Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

[531 words] I used to coach high school football with a gentlemen who also served our state as a Kentucky State Trooper. Kids loved him (and still do) and I learned about life while being in his presence. When it came to dealing with emotions or people, he was, as my momma would say, “cool…

How Capable Are You?

[565 words] All of my life, I have heard it said, “You are only as strong as your weakest link!” My humble understanding of this quote means, every “link” on your chain (metaphorically speaking) is important, needs to be proficient in the mission of the organization, and makes a positive contribution if success is to…

Greed: What Are You Drawn To?

[375 words] I would be the last person chosen to counsel anyone when it comes to “money!” Additionally, I would never be elected to lecture on personal finance or budget development for an organization or business. But, after fifty years of living, I’ve learned money/possessions should be used as tools and not as something to…

What Does the World Need?

[349 words] As time moves on, I am thankful for Jesus and the church. While having an attitude of gratitude, I also have a feeling of concern. I am concerned about the world really not knowing Jesus or having an understanding of the church. I know this is not a new concept, but our concern…

Victory Depends on the Vision

[337 words] I was born with extremely poor eyesight. My poor vision began to manifest itself in elementary school. At one point in the sixth grade my grades were horrible because of my vision. My mother was called in for a conference about my grades. I was terrified! I mean, the meeting wasn’t about some…

Don’t Kill the Zeal!

[439 words] An older preacher once said to a very energetic and zealous younger preacher, “Slow down boy! You act like you are trying to set the world on fire!” The younger preacher said to the older preacher, “Well, if Jesus returned today, I want to be striking matches!” Of course, the context of the…

How Long Does Encouragement Last?

[619 words] Hot weather does not bother me so long as I can feel a breeze. One of the hottest summers I can remember was 1987—not much of a breeze seemed to exist! I was entering my freshmen year of football camp. I readily admit I was intimidated! Our little high school was known for…

Church Hurt

[465 words] Nearly twenty years ago, I was on the phone with someone in the congregation where we were attending at the time. I made the phone call while on my break at my workplace. Unbeknownst to me, one of my coworkers was listening to the conversation. Well, he could only hear me talking with…

Abiding Dependence

[453 words] During my formative years, my parents constantly talked to me about “reputation” and being “dependable!” They constantly talked to me about doing my best to have a positive reputation of “not” causing other people problems and simply being counted on at school, society, and in the workplace. Simply put, strive to be dependable.…

Consider One Another

[442 words] At home, we recently took on the task of cleaning out our attic! Yes, I can hear you groaning as you think about how much fun we had. Well, it wasn’t all bad. In fact, when we take time to declutter any segment of our lives, we actually feel somewhat liberated because we…

The Voice of the Empty Pew

[531 words] Each day when I leave my home, I don’t get too far down the road before I start missing my wife and children. As we age, we all are going our separate ways, but each time I leave my family, I can’t wait to see them again! Upon departure, I anxiously want to…

‘They Just Don’t Come Anymore!’

[342 words] I recently was in conversation with a gentlemen who has been a Christian for approximately sixty or more years, he remarked to me that back in “his day,” he would have twelve to fifteen teens in his class. He followed that comment with, “They just don’t come anymore!” Not be an alarmist, but…

Love With Persistence

[221 words] In his book entitled Love More, Sin Less, Aubrey Johnson says, “The call of the gospel is a call to love. We are summoned by God’s love to share in the fellowship of loving spirits in heaven and on earth (Philippians 2:1-2). Making a commitment to the love-based life is the best decision…


[355 words] I have an affinity for big trucks of all kinds. My daddy was a truck driver most of his life, picking up “canned milk” in the 1950’s to delivering feed to farmers in the 1960’s and 1970’s, then back to picking up milk in a tandem tank truck in the late 1970’s. As…

Picking Up the Pieces

[261 words] When Asa was about five years old, we bought him a bicycle for his birthday. Given that his birthday is in December, the weather did not permit him to ride it outside for a while. One morning, he decided to ride down our hallway. He did not know how to use the breaks…

A New Year: Time to Take Inventory

[294 words] As we begin a new year, may we “take inventory” of our spiritual lives. Most businesses or organizations (the ones that are successful) will ask three questions in terms of their direction: “Where have we been? Where are we? Where are we going?” Our spiritual lives are of far greater importance than any…

Unemployed Christians?

