Commands from Christ Are Not Optional

[422 words] I recently read a Bible Q&A article written by a denominational preacher. In it he was asked, “Can you go to heaven if you ‘trust’ Jesus as your Lord and Savior but you are not yet baptized?” He began his answer by saying: “Yes. Baptism has nothing to do with salvation.” Later in…

Let God Make You Over

[320 words] In the book of Jeremiah, we get a very visual picture of us and God working in our lives. In the opening verses of chapter 18 are these words: “The word which came to Jeremiah from the LORD, saying: ‘Arise and go down to the potter’s house, and there I will cause you…

Don’t Forget Who You Are

[574 words] In 2012, Steph Curry was in his third year of professional basketball. He was well on his way in establishing himself as a premier point guard. Then, his world came crashing down when he injured his foot. He missed the rest of the season, and his foot required surgery. This was his second…

Thank You God for Your Gift

[61 words] Thank You God…For the One who is WonderfulProviding wonders to my lifeFor His help as CounselorEasing my worry and strifeHe is the Mighty GodDoing great things for meHe is Everlasting Father?Granting a blessed eternityAs the Prince of PeaceHe calms my inner beingPraise the given Son!Given free and ever freeing! Edd SterchiBroadway church of…

Three Words That Change Everything

[257 words] There are three words, that if we really believe them, will change our perspective, our outlook, our attitude – our everything! What are they? Well, let’s let one of the great people of faith, Abraham, tell us. In Genesis 22, God asks Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac. Now, consider the fact that…

Heed the Creed

[48 words] The only creed we need, the only one indeed,is the one Christ decreed. So let us never impede,precede, or exceed where it does lead. And let us feed on the seedfor which Christ did bleed.Let us read, heed, and proceed knowing we will succeed. Edd SterchiBroadway church of ChristCampbellsville, KY… We are sorry,…

Are You Living Up to Your Name?

[313 words] Nestled in the little New Testament book of Philemon is a wonderful jewel of example and instruction. First, let’s look at a little background. A Christian in Colossae by the name of Philemon owned a slave that had run away from him. Ending up in Rome, the slave, Onesimus, had become converted to…

Some Things to Remember After the Election is Over

[401 words] The election will soon be over, and, boy oh boy, will I be glad. I simply detest all of the political rhetoric, spinning of the issues, and the constant, incessant, irritating ads! Regardless of whether our favorite candidate wins or not, and regardless of whether we think the country is headed the right…

Our Team Name

[286 words] Well football season is in full swing! If you were granted a new team to join the National Football League, what team name would you choose? Have you ever noticed that when teams choose an animal for a team name it is usually a ferocious one? For example, in the NFL, we have…

There’s Something Fishy About Jesus!

[208 words] No, I have not renounced my belief concerning Jesus. I believe He is what the Bible has revealed about Him. He is God (John 10:30) who came to the earth in the flesh (Rom. 8:23). As God He is eternal (Heb. 13:8) and yet, made Himself subject to temporal limitations and temptations, and…
Woman influencer recording a video

The Real Influencers

[320 words] You know what people who are really popular on YouTube, Instagram, or TikTok are called? Influencers. I guess because so many people follow them and are influenced by them. Well, let me tell you who the real influencers are supposed to be: Christians – you and me – and we don’t need to…

Don’t Blow It

[351 words] In 2 Timothy 2:15, Paul reminded Timothy (and through inference, us) that he was a worker for the Lord. But also in that verse are great bits of advice of how we are to perform our work. If you’ll forgive my cheesy rhyming to help with remembering the points, allow me to make…

What Motivates You?

