Soaring Faith

[50 words] The eagle sweeps across the sky,Wind under its wings and opened breast.It glides upon the current, highAbove the earth, for food and rest.Wait, wait upon the Lord,Renew your strength where the Spirit blows;Your soaring faith its own reward,The quiet heights for your repose. J. Randal Matheny… We are sorry, but this content is…

Having Much Yet With So Little

[401 words] One of the first proverbs Solomon wrote was “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction” (1:7). So many people grasp for knowledge in books, journal articles, magazines, digital media, and so on and so forth. People can search out knowledge of God in commentaries,…

God’s Faithful Children

[308 words] “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints” (Psalm 116:15). This verse from the Psalms causes our minds to reflect on the many Christians who have passed from this life. We know that, in spite of the great strides in the world of medicine, death comes to everyone.…

You Lied, Didn’t You?

[377 words] Ananias and his wife, Sapphira, two Christians in the first century, got caught telling a lie (Acts 5:1-11). They lied to men and to God. You can often hide your lies from men but never from God. “Be sure your sin will find you out” (Deut. 32:23). The apostle Peter confronted the couple…

Think Before You Drink

[219 words] “Think Before You Drink” is a slogan used by the government and even the CDC to encourage people to keep the effects of alcohol in mind. And why must you “think before you drink?” Well, among a few other reasons, one that clearly stands out is because you can’t think while you drink!…

Indictments of the Social Gospel

[269 words] THE SOCIAL GOSPEL is a philosophy in religion that the church should concern itself with worldly problems rather than spiritual ones. It is more interested in ecology, biology, psychology and sociology than in theology. It is more concerned about preserving the whooping crane and alligator than about preaching Christ the emancipator. It spends…

Good News!

[217 words] The word gospel means “news that brings joy.” We often refer to it as “good news.” Writing about how gospel was used in the first century, Tim Keller provides this insight: A gospel was news of some event that changed things in a meaningful way. It could be an ascension to the throne,…

Jump Start!

[361 words] Recently I was shopping at our local dollar store and there was a young woman and her two very young daughters in the store. They were traveling and their car had broken down in the parking lot. It was very cold and I went out to have a look. It seemed her battery…

A Prayer for Our Elders

[181 words] Our Father, let me be a pillar of strength to them, not a thorn to sap their strength, nor a burden on their back to pull them down. Let me support them without striving to possess them; lift up their hands without placing shackles on them. Let me give them my help that…

Preparing For a Future Calling

[460 words] Have you ever wondered why things happen the way they do? Have you ever wondered why some strange and/or unusual events have taken place in your life, or why it seems nothing much out of the ordinary has ever happened to you? How did you end up living where you live? How did…

Hiding It All Away

[359 words] A couple of weeks ago, my family and I went to see the new movie called Frozen. It’s a Disney movie that centers around two sisters named Elsa and Anna. Elsa was born with magical powers that allow her to make snow and ice. One night, she accidentally hurts her sister with her…
Funny Jokes for Church Bulletin

On the Lighter Side

The minister had been invited back to dinner after coming two months prior. Immediately after giving thanks for the food, one of the children said, “Know what? That’s the first time we’ve said grace since you ate with us before! — I’ve started a new exercise program. I do 20 sit-ups each morning. That may…

Remind Them!

[175 words] Peter wrote, “Therefore, I will always be ready to remind you of these things even though you already know them, and have been established in the truth which is present with you. I consider it right, as long as I am in this earthly dwelling to stir you up by way of reminder”…

The Steadfast Love of the Lord

[391 words] We all have times where the circumstances of our lives seem overwhelming. It is just the nature of life among sinners upon a cursed earth. If you have some trouble believing it to be true, then you should know that though Jesus lived in absolute moral perfection (Heb 4:15), yet He was at…

The Lord’s Day

[269 words] The Lord’s day is my tower of strength. It is the day of days for soul refreshment. In my moments of quiet meditation I have often asked myself, “How long would strength remain in me and God’s reality remain in my heart, if it were not for the soul-renewing worship of the Lord’s…

Remember Me?

