
[371 words] Working hard all day at a physical activity leads to a tiredness we can all relate to. We all know the relief of being able to finally sit down and rest. The great thing about physical tiredness is that usually after a time of rest we feel better and are able to return…

What Jesus Gave Up for Us

[105 words] He Gave Up Heaven’s Glory.He Gave Up Earthly Riches.He Gave Up His Human Will.He Gave Up His Life. “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation,…

Do You Desire Spiritual Sustenance?

[155 words] “Jehovah will not suffer the soul of the righteous to famish; But he thrusteth away the desire of the wicked” (Proverbs 10:3, ASV).  It’s easy to read this proverb and understand the point being made is in association to hungering and thirsting after righteousness. The soul that seeks after the Lord’s favor is…

A Root in the Dry Ground

[306 words] Yesterday, I ate my first apricot off of our tree. My wife and I have an apricot tree on the side of our house. The previous owners planted it, but we’ve tried to nurture it. Despite the windstorms and a tornado, we still have a nice crop of the fruit (which I love).…

No Awe of God

[504 words] I remember listening to a talk radio program where the host was eliciting comments on why the crime rate had risen for the first time in several years. As you can probably guess, most of the responses were extreme and unconvincing. Still, a common thread among most of the callers was that there…

Satan and Weeds

[543 words] There are weeds dying at my house (in fact, many are already dead). I know because I had a big part in killing them. As I was in the process of spraying them with a certain herbicide, an interesting analogy came to mind–I was actually playing Satan. Notice these salient points: Someone once…

Bridging Gaps

[353 words] One blade of grass at a time. That’s how the last remaining Inca rope bridge is rebuilt every year. The Q’eswachaka bridge spans the Apurimac river in the Cusco region of Peru. For 600 years, communities from both sides of the bridge have been assembling to cut down the old bridge and rebuild…

Ten Little Christians

[199 words] Ten Little Christians came to church all the time;One fell out with the preacher, then there were nine.Nine Little Christians stayed up late;One overslept on Sunday, then there were eight.Eight Little Christians on their way to Heaven;One took the low road, then there were seven.Seven Little Christians, chirping like chicks;One didn’t like the…

5 Things To Remember To Be A Church That Cares For Children

[530 words] If we are going to be a church that truly cares for children, there are some vital things we must keep in mind. Children are important. They are people too! Children are little souls who need to be loved, trained, molded, and matured. They will stand before the Lord at that last great…

How You Can Help ‘Boost Our Bible School’

[351 words] VBS is here! It is one of my favorite times of year. It’s exciting to see really creative and talented minds that shine in making a great experience for our kids. It is an opportunity to really “think outside the box” and to make a lasting impression on these kids about Jesus. Even…

Missing Our Loved Ones

[326 words] Not an hour fades from the clock that doesn’t find us thinking about, missing, or longing to be with our friends, neighbors, family members, or spouse that has already passed away. We know the void we have is a result of the deep love we shared. We are confident in the expectation of…

Get Excited!

[137 words] Godly zeal utilizes talents and builds up the church (1 Corinthians 14:12, “…since you are zealous for…gifts, let it be for the edification of the church that you seek to excel.”) Godly zeal gets others excited for the Lord (2 Corinthians 9:2, “…your zeal has stirred up the majority.”) Godly zeal promotes goodness…

Be Careful, the Children are Watching

[145 words] We need to be careful, children are excellent imitators, consider for a moment the following story:  A small girl watched with absorbing interest, everything which was happening at her mother’s card party. She observed how her mother dressed; how she dealt the cards; how the women drank cocktails, and how freely they puffed…

Bible Quiz: Read Hebrews 1:1-4

[46 words] In times past, God spoke to the fathers by the ___.In these last days, He has spoken to us by ___ ___.God appointed Jesus ___ of all things, through Whom He also made the ___.What did Jesus purge?Jesus is ___ than the angels. BulletinDigest.com… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual…

