The Demise of the Sunday Night Service

[282 words] Traditions come and go. One such tradition in American churches is the Sunday evening service. It’s unclear when the tradition started, but records would indicate that churches have been holding evening services for well over 100 years. In recent history, there has been a sharp decline in those who attend Sunday evening services.…

Assumptions: Some Do’s and Don’ts

[295 words] You can safely assume: • That God loves you (John 3:16; Romans 5:8). • That the price of your sins was paid by Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:21). • That your past sins were washed away— forgiven—at your baptism (Acts 22:16; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11). • That you can be faithful to God (Revelation 2:10).…

If I Recall

[200 words] The Consumer Product Safety Commission protects the public from dangerous products. They might fine companies for bad practices or force them to recall products that are too dangerous. To facilitate that mission, they made 80,000 lapel buttons, but they had to be recalled since the edges were too sharp. And the paint had…

Rather Obvious 

[223 words] “Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom…

Plenty of Proof

[272 words] There are more than 300 predictive prophecies in the Old Testament Scriptures concerning Jesus that were recorded centuries before He was born. Each was accurately fulfilled. Unlike modern predictions, note one of the predictions concerning Jesus missed the mark. Have you ever seriously analyzed the implications of those signs? Peter Stoner, a renowned…

Showing Our Christianity

[240 words] “You yourselves are our letter of recommendation, written on our hearts, to be known and read by all. And you show that you are a letter from Christ delivered by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human…

Signs of Spiritual Maturity 

[217 words] How can we tell a spiritual person from a worldly person? The Bible tells us in several places. In James 3, the terms used are “Godly wise” implying a contrast with foolish. “But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy…

There’s a Great Day Coming

[291 words] Excuses that won’t work at the Judgment: Lord, I didn’t know enough. “Thy word is a…light unto my path” (Psalm 119:105). Lord, I didn’t know which church to join. “And I say…I will build my church” (Matthew 16:18). “Search, and look” (John 7:52). Lord, I didn’t believe I could hold out. “I can…

How to Be Happy

[252 words] If you ask a millionaire to define happiness, he might say that to be happy is to have two million dollars. If you ask a nine-year-old boy, he might answer happiness is being ten years old. If you ask a candidate, he might say winning an upcoming election. To the athlete, it might…

Honoring Dad

[257 words] If you’re a father, today you might get another “interesting” tie or a wild t-shirt. Or your kids might do something for you to help you feel like something special. Soak it all in, because you deserve it and it’s good for your children to honor you.  But as you’re celebrating, don’t forget…

Paul’s Importance to the Early Church

[215 words] It is almost impossible to grasp just how much Paul meant to the early years of the church. We can, however, get a glimpse of this great man of faith through the letter he wrote to the church at Philippi. Look a little closer into the man as he mentions his past, present,…

Regret for Our Past Decisions

[263 words] In the book of Genesis, we read the story of Lot, the nephew of Abraham. God commanded Abraham to take his family and move away from his home country to a new land. Abraham and his family and all their flocks made the migration to a land that was over-flowing with physical blessings.…

Pay Attention to the Adjectives

[267 words] It’s been a long time since I have been in English class. I sure do wish I had paid better attention then – I honestly believe that it would have greatly improved my Bible reading and study today. One aspect of grammar I do not remember studying much is the adjective (I must…

Bounce Back

[209 words] What is the difference between people who thrive and people who decline over a long period of time? It is not that they do not get knocked down; it is that they bounce back up. Every successful person I can think of has had to come back from discouraging circumstances. That is true…

I Want to Know Real Bad

[217 words] A young man came to Socrates and said, “Mr. Socrates, I want knowledge. Show me how I can have knowledge.” “Son, how badly do you want knowledge?” asked the philosopher. “Oh, Mr. Socrates, I want knowledge more than anything else in the world,” he said. “I repeat,” Socrates said, “How much do you…

