What is the Point of My Life?

[347 words] Most people, at some point, have wondered about their purpose in life. Whether due to their environment, or due to things that happen (or don’t happen) to them, they begin to doubt their own worth. Job expressed these sorts of doubt when he wished that he had never been born (Job 10:18-19). In…

The Best Ruined Trips

[311 words] Harry Vardon was golf’s first superstar. The British golfer had become a cornerstone of golf popularity in the United States after an American tour in 1900 that ended with him winning the U.S. Open. In 1912 he was planning a return tour to America after overcoming tuberculosis. He was to arrive to huge…

Let’s Go Fishing

[353 words] Have you ever wondered why fishing is mentioned so often in the four gospel accounts of the New Testament? Could it be that the activity of fishing is one that most people can relate to in one way or another? Even if you’ve never fished in your life, you have a general idea…

Keep Praising God!

[394 words] The town of Antioch on the Mediterranean Sea was an early center of Christian ministry. This was the church that sponsored Paul and His pioneering outreach to the Gentiles. During the third century, the beloved Christian Babylas, was martyred. His body was buried in a grove by the Orontes River. His burial place…

The Church is Important

[389 words] I wonder if the church is as important to us today as it was to the Christians in the first century? There’s an old saying that states something like: “Don’t let the urgent overtake the important.” There are a lot of urgent matters in the world today, but we must not let them…

The Fortune of Family

[388 words] One of the most valuable things that God has given us is the concept of the family. Think about it – before God brought forth the societal governmental system, He gave the family. Before God established His church on the earth, He consecrated the family. After creating the heavens and the earth, God…

Spiritual Bucket List

[399 words] Creating the proverbial “bucket list’ can be a lot of fun. Coming up with a list of things you would like to do one day in the not-too-distant future is also a good way to take the first step in accomplishing your goals. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are expected to be…

Think Souls

[350 words] The inner part of the person—the soul—is such an important element to who we are. God made us as body, soul, and spirit (1 Thess. 5:23). Yet the concept of the soul is so broad in God’s word that we could spend a year just studying its various nuances! Even in the book…

A Glimpse Into the Future

[372 words] The rapidity with which changes have taken place over the past several years leaves us longing for some sort of glimpse into the future. What will the financial markets look like in six months? What will be the political landscape a year from today? And, what about the spiritual and moral climate in…

Our Present Hope

[391 words] Many suffer from what might be called emotional paralysis. We are unable to function today because we either live in the past or are preoccupied with worry about the future. While we may regret mistakes of the past, we cannot make up for those mistakes by continually reliving them in our minds. Where…

There’s No Place Like Home

[329 words] A good home is such a wonderful place. It seems that we are always wanting to go home. And we especially love being home for the holidays. In fact, there is a traditional song that testifies to that fact. What is it that is so great about home? Let’s note a few of…

Jesus Loves the Little Children

[333 words] In Mark 10:1-16, we see Jesus sitting in a house doing some teaching when people started bringing children to Him. At first, the disciples of Christ forbad this from happening. But then we see that Jesus got upset and said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for…

Peace In Your Personal Life

[324 words] The following story ran a number of years ago in the Fort Worth Star Telegram. “The man who spotted targets for American bombers over Hiroshima in August 1945 has been laid to rest in Texas soil after searching the last 33 years for some peace in his life. Claude Robert Eatherly was a…

Ready or Not

[357 words] In a cemetery in Hanover, Germany, is a grave covered with huge slabs of granite and marble, fastened with heavy steel clasps. It belongs to a woman who did not believe in the resurrection of the dead. Yet she directed in her will that her grave be made so secure that if there…


[383 words] An other monumental election season has come to an end. And, again, the season has consumed us! Let me give you an example: My family had to travel to St. Louis recently. On Saturday morning, as we were enjoying our complimentary breakfast with the rest of the weary travelers, the television in the…

Prominent Religious Subjects

[385 words] Some are surprised to learn that the Bible’s teachings differ from what they have always heard. What have you heard about these prominent doctrines? Falling from grace? The Bible teaches such is possible (Galatians 5:4; Hebrews 6:1-6; 2 Peter 2:20-22). Inherited total depravity? The Bible teaches that sin is of such a nature…

Past, Present, Future

[303 words] I’m sure you’ve heard the old riddle about the polar bear when he looked forward was looking south, when he looked back was looking south, and when he looked all around was also looking south. Of course he was standing on the North Pole to make this accurate. We can make a similar…

Saul’s Obedient Conversion

[330 words] The conversion of Saul is told in Acts 9:1-19; 26:9-18; and here in 22:1-16. He gave us many details about what happened on his trip to Damascus to persecute Christians. We should study carefully what the Bible says about conversion and not be swayed by our preconceived ideas. Saul was wrong religiously, but…

What About Witnessing?