Bible Quiz: Read Hebrews 1:5-13

[45 words] “You are My Son, today I have ___ You.”“Let all the angels of God ___ Him.”“Your ___, O God, is forever and ever.”“But You are the ___,  and Your years will not fail.”“Sit at My ___ ___, till I make Your ___ Your ___.” BulletinDigest.com… We are sorry, but this content is for…

Bible Quiz: Read Hebrews 2:1-9

[57 words] Verse 1 warns us of the danger of ___ away.“How shall we ___ if we neglect so great a ___.”“God also bearing witness both with ___ and ___, with various ___ and ___ of the Holy Spirit, according to His own will.”How much of creation has been put in subjection to Christ?Jesus tasted…

Bible Quiz: Hebrews 2:10-18

[93 words] “For it was fitting for Him, for whom are all things and by whom are all things, in bringing many ___ to glory, to make the ___ of their ___ perfect through sufferings.”True or False: Jesus is not ashamed to call the saved His brothers.Through ___ Jesus destroyed him who has power over…

Quotes and Sayings (July 2019)

[315 words] “Independence Day: freedom has its life in the hearts, the actions, the spirit of men and so it must be daily earned and refreshed – else like a flower cut from its life-giving roots, it will wither and die.” – Dwight D. Eisenhower “We on this continent should never forget that men first…

On the Lighter Side (July 2019)

[195 words] A Perfect Fit For her summer job, my 18-year-old daughter arranged interviews at several day-care centers. At one meeting, she sat down on one of the kiddie seats, no simple task for most people. The interview went well, and at the end, the day-care center director asked the standard question, “Can you give…

Don’t Be a Dud!

[249 words] July was a favorite time of the year during my youth, because that was when we could shoot fireworks. It was a great experience to go down to the fireworks stand with my dad, look over all the multi-colored packages and imagine what each explosive would do. We usually ended up with a…

AMERICA is a Beautiful Word

[178 words] What do you see when you look at the word “America?” What mental pictures do the seven letters create in your mind? To me the capital letter “A” suggests our magnificent snow-covered mountain peaks, and the wigwams of the original Americans. The letter “M” symbolizes the broad shoulders of our pioneers; shoulders-to-the-wheel pushing…

New Feature: Bookmark Articles to Use Later

Let’s face it, we have a LOT of articles on BulletinDigest.com! When you are scrolling through the material, sometimes you run across articles you like and want to use, but not this week. To help you out with this, we have installed a “Bookmarking” feature. At the bottom of each article, just above the tag…

New Help Section Added

Bulletin Digest has a new Help Section that contains basic information on how to use our church bulletin resources.  The section has both video and text format, depending on the topic. If you have suggestions for further installments, please send us your questions!

Outline: Location in Christ

Introduction. It is said in real estate “location, location, location.” It is interesting to note the number of times the location “in Christ” is mentioned in the New Testament and what is found at that location. All Spiritual Blessings (Ephesians 1:3) An Inheritance (Ephesians 1:11). No Condemnation (Romans 8:1). A New Creature (2 Corinthians 5:17). Redemption (Colossians 1:14).…

What We Need in the Church Today

[353 words] More knocking on doors and less knocking on each other. The great commission demands that we busy ourselves in taking the gospel to others (Mark 16:15). The Bible says, “speak not evil of one another” (James 4:11). It is so much better to be busy doing good rather than evil. More sound heads…

To Receive Forgiveness, Love

[244 words] “This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother from your heart” (Matthew 18:35).  In this age of tolerance, it is so easy for us to define biblical terms in our own ways, ways that perhaps suit or justify what we’re already doing. But God is…

The Best Part of Sunday’s Super Bowl

[658 words] This year’s Super Bowl was truly “a tale of two halves,” but that was not the best part of the Super Bowl. Fans witnessed a dominant San Francisco 49er offense come to life after a 34-minute game delay and score, in about four minutes, seventeen unanswered points, but that was not the best…

A Basic Consideration

[284 words] Our answer to this question determines our approach to, and attitude toward those around us. It will either give us a sense of urgency or of complacency. The question is, “Who is lost?” During His days on earth, Jesus believed that some were lost, because He came to “Seek and to save that…