Mothers in the Bible

[223 words] The role that mothers played in the biblical story is undeniable. From the beginning pages of Genesis to the latter letters of Timothy, the influence of mothers (both good and bad) is seen time and time again. The impact that the mother has on the child can and will have everlasting consequences (2…

Running Marathons

[201 words] Have you even ran a marathon? If you have I admire you because just thinking about the great strength, stamina, and length of a marathon wears me out. The amount of training and time involved really just makes you become devoted to the cause of finishing your race. I do not know anyone…

When Times Are Tough

[263 words] I once read a story about an affluent man who lost his job. This led to him losing his life savings. Then, he lost his house and car. Last of all, the wife, who promised to love him “for richer, for poorer … until death parted them,” divorced him and took up with…

My Mother

[274 words] Who fed me from her gentle breast,And hush’d me in her arms to rest,And on my cheek sweet kisses prest?My Mother. When sleep forsook my open eye,Who was it sung sweet hushaby,And rock’d me that I should not cry?My Mother. Who sat and watched my infant head,When sleeping in my cradle bed,And tears…

It’s Bean a Problem

[286 words] If you struggled in geometry, you may not like the name Pythagoras. However, he is an interesting fellow. Now it is hard to separate the myths from the facts when it comes to the ancient Greek philosopher, but his influence, not only in math, but in science, music, ethics, and religion are remarkable.…

Why Do Some People Take So Long?

[286 words] “In faith there is enough light for those who want to believe and enough shadows to blind those who don’t.” — Blaise Pascal Physicist Pascal hit the nail on the head with this quote. Anyone who has taught and prayed for a loved one to obey the gospel – only to hear excuse after…

Finding It Hard to Accept

[212 words] A college student in a philosophy class was taking his first examination. On the paper there was a single line which simply said: “Is this a question? —Discuss.” After a short time he wrote: “If that is a question, then this is an answer.” The student received an “A” on the exam.  God…

Proving the Will of God

[278 words] When you were in school, didn’t you just love it when your math teacher would give you a problem to solve and say, “Show your work?” That meant she wanted you to not just give the correct answer, but to demonstrate the process by which you came to that answer. Christians are commanded…

Try + Umph = Triumph

[226 words] Dad always used to say “Can’t never could do nothing.” I know that isn’t grammatically correct but it is correct when it comes to life. If we think it can’t be done, we prove it to be so, even if it wasn’t true to begin with. However, it isn’t just can’t that will…

J. Edgar Hoover and the Church of Christ

[276 words] In a recent gospel meeting, this writer was privileged to meet a dentist and his wife who informed him of an inquiry they had made of the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation several decades ago. This couple was very active in a mainline denominational church when they began to notice the…

The ‘One Another’s’

[257 words] Take your Bible app and search the New Testament for “one another,” mine returned 89 results. The first passage to note is John 13:34 where Jesus says, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.” As you begin…

What You Missed

[203 words] It is sad but true that a large percentage of the people who come to worship on Sunday morning do not come back on Sunday night or Wednesday night. Also, many wait until after Bible class is over Sunday morning before gathering together. We could talk about the sin of forsaking the assembling…

A Tale of Two Women

[214 words] On July 24, 2019, Police in Chattanooga, Tennessee, charged a woman with murder. This 29-year-old was abusing illegal drugs which resulted in the premature delivery and death of her twin daughters. According to the police, this mother was being charged with murder, aggravated child abuse or neglect and viable fetus as a victim.…

What Nebuchadnezzar Teaches Us About God

[243 words] Nebuchadnezzar was one of the most influential foreign kings in the biblical record. In world history, he was known as one of the greatest kings to ever live. Holy Scripture speaks of him in human terms as the “king of kings” (Dan. 2:37; 4:1; Ezek. 26:7). He is known to us as a…

