Did You know This About 1 Kings?

[126 words] First Kings chapter 3 records the time God came to King Solomon in a dream and said, “Ask! What shall I give you?” Solomon’s first thought was that God had been kind to his father David, and had also give David an heir to sit on the throne. In his humility, Solomon admitted…

Did You Know This About 2 Kings?

[138 words] The history of Israel is filled with kings who followed God, and kings who did evil in his sight. Between good King Hezekiah and good King Josiah, there was evil king Manasseh. During his time of evil leadership idolatry was rampant, and apparently the book of the law was lost. While Josiah was…

Did You Know This About 1 Chronicles?

[136 words] Among many other events in this book of history, 1 Chronicles 10 records the death of Saul, the first king of Israel.  Saul had so much potential! He was tall and handsome (1 Sam. 9:2), had some humility about him (1 Sam 9:21), and more importantly he was the one the Lord had…

Did You Know This About 2 Chronicles?

[94 words] Though David was not allowed to build the temple of God due to the blood on his hands, David’s son Solomon completed the temple according to God’s plan. Second Chronicles 7 records the dedication of the house of God. One amazing fact about the dedication is that on that day, Solomon offered a…

Did You Know This About Joshua?

[135 words] After everything the Israelites had seen—the ten plagues, the parting of the Red Sea, the manna, the fall of Jericho, the sun standing still—they still had idol worship among them.  That is why Joshua had to tell them, “And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this…

Did You Know This About Judges?

[128 words] After the conquest of the promised land and the death of Joshua, the Bible tells us that “another generation arose after them who did not know the Lord, nor the work which He had done for Israel” (Judges 2:10). A phrase that is repeated four times in Judges is, “…in those days there…

Did You Know This About Ruth?

[187 words] Of all the passages taken out of context, perhaps Ruth 1:16-17 is one of the biggest! During the time of the judges, an Israelite woman named Naomi found herself a widow. She had left Bethlehem with her husband and two sons to go to Moab, due to a severe famine. While there, her…

Did You Know This About 1 Samuel?

[113 words] First Samuel records the progression of leadership over Israel from judges to kings.  Samuel was the last judge, and served also as a prophet for the nation. His mother, Hannah, had prayed for a son, and promised him to the Lord. He was very young when God called him into service. Samuel remained…

Did You Know This About Genesis?

[99 words] The Bible records 4,100 years of history. Over half of it—2,286 years—is found in Genesis alone! More than the other 65 books combined! Genesis is the first book of the Bible, and it contains 50 chapters, 1,533 verses, and 38,267 words. The word “genesis” is from the Greek word for “beginning.” The original…

Did You Know This About Exodus?

[140 words] One of the most amazing parts of Exodus is when the Israelites were commanded by God to paint their door frames with the blood of the lambs that were sacrificially killed at the institution of the Passover (Ex. 12:21-23). God’s people were in slavery to Egypt at the time, and God was about…

Did You Know This About Leviticus?

[128 words] Leviticus contains 27 chapters, 859 verses, and 24,546 words, and a whole bunch of laws! It is a guidebook for the Israelites, showing them how to worship, serve, and obey God. The concept of holiness before God is mentioned at least 87 times in this book. Honestly, Leviticus is not high on the…

Did You Know This About Numbers?

[119 words] Numbers is the record of Israel’s journey through the wilderness after God led them out Egyptian slavery. Due to their unbelief, what should have been an 11-day trip to the promised land turned into 40 years of wandering.  While in the wilderness, God told Moses to make a brass serpent and put it…

Did You Know This About Deuteronomy?

[172 words] Moses was about to die. The book of Deuteronomy recounts a one-month period of time when the Israelites were camped in the plains of Moab, and is considered to be a series of farewell addresses from Moses shortly before his passing.  The Israelites were about to go into the promised land, and as…
Chocolate Chip Cookies

Jumping to Conclusions

[140 words] An irate woman burst into the baker’s shop and said, “I sent my son in for two pounds of cookies this morning, but when I weighed them there was only one pound. I want a refund, and I suggest that you check your scales!” The baker looked at her calmly for a moment…
Human mind and brain

Five Questions about Inner Space

[474 words] You may have heard of a couple of astronauts who are stuck in outer space and can’t return to earth until someone picks them up in February. That is a long time to wait for a ride home! Man has always been interested in the place we call “outer space,” but for all…

Back to School: Hammer or Nail?