[326 words] We hear much about “witnessing for Christ” in our present day. Even some of our brethren are taking to using it. The denominational world uses this expression to refer to “a special working of grace.” A dictionary definition is in order. Webster’s Collegiate gives this: “Testimony, one who beholds or has personal knowledge…

God’s Mirror

[360 words] Chances are good that you have looked at yourself in a mirror today. Usually, viewing our physical appearance is one of the first things we do after getting out of bed in the morning. We do this because we know there are some changes which need to be made. We need to brush…

Don’t Get in the Trash Can

[315 words] One day a mother was scraping vegetables for a salad as her daughter came and asked permission to go to a R-rated movie. “But all the kids are going,” she said, “and their parents didn’t think it would hurt them.” As she talked, she saw her mother pick up a handful of scraps…

Does Prayer Really Work?

[392 words] One of the great privileges of the Christian life is the opportunity to approach the heavenly Father in prayer. God’s people are encouraged to draw near to the Father’s heavenly throne with boldness, seeking help in time of need. Sometimes, Christians get discouraged and may wonder if prayer really works. One might say,…

The Opportunity to Do Good

[306 words] We live in the land of opportunity. Every person has the opportunity to do an extremely vast number of things each day. We have choices when it comes to employment. We have choices when it comes to living. We have choices when it comes to entertainment. We have so many choices that usually…

Those Who Know Your Name

[320 words] Names have always been special to God. In Scripture we often find God using names to convey ideas. For example, the prophet Hosea assigned names to his children that stood as indictments of Israel’s sins (Hosea 1:3-9). The Almighty would even change a person’s name to teach a lesson. Abram became Abraham. Sarai…

Easy Overview of the New Testament

[339 words] It isn’t uncommon today to hear someone say that it is impossible to understand the Bible. It seems to me that this is a reflection on God. Is God not powerful enough, smart enough, and loving enough to give us a Book we can understand? Certainly, He is. The problem, therefore, when it…

Great Things in First Peter

[372 words] There are at least nine different Greek words that are used in the New Testament which could be translated “great.” The word appears more than a few times in different books and letters. As we read our Bible, some of these great things stand out. At times, even if the word “great” is…

The Last Best Hope of Earth

[389 words] One month before signing the Emancipation Proclamation, Abraham Lincoln wrote a letter to Congress in which he addressed freeing the country’s slaves. In it, Lincoln stressed the importance of doing the right thing to “save our country,” which he described as “the last best hope of earth.” I want to borrow and amend…

Not a Good Idea?

[387 words] I was watching a television program in which a number of preachers were asked questions from viewers. One viewer asked a very important question. The question dealt with why there are different denominations. The viewer asked, “Wouldn’t it be better to have just one church?” The moderator of the program stated that would…

Three Questions to Keep Your Worship Focused

[308 words] Worshiping God is something that takes real effort to do properly and acceptably. (Note the word “do.”) While the word “worship” can be used as a noun, God uses the word as a verb. Furthermore, it is not used as a passive verb (of something that happens “to” me or “around” me). Worship…

How Strong is Your Strength?

[352 words] Stephen was a great man of faith (Acts 7). Earlier the Lord had identified him as a man of conviction, reputation, wisdom, and the Holy Spirit. All these traits of character were going to be necessary for what he was about to face. It is easy to speak favorably of one’s commitment to…

What the Church Offers

[337 words] Too many folks look upon church attendance as being secondary to anything else on their schedule. They are not opposed to religion. They may even look upon it as a vital part of life. But they have no conscience against neglecting it. Perhaps the attitude is: “I’ll go to church if nothing comes…

‘They Just Don’t Come Anymore!’