America Still Needs God

[281 words] You are no doubt all too aware of America’s continuing moral decline. The evidence is both overwhelming and indisputable. You may be unaware, though, just how far and how swiftly we have slipped. William Bennett has recently released, through the auspices of the Heritage Foundation, “The Index of Leading Cultural Indicators,” a statistical…

Stop Worrying and Hurrying

[265 words] In Lewis Carrol’s classic Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland we see Alice confronting the white rabbit. The rabbit scurries quickly by proclaiming, “Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be too late!” In this statement we have two of the greatest problems of people today: worry and hurry. We live in a world of uncertainty…

There is Space for You

[261 words] Ever try to check in only to find out the hotel is full up? Ever stay at a friend’s house only to find out there isn’t a bed or even a couch to crash on? Ever get invited to come along but there isn’t a seat in the car or a spot at…

How Shall We Enter the New Year?

[271 words] The year 2023 is upon us. How shall we approach it? No two people enter into the new year with exactly the same emotions. Some enter with fear and reluctance while others enter with optimism and enthusiasm. None of us can look into the future, for God in his great mercy and wisdom…

A Spiritually Productive New Year

[213 words] The following is a biblical formula for having a spiritually productive New Year in 2023: “H”old fast to the faith (1 Corinthians 16:13; cf. 2 Timothy 1:13; Titus 1:9) “A”ssemble for worship (Hebrews 10:25; cf. Acts 2:42) “P”ray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17; cf. Acts 12:5 KJV; Romans 1:9) “P”urify our heart (James…

Things We Can All Do

[294 words] As followers of Christ, we are made perfect by the blood of Christ (Matthew 5:48 and 1 Peter 1:18-19). As Christians we must be willing to work good works (Ephesians 2:10). It may be the case that you are looking for things to do for the cause of Christ. If this is the…

The Greatest Treasure

[280 words] The famous newspaper publisher, William Randolph Hearst, invested a literal fortune collecting art treasures from around the world. One day Mr. Hearst found a description of a painting that he was interested in. So he sent an agent to trace the history of the painting and contact its current owner so that he…

When a Family Member Acts Up

[271 words] When I was a young youth minister, a fellow with which I served had a young wife. It was disappointing to the congregation and devastating to the preacher when he returned home from a long day at work to discover that his wife had packed up nearly everything of value in the house,…

What I Love About Being a Christian

[274 words] I love being a child of the King! Why? First, Christians have a family. God designed the physical family in the paradise of Eden (cf. Genesis 2:7; 18). Most of us enjoy that blessing from God. In the New Testament, God gave us a second family—relationships with other church members. If our physical…

God Hears My Cry for Mercy

[232 words] “Praise be to the Lord, for he has heard my cry for mercy. The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him” (Psalms 28:6-7). In this psalm, David, inspired by the Holy Spirit,…

Follow the Instructions!

[239 words] Recently, I was putting together a futon that I purchased. It wasn’t particularly difficult, but was definitely time consuming. I was carefully following the instructions, when I got to a point where I was to use a very long bolt to fasten together two pieces of the frame. In my opinion, the bolt…

The Not-So-Encouraging Words

[238 words] Richard Nixon had already had one nominee for the Supreme Court shot down by the Senate and it was looking like his second choice Harold Carswell was about to go down as well. Since he was attacked as a mediocre choice, Republicans were asked to help bolster the candidate. Nebraska Senator Roman Hruska…

The Bible, Short and Sweet

[292 words] The Bible is divided into two main parts. The Old Testament was God’s will primarily to the Jewish nation. Its requirements were binding until the covenant of Christ became effective (Colossians 2:14). The New Testament is God’s will through Christ to all men living today. The Old and the New Testament were written…

Filled to Overflowing

[203 words] You have probably had the unfortunate experience of overfilling a glass or a cup. You got distracted and looked away only to realize in a moment that the glass you were filling had run over! It makes for an unpleasant clean up to be done. However, to be overflowing spiritually does not create…