[183 words] Yes, it’s that time again! Our young people, teachers, and administrative workers are heading back to the old school “grind.” That routine includes daily interactions with a wide variety of people from all backgrounds. What a fertile ground for showing people the light of Christ! An old football coach used to say that…

Proving the Will of God

[278 words] When you were in school, didn’t you just love it when your math teacher would give you a problem to solve and say, “Show your work?” That meant she wanted you to not just give the correct answer, but to demonstrate the process by which you came to that answer. Christians are commanded…

Lessons from the Eunuch, Part 2 of 5

[111 words] Open hearts are needed to hear God’s truth! While traveling, the eunuch was reading from the book of Isaiah the prophet. Philip asked him if he understood what he was reading. Some people may have taken offense at the question, but the eunuch instead said, “How can I, unless someone guides me?” The…

Lessons from the Eunuch, Part 3 of 5

[94 words] Teachers are needed! When Philip asked the eunuch if he understood what he was reading, the eunuch said, “How can I unless someone guides me?” He was in need of someone to help clarify the scriptures! Granted, he was reading an Old Testament text without the New Testament revelation, but nevertheless, as Romans…

Lessons from the Eunuch, Part 4 of 5

[72 words] You can’t understand the Old Testament without the New! In Acts 8:30, the eunuch was reading from Old Testament prophet Isaiah, but he couldn’t understand fully without the revelation that Jesus the Messiah had come. Philip preached Jesus to him and in effect removed the veil from his eyes (2 Cor. 3:14). The…

Lessons from the Eunuch, Part 5 of 5

[70 words] Baptism is essential to salvation, and the preaching of the gospel! When Philip “preached Jesus” to the eunuch, his response was to say, “See, here is water, what hinders me from being baptized?” (Acts 8:36). Baptism in water is man’s response to the preaching of the gospel. Jesus Himself declares this (Mark 16:16;…

Hidden Treasures

[107 words] A South Dakota rancher and his bride received a nice Bible as a wedding gift from his grandfather. They wrote a thank you note and stowed the Bible in a closet. The grandfather asked every so often how they liked it. Eventually, they became curious, dug it out, and leafed through it. They…

What is the Point of My Life?

[347 words] Most people, at some point, have wondered about their purpose in life. Whether due to their environment, or due to things that happen (or don’t happen) to them, they begin to doubt their own worth. Job expressed these sorts of doubt when he wished that he had never been born (Job 10:18-19). In…

Lessons from the Eunuch, Part 1 of 5

[86 words] You can be sincere, and still be lost! The eunuch was a worshiper of God (Acts 8:27). He was a studier of God’s word (Acts 8:28). And yet, God still found it necessary to send the evangelist Philip to him to teach him how to be saved (Acts 8:26,29). Philip “preached Jesus” to…

Never Too Old!

[55 words] When the famous French painter Henri Matisse was in his 80’s, he could no longer sit up to paint on a canvas, so he attached a brush to a long stick and painted while lying in bed. Christians, we should never let age nor challenges stop us from serving the Lord (Gal. 6:9)!…

Trying to Spell God

[86 words] Poet Edwin Anderson Robinson once wrote, “The world is not a prison house but a kind of kindergarten, where millions of bewildered infants are trying to spell God with the wrong blocks.” That may be true of people who don’t look to the Bible for the “right blocks,” but those who trust God’s…

Have You Stumbled?

[78 words] Stumbling is considered a bad omen in many countries. When Napoleon’s horse stumbled as he led his army to attack Russia in 1812 many of the French soldiers thought they should immediately turn back. Napoleon continued the advance, but it turned out his soldiers were right. When it comes to faith, stumbling is…

God’s Design in the World Around Us

[271 words] In the late 1700’s, a fellow named William Paley gave an illustration about how we look at the world around us. He said that if you were walking through a field and came across a watch on the ground, you would not think that watch came about naturally. Instead, you would recognize that…

Choose Your Own Ending

[257 words] When I was a child in school I came across the Choose Your Own Adventure book series. It touted that “you are the star of the story,” and you could choose from 40 possible endings. The reader made choices at critical parts of the story, and would then turn to a certain page…

What is it Worth to You?

