holy Word

[330 words] In many nations, Bibles are still hard to obtain. Yet, many foreign governments are friendly enough to the study of the Bible that it is allowed into the public schools. Ironically, in our nation—the land of the free—this is not a liberty we are allowed to enjoy. The Word of God should be…

You Are Hereby Invited

[351 words] Scott Stallings, a three-time PGA winner, was hoping for an invite to the Masters after a good performance the previous year. The Masters golf tournament held each year at the Augusta National Golf course is one of the most exclusive golf events in the world. So Stallings had, as he said in a…

The Living Word for Dying Men

[379 words] No thought is more significant than that men are dying creatures. David said in 1 Chronicles 29:15, “our days on the earth are as a shadow, and there is none abiding. Job said that man “cometh forth like a flower, and is cut down; he fleeth also as a shadow, and continueth not”…

The Joy of Baptism

[310 words] “Then those who gladly received his word were baptized; and that day about three thousand souls were added to them” (Acts 2:41 NKJV). Did you catch that? Those who heard Peter’s message gladly received his word and were baptized! No arguing. No doubting. No denying. And no stalling. They were glad to hear…

Did Alexander Campbell Start the Church of Christ?

[347 words] It is not uncommon for someone to affirm that Alexander Campbell started the church of Christ. Recently, a preacher on television taught this and, as a member of the church of Christ, I feel obligated to address this matter. Alexander Campbell was a prominent man who lived and worked during the days of…

23,000 Breaths

[363 words] “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!” (Psalm 150:6). One of the good things about the Thanksgiving holiday is that we are “forced” to stop our busy, self-centered lives and count our blessings. It is so easy to take our blessings for granted! I was recently reminded of how…

Where is God?

[394 words] Once upon a time there was a young fish that heard other fishes taking about the sea. One day he thought, “I will go and find the sea.” So he set forth to find the sea. He searched for a long time but could not find it. Then he met another fish, and…

Down to Only One Fear

[349 words] WE NEED NOT FEAR: Economic Collapse. Whether the breaking of Social Security, a major stock market crash, the mounting U.S. debt, recession, the real estate bubble bursting, bankruptcy, out of control inflation, or job losses. “I have been young, and now am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his…

What Does the World Need?

[349 words] As time moves on, I am thankful for Jesus and the church. While having an attitude of gratitude, I also have a feeling of concern. I am concerned about the world really not knowing Jesus or having an understanding of the church. I know this is not a new concept, but our concern…

Ask What You Can Do for Your Congregation

[343 words] President John F. Kennedy proclaimed, “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country!” This challenge is a principle that should be the guide for all the citizens of the United States of America. We should desire to be citizens that want better for the…

Peter’s Final Words

[334 words] The great apostle and evangelist, Peter did some amazing things in his preaching career. In Acts 2, he delivered the first gospel sermon after Jesus’ resurrection and ascension. Acts 2:41 records that an astounding number responded to this and were baptized into Christ—almost 3,000! Peter continued preaching even though arrested several times, beaten,…

Living in a Right-Hand World

[388 words] I’m left-handed and throughout my life it has been a source of both inconvenience and at times downright difficult. For instance, when I started school as a kid the desk we sat at were right-handed, totally opened on the left side. When I tried to write or draw my left arm was up…

Writing Down the Reasons

[301 words] I heard of a man who said he was going to decide the question of becoming a Christian in a reasonable way. He was going to write down on one piece of paper all the reasons why he should become a Christian. On another piece of paper he would write down all the…

Victory Depends on the Vision

[337 words] I was born with extremely poor eyesight. My poor vision began to manifest itself in elementary school. At one point in the sixth grade my grades were horrible because of my vision. My mother was called in for a conference about my grades. I was terrified! I mean, the meeting wasn’t about some…

Jesus Never Went to Hell

[346 words] Though some translations erroneously use the English word “hell” and much tradition suggests Jesus went to hell, they are mistaken.  Matthew 16:18 (NASB95) says, “I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.” One enters…

A First Century Perspective

[330 words] The religious world looks at religion through 21st century glasses. Seldom does it really reach back to the first century. Yet, a first century perspective is exactly what is needed. If not, it is easy to make the Bible say things it never intended to say. Too, it causes individuals to use the…

When Jesus Doesn’t Come

[350 words] At separate times, both Martha and Mary said to Jesus, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died” (cf. John 11:21,32). There are a few ways to understand these grief-stricken words. First, it is likely these were often repeated words around the home: “If only Jesus was here.” It…

God is the God of Peace

[382 words] God told Moses to tell the priests how to bless God’s people in Numbers 6:23-27. The blessing we know, “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; The Lord lift His countenance upon you, and give you peace.” The Jewish…