[370 words] We all could use some motivation from time to time to stay on the “strait and narrow.” And it’s always good to get advice from a seasoned Christian concerning matters like this. So let’s do so. Paul mentions in 2 Corinthians 5:9, “Therefore we make it our aim, whether present or absent, to…

Real Zeal

[315 words] What do you call an aquamarine aquatic mammal that expresses genuine enthusiasm for gelatinous foods? A teal seal that feels real zeal for congealed meals! (Go ahead and groan, if you must.) No, I didn’t write that joke, though those who know my sense of humor could easily see me coming up with…

The Local Church that God Desires

[358 words] As I study about the church in the pages of the New Testament, three important concepts concerning the local congregation keep coming to mind. It is very obvious that each congregation, as God desires it, must be… Scriptural. The church was founded by the Lord Himself (Matt. 16:18), and it is His desire…

Then Who, What, When, Where, Why?

[381 words] We are all familiar with the Five W’s of writing/reporting/journalism: Who? What? When? Where? and Why? Answering these helps people to understand all the details about certain situations. I have seen some of these used in the form of a personal question to help motivate people to action. Let’s use all of them…

Ready for Worship! 

[193 words] At worship, I am given the opportunity to… …revere my Maker. “God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints, and to be held in reverence by all those around Him.” (Psalm 89:7) …rejoice in my salvation. “And my soul shall be joyful in the LORD; It shall rejoice in…

Patience and Praise

[284 words] David wrote Psalm 59 while he was holed up in a house and Saul’s men were waiting outside to get the opportunity to kill him. We can only imagine the tense situation and what all David was going through. He begins the Psalm with a plea to God: “Deliver me from my enemies,…

The Three Bears

[396 words] Once upon a time, there were three bears… No, no, no—that’s the wrong three bears. Far from a fairy tale, the three “bears” listed in Galatians 6 are vital to living a fulfilling Christian life. Of course, you may have already figured out that these are not the furry animals, but the concept…

Do You Want to Prosper?

[246 words] There’s an interesting verse about Isaac and his success in life in Genesis 26. It is verse 13, and it says of him: “The man began to prosper, and continued prospering until he became very prosperous” (NKJV). What was he doing at that particular time to be so very prosperous? It all begins…

Keep Moving Forward

[200 words] The nation of Israel had escaped slavery from Egypt. But now they found themselves being pursued by their former captors. At the shore of the Red Sea they felt that they were trapped. Many of them thought about going back to Egypt into slavery. Others were bemoaning their current dilemma. The LORD then…

Five Wonderful Words

[210 words] The 23rd psalm has been a favorite of God’s people for thousands of years. It is steeped in the Israelite culture of husbandry. But all through the years it has appealed to people who realize that God is watching over them. Just the first five words alone in the English versions reveal so…

Your Worst Sin

[442 words] In no way would I ever claim to be a prophet, psychic, or prognosticator. But I can tell you what your worst sin is. Now, I know you’re wondering how I know. Has someone told me that they saw you doing it? No. Have I been looking in your windows at night or…

Looking Unto Jesus

[224 words] If you have ever watched a choral group or orchestra, you will note one thing each member always does: they look at the conductor. This is to insure that they are in harmony and performing in accordance with the conductor’s directive. As members of the church, we make up a group that is…

Resolve to Involve Everything

[385 words] With the new year comes resolutions. We like a fresh start, and we generally feel that the start of a brand new year is best time to implement changes. I guess it’s because we look back on the previous year and analyze successes and failures and make decisions on what we need to…

Stay Bold and Stay ‘Old’

[312 words] There is a saying among those who fly planes, “There are old pilots, and there are bold pilots—but there are no old, bold pilots.” While humorous, it makes a good point. Those who choose to fly by the seat of their pants run the risk of being prematurely laid to rest. My prayer…

When Was Jesus Born?