[104 words] The Greek philosopher Aristotle once said, “The wise man does not expose himself needlessly to danger, since there are few things for which he cares sufficiently; but he is willing, in great crises, to give even his life–knowing that under certain conditions it is not worth while to live.” Jesus lived in word…

Don’t Tell Bryce Weiler It’s Impossible

[337 words] Inspiring stories of people who succeed against all odds come to our attention all the time, but the case of Bryce Weiler is a little different. The 30-year-old from Claremont, Illinois, is a huge sports fan, and has worked his way up the ladder to be a radio commentator. So far he has…

We Need a Light!

[404 words] Recent destructive tornadoes in our country have caused me to think about how dangerous such storms are when they come in the dark of night. You can’t look outside and see them coming! When I was a kid, radar technology wasn’t anywhere near the quality we have today. White blobs on a black…

What is the World Coming To?

[254 words] These days, any number of issues that play across our television screens and newsfeeds may cause us to exclaim, “What is the world coming to!” Murders, violence, thefts, and perversions of all sorts are shocking, to say the least, but even more disgraceful is the lack of concern many in today’s world have…

What a Name!

[127 words] Albert Brooks, an actor and comedian, has starred in many live action films, as well as doing voices in such movies as Finding Nemo and The Secret Life of Pets. He is somewhat of a famous name in show business, but he couldn’t enter into the entertainment field by his birth name, which…

The Flag We Fly

[279 words] As Americans, there are few sights that thrill us as much as seeing the “Stars and Stripes” billowing in the breeze over a free nation. When July 4th rolls around, many of us find ourselves rallying around our flag, thankful for the freedom we enjoy in our great country. The common purpose and…

If Not for Godly Mothers

[300 words] There are a lot of things in life that we might be able to do without, but the benefits of godly mothers are not one of them! Can anyone imagine what this world would be like if it were not for them? We would miss: The Teaching of Eunice. Timothy’s mother, along with…

Seven Negative Effects of Missing Worship Services

[58 words] 1. Worship becomes less edifying for everyone. 2. Church leaders become discouraged. 3. You lose touch with congregational life. 4. The church is robbed of the resources it needs. 5. Another learning and growth opportunity is wasted. 6. Your conscience becomes more calloused with each missed service. 7. You teach by your example…

Are You Tuned to the Right Station?

[191 words] George Washington Carver was a man who lived very close to God’s creation. As a youngster he was very interested in plants and experimented with natural pesticides, fungicides, and soil conditioners, earning the nickname “the plant doctor” for his ability to improve gardens, fields, and orchards. Later as an agricultural scientist and inventor,…

No Value in Profanity

[310 words] Horace Porter, a lieutenant colonel and personal secretary to General Ulysses Grant during the American Civil War, wrote about a conversation he had with the famous general one evening while they were sitting by a campfire. Porter commented, “General, it seems singular that you should have gone through all the rough and tumble…

A Masterpiece Takes Time

[300 words] The stereotypical view of artistry is of the chaotic genius giving birth to great works of art and music in fits of creative energy. One moment a blank canvas, the next a masterpiece; one instant an empty score, the next a symphony. However, an investigation into the facts does not support this view. …

After the Election

[388 words] One of the most divisive and chaotic election campaigns has come to an end. During this time Christians in America have faced many opportunities to exercise patience and let our faith shine. Chances are each of us have experienced some failures and some successes. Politicians and pundits will now judge and discuss the…

Will Our Kids Tear Their Clothes?

[415 words] When I was a kid in the 70’s, tearing your clothes was a horrible event. A mother’s admonition was, “Don’t tear a hole in your jeans, or I’ll have to patch them!” It was an accidental, tragic thing, usually occurring due to a child’s negligence.  In Bible times, though, tearing one’s clothes was…

What Makes a Good Judge?