Recommending the Great Physician

[304 words] A critical Pharisee once asked why Jesus ate with tax collectors and sinners. The Bible says, “When Jesus heard that, He said to them, ‘Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick’” (Matthew 9:12).When we are sick, it is to our great benefit to see a…

Understanding with the Heart

[385 words] He had been to a funeral during which he began thinking about the condition of his soul. He knew that he was lost and wanted to be saved. Now, sitting on the shoulder of the highway in his truck, sin-burdened and guilt-ridden, he looked up into the sky and began pouring out his…

The Value of Worship

[338 words] Have you ever asked the question, “Is worship valuable?” If you have not, ask yourself, “Is worship valuable to me?” Regarding worship, Jesus said, “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God…

Giving Back to Jesus

[373 words] The little book of Jude begins with some big reminders for Christians of all ages (both in time periods and in years). Let’s examine three from the first three verses. Always put Jesus first (v.1).The author of the epistle, Jude, was the half brother of Jesus Christ. And yet, rather than boasting about…

Bring Christ Your Broken Life

[395 words] When I visited Ukraine several years ago, I was impressed how beautiful everyone looked on the street and in the community. Men were wearing their finest suits and polished shoes, and women were wearing their most beautiful dresses, designer heels, and name-brand accessories. When I asked one of my Ukrainian companions about their…

Considering the Shepherd

[321 words] Considering men who may serve as elders in the church is a critical time within the life of a congregation. They will be entrusted with leadership which will affect the health and future of the congregation. The process is never to be taken lightly, and biblical guidance must be the criteria upon which…

Jesus is a Priest Forever

[354 words] Jesus is “a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek (Heb. 7:17). What does that even mean? Melchizedek is described earlier in the chapter as the “king of righteousness,” the “king of Salem,” and the “king of peace” (vs. 2). He is the one to whom Abraham paid tithes following his victory…

Jesus’ Family Tree

[315 words] Someone said, “Don’t shake the family tree too hard because some fruits and nuts may fall out!” I’ve found that to be true in my own family history research, and it holds true in the genealogy of Jesus too. I wonder how many people, as they begin reading the New Testament, just skip…

Are You Excited About the Church?

[358 words] In the Psalms, we see a certain eagerness and excitement connected with the “house of the Lord.” Now, the Lord’s house in those times was the tabernacle (and later the temple), and also used symbolically as faithfulness in God’s kingdom. But for today, we know that the church (the people of God) is…

The Influence of a Father

[340 words] As we go through life, we have different perspectives about our Dads. Here’s how one person summed it up: When I was… 4 years old, my Daddy could do anything. 7 years old, my Dad knew a lot, a whole lot. 8 years old, my father didn’t quite know everything. 12 years old,…

Finding Joy in a Joyless World

[324 words] Media outlets bombard us 24 hours a day with graphic accounts of depravity in our neighborhoods, cities, and schools. Thousands of ads per day tell us we must buy stuff in order to achieve self-worth, happiness, and fulfillment. And pharmaceutical companies will gladly treat whatever ails us, for a price that many cannot…

When You Are in Over Your Head

[348 words] Now it was about the sixth hour, and there was darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour. Then the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was torn in two. And when Jesus had cried out with a loud voice, He said, “Father, ‘into Your hands I commit My…

Trees Teach

[320 words] The trees are a part of God’s great creation and can teach us many great things about living a life for God. Here are some lessons we can learn from them. Have a solid foundation. Just as trees spread out a root system for support, so we should have a solid foundation in…

Hear God Speak About Faithfulness

[333 words] The faithful are preserved by God. “O love the Lord, all ye his saints: for the Lord preserveth the faithful, and plentifully rewardeth the proud doer” (Psalms 31:23). The faithful are blessed. “A faithful man shall abound with blessings: but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent” (Proverbs 28:20).…

God is in Control!

[396 words] When the Israelites were escaping from slavery with the Egyptians in hot pursuit, they stopped at the Red Sea. It seemed they were now between a rock and a hard place. But Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which He will…

Sin and the Solution

[306 words] The New Testament warns of “the deceitfulness of sin” (Heb. 3:13). Its “deceitfulness” is one thing that makes sin so dangerous. While there is a certain measure of pleasure in sin (Heb. 11:25), it is actually unprofitable (Prov. 22:8). And, “the way of transgressors is hard” (Prov. 13:15). Sin is progressive. For King…

What is the One Spirit in Ephesians 4:4?