[344 words] The other day as I was waiting for my car to be tuned, a framed message entitled “Remember Me?” caught my attention. “I’m the fellow who goes into a restaurant, sits down and patiently waits while the waitresses do everything but take my order; I’m the fellow who goes into the department store…

There is Another Way!

[213 words] We all like to play the game “what if.” What if cell phones no longer worked, what if TV didn’t come on anymore, what if all of our laptops, iPads, etc., failed? If all that were to happen what could we do? Would all be lost? Now I enjoy all the above mentioned…

Six Reasons to Attend Bible Class

[414 words] Every Sunday morning Bible classes for every age are conducted in our Bible classes. Lamentably, some of our people do not take advantage of these fine classes. Many children are prevented from attending their class each week because their parents fail to bring them. Some are prevented by illness or other factors beyond…

Einstein, God, and the Bible

[290 words] Deep down, most of us have at one time or another questioned the existence of God. That should not be surprising, as even the greatest minds in history have also struggled with that question. Consider Albert Einstein, for example. While Einstein did not believe in the God of the Bible, he did believe…

The Importance of Character

[581 words] Webster tells us that character is “moral excellence” and “firmness.” I tried to find the word in the Bible, and could not in the KJV. However, the word from which we get “character” is there, and thus other translations including NASV, RSV, and NIV use that very word. The text of which I…

Your Final Sermon?

[100 words] Sadly, some people will decline the precious invitation,To follow Jesus Christ and obtain the gift of salvation.Few chances may be left for the Gospel to be heard,Or opportunities to repent and to obey God’s Word.There may be some that will walk out the church door,That won’t get to hear the Gospel preached anymore.Your…

Don’t Lose Sight of the Mission!

[332 words] King David, not long after establishing Jerusalem as Israel’s military, political and religious center, desired to build the Lord a house. His home of cedar was now complete, but the Ark of the Covenant still remained within a tent (2 Sam. 7:1-2). But the word of the Lord came to Nathan, and that…

‘I Counsel Thee’

[275 words] When a marriage is “on the rocks” and about to be broken, we urge that couple to get marriage counseling. Those with money problems can go to a financial adviser/planner for counseling. In fact, there are people and institutions that do nothing all day but debt-relief counseling. (Talk about specialization!) To Christians who…

Masculinity: Toxic, or Beneficial?

[317 words] There is a tendency in our current society to throw the baby out with the bathwater. In an effort to fight against immoral acts such as sexual harassment, physical abuse, and bullying perpetrated by a small minority of bad apples, mainstream media and social justice warriors have decided to coin the phrase “toxic…

What is Your Response?

[393 words] What characterizes your response to Jesus? All of us will respond to him in one way or another. Will our response indicate our rejection of his word, or will it indicate our desire to trust and obey him? Several different responses are seen in Luke 13:11-17. In what was one of the last…

I Never Intended to Quit!

[290 words] A man who had not attended one service of the church in four years told me he had never thought of quitting the church. I reminded him that he had: (1) Withdrawn his presence from the service; (2) Refused to give his moral support to the activities of the congregation; (3) Withdrawn his…

How Could They?

[404 words] One of the sins of the dark world of the Gentiles in the first century was being “without natural affection” (Rom. 1:31). This is the natural love we have for our kin, especially for our parents and our children. It is not just being “unloving” as the New King James translates this verse.…

Encourage Someone Today!