[458 words] There’s always a great debate about when Jesus was born, specifically what time of the year (although there is also debate about the year itself). It is at this time of the year that many celebrate His birth, but it is unlikely that He was born during the winter months. Our first clue…

Authority and Power

[149 words] What’s the difference between an ineffective teacher and a school yard bully? The former has authority without power and the latter has power without authority. Our world is full of ineffective authorities and highly effective bullies. When Jesus went to Capernaum, He taught the people and they remarked that He spoke “with authority”…

Peter’s Final Words

[334 words] The great apostle and evangelist, Peter did some amazing things in his preaching career. In Acts 2, he delivered the first gospel sermon after Jesus’ resurrection and ascension. Acts 2:41 records that an astounding number responded to this and were baptized into Christ—almost 3,000! Peter continued preaching even though arrested several times, beaten,…

Questions Regarding Your Faith

[112 words] We are told in 2 Corinthians 13:5 that we are to examine ourselves as to whether we are in the faith. To help us do this, may I offer the following questions for you to answer. Be honest and deeply examine yourselves. • Am I growing spiritually? • Am I able to truly…

Sunny Side Up

[29 words] A sunrise is God’s way of telling us… …to lighten up,…and brighten up,and start each day anew…to heighten up,…enlighten up,and take the sunny view. Edd SterchiBroadway church of ChristCampbellsville, KY… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet…

What True Fellowship Involves

[251 words] “Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? And what agreement has the temple of God with idols?” (2 Corinthians 6:14-16a, NKJV). Even…

Giving Back to Jesus

[373 words] The little book of Jude begins with some big reminders for Christians of all ages (both in time periods and in years). Let’s examine three from the first three verses. Always put Jesus first (v.1).The author of the epistle, Jude, was the half brother of Jesus Christ. And yet, rather than boasting about…

What Happened at the Cross of Christ?

[11 words] A life was given.Love was lifted.Sins forgiven.Salvation gifted. Edd SterchiBroadway church of ChristCampbellsville, KY… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet…

Fight, Finish, Fulfill

[271 words] Second Timothy 4:7 has often been referred to as Paul’s valedictory: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” It has also been observed that this statement had something for every group of people in the first century. The idea of fighting the fight appealed…

Are You Excited About the Church?

[358 words] In the Psalms, we see a certain eagerness and excitement connected with the “house of the Lord.” Now, the Lord’s house in those times was the tabernacle (and later the temple), and also used symbolically as faithfulness in God’s kingdom. But for today, we know that the church (the people of God) is…

Our Declaration of Independence

[148 words] On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress adopted the United States Declaration of Independence. This declared the original 13 colonies’ freedom from the oppressive rule of England. We celebrate this emancipation as a nation every year on July 4—and well we should. We live in the freest, greatest, most abundant land of opportunity…

Trees Teach

[320 words] The trees are a part of God’s great creation and can teach us many great things about living a life for God. Here are some lessons we can learn from them. Have a solid foundation. Just as trees spread out a root system for support, so we should have a solid foundation in…

Pay Attention to the Adjectives

[267 words] It’s been a long time since I have been in English class. I sure do wish I had paid better attention then – I honestly believe that it would have greatly improved my Bible reading and study today. One aspect of grammar I do not remember studying much is the adjective (I must…

God is in Control!

[396 words] When the Israelites were escaping from slavery with the Egyptians in hot pursuit, they stopped at the Red Sea. It seemed they were now between a rock and a hard place. But Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which He will…

The B-I-B-L-E, Yes, That’s the Book for Me!

[440 words] The Bible is the most amazing document known to mankind. Consider that it is a compilation of 66 different books written by 40 different individuals over the course of 1,600 years, and yet it is perfect in harmony, history, accuracy, and advice. Notice what 2 Timothy 3:16-17 has to say about the Bible:…

God’s Word is Beyond Wonderful!

[339 words] In Psalm 19:7-11, we can read of some of the incredible aspects of God’s word: “The law of the LORD1 is perfect2, converting the soul3; The testimony of the LORD is sure4, making wise the simple5; The statutes of the LORD are right6, rejoicing the heart7; The commandment of the LORD is pure8,…

The Colors of Love

[146 words] Purple was the robe,the beaten Jesus wore (John 19:2)Brown, the thorny crownwhich in much pain He bore (Matt. 27:19) White, the sinlessnessfrom which He didn’t shrink (Heb. 4:15)Yellow, the bitter gallthat He’d refuse to drink (Matt. 27:34) Green, the lovely plantsnearby Calvary’s hill (John 19:41)Red, the precious bloodthat today heals us still (1…

The Very Least I Can Do

[105 words] Jesus has created in me a marvelous new life…the least I can do is to always for Him be living Jesus have given me many wonderful blessings…the least I can do is pass that on in blessed giving Jesus have lovingly pardoned all of my sins…the least I can do is show compassion…

Ears, Hands, and Feet for God

[330 words] We tend to think that books like the Old Testament book of Leviticus are not relevant for us today. But we need to remember Paul’s words in Romans 15:4, “For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.”…

Are You ‘In Love’ With Your Brethren?