[412 words] Our nation is once again in the midst of controversy regarding the appointing of a Supreme Court justice. Those on the left and those on the right will wrangle and grapple through the process, each having their own opinions on what makes a good judge. But does the Bible have any guidance for…

Enemies Surrounding Me

[177 words] Many of the psalms David wrote referred to his many enemies surrounding him. In Psalm 57, he says, “My soul is among lions; I lie among the sons of men, Who are set on fire, Whose teeth are spears and arrows, And their tongue a sharp sword” (v.4).  Despite his adversaries, David was…

Truth Should Be Published!

[173 words] The first American multi-page newspaper was published on September 25, 1690, with a single edition of “Publick Occurrences Both Foreign and Domestick” appearing in Boston, Massachusetts. However, British authorities considered the newspaper offensive and ordered its immediate suppression due to its containing “reflections of a very high nature” and “sundry doubtful and uncertain…

Awaiting Justice

[211 words] Current events cause us to consider the idea of justice, and why some people seem to “get away” with hurting other people. This is not a new question, of course. David wrote about such things many times in the scriptures.  In Psalm 10, David voices the temptation to feel that God is “afar…

Are You a Hero of Patience?

[150 words] Everyone loves a hero! We marvel at the mighty deeds of brave folks around us, and we wonder what it would take to be just like them. Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote, “A man is a hero, not because he is braver than anyone else, but because he is brave for ten minutes…

Our Spiritual Beauty

[144 words] A city dweller was being driven by a rancher over a blistering and almost barren stretch of desert when a large brightly-colored bird scurried across the road in front of them. The visitor asked what it was. “That’s a bird of paradise,” said the rancher. “Pretty long way from home, isn’t he!” remarked…

Henry Ford and Idle Words

[271 words] Ever say something you wish you hadn’t? Henry Ford did. In a 1916 interview with the Chicago Tribune, the American motor vehicle pioneer said, “What do we care about what they did 500 or 1,000 years ago? I don’t know whether Napoleon did or did not try to get across and I don’t…

How High Can You Count?

[336 words] When 156,000 American, British, and Canadian soldiers landed at Normandy, France on June 6, 1944, it was the largest seaborne invasion in history. More than 4,000 Allied soldiers died during that World War II battle. What a high price, and an enormous sacrifice! Most people agree that although the cost was high, the…

What Made Him Pray?

[339 words] The scriptures show us clearly that Daniel was a man of prayer (Dan. 6:10), so it’s no surprise to see him pouring his heart out to God in Daniel chapter 9. Several clues in this chapter teach us what motivated Daniel to pray on this occasion.  Scripture made him pray (Dan. 9:2,11-13). Realizing…

Take Time to Be Holy

[429 words] In this current crisis, some people are experiencing challenges using time wisely. Many people have time on their hands! But one benefit of this change is that our “no time” excuse for not devoting time to God has been taken away. While contemplating this thought, the old song, “Take Time to Be Holy”…

Expressions of Faith

[386 words] Isn’t it frustrating when our plans get hindered? As the apostle Paul was writing the letter to the Romans, he told them that he had often planned to come to them, but had been hindered (Romans 1:13). Many of us today during this current crisis are feeling the weight of altered plans. Careers,…

Yes, It’s a Pandemic

[395 words] Uncontrolled disease can be horrific. With the current worries about the spread of a new coronavirus dubbed “COVID-19,” we have heard the terms “epidemic” and “pandemic” tossed around quite a bit. An epidemic occurs when a disease affects a greater number of people than is usual for an area, and a pandemic is…

What is Your Gift to Him?

[182 words] The Christmas holidays are here upon us, and the world around us is filled with the noble notions of gift-giving. “What am I going to get my spouse?” “Will my kids like this gift?” “What can I do for my boss and co-workers?” Giving gifts is a godly behavior, and we should all…

Thankful, Even in Chains

[149 words] Many hearts turn toward the concept of thankfulness during this time of year, and rightly so! God has provided an abundance not only of the physical things we need (Acts 14:17; 17:25; Matt. 5:45; 6:25-33), but also all spiritual blessings (Eph. 1:3; 2 Peter 1:3), which we need more. He is indeed a…

The Hug Heard Around the World

[325 words] Having been convicted of murdering Botham Jean, a member of the Dallas West church of Christ, the last thing Amber Guyger probably expected to hear at her sentencing were the words “I forgive you” from a member of the victim’s family.  After reading a statement which expressed forgiveness and even a wish that…

The Horrors of Warfare

[92 words] The bloodiest day in U.S. military history occurred on Sept. 17, 1862, when Union armies and Confederate forces clashed at Antietam in Maryland during the Civil War. By the end of that day 26,000 men were dead, wounded, or missing. Over the years, more than 1.3 million Americans have died as casualties of…

Who Has the Time?