[342 words] I recently was in conversation with a gentlemen who has been a Christian for approximately sixty or more years, he remarked to me that back in “his day,” he would have twelve to fifteen teens in his class. He followed that comment with, “They just don’t come anymore!” Not be an alarmist, but…

More, Please

[300 words] Ralph Kramden, the lovable oaf portrayed on television by Jackie Gleason in the 1950s, found it easy to put his foot in his mouth. When asked why he didn’t treat Alice, his wife, in the same romantic way he did before they were married, he replied, “Why keep running after you catch the bus?” His…

True Freedom

[357 words] In 1776, the 13 British colonies in North America protested the tyranny of the king of England and engaged in a struggle that gave birth to a brand new republic. The infant nation soon adopted that now famous document known as the Declaration of Independence. We celebrate this emancipation every July 4th. Almost…

Celebrate Freedom

[311 words] In a letter dated July 3, 1776, John Adams wrote to his wife: “This will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance,…

Abraham and God

[388 words] Among the greatest names in the roll call of faithful saints down through the ages, the name of Abraham must surely rank high on the list. Abraham’s distinction lies in the fact that Abraham listened to God, loved God and leaned upon God. Abraham Listened to God. In Genesis 22:1, God spoke the…

Unity of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace

[349 words] How does one keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace? When people willingly join themselves together, they do so with good intentions. Each one comes from a place that is not shared by the others in that group. We all have our experiences, perspectives, and we launch into the…

Lessons from Samson

[391 words] The story of Samson can be found in Judges chapters 13-16. Samson allowed his lust to control his actions and made poor decisions based on impulsive thoughts driven by that same lust. What are some lessons that we can learn from Samson and his pursuit of a wife? Be teachable. Always have a…

The Danger of Popularity

[352 words] So many people base their life on the pursuit of popularity. I do not believe that I have ever been popular, but as a teenager I can remember wanting to be. The desire to be liked and to have the praise of the people around us can be a strong temptation. Our young…

Diligence and Neglect

[320 words] The apostle Peter, in the early part of his second letter, gives emphasis to the importance of Christians being diligent in the development of spiritual qualities. How diligent did he want them to be? He urges, “…giving all diligence…” (2 Pet. 1:5). Later, he adds, “…be even more diligent…” (2 Pet. 1:12). Since…

Am I Strong?

[338 words] How do I know if I am strong? There are numerous ways to measure physical strength. One example of a physical strength test would be the bench press. Each year at the NFL combine players demonstrate how many times they can press 225 pounds. Fifteen to twenty-five times seems to be about the…

Watch Out for the Traps

[349 words] Once there was a little fly who saw a spider’s web in the corner of the room. “I’ll fly away from it,” he thought; “For if I should get one foot in it I might get two, and soon I would be caught all together.” Wasn’t this little fly a wise fellow? In…

A Man of Many Hats

[336 words] Have you ever heard the phrase “He is a man of many hats”? I can remember hearing this growing up. I remember thinking how funny a man would look with a stack of hats on his head. The real meaning goes back to the days when everyone was wearing hats and different professions…

God and the Big Bang

[300 words] I was surprised to learn the Big Bang Theory is credited to Georges Lemaître (1894-1966), a Belgian Catholic priest. It’s concerning that an alleged “man of God” promoted such rubbish. Lemaître postulated that the observable universe began with the explosion of a single primeval atom. Aside from contradicting God’s Word (Genesis 1:1), this…

A Mother’s Love

[328 words] There was a widow who was trying to raise twin sons on her own. When the boys turned 18 and graduated from high school, they thought they could do whatever they wanted. So they stopped going to church and started going out at night to some very unsavory places. Their mother kept begging…

Happy Mother’s Day!

[312 words] In the passage on “the worthy woman,” it is noted, “Her children rise up and bless her” (Proverbs 31:28a). The King James Verson expresses the thought this way: “Her children arise up, and call her blessed.” Mothers are special. In a Peanuts comic strip, Charlie Brown said, “Everyone needs someone to love them,…

Sincerely Wrong

[313 words] “Brothers, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for them is that they may be saved. For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. For, being ignorant of the righteousness of God, and seeking to establish their own, they did not submit to God’s…

If We Would Just Communicate

[356 words] One of the chief sources of problems and difficulties that we will most regularly deal with in our lives, comes from communication, the lack thereof, or the misunderstanding thereof. Marriages fail because husbands and wives stop communicating. If they do communicate, they do so in the wrong way or they misunderstand each other…

God Is Fighting For Us!