[307 words] It has been said that you should never fall in love with a tennis player—to them, love means nothing. Love should mean something to us. Love is an important concept to God and it should be to us, as well. A common phrase we use is “in love” meaning that we are in…

Keep Praising God!

[394 words] The town of Antioch on the Mediterranean Sea was an early center of Christian ministry. This was the church that sponsored Paul and His pioneering outreach to the Gentiles. During the third century, the beloved Christian Babylas, was martyred. His body was buried in a grove by the Orontes River. His burial place…

The Christian and ‘Presents’

[177 words] Concerning others, Christians should be present and be a present. Let me explain. Webster’s defines “present” as: “being in view or at hand.” The same resource also gives another definition of “present” as “something presented: gift.” So concerning others, Christians should be present (in their company) and be a present (a blessing to…

The Church is Important

[389 words] I wonder if the church is as important to us today as it was to the Christians in the first century? There’s an old saying that states something like: “Don’t let the urgent overtake the important.” There are a lot of urgent matters in the world today, but we must not let them…

The Fortune of Family

[388 words] One of the most valuable things that God has given us is the concept of the family. Think about it – before God brought forth the societal governmental system, He gave the family. Before God established His church on the earth, He consecrated the family. After creating the heavens and the earth, God…

Stop Worrying and Hurrying

[265 words] In Lewis Carrol’s classic Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland we see Alice confronting the white rabbit. The rabbit scurries quickly by proclaiming, “Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be too late!” In this statement we have two of the greatest problems of people today: worry and hurry. We live in a world of uncertainty…

The Greatest Treasure

[280 words] The famous newspaper publisher, William Randolph Hearst, invested a literal fortune collecting art treasures from around the world. One day Mr. Hearst found a description of a painting that he was interested in. So he sent an agent to trace the history of the painting and contact its current owner so that he…

There’s No Place Like Home

[329 words] A good home is such a wonderful place. It seems that we are always wanting to go home. And we especially love being home for the holidays. In fact, there is a traditional song that testifies to that fact. What is it that is so great about home? Let’s note a few of…

Jesus Loves the Little Children

[333 words] In Mark 10:1-16, we see Jesus sitting in a house doing some teaching when people started bringing children to Him. At first, the disciples of Christ forbad this from happening. But then we see that Jesus got upset and said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for…

Follow the Instructions!

[239 words] Recently, I was putting together a futon that I purchased. It wasn’t particularly difficult, but was definitely time consuming. I was carefully following the instructions, when I got to a point where I was to use a very long bolt to fasten together two pieces of the frame. In my opinion, the bolt…

Past, Present, Future

[303 words] I’m sure you’ve heard the old riddle about the polar bear when he looked forward was looking south, when he looked back was looking south, and when he looked all around was also looking south. Of course he was standing on the North Pole to make this accurate. We can make a similar…

Trust God With a Stone in Your Hand

[510 words] I hope that title got your attention. Let me explain what I mean by it. David was a man who trusted God. He wrote in Psalm 62:7-8, “In God is my salvation and my glory; The rock of my strength, And my refuge, is in God. Trust in Him at all times…” God…

A Religion of Relationships

[258 words] Too many people claim or act like Christianity is simply a religion of beliefs. And while belief is a crucial part of Christianity, it is much more than that. I contend that Christianity, in reality, is a religion of relationships. Take a look at John 15, for example. In verses 1-11 we can…