[360 words] We continue to see unprecedented job opportunities in our nation and locally. It almost seems employers are literally begging people to work. We can find work if we are seeking. This is especially true in the work of the church.   Someone once told me, “there should never be any unemployed Christians.” Much…

What Would You Take For It?

[363 words] When my dad bought me something or gave me something he knew I really wanted, after a period of time, he would grin and say, “What would you take for it?” Knowing I wouldn’t part with whatever gift he had bestowed upon me, he liked to test me and reassure himself he had…

Loose Leaf Paper and #2 Pencils

[278 words] “Parents that treat the church as optional, shouldn’t be surprised when their children treat Jesus as unnecessary.” — Unknown “Going back to school” is once again upon us! In our part of the world, August always means “school” will soon be starting! Education was always important to my parents, especially my father. My…

Why Should I Attend VBS?

[235 words] Vacation Bible School is upon us again and you may be asking, “Why should I attend VBS?” VBS is another opportunity for spiritual growth! Jesus established His church as a community of His followers to worship God, encourage one another, and spread the Good News. Attending VBS will allow you to grow closer…

When the Water is Still

[339 words] I went fishing for a couple of hours recently, caught one fish, and learned a lot. I drifted into a daydream as the ripples kept a steady rhythm on top of the water. As I thought a little deeper, I thought of the little ripples in the pond as kind of like the…

Pain and Suffering

[332 words] We are dealing with pain and suffering. Our varying degrees of “hurt” are different because we all are on different journeys to the same place. Our labor and toil are met each day with emotional, social, financial, and physical pain. Our wounds can make us incapable of moving from one hour to another.…

A Year of Learning

[235 words] Twelve months ago, our nation and community literally came to a screeching halt due the Coronavirus worldwide pandemic. I think we would all agree, the past twelve months has been a learning experience! When I analyze a situation, I always ask three questions: First, where have we been? Second, where are we? Third,…

Is Homework Important?

[205 words] How many of us have asked this question? The answer to that question is incalculable! Depending on when we have been asked this question will depend on how we answer the question. When I was younger, I would probably say, “Homework is important, but can we reduce the amount?” The older I have…

2021: Do You Have Room for Jesus?

[176 words] Even though we have moved into the digital age, I continue to use a paper planner. I like being able to write thoughts, ideas, and make plans while turning pages. Each little block on a calendar represents 24 hours. As we write and plan on each block, do we make room for Jesus?…

The Empty Swing

[268 words] Last Sunday afternoon, I walked for about forty minutes at home. It was a nice, brisk fall after-noon. I finished up walking as the darkness was moving in on our part of the world. As the wind blew, I could see out of the corner of my eye a swing in a tree…

The Old Clothesline

[363 words] My daddy was a man of many talents. He thawed frozen water pipes under the house during the winter, repaired bicycles, house fans, was a great cook and even overhauled a car engine in our drive-way. When I was old enough, my job was to always hold the flashlight, carry the toolbox, or…

Getting to Know Jesus Through Preparation

[280 words] A few months ago, I began working with a cousin of mine in the area of genealogy. I have always enjoyed studying history, but I have never spent a lot of time documenting my family’s history. My cousin’s grandfather was a brother to my grandfather. As we began our journey last spring, we…

Condescend to Men of Low Estate

[322 words] In chapter seven of his book Balance: A Tried and Tested Formula for Church Growth, Ira North points us to the importance of helping the poor, the downtrodden, and the “lowly.” Brother North quotes Romans 12:16 (KJV) which says, “Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things but condescend…

We Need Older People!