[179 words] You know that feeling when you get something in the mail? It’s so exciting! I can remember getting things in the mail when I was growing up and not even being able to wait until I got inside to open it because I was so excited! My mom is probably the best mail…


[129 words] Years ago, King Charles V was loaned a large sum of money by a merchant. The note came due, but the King was bankrupt and unable to pay. The merchant gave a great banquet for the King. When all the guests were seated and before the food was brought in, the merchant had…

How Great Thou Art

[246 words] “O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder,Consider all the worlds thy hands have made;I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder,Thy power throughout the universe displayed.” This wonderful song came from a Swedish Folk melody written in 1885. It was called “O Mighty God.” It was mostly forgotten until Stuart…

Finding Something To Be Thankful For

[191 words] A minister was known for always thanking God in his public prayers. One Sunday morning was particularly terrible and gloomy. A church member thought to himself, “Certainly the preacher won’t thank God for such a terrible day.” When the preacher got up and began to pray, he said, “We thank Thee, O God,…

The Missing Lamps

[210 words] In a certain mountain village in Europe several centuries ago, a nobleman wondered what legacy he should leave to his townspeople. At last he decided to build them a church building. No one saw the complete plans for the church building until it was finished. When people gathered they marveled at its beauty…

Down in the Dumps?

[326 words] Are you feeling alone? Forgotten? Neglected? No one seems to come around anymore? Well, then quit wasting your time brooding and do something about it! Get up and call someone on the phone. Inquire about their health, offer a word of encouragement or just chat for a while. If you can drive, get…

Why Do You Love the Bible?

[129 words] I was asked this question at one time. How would you answer it? Of course there are a variety of reasons to love the Word of God, but what would be on your list? Here are a few reasons that I love the Bible: 1. It teaches me how to be saved. 2.…

The Church of the Lord

[160 words] So many misunderstandings abound concerning the church Jesus built (Mat. 16:18). A few mistakes people make in thinking about the church are: The church is a building. It is not, it is a body of saved people (Acts 2:47; Eph. 5:23). The church is an after-thought, or second plan of Jesus, after He…

The Bible and the Television

[174 words] Oh, Lord, I like to read the Bible;Its teachings fill me with delight.But now I’m watching television;My favorite program’s on tonight! I read it for my own up-building;I need it to lead my steps aright.Tomorrow night I’ll read a chapter,But television’s good tonight! No other book is like the Bible,So free from sin’s…

A Half-Baked Pancake

[168 words] If you went out to eat and ordered pancakes, how would you react if they were done on one side, but were uncooked on the other side? Doesn’t sound too tasty, does it? This is how God described Israel in the days of Hosea the prophet. In Hosea 7:8, the prophet said, “Ephraim…

We Ought to Know How to Answer Every Man!

[148 words] Children of God should know what they believe and why they believe it. Further more, they should be able to relate their convictions to others. In Colossians 4:6 are these thought provoking words from Paul, “Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to…

Watch the Ledger

[407 words] One of the hardest classes that I had when I started college was accounting. My teacher was a stickler, there was plenty of homework, and class was a fast-paced frenzy of new ideas. It should have been an easy subject, but I didn’t quite get the knack of it at first. It was…

Yesterday’s Prayers

[387 words] In 1 Thessalonians 5:17, we are admonished to “pray without ceasing” to accurately depict a constant prayerful attitude, or having begun a life of prayer to continue, or both. The Bible is replete with examples of the wicked suffering punishment, but it also describes what would appear to be “good folk” just as…

A Fool (According to Proverbs)

[307 words] No one wants to be known as a fool. No one relishes the idea of being seen as someone who lacks judgment or prudence and is easily duped or swindled. Mankind has a strong desire to be seen as capable, intelligent and strong in the eyes of their peers. However, what should be…

Did The Water Earn It For Them?