Solving All the World’s Problems

[216 words] Just take a look at the news headlines and you will see problem after problem that humanity has created: wars, violence, murders, theft, scandals, abuse of power, the misuse of resources, immorality – the list goes on and on. What a mess we have made of this world! And with all of these…

It’s All About the Lord

[49 words] The Lord’s people,having been baptized with the Lord’s baptism,cleansed with the Lord’s blood,and added to the Lord’s body,gather around the Lord’s table,in the Lord’s name,upon the Lord’s day,to remember the Lord’s death and resurrection,until the Lord comes. Are you the Lord’s? Edd SterchiBroadway church of ChristCampbellsville, KY… We are sorry, but this content…

Reasons for Enduring Trials

[185 words] When trials hit, we can do one of two things concerning our faithfulness to God: give up, or continue on. Paul knew what it was like. In fact many times in trials, he felt like he was between a rock and a hard place (2 Cor. 4:8), yet he continued remaining faithful to…

Lord Make Me Good – Period

[176 words] Many people who want a relationship with God often add qualifiers to the mix. They want the Lord to make them good, but with a stipulation added. Here are a couple of examples: “Lord, make me good, but not yet.” These people want to live in sin as long as possible. They want…

What the Lord is to Me (from the Psalms)

[120 words] The LORD is my rock and my fortress (Psa. 18:2). He is my solid foundation and will never let me down. The LORD is my shepherd (Psa. 23:1). He is my provider and guide through life. The LORD is my light (Psa. 27:1). He is my revealer of all truth. The LORD is…

True Freedom

[357 words] In 1776, the 13 British colonies in North America protested the tyranny of the king of England and engaged in a struggle that gave birth to a brand new republic. The infant nation soon adopted that now famous document known as the Declaration of Independence. We celebrate this emancipation every July 4th. Almost…

It’s Okay to Wonder Why, But Don’t Forget Who

[201 words] “O LORD, how long shall I cry, and You will not hear? Even cry out to You, ‘Violence!’ and You will not save…For plundering and violence are before me; there is strife, and contention arises. Therefore the law is powerless, and justice never goes forth. For the wicked surround the righteous…” Twenty-six hundred…

The Threefold Witness of Good Character

[447 words] In 3 John 12, we have reference made to a fine Christian individual. In fact, this short verse is all that is said of this man of God, but what is said of him and the standard he sets is truly amazing. The verse begins by saying of him, “Demetrius has a good…

Promises to Make to Your Child

[296 words] There are some very interesting promises that God, as our heavenly Father, has made to each of us. And since He has made such promises to us, we as parents ought to use them as an example of the promises we should make to our children all through their lives. I promise to…

Nobody is a Nobody in the Family of God

[199 words] If you have ever read Romans 16:1-16, you will see a list of people Paul wished to commend for their work in the church. The vast majority of them are individuals of whom we have no additional details concerning their lives or service in Christ. But Paul wanted to honor them for their…

It’s All About the Lord

[49 words] The Lord’s people,having been baptized with the Lord’s baptism,cleansed with the Lord’s blood,and added to the Lord’s body,gather around the Lord’s table,in the Lord’s name,upon the Lord’s day,to remember the Lord’s death and resurrection,until the Lord comes. Are you the Lord’s? Edd SterchiBroadway church of ChristCampbellsville, KY… We are sorry, but this content…

Two Things That Trouble Me

[182 words] There are a couple things that concern me when I observe some Christians in today’s times: How much of the world is in them and how little of the Bible is in them. I believe that there is a correlation at work here: the less of the Bible that one knows, the more…

Peace from Pain

[53 words] When days are rough, and times seem tough,And we’re ‘neath much stress and strain;Just trust the Lord, and heed His WordAnd He’ll bring peace from the pain. Peace from pain we will gain,He has promised, and will bring;He will employ eternal joyAnd peace from pain will spring. Edd SterchiBroadway church of ChristCampbellsville, KY……

All in All

[134 words] The song “You Are My All in All” has always been a favorite of mine. In part the song declares: You are my strength when I am weakYou are the treasure that I seekYou are my all in allSeeking You as a precious jewelLord, to give up I’d be a foolYou are my…

Get Going!!!