[117 words] Most of us live time-conscious lives. We stick to tight schedules, glance at our clocks frequently, and hurry around to meet our appointments and deadlines. Time is certainly important, but the real value of time comes with the realization that our time here on earth is a countdown to eternity. Since life is…

Back to School? Time to Shine!

[146 words] It’s the time that most kids and many teachers dread: Back to school! Soon the vacations, beaches, fishing trips, and picnics will be in the past. While we are tempted to let out a big groan, perhaps we should remind ourselves what a great opportunity lies ahead of us. The Lord tells us…

B.U.I.L.D. Your School!

[298 words] Just like any other organization, schools need God’s wisdom to reach full potential. If you are a student who is a Christian, consider some of these ways you can use your influence to B.U.I.L.D. your school this year. Break Out of Cliques. It is easy to get attached to a certain group of…

Don’t Be a Dud!

[249 words] July was a favorite time of the year during my youth, because that was when we could shoot fireworks. It was a great experience to go down to the fireworks stand with my dad, look over all the multi-colored packages and imagine what each explosive would do. We usually ended up with a…

Pig With a Wooden Leg

[269 words] A lady from the city was visiting members of her family who owned a farm. As she talked to the farmer, she noticed a pig in the backyard with a wooden leg. “What happened to that pig!” the woman asked. “Oh, that’s Betsy,” the farmer said. “She’s a fine pig! One night while…

Don’t Forget to Use All Your Strength

[138 words] A father was watching his young son struggle to lift a heavy rock. The little fellow grunted and strained, but couldn’t move it. The father said, “Son, are you sure you are using all your strength?” The exhausted boy said, “Yes, I am!” The father replied, “No, you are not. You haven’t asked…

That’s What I’ll Look Like When I’m Dead

[163 words] There was a lady who had to show her driver’s license at a store for identification, and she told the cashier, “Please don’t pay any attention to that picture, it’s awful! I guess that’s what I’ll look like when I’m dead.” Staring at the picture, the cashier said, “Oh, they’II make you look…

Handprints Aren’t So Bad After All

[347 words] The bags were packed, goodbye’s were said, and the children were excited as they prepared to go with their grandparents for a few days to Tennessee. My wife and I do not take a lot of overnight trips where we’ll be apart, but on this occasion she and the kids had an opportunity…

Worried You Won’t Get a Valentine?

[263 words] Holidays are times that usually fill people with joy and offer an opportunity to create memories with family, friends, and loved ones. Sometimes, however, holidays can be difficult. For instance, Valentine’s Day. The number one reason some people dislike Valentine’s Day is because of the emotional torture they experience if they are not…

Masculinity: Toxic, or Beneficial?

[317 words] There is a tendency in our current society to throw the baby out with the bathwater. In an effort to fight against immoral acts such as sexual harassment, physical abuse, and bullying perpetrated by a small minority of bad apples, mainstream media and social justice warriors have decided to coin the phrase “toxic…

Bait and Switch

[628 words] Back when gas prices began to be so outrageously high, the news media spent a lot of time on stories related to the issue. One story I saw on television at the time was that customers in some locations were being tricked into purchasing gas at one price, only to find when they…

A Shortage of Ninjas

  [188 words] Apparently Japan is running out of ninjas. In the small city of Iga, the birthplace of the ancient ninja warriors, officials cannot find enough martial artists to perform for tourists, even though the job can pay up to $85,000 per year. Part of the problem is that the city’s young people are…

Still Can’t Beat God!