[112 words] Read Exodus 14. Now, did the use of water earn the children of Israel their freedom from Egyptian slavery? Read Exodus 30:17-21. Now, did the use of water earn the priests the right to serve within the Tabernacle? Read 2 Kings 5:1-14. Now, did the use of water earn Naaman his cleansing from…

Ten Rules for Improving Attitudes in the Church

[236 words] 1. Tell yourself over and over that since you are not perfect, you would not fit into a “perfect” congregation if one existed. 2. Instead of picking out the worldly members to point to, select the sincere, dedicated, spiritual members, and thank God for them. 3. If you are old, treat the young…
Funny Jokes for Church Bulletin

On the Lighter Side (January 2014)

One afternoon a man came home from work to find total mayhem in his house. His three children were outside, still in their pajamas, playing in the mud, with empty food boxes and wrappers strewn all around the front yard. The door of his wife’s car was open, as was the front door to the…

Mirror Moments

[495 words] Recently I was asked why God repeated his question to Elijah during the incident recorded for us in 1 Kings 19. Before I give you my answer (opinion), let me briefly set the context for you. Elijah had just achieved great victories. He had confronted the prophets of Baal and challenged them to…

Bait and Switch

[628 words] Back when gas prices began to be so outrageously high, the news media spent a lot of time on stories related to the issue. One story I saw on television at the time was that customers in some locations were being tricked into purchasing gas at one price, only to find when they…
Funny Jokes for Church Bulletin

On The Lighter Side (February 2019)

[281 words] My Punny Valentine 1. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Olive. Olive who? Olive you and I don’t care who knows it! 2. What did one boat say to the other? Are you up for a little row-mance? 3. How can you tell if a calendar is popular? It has a lot of dates! 4.…

Book of God 

  [214 words] The Bible is referred to in many different ways. We speak of it as God’s Word, the Good Book, the Holy Scriptures, and the Sword of the Spirit. It is also known as the Book of books and the Living Word. Some call it simply THE Book, for nothing else seems necessary.…

Scarier Than Halloween

  [274 words] One person had a dream about hell. She said, There was nothing but desolation and hopelessness. You walk toward the gates of hell knowing that you will never again be free. I got to the gate and the keeper said, “Hold it.” I stood outside hell, and I saw people whose faces…

Standing With Jesus 

  [340 words] Certainly you have heard about the shooting that took place this past week at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon. Nine people were killed. Several more were injured.  There are conflicting reports about this, but some outlets are reporting that the shooter asked his victims if they were religious or not (if…

God Wants You to Have Joy! 

  [187 words] God wants you to have joy in your life. This truth is lost on some preachers and other church-goers. Oliver Wendell Holmes was a member of the U.S. Supreme Court for 30 years. His mind, wit and work earned him the unofficial title of “the greatest justice since John Marshall.” At one…

Sackcloth and Ashes

  [513 words] Did you ever wear a starchy feedsack shirt? (I mean a real one, not the store-bought kind you see now-a-days.) Scratchy, ain’t they? Can’t you just imagine one made out of towsack? (Grass-sack, for some of us.) Well, wearing sackcloth had a special meaning at one time.  King Ahab, stirred by Jezebel,…

Understanding the Soil

  [640 words] The truth of matter is that the only way to build up the church is to actively reach out—in word and deed—to the people that God places in our lives. While understanding the mission itself is not difficult, the reality is that seeking after the lost, the primary mission of the church,…

Going to Church

  [345 words] Many reasonably good people seldom, if ever, “go to church.” Meeting with others to study the Bible, God’s word, and to publicly worship Him is something easily ignored in our busy world. To these, church is where you go for a wedding or a funeral, but little more.  The early Christians didn’t…

You Have 24 Hours

  [92 words] Odds are that the vast majority of you who are reading this have more than 24 hours to live. But what are you going to do with the 24 hours that you have? Are you going to…  • give a word of encouragement?  • mend broken bridges?  • help someone in need? …


  [398 words] Most days, “ living” is a challenge. We have many responsibilities and challenges that compete with our relationship with God. We are raising a generation that has no real religious concern or eternal focus. As a society, our current generation continues to drift from the Creator! The world around us seems put…

The Road to Success 

  [62 words] The road to success is not straight. There is a curve called Failure, A loop called Confusion, Speed bumps called Friends, Red lights called Enemies. You will have flats called jobs. But, if you have a spare called Determination, an engine called Perseverance, insurance called Faith, and a driver called Jesus, you…

You Make the Choice

  [280 words] Bible study is great because it makes us set our minds on things we ought to consider.  Two Sundays ago in our adult class, we studied Jesus’ miracle in Mark chapter 5 when he healed the man possessed by many demons. Our teacher brought up the point that people were upset with…

Shall We Condemn Someone Before Hearing from Him? 