Grand Theft Thunder

[248 words] We know what it means when we say someone “stole our thunder.” It is a euphemism for when someone takes your praise, credit, or attention before you have a chance to. But it doesn’t make a lot of literal sense. You don’t own any thunder for anybody to steal. Unless you are John…

It’s Just How You Look at It

[224 words] When I look at a cluster of dandelions, I see a bunch of weeds that are going to take over my yard. Children see flowers for the elderly neighbor lady or little white balloons that float in the wind as you blow on them.  When I feel wind on my face, I brace…

A Great Weapon

[256 words] We all face temptation, Satan is going to make sure that none of us are exempt. We read in 1 Corinthians 10:13 that it is a common challenge for all people but those who are in God’s family will be provided ways to resist and eliminate temptation. One great weapon we can use…

Was It That Great?

[244 words] We’ve all heard the phrase before, “the greatest thing since sliced bread,” but as it turns out this greatest thing didn’t start out so great. Otto Rohwedder invented the first bread slicing machine, built to slice bread by the loaf. His prototype and blueprints went up in smoke in a fire in 1917.…

The Lesson of the Gloves

[256 words] I once read a story about a young preacher. Hershel and his wife were two young adults who were new to the ministry and to the town where they served. As many young adults, they had more bills than money. But there was hope. You see, Hershel was asked to preach a wedding.…

Simply Read

[254 words] Have you not read? This phrase is used several times by Jesus when someone was asking him a doctrinal question (Matthew 12:3, 19:4, 21:16, 21:42 Mark 12:26). Many times these questions were asked as traps to try to force him into offending a particular audience or to make him look bad. Yet Jesus…

A Religion of Relationships

[258 words] Too many people claim or act like Christianity is simply a religion of beliefs. And while belief is a crucial part of Christianity, it is much more than that. I contend that Christianity, in reality, is a religion of relationships. Take a look at John 15, for example. In verses 1-11 we can…

The Power of Our Silent Influence

[226 words] On a recent beautiful warm Saturday morning, a Christian friend and I were having breakfast at a local restaurant. At a nearby table, we noticed a young woman sitting quietly reading her Bible. She was absorbed in the text, occasionally looking up to consider what she had read. She never said a word,…

I Give Up!

[280 words] “Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you” (James 4:7-8). For Christians to have a right relationship with God they may have to get to the point in life where they say, “I give up!” This is…

Solving All the World’s Problems

[216 words] Just take a look at the news headlines and you will see problem after problem that humanity has created: wars, violence, murders, theft, scandals, abuse of power, the misuse of resources, immorality – the list goes on and on. What a mess we have made of this world! And with all of these…

What Will Your Checkbook Tell About You?

[232 words] Some time ago I read about a man who had written many biographies. He noted that it was easy to find out what a man said and what he had done, but when it came to finding out what kind of man he really was, the biographer was up a stump. Then he…

Flying Above the Storms

[216 words] Did you know that an eagle knows when the storm is approaching long before it breaks? The eagle will fly to some high spot and wait for the winds to come. When the storm hits, it sets its wings so that the wind will pick it up and lift it above the storm.…

If It Smells Like a Skunk…

[230 words] Last week when entering the church building we were met with an all-too-familiar odor. Unfortunately, some of us know firsthand just how bad a skunk can really smell. Whether you’ve encountered a skunk one-on-one or not, when you smell the distinctive odor produced by these little varmints, you can immediately identify it. If…

God, Make Us the Men You Want Us to Be

[267 words] Where can we find strong men to standWith us and You, against all odds?The time we live in now demandsStrong minds, great hearts, true faith and ready handsThat will not yield to others what is God’s. Give us men of honor and good willWhom spoils of office cannot buy.Men with great insight, strength…

Don’t Sell the Farm!