Loving Discipline

[313 words] It is hard to say you love discipline when in the middle of it. Young and old people alike find it hard to appreciate discipline, yet we yearn for knowledge. How do you react when someone critiques your work, when a friend calls you out on something wrong you have done, when a…

Choose Your Words Wisely

[498 words] The story is told of a man who called the phone company to complain about how his name was listed in the directory. He angrily insisted, “My name is Sweady, but this is the second time you’ve mistakenly spelled it Cyirwu.” “I’m sorry,” the customer service representative said, “I will make sure to…

God is Everywhere

[127 words] Let not your heart be troubled,He knows and understands.He knows of all your heartachesAnd reaches out His hand.Don’t crowd thoughts with worriesOr dwell on foolish things.God’s love is everywhere,This to you He brings. The sparrows search the sky for HimThe flowers raise their heads.The smallest creatures on this earthScurry from their beds.The morning…

The Significance of Baptism

[548 words] Few religious groups in our world today teach the full significance of baptism as it pertains to salvation. There are many who teach that one is saved first and then, baptized. Several others say baptism is necessary as a command of God but fail to see the urgency of it, baptizing an individual…

Useless or Useful?

[144 words] No one wants to feel useless. Onesimus was a slave to Philemon, Paul’s Christian brother. His name meant “useful.” But, Onesimus had become a runaway slave, and probably stole from his master to make his get away (Phile. 18). Onesimus met Paul in Rome in some way unknown to us, where Paul taught…


[604 words] Punctuality is the practice of being prompt, especially in keeping an appointment or engagement; it is observing, or doing, at the precise exact time. There are some responsible souls out there who can be depended upon to do whatever they are expected or asked to do at the very time they are supposed…

In Exchange

[97 words] This is the beginning of a new day. God has given me this day to use as I will. I can waste it or use it for good, but what I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it! When tomorrow comes, this day will be…

Why Are You Sleeping?

[342 words] In a time of great trial and agony for Jesus, He lacked support from his closest disciples. Luke records that in the garden, Jesus prayed earnestly; “And when he rose from prayer, He came to the disciples and found them sleeping for sorrow, and He said to them, Why are you sleeping? Rise…

Cross For Me

[329 words] “There they crucified Him” (Luke 23:33). At the heart of the gospel is a cross. Three important events took place at the cross. Jesus died there. Matthew says that Jesus “Yielded up His spirit” (27:50). Luke says “He breathed His last” (23:46), John said the soldiers who examined the body of Jesus at…

Will Jews Be Saved Without Obedience to Christ?

[546 words] The Jews, under the Old Law, were God’s chosen people. God dealt with them, and blessed them, in ways that He did not with Gentiles. But when Jesus died on the cross; that Old Law died with Him, for He “took it out of the way, nailing it to His cross” (Col. 2:14).…

Outline: Classify Yourself

2 Corinthians 13:5 The apostle Paul told the Christians at Corinth to “examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith” (2 Cor. 13:5). What sort of Christians are we? Dead Christians. Their activities for the Lord have ceased and are in danger of being overcome again (2 Pet. 2:20-22). Lukewarm Christians. Pride, worldly…

Outline: Judgment Day Excuses

But, Lord, what about all of the good that I have done? Read Matthew 7:21-23. But, Lord, I was just doing what other folks were doing. Read Matthew 7:13-14. But, Lord, I was always so busy with work and everything that I didn’t have time for church. Read Mark 4:19. Lord, I am sorry for…

God is Still Love

[108 words] A man traveling through the country noticed that the weather vane on the roof of a farm building bore the phrase, “God Is Love.” He was troubled about it and asked the farmer, “Do you think God’s love is as changeable as that weather vane?” “You miss the point, sir” replied the farmer,…

Faith: How Important?