  [212 words] The Pharisees sent officers to arrest Jesus, but after they heard Him teach, they could not bring themselves to arrest Him, for they had never heard anyone speak like Him. The Pharisees then blasted the officers, asking if they were deceived, and that none of the rulers or Pharisees had believed in…

Marital Blessings

  [258 words] Blessed are the husband and wife who continue to be affectionate, considerate, and loving after the wedding bells have ceased ringing (Ephesians 5:23–25).  Blessed are the husband and wife who are as polite and courteous to one another as they are to their friends (Romans 12:10).  Blessed are they who have a…

Paul Was…Are You?

  [377 words] Paul was the man Jesus chose to go to the Gentiles and preach the gospel (Acts 9:15; Rom. 11:13). Once fully converted and committed, Paul accomplished the Lord’s will admirably (2 Tim. 4:7). In three successive verses in the first chapter of Romans, Paul records the formula for preparing ourselves to follow…

Jesus Did Not Commit Himself to Them

  [222 words] “…many believed in His name, when they saw the miracles which He did. But Jesus did not commit Himself unto them, because He knew all men” (John 2:23-24).  This passage has been highlighted in my Bible for a while. Early on, it seemed odd to my frail ear that Jesus would not…


  [170 words] A college student asked his preacher, “Do you think there is life on other planets?”  The preacher said, “No, I don’t think so.”  The student replied, “You mean, all those billions and billions and billions of planets out there–and you don’t think there’s life out there?”  He said, “No, I really don’t…

The Hardest Words to Say

  [187 words] I must have been sick on the day they taught phonics in school. If I don’t recognize a word by sight, I can find some amazing ways to mispronounce it. I cringe when I have to use certain words because no matter how much I practice, I’m not sure how it will…

How to Live for Christ

  [155 words] Do good to all people no matter what they do to you (Galatians 6:10). Christ is our example of doing good (Acts 10:38). We must follow in His steps (1 Peter 2:21). * Bless and love your enemies (Matthew 5:44). Christ was hated, mocked, spat upon, beaten…yet He prayed, “Father, forgive them”…

Will He Be Pleased With What He Sees In Me? 

  [236 words] (can you find the Bible references?)  Some Do Not Please Him ___________  “They shall not offer wine offerings to the LORD, neither shall they be pleasing unto Him: their sacrifices shall be unto them as the bread of mourners; all that eat thereof shall be polluted: for their bread for their soul…

How Goes Your Battle? 

  [224 words] “But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you” Matthew 6:6.  A big theme to come out of the latest faith-based film, War Room, is that we, as individual…

By the Root 

  [313 words] Growing season for most things in gardens and flower beds is winding down. That means less weed pulling! This preacher remembers a weed in Georgia that we nicknamed “Monster Weed” because it grew very quickly, developed thorns and had a root system that made it nearly impossible to pull up by the…

Peace from Pain

  [36 words] When days are rough, and times seem tough, and we’re under pressure and strain; Trust the Lord, and obey His Word, and peace will come from the pain. Edd Sterchi Broadway church of Christ Campbellsville, KY… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are…

People Identified With Him

  [437 words] September 22, 2015 will be remembered as “the day Yogi died.” Lawrence Peter “Yogi” Berra was loved by millions of people even though he played for a baseball team that many did not like. His outstanding ability and endurance on the field made him a star, but his humble personality and wise…

Do All Dogs Really Go to Heaven?

  [497 words] Every year on October 4, a growing number of churches involve themselves in a “blessing of the animals” service. This “blessing of the animals” is rooted in the Roman Catholic Church as a part of observing “Saint Francis of Assisi Day.” However, in more recent times, more and more protestant churches have…

Where’s the Corpse? 