[153 words] Around 1970, a fellow named Gordon Moore originated a computer technology maxim which has been termed “Moore’s Law.” Simply stated, the law says that computer processing power will double every two years.   Since that time, the rule has proven true. Personal computers are tremendously fast and powerful, and capable of amazing things,…

Characteristics of Jesus’ Ministry

  [299 words] There has never been a greater example on this earth of what we ought to strive for than Jesus the Christ. He has done all things well (Mark 7:37), and Christians desire to be conformed to His image (Romans 8:29). So as we seek to minister to the world around us, what…

Church Shutdown

  [261 words] If you follow national news, you know that from time to time our leaders and representatives in Washington cannot come to terms on how to fund federal operations. This can sometimes lead to a “government shutdown,” which means many federal agencies stop performing their functions and services. Why does this happen? Usually…

Children Need Instruction

  [98 words] Proverbs shows the need for children to pay attention to instruction. Solomon admonishes his son to pay attention to his parents (Prov. 1:8-9), and to recognize the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Prov. 1:7). Children also need to be shown how to put those things into practice. The…

What Will You Do With The New?

[336 words] Toward the end of the year, we begin to focus on the “new.” We enjoy giving and receiving “new” presents, and we look forward to the hope of a “new” year. A blank calendar page represents fresh opportunity, but what will we do with it? Hezekiah was known as a man who received…

When Giving is Wrong

[265 words] Ribbons and wrapping paper, shimmering Christmas trees, and children with sparkling eyes are the hallmarks of the “season of giving.” So many of us enjoy the holiday as a time of expressing love through the imparting of gifts. But did you ever consider when giving may be wrong? Our heavenly Father is certainly…

Your Thanksgiving List

  [118 words] The apostle Paul was a thankful man. He was thankful to Jesus for putting him into the ministry (1 Timothy 1:12), for the faith of his fellow Christians (Col. 1:3-4), for those who risked themselves for his ministry (Rom. 16:4), for salvation (1 Cor. 15:57), and indeed for all things (Eph. 5:20).…

The Perfect Creator

  [81 words] “The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters” (Genesis 1:2). Only God can start with nothing, and make something amazing! Beginning with a blank canvas, God created the spectacular world that…

What’s Really Scary

  [299 words] As the cool autumn breezes bring in a new season, many people will kick off fall by scaring themselves silly. Zombies, vampires, and horror movies will be the focal point for October, saturating American culture from the local discount store to satellite television, and all points in between. Why some people enjoy…

Stand Out From the Crowd, Even at School

  [191 words] Christian parents do their best to keep their children on the Lord’s path. It’s a fairly challenging task when the kids are at home, but even more so when they are away at school, subjected daily to the influence of the world. We live in a society that claims to inspire individuality,…

Back to School Challenges

  [327 words] Most parents will agree that when it is back to school time, there are challenges to be faced. We will be concerned about making sure they have the right school supplies, maybe some new clothing. Perhaps we’ll be worried about our child’s new teacher, or a different mix of kids in the…

Good Reasons for Being a Christian

  [215 words] Human beings are naturally curious, but sometimes our curiosity progresses to stubbornness. For instance, curiosity causes toddlers to always have the question “why?” on their lips, but it’s stubbornness that drives the teenager to ask the same question when they are receiving orders from their parents. Whether it’s curiosity or stubbornness that…

God Supplies the Raw Materials!

[81 words] A woman went into the grocery store to complain to the manager. “Something’s wrong with this flour you sold me,” she said. “It’s too tough. This morning I made biscuits with it and my husband could hardly eat them!” Sometimes folks get into this sort of position with God’s word. He has provided…

If You Wake Up in the Morning

[112 words] A life insurance salesman was unable to persuade a couple to purchase a policy. “I certainly don’t want to frighten you into a decision,” he said as he got up to leave. “Please sleep on it tonight, and if you wake up in the morning, let me know what you think.” Is this…

Broken Toilets and Broken Souls

[254 words] It’s not an extremely rare occasion for a passenger jet to have to return to the airport due to a mechanical issue. However, when a Norwegian jet bound for Germany reversed course in late January of this year due to malfunctioning toilets, it was a backtrack filled with irony. The plane, you see,…

Looking Back, Pressing Forward

[333 words] As a new year approaches, many of us are reflecting upon the past year, and looking toward the hope and promise of what lies ahead. One passage we often turn to when thinking about hope for the future is Phil. 3:13-14. Paul talks about putting to rest things of the past, and pressing…