[482 words] “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ” (Romans 10:17). Christians, in some ways, are like anyone else. We all have a tendency to become lax about matters that should be basic and indispensable. It is like eating well. Anyone can learn how proper nutrition works and can even…

‘On Bended Knee, I Come’

[181 words] There are many things we can learn from nature. Recently, I read about “the secret of the bended knee.” Most birds sleep, perched on a limb, and do not fall. When I sleep, there is no rhyme or reason, I will move around on the bed during the night, occupying several different positions.…

‘The Voice of Thy Brother’s Blood Crieth Unto Me’

[541 words] Adam Lanza (Sandy Hook Elementary shooter) and William Spengler (Webster, N,Y. shooter), names we’ve become quite familiar with in recent weeks, were men who’II be remembered as was Cain. I thought it appropriate to share some thoughts surrounding the first recorded shedding of innocent blood, Cain killing his brother Abel (Gen. 4:1-15). Evil…

The Fruit of the Spirit

[462 words] Galatians 5: 22-23 says, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.” This well-known passage commonly inspires us to set a goal of pursuing these individual qualities, and these are wonderful goals to have. However, what many fail…

I Will Remember Their Sins No More

[156 words] When the Hebrew writer quoted Jeremiah (Chapter 13) concerning the new covenant that Jesus brought, he writes, “For I will be merciful to their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more” (Heb 8:12). This is in stark contrast to the old covenant where the Hebrew writer states, “But in those (animal)…

Why is Our Society So Sinful?

[413 words] Why will a man throw away the wife of his youth and the children she bore him, all for a “one night stand?” Adults use profanity in public and in front of children. Society is plagued by constant news reports of murder, abuse, rape and theft. Even in a small community, the gossip…

Planting a Red Flag

[375 words] A red flag is a warning signal. Thus, “to plant a red flag,” has become a figure of speech meaning to give a warning. In this article, I would like to “plant a red flag” in all our minds on the subject of marriage, divorce, and remarriage. I realize that this is one…

God Encourages

[259 words] 2 CORINTHIANS 7:6 “But God, who comforts the depressed, comforted us by the coming of Titus.” God usually works through people. The encouragement and love you receive through others, actually has its source in God. So as we show love and offer encouragement, we can be God’s mouth and hands extended to those…

Turning the Other Cheek

[336 words] The Sermon on the Mount is the greatest sermon ever preached. We admire it, and quote it. But do we really follow it? I would say most of the time, yes. But there are some difficult things contained in it that challenge us today. In his sermon, Jesus tells his audience, “You have…

Prepare to Meet Thy God

[290 words] Knowles Shaw was born October 13, 1834 in Ohio to Alban and Huldah Griffeth Shaw. At the age of 13 his father passed away. His dying words to his son, “Prepare to meet thy God.” Around the age of 18, Knowles began to consider his father’s dying words. He met two men, Gabriel…

Graphics (June 2019)

To view an image, click on one of these thumbnail images. Then if you wish to download it, right-click the image and choose “Save Image As” to save the file to your computer. Place the image in your bulletin and adjust the size to fit…. We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and…

Honoring Dads

[132 words] Sonora Dodd is usually considered the architect of the American event called “Father’s Day.” Sonora’s father raised 6 children after his wife’s death, and Sonora felt that such dads were worthy of double honor.  But the concept of honoring our fathers didn’t originate in the U.S.A. God was the first to urge people…

Father’s Day Perspective

[402 words] Father’s Day, what does it mean to you? Its meaning has changed for me over the years. When I was young’ it was a day to wear a red rose to church. It was a day to say, “Thanks Dad for all the things you do.” Later, when I became a dad, it…


[357 words] “Did you do your homework?” I’m very proud of you!” “Do you need anything?” “I love you.” “Can you hold this light for me?” These are just a few of the words I can still hear my father saying to me. Although my father has been gone for 24 years, I can still…

The Backpack

[308 words] Maggie Vasquez, who has cerebral palsy, wasn’t going to get to go on the annual school camping trip as her wheelchair and walker wouldn’t work on the rugged terrain of the forest where the group would be hiking. One of Maggie’s teachers, Helma Wardenaar, was determined that the ten-year-old would go on the…

My Daily ATTITUDE Action Plan is…

[63 words] Always making today my best day – Psa. 118:24 Taking pride in a job well done – Phil. 1:27 Treating others with respect – Eph. 4:32 Implementing positive thoughts – Phil. 4:8 Turning tasks into opportunities – Eph. 5:15-16 Utilizing my talents always – Matt. 25:29 Doing something that benefits others – Gal.…

Giving As God Desires

[448 words] To purpose to give is a godly pursuit that many spend little if any thought. However, the Lord expects us to determine in our hearts to give sacrificially and happily and joyfully.  “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful…

Who Made This Road?