[333 words] Like you, I was taught to “respect my elders.” Of course, my parents were talking about respecting and showing value to those who were older than me. The older I get, the more value I have for those who are older than me. Those who are older than me have an education learned…

Seek First to Understand, Then Be Understood

[354 words] Stephen Covey was an American educator, author, businessman, and keynote speaker. His most famous book is entitled, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.” This book highlights seven ways one can be more effective in life, work, or their profession as they seek to hone their craft. Habit #5 is: Seek first to…

Words Matter

[299 words] We have so many ways in which we use our words. We have the spoken word. We have the written word. We have the texted word. We have the emailed word. We have the posted word. Thank-fully, we have the Inspired Word! James 1:19-20 is clear when it comes to how we are…

Dealing With Chickens

[314 words] I loved visiting my Aunt Maureen and my  Uncle Tolle Chapman in Nobob, KY when I was a little boy. They always had chickens in their backyard! I would spend hours watching the chickens peck the ground and interact in their little space. My aunt Margaret lived just up the road. She too,…

Are You Tired?

[351 words] “Man who is born of woman is of few days and full of trouble. He comes forth like a flower and fades away; he flees like a shadow and does not continue.” Job 14:1-2 reminds us life is hard and short.  This is not “news” to any of us! We are all aware…

How To Make Sermons Last

[272 words] A preacher posted recently that someone had commented to him, “sermons are ineffective because they are forgotten by the time people get to the restaurant after church.” This statement concerned me because I feel the person who suggested this idea to the preacher put preachers in a negative light (probably not intentionally). I,…

Good Communication Requires Wisdom

[324 words] The root cause of conflict points back to “poor communication.” How many of us want to be “heard?” How many times do we feel we failed in a conversation? My parents would not be happy and would say to me, “You shouldn’t speak before you think!”  Forty-six years later, I still struggle to…

Healing A Broken Heart

[310 words] “We spend the first half of our life making friends, we spend the second half of our life burying them.” — Unknown How many of us have said “goodbye” to a friend or family member at the funeral home? I find myself attempting to provide comfort to others and watch people I care…

Left Behind, Missing Our Family and Friends

[347 words] I am thankful each day to rise and participate in life. However, I am seeing more and more of my family, friends, and those who have meant so much to me pass away. We know grief and death are part of life (Hebrews 9:27), but I think we all yearn to spend more…

Can You Keep A Secret?

[219 words] In some instances, a secret must be kept! Spouses have conversations that only take place inside their relationship. Lawyers maintain client confidentiality. Bankers cannot share customer loan agreements. Medical Professionals cannot divulge patient information. Preachers cannot share details of meetings when he is assisting someone in the congregation with a problem or spiritual…

Missing Our Loved Ones

[326 words] Not an hour fades from the clock that doesn’t find us thinking about, missing, or longing to be with our friends, neighbors, family members, or spouse that has already passed away. We know the void we have is a result of the deep love we shared. We are confident in the expectation of…


[357 words] “Did you do your homework?” I’m very proud of you!” “Do you need anything?” “I love you.” “Can you hold this light for me?” These are just a few of the words I can still hear my father saying to me. Although my father has been gone for 24 years, I can still…

The Influence of Mothers

[328 words] We are in a time where the lines of morality are blurred. The Bible is plain when it comes to who is to marry (one man and one woman), how children are to be parented (by both parents), and how children are to respond to their parents (reflecting Godly parenting). We should be…

Lest We Drift Away

[301 words] Man-made religions grow due to entertainment worship and an acceptance of feel-good philosophy. Once faithful Christians have exchanged truth for fiction. The Hebrew writer says, “Therefore we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away (2:1). Ignoring God’s commands will cause the once faithful to…

Lessons From The Lost Coin

[309 words] Luke 15:1-2 sets up the three parables Jesus is using to teach His lessons. The “tax collectors and sinners” were drawn to the uplifting message of Jesus! These groups wanted an alternative to the ugliness found in their lives while having no sense of hope and direction. Luke 15:8-10 says, “Or what woman,…


  [398 words] Most days, “ living” is a challenge. We have many responsibilities and challenges that compete with our relationship with God. We are raising a generation that has no real religious concern or eternal focus. As a society, our current generation continues to drift from the Creator! The world around us seems put…

What Will They Say About Me?