  [42 words] Bernard Ram wrote, “A thousand times over the centuries the death knell of the Bible has been sounded, the funeral procession formed, the flowers ordered, the inscription placed on the tombstone, and the eulogy written, but somehow the corpse never stays put.”… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and…
Funny Jokes for Church Bulletin

On the Lighter Side (October 2015)

  [418 words] A Special License After a recent college basketball game, the coach spotted a cell phone lying on the floor. He picked it up and handed it to one of the referees and said, “Here’s your phone.” “What makes you think it’s mine?” the referee asked. “Easy,” said the coach. “It says you…

Three Tenses of Titus 2:11–13

  [41 words] 1. Past Tense: God’s Grace has appeared to all men (2:11). 2. Present Tense: God’s Grace instructs us to leave sin and live righteously (2:12). 3. Future Tense: God’s Grace causes us to look for Christ’s coming (2:13). Mark Posey via House to House, Heart to Heart… We are sorry, but this…

Spend Time With Your Kids!

  [96 words] In the diary of Brooks Adams is a note about a special day when he was eight years old. He wrote, “Went fishing with my father; the most glorious day of my life.” Through the next forty years, there were constant references to that day and the influence it had on his…

Now That’s Love!

  [93 words] Recently in Japan, a man and his nine-year-old daughter were caught in a terrible blizzard. Their car disabled, they began to walk to where they were going. As the storm intensified, the father wrapped his coat around his daughter and hunched over her against a concrete wall to shelter her from the…

Biblical Baptism Must Have’s

  [75 words] The Right Candidate: a penitent believer (Acts 2:38; 8:36). The Right Purpose: salvation, forgiveness (Mark 16:16). The Right Method: immersion (Acts 8:38; Romans 6:1–4). The Right Authority: into the name of Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19). Some have the right authority and purpose, but miss the candidate and method.…

What We Can Know and Be Sure Of

  [316 words] Throughout life there are many things that we can know and be certain of. “The only things certain in life is death and taxes” is a phrase you have probably heard many times. There are things we can know with 100 percent certainty and we can be sure of in regards to…

Praise the Lord!

  [212 words] In the early 1800s, Billy Bray was known as a no-good drunken miner in the village of Twelveheads in Cornwall, England. But then he was converted to Christ and he was never the same again. He stopped drinking, became a productive member of society, and told everyone he met about his Lord.…

Parking on Someone Else’s Nickel

  [266 words] In the old days, cities regulated downtown parking with meters. You park, drop in a nickel or dime and get some time on the meter. Then you’d go into the store and be sure to be back before the meter ran out of time. However, occasionally, you could find a spot with…

After Thanksgiving Sale

  [547 words] Many phrases inspire quick responsive behavior on the part of others. “Fire! Run! Help! Dinner! Free Television! Incoming! Snake!” Right alongside these declarations “ After Thanksgiving Sale ” must reside. Each year, prior to Thanksgiving the advertisements come pouring out. Shopping men and women dutifully take note, writing down all the particulars…

In Everything Give Thanks

  [479 words] “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). This statement Paul wrote to the church of Thessalonica is one that should be applied to our lives daily. During the holiday season, there is an emphasis on the need for being…

The Christian and Sacrifice

  [311 words] The religion of Jesus Christ is rooted in sacrifice. Recall the words of John 3:16 and take note of the sacrifice that God made for us. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” In…

What Will They Say About Me?

  [342 words] Just as you, I have attended several funerals recently of friends & family, as well as, brothers and sisters in Christ. Leading up to the memorial, we often read a snippet of our loved one’s life in the local newspaper. The last several weeks has lead me to this question, “What will…

Reaching Others

  [362 words] One of the major components of being a Christian is to evangelize and spread God’s Word to others. Jesus taught and spoke of this many times throughout His life and ministry. He taught the 12 apostles to go out into the world and teach others about Him. Jesus lived His life reaching…

Do You Submit to God’s Will?