[199 words] Ever drive down a road and wondered what kind person would design something like this? Well, if you live in New York chances are it was Robert Moses. He was an urban planner that helped to design many of the highways and bridge systems in New York City. His ideas were often controversial…

The Uniqueness of Jesus

[543 words] Jesus Christ is the most unique individual who ever lived. Some have attempted to compare him to other religious leaders like Buddha, Confucius, and Mohammed, but when the evidence is considered Jesus stands head and shoulders above everyone else who has ever lived. Reflect on some truths that show the uniqueness of Jesus.…

Have You Ever Noticed…

[232 words] …when the other fellow acts that way, he is ugly; when you do, it is nerves. …when others are set in their ways, they’re obstinate; when you are, it is firmness. …when your neighbor doesn’t like your friend, he is prejudiced; when you don’t like his, you are a good judge of human…

The Irrational Nature of Sin

[192 words] Willing participation in sin just does not make any sense. To defy the will of God is not only wicked and damning, it is irrational. Knowing that sin separates one from God (Isa. 59:2), who would venture down such a path? The answer is disturbing: all of us (Rom. 3:23). But such does…

If I Miss Heaven

[165 words]  I’ll miss the greatest, grandest, most glorious place ever conceived. (Revelation 21:1-4)  I’ll miss a grand reunion with Christian family members who preceded me. (Genesis 49:33) I’ll realize the tragedy of taking for granted the blood Christ shed in sacrifice for me. (Hebrews 2:9)  I’ll recall forsaken opportunities to be a child of…

Is an Active Faith Important?

[431 words] A ship wrecked off the Rhode Island coast, one winter day. A father and son managed to get into a lifeboat. The father refused to let his son help row. Upon reaching land, the father found his son frozen to death. The boy needed activity in order to live. What is true of…

Stay Supplied

[386 words] There is more than one way to defeat an army. Head-on clashes with the enemy work – if you’re stronger. A sneakier approach is to cut off the enemy’s supply lines. This tactic has been used for centuries. Soldiers need food, medical supplies, and ammunition. If you can find a way to disrupt…

The Heart is Where Home Is

[192 words] It was Paul’s wish for all Christians “that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith” (Eph. 3:17). The word “dwell” in this verse brings forth a powerful concept concerning our relationship with Christ. According to Robertson’s New Testament Word Pictures the root of the word in the Greek means “to make one’s…

The Worst Things That Can Happen to People

[380 words] We have all read the horror stories of terrible things that have happened to people.  The horrors of war.  The horrors of being kidnapped.  The horrors of years of abuse.  The horrors of dealing with a disease.  The horrors of addiction to drugs or alcohol.  There things are terrible.  We would never discount…

Does Anyone Care About This?

[177 words] Dr. William James, an eminent psychiatrist in the early 1900’s, said “The deepest principle of the human experience is the craving to be appreciated.” Not all that much has change in one hundred years. Everyone likes to be credited with a job well done and know that what they do is appreciated. Even…

It is NOT ‘Just a Church’

[575 words] Jesus promised to do something never before done on earth: He would build His Church upon the great truth that He is the Christ, the Son of the Living God! “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock l will build My church, and the gates of…

Be Reconciled to Your Brother

[124 words] Too many people think going to church cancels out any wrong doing in their lives. Too many think putting something in the collection plate means the rest of their lifestyle is okay. However, Jesus has something to say about that: “if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that…

Hope in All Circumstances

[98 words] Anne Frank is perhaps the best-known victim of the Nazi Holocaust. Anne and her family left Germany for Amsterdam to flee Nazi persecution, hiding out in an attic after Holland was invaded by the Germans. To help cope with the fear and loneliness, Anne started a diary in 1942. They were eventually discovered…

Help Me!