[279 words] There was a man that owned a wonderful farm, but over the years he began to take it for granted, and reached the point where he was tired of it. He decided that he would put it up for sale and find a better one. He called a realtor who came out and…

Hearing Your Name

[286 words] There is just something about hearing your name. On some occasions, it is scary. If your mom or dad ever calls you by your whole name—first, middle, and last—you are likely in pretty big trouble. On other occasions, it is a special honor. Graduation ceremonies are a great example of this. Why in…

It’s Okay to Wonder Why, But Don’t Forget Who

[201 words] “O LORD, how long shall I cry, and You will not hear? Even cry out to You, ‘Violence!’ and You will not save…For plundering and violence are before me; there is strife, and contention arises. Therefore the law is powerless, and justice never goes forth. For the wicked surround the righteous…” Twenty-six hundred…

Teaching the Important Things 

[209 words] A mother-mouse was taking her two little mice-kids for a walk. Suddenly, a big ol’ cat jumped out of the bushes. However, the older mouse shouted “Bark!” At that, the cat ran away. Then, the mother-mouse told her youngsters, “See, children, that’s why it’s important to learn a foreign language.” Tongue-in-cheek example aside,…

Absence And Alarm!

[299 words] There is a correlation, you know. When a Christian is absent from the worshiping assembly, there is cause for alarm. “Why? Whose business is it?” says the absentee, “If I want to miss, let me be — what does it hurt anyway?” Glad you asked the question. It hurts a lot! It hurts…

Tragedy in Uvalde, Texas

[256 words] Inevitably, when bad things happen to good people, folks ask “why?” and “where was God when the bad thing happened?” At the time of the writing of this article, we have had several tragedies in the Unites States. The one closest to home was the shooting in Uvalde, Texas, where nearly 20 people…

The Unopened Love Letters

[276 words] “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways,” is perhaps one of the best-known lines of poetry ever written. But do you know the story of the creator of those words? Elizabeth Barrett was a poet who lived many years with her parents. Her father was bizarre. He had forbidden all…

The Toddler’s Creed

[288 words] Children are special people, especially toddlers. They have a rather unique view of the world. Someone has shared this insight into their thinking, called, “The Toddler’s Creed”: If I want it, it’s, mine. If I give it to you and change my mind later, it’s mine. If I can take it away from…

The Mirror

[204 words] I don’t like mirrors. Mirrors make me look fat. They make it seem like my hairline is in full retreat. Mirrors make my face older, my hair thinner, my shape more rounded. I don’t know what is wrong with these mirrors. I know what you are thinking, you are going to say there…

Why Your Family Needs to Be in Worship

[241 words] It is important for family to worship together. The God who created each and ordained marriage and the family knew the importance of families worshiping together. To a woman who had miserably failed in her family life, Jesus said, “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the…

The Great Transition

[243 words] Making big changes or transitions in life can often usher in things like anxiety, apprehension, and even down right fear. Moving from one stage of life to the next can be really hard. I think one of the most difficult transitions comes between adolescence and adulthood. Making that transition well is super important.…

Memorial Day

[247 words] “Since the first shots fired in the Revolutionary War, Americans have answered the call to duty and given their lives in service to our Nation and its sacred founding ideals. As we pay tribute to the lives and legacies of these patriots on Memorial Day, we also remember that they sacrificed to create…

Tragedy in Uvalde, Texas

[256 words] Inevitably, when bad things happen to good people, folks ask “why?” and “where was God when the bad thing happened?” At the time of the writing of this article, we have had several tragedies in the Unites States. The one closest to home was the shooting in Uvalde, Texas, where nearly 20 people…

Which Sea Are You Like?