Power Outage

[260 words] One of the worst things about winter weather is the power outages that come along with ice storms. Power outages put us in a difficult position these days because so much depends on that electricity. There are so many things we cannot accomplish without it. Although the plant that generates the electricity for…

Dealing with a ‘Short Fuse’

[295 words] The apostle Paul reminds us that “no temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man” (1 Cor. 10:13). That certainly applies to the danger of expressing wrath and anger! Anger in itself is not sinful (Eph. 4:26), but how we express it can be! Even Jesus was angry (Mark 3:5),…

Anything for a Buck

[82 words] A bald man told a hair stylist that he had gone for a transplant, but he couldn’t stand the pain. He said, “I’ll give you $5,000 to make my hair look like yours.” The stylist said, ”No problem,” and she quickly shaved her head! We have to be careful that we don’t have…

Be Zealous for Good Works

[104 words] After bringing home their first baby from the hospital, a new mother thought her husband should try his hand at changing diapers. “I’m busy, I’ll do the next one,” he said, never looking up from the TV. The next time the baby was wet, the mother said, “Are you ready to change a…

Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?

[359 words] It was a fact that Jesus was innocent. The Roman governor in charge of Judea, Pontius Pilate, so stated himself after having examined Jesus personally (John 19:4). It is also a fact that Jesus never even committed a single sin (Heb. 4:15). And yet, they fashioned the crown of thorns and placed a…

Who Is God?

  [116 words] He is the Creator of all that exists (Gen. 1:1). He is a Spirit (John 4:23-24). He is all-powerful (Psalms 89:8), all-knowing (Rom. 8:27), present everywhere (Psalms 139:7-10), and does not change (Malachi 3:6; James 1:7). He is great (Duet. 5:24) and He is good (Psalm 33:5). He is loving (John 3:16),…

Fathers, What is Your Legacy?

  [288 words] Inheritance is important. Good fathers desire to leave something behind for their children (Prov. 13:22). Old Testament law even regulated the passing down of a father’s possessions (Deut. 21:15-17; Num. 27:8-11). As fathers, what sort of inheritance would we like to see our children get? Material Possessions. There is nothing wrong with…

A Mother’s Steadfast Love

[218 words] The love of a mother is one of the most powerful forces known to man. A beautiful Bible picture of motherhood is found in the woman named Hannah. In 1 Samuel 1, we read of her faithful prayer asking God to bless her with a child. She promised God that she would dedicate…

This is a Very Good Time

[224 words] The famous American thinker and writer Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote, “This time, like all times, is a very good one if we but know what to do with it.” Thankfully, the Bible gives us all the instruction we need to know what to do with our time. “Let us hear the conclusion…

Don’t Let the Lights Go Out!

  [246 words] One of my favorite things about this time of the year is experiencing the beauty of Christmas lights. Ordinarily only dimly lit by dull street lamps, towns are now awash in brilliant displays of holiday cheer. So much more joyful than the rest of the year! Eventually, however, those lights will be…

Choose to ‘Do Well’

[284 words] While watching a movie entitled An Old Fashioned Christmas on the Hallmark Channel, I scribbled down an outstanding observation a character made about choosing a path in this world. In this movie, which is based on a story set in the 1880’s by Louisa May Alcott, one young man took a house guest…

Memorial Day

[225 words] Memory is an important part of the human experience. God created our minds in such a way that we can store information regarding past events and recall that information in the future. These facts range from the mundane tasks of life, such as brushing our teeth every day because we learned the necessity…

Gossips: Worse Than Thieves!

[312 words] Our words can be extremely powerful, either for good (Eph. 4:29) or ill (James 3:6). One form of evil use of the tongue is gossip. The following illustration by an unknown author drives this point home: Once upon a time, an old man spread rumors that his neighbor was a thief, As a…

Is My Child Ready to Be Baptized?

[529 words] Introduction. Parents sometimes feel stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to guiding their children toward becoming a Christian. On one hand, we would never want to cause them to stumble (Matt. 18:6). On the other hand, obedience must be from the heart (Rom. 6:17), so just being able…