[70 words] Help me find somebody today who needs what I have to share: a kind word, a thoughtful deed, a bit of loving care. Help me to take the time to be an understanding friend to someone who needs a helping hand on which they can depend. Help me to love as Jesus loves,…

Bible Quiz: The Two Sons

[65 words] Read Matthew 21:28-32 1. What did the father ask his sons to do? 2. The first son said he would not, but later ___ it and went. 3. The second son said he would, but he ___ ___ go. 4. “Assuredly, I say to you that ___ ___ and ___ enter the kingdom…

Bible Quiz: The Vineyard

[66 words] Read Matthew 21:33-44 1. A landowner planted a vineyard, leased it to ___, and went into a ___ country. 2. What happened when the landowner sent his servants to receive the vineyard’s fruit? 3. Last of all, the landowner sent his ___, saying “They will respect my ___.” 4. What did the vinedressers…

Bible Quiz: The Wedding Feast

[68 words] Read Matthew 22:1-14 1. The kingdom of heaven is like a certain ___ who arranged a ___ for his son. 2. He sent out his ___ to call those who were ___, but they were not willing to come. 3. What happened when he sent them out again? 4. Since the original guests…

Bible Quiz: The Ten Virgins

[67 words] Read Matthew 25:1-13 1. The kingdom of heaven was likened to ten virgins who took their ___ and went out to meet the ___. 2. Five of them were ___, and five were ___. 3. The foolish virgins took no ___ for their lamps. 4. What did the foolish virgins say when the…

Bible Quiz: The Talents

[60 words] Read Matthew 25:14-30 1. This parable teaches that the kingdom of heaven is like a man ___ to a far country who delivered his ___ to his servants. 2. How much did he give to each servant? 3. What did the first two servants do? 4. What did the third servant do? 5.…

Quotes and Sayings (June 2019)

Quotes and Sayings “By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he’s wrong.” — Charles Wadsworth “A father is a man who expects his children to be as good as he meant to be.” — Carol Coats “Daddies don’t just love their children every…

On the Lighter Side (June 2019)

[220 words] Dad Jokes My dad used to carry around a frayed knot in his pocket just an old tied up piece of rope. Then any time someone asked him something and the answer was, “no”, he would just pull out the frayed knot and say, “‘fraid not!” and he would burst out laughing. Nobody…

America Through the Eyes of the Prophets

    Have you ever wondered if the Old Testament prophets have any bearing on contemporary life in America? If so, you won’t want to miss the third annual Northeast Arkansas Lectureship. “The Fate of a Nation” is the topic for the lectureship, which will be held June 6-8 at Nettleton church of Christ in…
Funny Jokes for Church Bulletin

On The Lighter Side (March 2013)

A young soldier left home to join the army. He told his girl friend that he would write every day. After about six months, he received a letter from his girlfriend that she was marrying someone else. He wrote home to his family to find out who she married. The family wrote back and told…

May Resources Uploaded

All of the church bulletin resources for May 2019 have been uploaded to the website and are ready for our Premium Members. Please remember to check in the current month category from your Membership Home Page for ALL of the new materials, including new graphics, puzzles, quotes, etc.…

Graphics (May 2019)

To view an image, click on one of these thumbnail images. Then if you wish to download it, right-click the image and choose “Save Image As” to save the file to your computer. Place the image in your bulletin and adjust the size to fit…. We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and…

The Influence of Mothers

[328 words] We are in a time where the lines of morality are blurred. The Bible is plain when it comes to who is to marry (one man and one woman), how children are to be parented (by both parents), and how children are to respond to their parents (reflecting Godly parenting). We should be…

Honor Your Mother!