[217 words] In Palestine there are two seas that are mentioned in the Bible: the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea. The Sea of Galilee is fed by the Jordan River, and the Jordan River flows out of it. This water system supports many fish and supplies fresh water to thousands of people even…

A Bad Obsession

[217 words] In Psalms 37:1 we read, “Do not fret because of evildoers, Be not envious toward wrongdoers.” It’s a good warning because that is exactly what we do. Think about it. How many times do we see folks that are beside themselves about worldly shenanigans? They obsess about the evil they see to the…

Promises to Make to Your Child

[296 words] There are some very interesting promises that God, as our heavenly Father, has made to each of us. And since He has made such promises to us, we as parents ought to use them as an example of the promises we should make to our children all through their lives. I promise to…

Three Great Principles

[241 words] Life is Tough. Job observed that man has but a few days, and they are full of trouble. Jesus said that each day has its own evil. The wise man Solomon wrote the book of Ecclesiastes about the subject…Heaven is not on earth. Nothing is ever as good as we think or as…

Four Reasons to Attend Every Service

[201 words] We assemble together because God has provided a place for salvation and learning. If you study the early days of the Lord’s Church you will see that they understood what it truly meant to give up of self and the value of assembling with the saints. Here are four reasons we should attend…

Wednesday Night Bible Study

[250 words] Adam grew up in the church. His parents were both Christians from the day he was born. He attended Sunday Bible class, his family went to worship God on Sunday mornings, Sunday nights, and then on Wednesday nights. They were a very happy Christian family. Then something happened. Adam started school and his…

Twelve Givers in the Bible

[208 words] The Willing Giver, Abraham, who offered his only son (Genesis 22:1-19). The Big Little Giver, the widow, who in giving two mites, gave all she had (Mark 12:42-44). The Stingy Giver, Saul, who wanted to offer the spoils of the Amalekites (1 Samuel 14:17-23). The Sacrificial Giver, David, who refused to give that…

What to Do in Uncertain Times

[211 words] During an earthquake that occurred many years ago, the inhabitants of a small village were very alarmed…and at the same time surprised at the calmness and apparent joy of an old Christian lady, whom they all knew. At length one of them, addressing the elderly lady asked: “Aren’t you afraid?” “No,” she replied,…

Have You Seen the Sea?

[262 words] Once upon a time there was a young fish that heard other fishes taking about the sea. One day he thought, “I will go and find the sea.” He searched for a long time but could not find it. Then he met another fish, and asked, “can you tell me where I may…

God’s Design in the World Around Us

[271 words] In the late 1700’s, a fellow named William Paley gave an illustration about how we look at the world around us. He said that if you were walking through a field and came across a watch on the ground, you would not think that watch came about naturally. Instead, you would recognize that…

Proper Punctuation

[208 words] I have always thought we need more punctuation marks. As it is, we really only have three ways to end a sentence. Even those are fairly new. The question mark came about in the middle ages when scholars would write the Latin “quaestio” at the end of a sentence to show that it…

Choose Your Own Ending

[257 words] When I was a child in school I came across the Choose Your Own Adventure book series. It touted that “you are the star of the story,” and you could choose from 40 possible endings. The reader made choices at critical parts of the story, and would then turn to a certain page…

Look At Your Ways, Now Look Back At Me

[271 words] Old Spice was having a tough time. It was getting crushed by its newest competitor Axe with its hip image that appealed to youth. Old Spice was…old. How could they regain their strength in the market? They were able to do it with a new quirky ad campaign that changed their image and…

Peter, Life, and the Future

[232 words] When Jesus looked at Simon Peter, He saw a fiery impulsive person. He made promises that he could not keep, and began works that he could not finish. He thought he could walk on the water without any problems but: “But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to…

The Two Edges of Providence

[277 words] A young man invested his savings in a peach orchard. He worked hard. The weather was favorable, he had a beautiful crop. Then, just before harvest, a blasting hail storm struck. In a matter of minutes everything he had worked for was ruined. Embittered by the experience, he quit going to church. A…

What Can I Do to Help the Church Grow?

[280 words] A George Barna survey studied people who visited a local congregation. He found that: • 78 percent loved being greeted by individuals who sat around them at the end of the service.• 72 percent did not want to stand and be recognized during service.• 70 percent liked receiving information about the church.• 65…

History Channel’s ‘What’s the Earth Worth?’

