Dinner Therapy

[400 words] So much of Jesus’s public ministry and so many of His conversations with people happened around the dinner table. In fact, most of Luke (1/5 of this gospel account) has to do with Jesus either going to a meal, sitting down and eating a meal, or getting up and leaving from a meal.…

Standing in the Path of Danger

[473 words] In 1969, in Pass Christian, Mississippi, a group of people were preparing to have a “hurricane party” in the face of a storm named Camille. Were they ignorant of the dangers? Could they have been overconfident? Did they let their egos and pride influence their decision? We’ll never know. What we do know…

Filled to Overflowing

[203 words] You have probably had the unfortunate experience of overfilling a glass or a cup. You got distracted and looked away only to realize in a moment that the glass you were filling had run over! It makes for an unpleasant clean up to be done. However, to be overflowing spiritually does not create…

Grand Theft Thunder

[248 words] We know what it means when we say someone “stole our thunder.” It is a euphemism for when someone takes your praise, credit, or attention before you have a chance to. But it doesn’t make a lot of literal sense. You don’t own any thunder for anybody to steal. Unless you are John…

Past, Present, Future

[303 words] I’m sure you’ve heard the old riddle about the polar bear when he looked forward was looking south, when he looked back was looking south, and when he looked all around was also looking south. Of course he was standing on the North Pole to make this accurate. We can make a similar…

Saul’s Obedient Conversion

[330 words] The conversion of Saul is told in Acts 9:1-19; 26:9-18; and here in 22:1-16. He gave us many details about what happened on his trip to Damascus to persecute Christians. We should study carefully what the Bible says about conversion and not be swayed by our preconceived ideas. Saul was wrong religiously, but…

It’s Just How You Look at It

[224 words] When I look at a cluster of dandelions, I see a bunch of weeds that are going to take over my yard. Children see flowers for the elderly neighbor lady or little white balloons that float in the wind as you blow on them.  When I feel wind on my face, I brace…

Stick With It

[439 words] “Footprints in the sands of time are never made by sitting down.” Perseverance, endurance, and plain ole’ stubborn tenacity are needed to hold on to our hope in the midst of difficulty. If our life’s work will leave behind footprints in the sands of time, it will be because we have striven to…

A Great Weapon

[256 words] We all face temptation, Satan is going to make sure that none of us are exempt. We read in 1 Corinthians 10:13 that it is a common challenge for all people but those who are in God’s family will be provided ways to resist and eliminate temptation. One great weapon we can use…

What About Witnessing?

[326 words] We hear much about “witnessing for Christ” in our present day. Even some of our brethren are taking to using it. The denominational world uses this expression to refer to “a special working of grace.” A dictionary definition is in order. Webster’s Collegiate gives this: “Testimony, one who beholds or has personal knowledge…

Be of Good Cheer

[151 words] You cannot be sour and be a Christian! True Christianity chases gloom. Solomon said, “A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones” (Proverbs 17:22), and again in chapter 15:13, “A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance.” More than once Jesus commanded his disciples to “Be of Good…

What Are You Masking?

[162 words] Seems like this time of year many are focused on people’s fears, scary movies, frightful decorations, and creepy whatever’s displayed along our streets. What is often overlooked—or maybe be masked—is the true fears we face: a broken relationship, a bad health diagnosis, or financial uncertainty. There are many fears that face us today, but…

Consider One Another

[442 words] At home, we recently took on the task of cleaning out our attic! Yes, I can hear you groaning as you think about how much fun we had. Well, it wasn’t all bad. In fact, when we take time to declutter any segment of our lives, we actually feel somewhat liberated because we…

God’s Mirror

[360 words] Chances are good that you have looked at yourself in a mirror today. Usually, viewing our physical appearance is one of the first things we do after getting out of bed in the morning. We do this because we know there are some changes which need to be made. We need to brush…

Bars of a Castle

[432 words] In ancient times many castles were built on a high place such as a hill. The castle would usually have very thick outer walls. The entrance would have a thick gate with bars to secure it in place. All of these made it difficult for enemies to enter a palace or fortress. They…

Don’t Get in the Trash Can

[315 words] One day a mother was scraping vegetables for a salad as her daughter came and asked permission to go to a R-rated movie. “But all the kids are going,” she said, “and their parents didn’t think it would hurt them.” As she talked, she saw her mother pick up a handful of scraps…

Does Prayer Really Work?

[392 words] One of the great privileges of the Christian life is the opportunity to approach the heavenly Father in prayer. God’s people are encouraged to draw near to the Father’s heavenly throne with boldness, seeking help in time of need. Sometimes, Christians get discouraged and may wonder if prayer really works. One might say,…

What is Sin?