[79 words] “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations” (Matt. 28:18)“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). Go – with any means that you’ve gotGo – by any way that you canGo – with any medium you oughtGo – to every woman and man Go –…

Some Thoughts on Jesus Coming to the Earth

[365 words] I found an interesting quote in my files recently. I don’t know who to attribute it to, but it is really thought provoking. The quote is this: “Socrates taught for 40 years, Plato for 50, Aristotle for 40, and Jesus for only 3. Yet the influence of Christ’s 3-year ministry infinitely transcends the…

The Good, Great, Glorious God

[50 words] When I think on GodAll the things I should,I readily seeThat God is good. When I speak of God.And His awesome state,I am proclaimingThat God is great. When I dwell with God.Fulfilling Christ’s story,My life of joy showsThat God is glory. Edd SterchiBroadway church of ChristCampbellsville, KY… We are sorry, but this content…

Amazing to Think About!

[218 words] “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance…

Are You a Part of the 5G Network?

[417 words] With a title like that, it sounds like I’m asking if you are a part of the latest cell phone technology, doesn’t it? The latest 5G cell phone network promises many things. In the church, we have a network that is designed by God Himself for the betterment of the kingdom and for…

Once Saved, Always Saved? What the Experts Say

[477 words] The “once saved, always saved” belief is very prevalent in the religious world today. It carries the idea that once one receives salvation they can never lose it no matter what they do or don’t do. But is it truly a Scriptural concept? Let’s go to the Bible and note what some inspired…

If It Is The Lord’s Church…

[131 words] …then shouldn’t He determine how one enters it? …then shouldn’t He regulate how it should worship? …then shouldn’t He decide who should be qualified to be its leaders? …then shouldn’t He govern what it should do? …then shouldn’t He ascertain who are faithful members? And do you know what? It is and He…

Rock of Ages

[282 words] As you know, I like rocks and stones. I find them unique and fascinating. I cannot collect enough of them. But there is one stone that intrigues me more than any other: the Stone – the Rock. No, not Dwayne Johnson. Jesus! From 1 Peter 2:4-10, we see Jesus referenced as a stone…

Not a Joking Matter

[367 words] There was once a farmer who was going broke farming, so he quit and started selling hammers. He would buy hammers for $3 apiece and sell them for $2 each. He was selling a lot of hammers and seemed happier than before. A friend soon reminded him that for every hammer he sold…

How to Be More Productive for Christ

[146 words] Start with the Root. Become well grounded in Christ and His word. Make sure He is the foundation of everything you think and do. Establish yourself in His principles. Grow a Shoot. A shoot is a new growth on a plant. Develop your talents and grow in a new direction. Keep feeding on…

‘I Am’ Able to Help You

[316 words] Each of the “I am” statements of Jesus in the book of John displays an important aspect of how He can meet our true needs. When Jesus said, “I am the bread of life” (John 6:35), He stated that He can sustain our souls forevermore. He is that which nourishes and satisfies. When…

Please Pass the Bread

[85 words] According to the Bible: • Consuming bread is for nourishment (2 Cor. 9:10) • Receiving bread with the right attitude brings satisfaction (Pro. 20:13) • Enjoying bread lifts one’s spirit (Psa. 104:15) • Dealing with bread is a daily endeavor (Matt. 6:11) • Breaking bread indicates fellowship (Acts 2:42, 46) • Sharing bread…

Open Your Eyes and Heart, and You Will See

[235 words] There is a theory among some Christians that maybe God created the world and the things in it through the organic evolutionary process. This is an obvious attempt to combine macro evolution (being taught in our public schools) and the Bible. But if we read the Bible carefully, we see that this cannot…

The Gospel Message in “Modern” Language

[588 words] Language is constantly changing (and not always for the better!). With texting and posting on social media have come a whole host of abbreviated words and phrases. I do not know them very well, but I do know a few of them. Likely you do, too. Using some of them, let me offer…