  [342 words] Just as you, I have attended several funerals recently of friends & family, as well as, brothers and sisters in Christ. Leading up to the memorial, we often read a snippet of our loved one’s life in the local newspaper. The last several weeks has lead me to this question, “What will…

Foul Language Is Foul

  [312 words] I recently watched a nationally televised athletic event where literally millions of people viewed the same game. During the game, the main camera showed one of the coaches being very upset and using verbally abusive foul language regarding calls made by the officials! What I observed disturbed me. Then I realized how…

Take Advantage of What the Church Offers

[330 words] Recently, I dropped my son off at the building for an activity that will enhance his ability to develop a budget and be a better provider both financially and spiritually when he starts his family one day. I know our schedules create barriers from time to time and we can’t attend everything. However,…

Please Do Not Be Discouraged

[250 words] Many times our “downs” outweigh our “ups.” We may feel we are going uphill all the while being pulled back. We may be hurting because our loved ones are hurting due to health challenges, financial setbacks, or spiritual deprivation. We may spend our mornings, days, or late nights in tears because of the…

What Defines You?

  [306 words] Are you known for your knowledge of the great outdoors, your keen political awareness, the expertise in your profession or your ability to understand what it takes to build a superb athletic team? I enjoy hearing good hunting stories, listening to whether or not we are on the right track in our…

How Can I Be Poured Out for Christ?

  [297 words] Philippians 2:12-18 teaches us we how we can be light bearers for Christ while giving our all for Him. I would encourage you to read this passage along side this article. What is required of me? Paul writes that those who read his words demonstrate personal responsibility when it comes to the…

Is Our Attitude Worth Catching?

  [279 words] During my first public job as a teenager, I demonstrated more immaturity than I care to talk about. I was trying to be funny in front of a customer. I wanted to be an “attention getter” with my comments, she stopped writing her check looked at me and said, “Allen, you can…

Don’t Quit

  [321 words] Many times, we encounter challenges that make us rethink our commitment to Christ and the church. When we consider quitting or lessening our relationship with Christ and the church let’s: Remember why we started (cf. Revelation 2:5). The church at Ephesus left their first love. Go back and remember why we chose…

Reflections From Walking In A Cemetery

  [422 words] I’m not sure how you feel about cemeteries, but I actually do my best thinking and reflecting anytime I find myself in a cemetery. Why? My priorities are quickly put in order, I realize we all have a limited number of sunsets, and I see firsthand the hurt one feels when a…

Don’t Give Up!

  [310 words] Today, some of us somewhere are receiving bad news, having to deal with unexpected challenges, existing in the darkness of being alone, having our feelings hurt, aren’t sure where our next meal is coming from, wandering how are we going to make that payment or going through excruciating physical pain. During times…

We Can Win The Battle

[332 words] As I type, Monday is knocking at the door! Challenges lay ahead, temptation is on both sides of the road, and Satan is waiting for me to step off the path I walk with Jesus. You and I will battle sin every hour and every day this week. The Good News is Jesus…

James: Where Faith Meets Real Life

[333 words] We all are looking for ways to deal with the trials and tribulations in our life each day. The book of James provides us with practical strategies from Scripture which allow us to overcome challenges, grow spiritually, and help others with struggles. James 1:1-7 teaches us we can profit from trials! This section…

Help Wanted

[382 words] We all have gone straight to the “Help Wanted” column of the classified section of the newspaper. When I needed a second or third job, I would spend a dollar in hopes of finding employment in the Sunday edition. Most of the time, we can find work if we are seeking. This is…

Your Next Home

[298 words] Financial experts tell us our homes are our largest asset. An average house in 1973 was 1,660 sq. ft., while in 2015 an average house was 2,687 sq. ft. Numerically, families continue to decrease in size compared to previous decades. Our homes are very important due to values, not needs. We are blessed…