[321 words] “Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them. And Elisha prayed, and said, Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses…

Sending Messages Through Worship

[360 words] Long before e-mail and long before texts, people were sending messages. Solomon sent a message to Hiram, asking him to provide lumber for the building of the temple (1 Kings 5). Hiram answered with his own message, “I will do all you desire concerning the cedar and cypress logs” (1 Kings 5:8). John…

The Beauty and Power of Hope

[306 words] Viktor E. Frankl is one of those rare and special individuals who survived Hitler’s concentration camps. He went on to become a well-respected psychiatrist in his time after the war. Frankl dedicated his life’s work to exploring and sharing the necessity and influence of meaning and hope. Frankl observed that the people who…

Grasping Hope

[346 words] Charles Spurgeon, a well-known denominational preacher of 19th century, related in one of his sermons the story of a sailor who fell overboard amid a great storm and the thrilling rescue that followed. As soon as the cry, “Man overboard!” was sounded the crew flew into action determined to save their shipmate from…

Can I Borrow Your Rope?

[392 words] A farmer came and asked his neighbor if he could borrow his rope. The neighbor said, “No, I can’t let you borrow it.” “Why not,” he replied. “Because I’m using it to tie up my milk.” “But you can’t tie up milk with a rope.” “I know, but when you don’t want to…

Will a Man Rob God?

[373 words] I once heard a comedian confess that in his childhood, he and a friend would wrap double-stick tape around their fingers before the collection plate was passed on Sundays. They would make it look like they were placing something in the plate, when they were actually taking coins out. Any right-thinking person can…

What is Christ Worth to You? 

[367 words] Is He worth studying the Word for? Are you willing to give up your free time and put your effort into studying God’s Word? “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15, KJV). Is He worth forsaking…

Casting Pearls Before Swine

[393 words] “Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you” (Matthew 7:6). Jesus made this statement in His great Sermon on the Mount. But what does this verse mean? Throughout His earthly ministry, Jesus…

I Want To Go To Heaven

[336 words] “Every athlete exercises self-control…They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable one…” (1 Corinthians 9:25) John “Pepper” Martin played for the St. Louis Cardinals and was the star of the 1931 World Series. Following one of those games, Pepper was interviewed by a newsman. The first question he was…

Keep Your Heart With All Diligence

[369 words] “Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life” (Proverbs 4:23).  You have probably heard the saying concerning computers, “Input equals output.” Or, the more popular term, “Garbage in, garbage out.” That does not apply to just computers, but also to human beings. If what we feed…

Mothers: The Heart of the Family

[359 words] Nations rise and fall, empires prosper or crumble and men are stirred to great accomplishment s or driven to shameful failure often because of the influence of a wife or mother. The wise poet has properly said, “The hand that rocks the cradle, is the hand that rules the world.” For most women,…

There Is Room At The Cross

[386 words] “The cross upon which Jesus died is a shelter in which we can hide; and its grace so free is sufficient for me, and deep is its fountain, as wide as the sea.” These words written by Ira F. Stanphill in his song, “Room at the Cross” should give a great sense of…

Needed: Personal Evangelism

[392 words] How wonderful it is to be needed! One of the joys of marriage. One of the joys of parenthood. One of the joys of Christianity. There are physical needs, and there are spiritual needs. Everyone has a need for something or someone. True of kings and true of hermits. True of Christ, the…

The Cumulative Weight of Bees?

[335 words] We often fail to consider the gradual, cumulative effect of sin in our lives. Keep reading. In Saint Louis in 1984, a woman noticed a few bees buzzing around the attic of her home. Since there were only a few, she thought, she made no effort to deal with them. Over the summer,…

Good Sense vs. Lacking Sense

[393 words] With a name like “common sense,” one would think that everybody has it. That does not seem to be the case though. Someone with common sense would surely think they need to tie down trash bags in the back of their truck filled with junk if they are going to exceed 50 mile…

Let Your love Light Shine

[339 words] One of the most famous light houses in America is Minot’s Ledge Light House off shore from Scituate, Massachusetts. It is not known for its age or beauty. Though it has a rich, interesting history, it is perhaps best known for its light flashing, in nautical code, “1-4-3.” The flashing lantern was installed…

Get in the Wheelbarrow!

[370 words] There was a tightrope walker, who did incredible aerial feats. All over Paris, he would do tightrope acts at tremendously scary heights. Then he had succeeding acts: he would do it blindfolded, then he would go across the tightrope, blindfolded, pushing a wheelbarrow. An American promoter read about this in the papers and…

Will You Deny Him?

[370 words] Peter looked boldly into the eyes of the Lord and said without hesitation, “though all men shall be offended because of you, yet will I never be offended.” To which Jesus replied, “assuredly, I say to you that this night, before the rooster crows, you will deny Me three times.” But unwaveringly, Peter…

Who Are We?