“Listen” to the Sky

[64 words] Each and every shining starTestifies from vast afarAll the planets do agreeThe moon joins in with unityThe marching clouds e’er proclaimAs does the sun with heat and flameThe brilliant sky and all beyondShouts “it’s through God that we spawned” “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork”…

Stand Fast

[415 words] According to the American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms, the phrase “stand fast” means, “to be firm or unyielding.” It also reveals that: “This idiom, dating from the early 1600s, originally was applied to an army holding its territory against the enemy.” The phrase “stand fast” occurs in our English Bibles, as well. Actually…

Some Things to Know About Suffering from Revelation 2:10

[164 words] “Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer” – We have nothing to worry about when suffering comes. When we let fear, panic, and negativism rule, our suffering is always made worse. Suffering happens to everyone. Just stay calm. “Indeed, the devil is about to throw some of…

Christ Wants Us!

[261 words] In Philippians 4, we see three things that Christ wants of us: Christ wants us to be what we ought to be. Phil. 4:11, “Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content.” Jesus wants us to be content and satisfied with…

Jesus Wants to Be Your Friend

[449 words] Abraham Lincoln is credited with saying, “The better part of one’s life consists of his friendships.” We all like to have friends, but having close friends is a great blessing. The reason for this is that in close friendships, we have companionship, sympathy, encouragement, support, acceptance, love, trust—the positive list goes on and…

Where Can We Find Peace?

[363 words] It seems this day and age there are not very many who are at peace. Nations are in dispute, families are in disarray, and people are dissatisfied. We rush about trying to bring peace and order to our lives, but to no avail. When we find a moment of peace, it seems to…

Nothing Can Stop Jesus

[56 words] • History could not forget Him.• Temptation could not distract Him.• Circumstances could not deter Him.• His enemies could not prevent Him.• Death could not contain Him.• Satan could not defeat Him.• Modern thinking cannot cancel Him.• And when it comes time for Jesus to come again, nothing will be able to stop…

Commit to Commitment

[176 words] Paul gave young Timothy some great advice concerning commitment to the Lord. It is great advice for us, as well: Commit to Faithfulness. “This charge I commit to you…that …you may wage the good warfare, having faith and a good conscience” (1 Tim. 1:18). Commit to Defending the Truth. “Guard what was committed…

Looking Unto Jesus

[230 words] If you have ever watched a choral group or orchestra, you will note one thing each member always does – they look at the conductor from time to time. This is to insure that they are in harmony and performing in accordance with the conductor’s directive. As members of the church, we make…

From Ordinary to Extraordinary

[169 words] Before Jesus Christ came into the world, the name Jesus (the Greek form of name Joshua) was an extremely common name. And yet, Jesus took an ordinary name of his day, and made it something unique and special—a name by which all can be saved (Acts 4:12). Then, during His ministry, Jesus took…

Check Your Flight Pattern

[416 words] Ornithologists (those who study birds) tell us that birds navigate in the air one of three ways: 1) By flapping. This is very labor intensive. It requires that the birds continuously beat their wings against the air so as to create lift. But if the bird stops flapping, then it will very quickly…

Just Trust

[30 words] To help your hopesFrom turning to dust,To aid your plansFrom gathering rust,To keep your dreams, From going bust,The simple plan is:You just must trust. Edd SterchiBroadway church of ChristCampbellsville, KY… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet…

Lessons in the Long Winter

[536 words] This winter seems like it’s stretched out extra long this year, doesn’t it! Winter is a very tough season as summer fun is long past, the pretty leaves of fall are gone, the trees are bare, and the days are colder. It can be a dreary, drawn-out, difficult time for many. Is there…

Accomplishing Your New Year’s Resolutions

[408 words] What New Year’s resolutions have you made? Most will have made ones that were designed to make their lives or the lives around them better. Such resolutions may include: losing weight, stopping a bad habit, exercising more, becoming more organized, or having a better attitude. Now, I’m not going to be sarcastic like…