[471 words] “Honor your father and your mother” is the fifth of the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:12). Though we do not live under the Old Testament law today, God brought nine of those commandments into the New Testament, including this one (Ephesians 6:1-3). Giving Mom a card and a box of chocolates on the second…

A Mother Isn’t Just Somebody

[179 words] “Somebody” said a mother is an unskilled laborer. “Somebody” never gave a squirmy infant a bath. “Somebody” said you know how to be a mother by instinct. “Somebody” never took a three-year-old shopping. “Somebody” said that “good” mothers never yell at their kids. “Somebody’s” child never sent a baseball through a neighbor’s picture…

Plant the Right Seeds

[179 words] Seed planting time is upon us. The gardener/farmer knows the importance of planting the right seeds at the right time. For the Christian, planting the right seeds makes all the difference, as well. I found a list of what we reap if we plant certain things in our lives. I have adapted and…

Jesus Went About Doing Good

[416 words] Peter made one of the simplest statements about Jesus that you’ll find in Scripture. But it is also packed with meaning and application. He said that Jesus “went about doing good” (Acts 10:38). This understated affirmation deserves our deeper exploration. What were some of these good things that our Lord went about doing?…

Prison Ministries

[448 words] “Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink? When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’…

What Is Success?

[171 words] If success means having lots of money, would we consider Jesus a success? At the end of his short life all he had were the clothes on his back – and those were taken by his enemies. If success means having a family (children and a spouse), where would be the apostle Paul?…

The Blessings of Teachers

[391 words] One of the things I’ve always enjoyed about teaching is witnessing the “a-ha!” moment. It is when the student has the lightbulb go on and suddenly a mysterious concept becomes plain to them. The teacher has just opened the door for the student, and the student now has the keys themselves. There is…

Lest We Drift Away

[301 words] Man-made religions grow due to entertainment worship and an acceptance of feel-good philosophy. Once faithful Christians have exchanged truth for fiction. The Hebrew writer says, “Therefore we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away (2:1). Ignoring God’s commands will cause the once faithful to…

Lessons from a Watermelon

[304 words] William Jennings Bryan wrote of a visit he made to a restaurant in which he ordered a slice of watermelon. He writes, “I was so pleased with the taste of the melon that I took the seeds home with me to plant in my garden. That night a thought came to my mind.…

God Isn’t Finished With You Yet

[418 words] For the conscientious Christian, weaknesses and failures can be particularly vexing. To put it bluntly and personally, I hate it when I fail to live up to God’s standard. It irritates me. I know that when it comes to sinners, the apostle Paul staked a claim to the moniker, “chief” (1 Tim. 1:15).…

The Effective Church

[112 words] …Exalts God (Eph. 3:21). The church is a place of heartfelt praise of its Architect. …Evangelizes the Lost (Matt 28:19-20). The church is a place where the truth of the gospel is presented to all. …Edifies its Members (Eph. 4:16). The church is a place of great love and encouragement.  …Educates the Unlearned…

God Knows Our True Needs!

[338 words] Science says that we need 4 basic things in order for us to survive: 1) Water, 2) Air, 3) Food, 4) Light. Jesus has the perfect water. “Jesus answered her, ‘If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked Him and…

Did Jesus Condemn Homosexuality?

[202 words] Many times you will hear the argument given that Jesus never condemned homosexuality. That lack of condemnation is then skewed as acceptance. However, a closer look at scripture leads to a different conclusion.  In Luke 10:12, Jesus is denouncing those that refused to believe the message about the kingdom of God when He…

Is It Wrong To Not?

[396 words] Is it wrong to not use an instrument of music in worship service? Is it wrong to not drink alcohol? Is it wrong to attend every church service? Now the opposite of these topics often draw many articles and lesson, as people are curious to find out the limits. But one rarely claims…

Baptism and the Forgiveness of Sins

[215 words] In the context of our congregation, the biblical teaching of baptism for the remission of sins is not a teaching that troubles any of us (at least, with regard to what I am aware). The other day I was talking to a Baptist preacher, a man with whom I am very impressed; he…

A Swing and a Miss

[99 words] The newly constructed tracks of the Union Pacific and the Central Pacific railways were first linked at Promontory Point, Utah, on May 10, 1869. In celebration, Leland Stanford, the president of Central Pacific, drove a golden spike symbolically completing the job. On his first swing, he missed the spike, drawing gales of laughter…