[396 words] Many seem to be confused as to what it means to be a member of the church of Christ. The following observations will be helpful in clearing their minds. • We are a band of imperfect followers of Jesus. We have been saved, not because of our goodness or merit, but by the…

Life With A Purpose

[357 words] Our life upon this earth is of few days and full of trouble. Some days are the best of times; some days are the worst of times. There are moments that look like the spring of hope; others look like the winter of despair. Through it all we need to live a life…

Don’t Tell Bryce Weiler It’s Impossible

[337 words] Inspiring stories of people who succeed against all odds come to our attention all the time, but the case of Bryce Weiler is a little different. The 30-year-old from Claremont, Illinois, is a huge sports fan, and has worked his way up the ladder to be a radio commentator. So far he has…


[355 words] I have an affinity for big trucks of all kinds. My daddy was a truck driver most of his life, picking up “canned milk” in the 1950’s to delivering feed to farmers in the 1960’s and 1970’s, then back to picking up milk in a tandem tank truck in the late 1970’s. As…

Four Parts of Ephesians 2:16

[300 words] Paul wrote, “and that He might reconcile them both to God in one body through the cross, thereby putting to death the enmity” (Ephesians 2:16). There are four parts to this verse that answer four questions: Who, What, Where, How? The “Who” is Jesus. None less than the Christ, the Messiah, the Prince…

Some Thoughts on Jesus Coming to the Earth

[365 words] I found an interesting quote in my files recently. I don’t know who to attribute it to, but it is really thought provoking. The quote is this: “Socrates taught for 40 years, Plato for 50, Aristotle for 40, and Jesus for only 3. Yet the influence of Christ’s 3-year ministry infinitely transcends the…

What is Christ Worth to You? 

[367 words] Is He worth studying the Word for? Are you willing to give up your free time and put your effort into studying God’s Word? “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15, KJV). Is He worth forsaking…

Say it With My Life

[338 words] Out of the things that Jesus taught during His ministry, there is one that has a supreme importance. It can be summed up in only four words: “Say it with my life.” Jesus said: “And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?”(Luke 6:46). He is teaching…

Are You Missing Ingredients?

[373 words] Recently we had a lot of bananas get really ripe, so I started to make a big batch of banana muffins. I took them out of the oven, gave them a taste, and realized right away that something was wrong. I had forgotten to add the butter. I had put the amount of…

The Lord’s Supper: Save It From COVID-19

[340 words] One of the most disruptive things to me about COVID-19 has been the Lord’s Supper. For more than forty years, I’ve had a structured meditation for the Lord’s Supper. There are reflections while I’m eating the bread and another series of thoughts for the fruit of the vine.  During the year, we’ve visited…

The Good Word

[385 words] We are to hear and obey the word of God! The Master said, “Blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it” (Luke 11:28). We are often admonished from the pulpit and in Bible class to study and apply the Bible daily. This is good advice for the Bible is…

Don’t Forget to Light the Fire

[317 words] In one of Jack London’s short stories, he writes about a fellow who was a newcomer to the Alaska gold rush. As he outfits to go out to “stake his claim and strike it rich,” a seasoned veteran gives him some advice. “It’s winter, so whenever you pause from hiking, be sure to…

Handling the Pressure

[363 words] For ages, people have wondered what was on the ocean floor. On August 15, 1934, Otis Barton and William Beebe came closer than ever before. On that day, they descended to a depth of 3,028 feet into the dark ocean, a record that remained unbroken for 15 years. The way they achieved this…

The Road of Resolution

[348 words] It is this time of year many like to make New Year’s Resolutions. A resolution is defined as, “a firm decision to do or not to do something.” It is good to make godly resolutions or firm decisions. Maybe the following can help you to keep on the right road with God throughout…

The Important Question: Who Is Jesus?

[332 words] The Bible shows us two sides of the most important person in history. The Lord is like us “in every respect” (Hebrews 2:17). There is no shortage of biblical evidence concerning Christ’s humanity. He experienced physical reactions, such as hunger (Matthew 4:2), thirst (John 19:28), and weariness (John 4:6). He wept (John 11:35),…

Are You Starving?