  [237 words] “During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission” (Hebrews 5:7). What is the one thing an omnipotent, omniscient, and omni-present God not know…

Do You Prepare?

  [225 words] “What I say to you, I say to everyone: ‘Watch!’” (Mark 13:37). When it’s raining, there’s no way to fix the leaky roof, and when the sun is shining, there’s no need. We are our own worst enemies, and God knows this. He tells Ezekiel that as a watchman, He is holding…

Do You Watch and Pray?

  [237 words] “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak” (Mark 14:38). In the midst of His own storm, our Savior prayed in the preparation He had made for Himself. He had brought three of his followers farther into the garden for…

Have You Conquered?

  [212 words] “‘Death has been swallowed up in victory.’ ‘Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?’ The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 15:54-55). It’s…


  [454 words] We’ve all heard the story of the preacher who was asked, “What are you preaching on Sunday?” He responded, “Sin.” The querist retorted, “Well are you fer or agin it?” It seems sin is a taboo topic in our world today. The politically correct movement wants us to use words like “illness,”…

Choose A Chair

  [316 words] The world famous tenor, Luciano Pavarotti, related a story about his upbringing and success. “When I was a boy, my father, a baker, introduced me to the wonders of song. He urged me to work very hard to develop my voice. Arrigo Pola, a professional tenor in my hometown of Modena, Italy,…

The Gospel in Five Seconds

  [174 words] The gospel is the good news that Christ died for our sins (1 Corinthians 15:1-5). It is the total message of God’s power to save all who will hear, believe, and obey it (Romans 1:16). The gospel is contained in the second law God gave. “If the first covenant had been faultless,…

The Indestructible Word

  [197 words] Many have tried to destroy the Bible. In a.d. 303, the Roman emperor Diocletian issued an edict to destroy Christians and their Bibles. Over a burned Bible, he built a monument on which he wrote the words, “Extincto momene Christianorum” (the name Christian is extinguished). Twenty years later, Diocletian was dead and…

The Perfect Day

  [385 words] Most of us have some idea of what it would take to make a perfect day for us. Solomon gave us a key consideration that leads to the perfect day. As he invites his readers to pursue wisdom, he warns against walking in the path of the wicked. In contrast to that…

Is Your Marriage Lawful?

  [255 words] Marriage is a beautiful God-ordained union between men and women (Gen. 2:18,23,24). In marriage, there is a solemn vow to maintain faithfulness to one another until death. For this reason, it should never be entered haphazardly (Rom. 7:2; Mat. 19:6). Since God is the originator of marriage, He is the one who…


  [483 words] Man has made excuses for his behavior and actions almost since the beginning of man’s history. In the Garden of Eden, the devil tempted Eve to sin and eat the forbidden fruit. She in turn enticed her mate to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. When God…
Walking in Park

Ninja Warriors

  [172 words] I’m enjoying watching Ninja Warriors on TV. Both men and women of all ages compete on a very difficult obstacle course that requires strength, agility and determination. The show gets you so involved that you begin to move and squirm in your chair trying to help the contestant succeed. And the TV…

Out of Options

  [418 words] l don’t know about you, but l have a hard time being told what to do. l feel as though, being an adult and overall responsible and trustworthy, l should not have to be forced to comply to any command or request of anyone walking the face of this earth. If and…

Stay Away From These People

  [537 words] The wise man himself, Solomon, tells us not to get close to: People who are always changing their mind. “Meddle not with them that are given to change” (Prov. 24:21). You can’t depend on these people. You can’t trust them. They have no convictions or principles. They change with the situation. They…

The Truth

  [281 words] When I was a young boy in school the teachers often gave us a “True/False” quiz. I loved that kind of test. I could rip right through them marking “T” or “F” with abandon and very little thought. I was usually disappointed in my grade because a good teacher knows how to…