[269 words] This week the History Channel aired a special episode about the value of our planet. They examined aspects such as diamonds, gold, lumber, water, and nearly everything on earth and came up with a price tag. From their calculation, our earth is worth $6,873,951,620,979,800, or to put it in words, nearly seven quadrillion…

The Light

[251 words] “Then Jesus cried out, when a man believes in Me, he does not believe in Me only, but in the one who sent Me. When he looks at Me, he sees the one who sent Me. I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in Me…

The Power Of Can’t

[220 words] Words have meanings, and words have power. The Old Testament writer tells us that, “the power of life and death are in the tongue.” Think about the power of that little statement, “I can’t.” It cripples and destroys opportunities. It robs us of growth and kills initiative. Once we convince ourselves that we…

There Are Only Two Ways

[281 words] Many times we hear people today say, “We are all headed for the same place, we are just going in different ways.” In a sense this is true in that we are all headed first to the Judgment. The Bible says, “And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after…

Who’s First in Line?

[217 words] A little boy was given two nickels—one for the Lord on Sunday and one for some candy. He put the two nickels in his pocket and when out to play. When he came back inside, he reached deep into his pockets and found that one of the nickels was gone. “Oh, my,” he…

Jesus the Good Shepherd

[220 words] “Save your people and bless your inheritance; be their shepherd and carry them forever” (Psalm 28:9). As Jesus is “in the beginning” and the agent for creation, history is His story. Therefore, we should be able to see Jesus in the Bible’s poetry. We see Him as the living redeemer in Job, the…

Please Read This Slowly and Think!

[252 words] Submitted by a member at East Hill church of Christ. The following questions were contained in a bulletin from January, 1943. 1. Does your life please God? Do I enjoy living the Christian life? 2. Am I studying my Bible daily? How much time do I spend in real prayer? 3. Have I…

Jesus Did Not Quit

[248 words] Jesus did not quit meeting with His disciples because Judas was a thief, nor because Peter was fickle at times. He did not quit preaching and living right because some of his brethren were unforgiving and unkind. He did not quit his post of leadership because He had in His presence the adulterous…

What is True Love?

[299 words] “Love” is one of the most loosely-used words in the English language. This creates a lot of confusion about what true love really is. In 1 Corinthians 13:8, the apostle Paul said, “Love never fails.” Yet many times couples will say they have fallen out of love with one another. Such an attitude…

Get Your Mouth From Your Heart

[299 words] Man can justify nearly anything as okay in the mind. The reality though is what Solomon said, “The thoughts of the righteous are just; the counsels of the wicked are deceitful” (Proverbs 12:5). Humans justify sin in their hearts when Satan is the adviser. That is why it is the job of the…

The Human Race!

[278 words] The Christian takes a different view of life and the world, than does the person who lives in and for the world. And that is true with regard to matters of race. There are things that are common to all of mankind. Feeling of joy, sorrow, pain, love of family, and the fear…

A Vital Ingredient

[235 words] One of the more honest t-shirt logos this preacher has noticed in recent years is, “Does not play well with others.” Of all the burdens that Paul mentioned bearing, the last was, “that which cometh upon me daily, the care of all the churches” (2 Corinthians 11 :28). Getting along with others is…

I Should Add

[216 words] Did you know that William Shakespeare wrote the hymn, “I’ve found a friend in Jesus, He’s everything to me?” I should add that his full name was William Shakespeare Hayes, a journalist and songwriter who was born in 1837 in Louisville, Kentucky. So I told you the truth, but left out an important…

Got Hope?

[248 words] “We wait in hope for the Lord; He is our help and our shield. In Him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in His holy name. May your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord, even as we put our hope in You” (Psalm 33:20-22). Along with faith and love, hope is named…