[345 words] Are you starving? This is probably a funny question to ask, especially since we just celebrated Thanksgiving and most of us probably ate more than we needed to. For most of us the holiday season includes good food and more desserts than you can shake a stick at. I know I enjoy all…


[383 words] Do you wear a mask? I can remember being so excited one year at Halloween. I found a mask on clearance. It was a full head mask with light up eyes and a voice changer built in. That thing was so hot, and my breath condensed on the inside, but man, I can…

Not a Joking Matter

[367 words] There was once a farmer who was going broke farming, so he quit and started selling hammers. He would buy hammers for $3 apiece and sell them for $2 each. He was selling a lot of hammers and seemed happier than before. A friend soon reminded him that for every hammer he sold…

Finding True Power

[365 words] People sometimes look in the wrong place to find power. Sometimes, folks look for power in the teachings of human beings. We humans are sometimes amazing. But, when it comes to true power we suddenly find ourselves unable to do very much. The teachings of Confucius are great, but are not divinely inspired…

The Angry Man

[352 words] “Make no friendship with a man given to anger, nor go with a wrathful man, lest you learn his ways and entangle yourself in a snare” (Proverbs 22:24-25, ESV). When I was growing up, I had a friend with whom me and a couple of other hung around. He was a good fellow,…

Wisdom is Obeying God

[336 words] Jonah heard the call of the Lord. “Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before me” (Jonah 1:2). Jonah, however, made an executive decision to ignore those clear instructions. By doing so he became one of the premier Biblical examples of what not…

Unemployed Christians?

[360 words] We continue to see unprecedented job opportunities in our nation and locally. It almost seems employers are literally begging people to work. We can find work if we are seeking. This is especially true in the work of the church.   Someone once told me, “there should never be any unemployed Christians.” Much…

‘I Am’ Able to Help You

[316 words] Each of the “I am” statements of Jesus in the book of John displays an important aspect of how He can meet our true needs. When Jesus said, “I am the bread of life” (John 6:35), He stated that He can sustain our souls forevermore. He is that which nourishes and satisfies. When…

What Would You Take For It?

[363 words] When my dad bought me something or gave me something he knew I really wanted, after a period of time, he would grin and say, “What would you take for it?” Knowing I wouldn’t part with whatever gift he had bestowed upon me, he liked to test me and reassure himself he had…

Abraham’s Early Mornings

[363 words] I am not really a morning person. I loathe early alarms. Most days, it takes me a while to really get going. If, however, the day promises something out of the ordinary and pleasant, like the beginning of a vacation, I’ve been known to wake up before the alarm clock goes off. But…

Five Wise Sayings for Life

[381 words] I love sitting and listening to older, wiser folks than myself. I love history and learning it from people who loved it. There is something about sitting on a porch swing with someone old in days who has seen so much change and endured so much through their walk in life. The proverbial…

I Am the Only One!

[346 words] Have you ever felt like you were alone? Maybe at work you felt like you were the only one who does any real work. We can feel isolated like we are the only one going through struggles. The devil uses these feelings to break us down and attack us. We start to feel…

Shelter in the Storm

[391 words] A young man named Gus was taking a walk through the English countryside one day in 1753 when a sudden storm swept across the landscape. Running for cover, he spotted a wide rock formation with an opening where he sought shelter until the storm passed. He had been fortunate to find this hiding…

Nothing But the Blood of Jesus

[398 words] Robert Lowry composed both the words and music of the beautiful hymn, “Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus.” In the hymn we are asked, “What can wash away my sins?” and “What can make me whole again?” Each time we respond, “Nothing but the blood of Jesus.” In Lowry’s hymn we sing of…

Worship God

[335 words] Fact One: We are worshiping God! Fact Two: God sees our worship! Fact Three: Being conscious of these facts should greatly impact our worship! Fact One: We are worshiping God! When we sing, we sing “to the Lord” (Ephesians 5:19). When the lesson is taught, we are studying to present ourselves “approved to…


[368 words] Power was off at the house and church building (and other places) Sunday night until about eleven o’clock Monday morning. Inconvenient! I came into work Tuesday morning ready for a day of working on sermon and class notes and found that the power had knocked out the church internet and phone lines. Inconvenient!…

What You Can’t See

[345 words] Sometimes I know when I’m in error. I’ve been around enough to know the sins that I am most tempted by. When my willpower fails and I commit one of these sins I know immediately afterward that I did wrong. God, forgive me for “the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak”…

Signs of Grace

[370 words] Paul began his second letter to the Thessalonian church with these encouraging words, “We ought always to give thanks to God for you, brethren, as is only fitting, because your faith is greatly enlarged, and the love of each one of you toward one another grows ever greater; therefore, we ourselves speak proudly…

Help in Time of Sadness

[322 words] Numerous are the occasions that may cause us to feel the emotion of sadness. Seeing someone we love make sinful choices will break our hearts. Seeing someone we love go away (either temporarily like moving or permanently like dying) will cause a wellspring of tears to overflow. Scripture prepares us to expect times…