He is Our Only Hope

When I was about 8 years old, I was asked by a neighborhood friend to attend an afternoon of swimming. I could not swim but I thought, “Just getting to tag along would be fun.” Within a few minutes of arriving at our destination, I was easily talked into getting in the water while holding…

Be All You Can Be

[297 words] As Christians are we being ALL WE CAN BE? We all have talent that allows us to make contributions to the expansion of God’s Kingdom. When we don’t utilize our talents we have a tendency to utilize excuses. Moses struggled with this as well. We know Moses as a Leader but he also…

Don’t ‘Just Say No!’

[331 words] During the 1980’s when the War On Drugs began, one of the phrases developed to deter teens and young adults to stay away from drugs was called, “Just Say No!” Of course the idea was if you were approached to partake in drug use, everyone was encouraged to “Just Say No!” If you…

Have You Heard The Good News?

[239 words] The “Good News” is the saving Gospel message of Jesus Christ. We must understand and share the story of our Lord and Savior. Acts 2 teaches us the confidence we have in the One who saves us. Acts 2:22 – He was a man. Acts 2:22 – God showed us who He was…

How We Are to Love Others

[328 words] We can see division and dislike for others in our society. The challenge to love others may exist in our community, workplace, or family for one reason or another. Scripture accurately and carefully guides us when it comes to how we are to love others. How can we love? Galatians 5:13 says, “For…

Back To School? Please Pray For Our Children!

[187 words] As school begins, we must monitor our kids each day. Brad Harrub identified reasons we are losing our children along with solutions to ensure our kids will remain steadfast in their walk with Christ. Reasons We Are Losing Our Kids: 1. Lack of Knowledge (Hosea 4:6, 1 Peter 3:15). 2. Lack of Combat…

Missing Our Loved Ones

[325 words] Not an hour fades from the clock that doesn’t find us thinking about, missing, or longing to be with our friends, neighbors, family members, or spouse that has already passed away. We know the void we have is a result of the deep love we shared. We are confident in the expectation of…

Our Father

  [311 words] I remember the morning of my father’s funeral, my mother was in a hurry to leave the house. In a confused voice, I asked, “Why are you in such a rush?” She said, “Today is the last day we will get to see him.” I have longed to see and talk with…

Do You Struggle With Parenting?

[291 words] Parenting is challenging. The top of the Christian parent challenge list would be, “Will my child be faithful to Christ into adulthood?” The Fuller Youth Institute says 50% of students walk away from the church after they graduate High School. Our youth need: Intergenerational relationships: Titus 2:1-5 says, “But as for you, speak…

Well, That’s Your Opinion!

[266 words] Do you use the rule book when you play Monopoly? I have never read the rules for Monopoly. Why? Getting to do something while making up my rules just seems easier. Playing the game with a skeleton set of guidelines takes the pressure off of trying to examine, prepare, and do what I…

Review, Reflect, Reset

  [311 words] Before we plan for 2017, can we look back at 2016? We apply this strategy with most anything in our lives. It would behoove us to apply this thinking with our spiritual lives as well. Let’s Review! First Cor. 10:12-13 says, “Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he…

How Can We Help Those Who are Suffering?

[263 words] “Why is there so much pain and suffering in the world? I’m afraid God is going to ask me the same question.” – Brandon Edwards We all have burdens and deal with suffering. Matthew 5:45 says, “that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on…

Effectiveness vs. Busy-ness

[289 words] We all are given the same amount of time in a day. We strive to be busy when it comes to the work of the church. Being busy is good but being effective bears fruit for the Kingdom. The difference between effectiveness and busy-ness is the result! Effective Christians do what they say…

Why Did They Leave The Church?

Flavil Yeakley, Jr. wrote a book entitled “Why They Left: Listening to Those Who Have Left Churches of Christ.” Yeakley does a good job compiling his findings. He digs deep into various reasons as to why people have left the church literally and figuratively. He explores doctrinal differences, neglect, instrumental music issues, the role of…