[398 words] The “One Spirit” is the Holy Spirit. He is a person, not an it. He is known by several different names throughout the Bible: Spirit of God (Matthew 3:16), Spirit of the Lord (Luke 4:18), Spirit of Truth (John 16:14), and Comforter (John 14:26). The Holy Spirit and Holy Ghost are one and…

Bringing Reproach Upon the Church

[325 words] This is an expression that was commonly used in years past, but is seldom heard today. It refers to someone sinning in such a way and in such a public place or under such circumstances that everyone in the community is aware of it and of the sinner’s membership in the church of…

Crowned with Knowledge

[398 words] The first step to being crowned with knowledge is understanding that “the way of man is not in himself; it is not in man who walks to direct his own steps” (Jer. 10:23). This means we must be directed down the proper path. Jeremiah understood this and desired to know the proper way,…

No One Came

[348 words] Suppose you planned a community party. You invited all of your friends and neighbors to come and enjoy an afternoon of food and fun. On the week of the party, you began to prepare by cleaning the house and the yard. You rented tables and chairs, even a big portable awning so your…

I’m Loving It

[312 words] Let’s be honest, there is somebody you can’t stand. You may not even have a goat but somehow, they got it. Just the way they walk and breathe irks you. Even when they are being nice, you want to punch them in the face. There’s just something about them that is like fingernails…

Planting Seeds

[368 words] I’m no poet, but I certainly appreciate those who can create thought-provoking and vivid images with the words that they write. I came across an ever-so-brief poem recently that has made quite an impression on me. It is called, “Forecast” by Luci Shaw: “Planting seedsInevitablyChanges my feelingsAbout rain” There are numerous helpful insights…

Freeing Me by Freeing You

[381 words] Slavery of the mind commonly is more horrible than slavery of the body. Frequently, an enslaved mind enslaves the body. Damaged emotions and distorted perspectives condemn the body to an unfulfilled, joyless existence. Such a mind and body experience pain frequently and contentment rarely. Everyone sees such slavery. Consider persons enslaved mentally and…

Bridles Are Not Just For Horses

[329 words] In the traditional sense, riders use a bridle to direct their horse where they want it to go. They use this small but effective tool to control a powerful, 1000-pound animal with ease. James compares it to the influence we wield with the tongue, one of our smallest muscles: “If we put bits…

The Great Need

[343 words] “Be strong and of good courage, for to this people you shall divide as an inheritance the land which I swore to their fathers to give them. Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn…

God’s Word is Beyond Wonderful!

[339 words] In Psalm 19:7-11, we can read of some of the incredible aspects of God’s word: “The law of the LORD1 is perfect2, converting the soul3; The testimony of the LORD is sure4, making wise the simple5; The statutes of the LORD are right6, rejoicing the heart7; The commandment of the LORD is pure8,…

Deacons Are Needed

[307 words] The best definition I have ever heard to describe a deacon is a man chosen to serve or do a job related to the congregation that is too important to be left up to chance. This seems to be what is taking place in Acts 6:1-6; the choosing of “the seven” to help…

Ears, Hands, and Feet for God

[330 words] We tend to think that books like the Old Testament book of Leviticus are not relevant for us today. But we need to remember Paul’s words in Romans 15:4, “For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.”…

Benevolence in the Old Testament

[313 words] We all know that Jesus taught us to care for the poor and needy. Benevolence is to be an active part of every Christian’s life. However, giving to those in need is not only a New Testament practice. God has always required His people to care for the less fortunate. God required His…

What is in Your Heart?

[313 words] Listen to these words: “Therefore give to Your servant an understanding heart to judge Your people, that I may discern between good and evil. For who is able to judge this great people of Yours?” The speech pleased the LORD, that Solomon had asked this thing. Then God said to him: “Because you…

Are You ‘In Love’ With Your Brethren?

[307 words] It has been said that you should never fall in love with a tennis player—to them, love means nothing. Love should mean something to us. Love is an important concept to God and it should be to us, as well. A common phrase we use is “in love” meaning that we are in…

Getting the Most Out of Sermons and Bible Lessons

[329 words] Have you ever left a Bible class or worship service and thought, “I just didn’t get much out of that.” I daresay we all have at one time or another. Let me offer some suggestions that may help us. • I know it’s not always possible, but come to worship or Bible class…

What is the Point of My Life?

[347 words] Most people, at some point, have wondered about their purpose in life. Whether due to their environment, or due to things that happen (or don’t happen) to them, they begin to doubt their own worth. Job expressed these sorts of doubt when he wished that he had never been born (Job 10:18-19). In…

The Best Ruined Trips

[311 words] Harry Vardon was golf’s first superstar. The British golfer had become a cornerstone of golf popularity in the United States after an American tour in 1900 that ended with him winning the U.S. Open. In 1912 he was planning a return tour to America after overcoming tuberculosis. He was to arrive to huge…