[38 words] • Sin is a violation of the conscience (Romans 14:23).• Sin is knowing to do good, and not doing it (James 4:17).• Sin is breaking God’s law (1 John 3:4).• Sin is unrighteousness (failing to keep God’s commands) (1 John 5:17). House to House, Heart to HeartVol. 26, No. 3… We are sorry,…

History in Genesis

[39 words] Out of the 4,100 years of recorded history in the Bible, over one-half of it (2,286 years) is recorded in the book of Genesis. About 2,000 years of that is covered in the first 11 chapters of Genesis. BulletinDigest.com… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You…

Teach Me to Obey

[48 words] I do not ask to understandThe way Thou leadest me,But this I ask: Teach me to doThe thing that pleases Thee.I want to know Thy guiding voice,To walk with Thee each day.Dear Master make me swift to hearAnd ready to obey…. We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members…

God Cares

[73 words] God cares!How sweet the strain!My aching heart and weary brainAre rested by the sweet refrain,—He cares, our Father cares! God cares!Oh, sing the songIn lonely spot, amid the throng;’Twill make the way less hard and long,—He cares, our Father cares! God cares!The words so sweetMy lips and life shall e’er repeat,My burdens all…

Not I

[36 words] Not I, but ChristBe honored, loved, exalted;Not I, but ChristBe seen, be known, be heard;Not I, but ChristIn every look and action;Not I, but ChristIn every thought and word. Anonymous… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet…

A Family Is…

[107 words] A deeply rooted treewith branchesof different strengthsall receiving nourishment from our Father in heaven. Where character is formed, values are learned,and society is preserved. Where all members contribute a share, cooperate and work,and accept their responsibilities toward the good of the group. Where holidays are celebrated with feastingbirthdays are acknowledged with gifts,and thoughts…

Be the Best of Whatever You Are

[147 words] If you can’t be a pine on the top of the hillBe a scrub in the valley – but be The best little scrub by the side of the rill;Be a bush if you can’t be a tree.If you can’t be a bush be a bit of the grass,And some highway some happier make;If…

A Consistent Christian

[144 words] Could I be called a Christian ifeverybody knewMy secret thoughts and feelings,and everything I do?Oh, can they see the likenessof Christ in me each dayAnd do they hear Him speakingin every word I say?Could I be called a Christianif other folk would knowThat I am found in placeswhere Jesus would not go?Oh, do…

Bible Quiz: Revelation 15:1-4

[80 words] “Then I saw another __ in heaven, great and marvelous: seven angels having the seven last plagues, for in them the __ of God is complete.” John saw something like a sea of glass mingled with __. “They sing the song of __, the servant of God, and the song of the __…”…

Bible Quiz: Revelation 15:5-8

[67 words] “After these things I looked, and behold, the __ of the tabernacle of the testimony in heaven was __.” The seven angels had seven __. True or False: The angels wore dark sackcloth. “Then one of the four __ creatures gave to the seven angels seven golden bowls full of the __ of…

Bible Quiz: Revelation 16:1-7

[85 words] Where did the voice from the temple tell the angels to pour the bowls of the wrath of God? “…a foul and loathsome __ came upon the men who had the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his __.” “Then the third angel poured out his bowl on the __ and…

Bible Quiz: Revelation 16:8-16

[89 words] “Then the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the __, and power was given to him to __ men with __. The men who were scorched __ God and would not __. “Then the fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the __, and his kingdom became full of…

Quotes and Sayings (November 2022)

“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others.” — Marcus Tulles Cicero “Gratitude is the inward feeling of kindness received. Thankfulness is the natural impulse to express that feeling. Thanksgiving is the following of that impulse.” — Henry Van Dyke “I awoke this morning with devout thanksgiving for my…

On the Lighter Side (November 2022)

Fall Groaners Q: What kind of music did the Pilgrims listen to? A: Plymouth Rock. Q: Why did the pumpkin lose the boxing match? A: He let his gourd down. Q: If the Pilgrims were still alive, what would they be most famous for? A: Their age. Q: Why do birds fly south for the…

Was It That Great?

[244 words] We’ve all heard the phrase before, “the greatest thing since sliced bread,” but as it turns out this greatest thing didn’t start out so great. Otto Rohwedder invented the first bread slicing machine, built to slice bread by the loaf. His prototype and blueprints went up in smoke in a fire in 1917.…

The Lesson of the Gloves

[256 words] I once read a story about a young preacher. Hershel and his wife were two young adults who were new to the ministry and to the town where they served. As many young adults, they had more bills than money. But there was hope. You see, Hershel was asked to preach a wedding.…

Tampering with the Election

[547 words] Voter fraud is not new. We should not be surprised. Politics brings out the worst in people—pride, greed, lust for power, and dishonesty. Why would anyone think we have risen above ballot box manipulation? Many times in our history corrupt men have used intimidation, false registration, bribery, and vote alteration to steal elections.…

The Grind

[457 words] “Back to the grind” is a transitional phrase bridging a brief or extended period of relaxation to the resumption of laborious or repetitive activity. Numerous studies have shown that taking breaks increases focus and productivity. Yet, experience teaches us that it can be difficult to get moving again after a period of rest.…

Trust God With a Stone in Your Hand

[510 words] I hope that title got your attention. Let me explain what I mean by it. David was a man who trusted God. He wrote in Psalm 62:7-8, “In God is my salvation and my glory; The rock of my strength, And my refuge, is in God. Trust in Him at all times…” God…

Simply Read

[254 words] Have you not read? This phrase is used several times by Jesus when someone was asking him a doctrinal question (Matthew 12:3, 19:4, 21:16, 21:42 Mark 12:26). Many times these questions were asked as traps to try to force him into offending a particular audience or to make him look bad. Yet Jesus…

A Religion of Relationships

[258 words] Too many people claim or act like Christianity is simply a religion of beliefs. And while belief is a crucial part of Christianity, it is much more than that. I contend that Christianity, in reality, is a religion of relationships. Take a look at John 15, for example. In verses 1-11 we can…

The Opportunity to Do Good

[306 words] We live in the land of opportunity. Every person has the opportunity to do an extremely vast number of things each day. We have choices when it comes to employment. We have choices when it comes to living. We have choices when it comes to entertainment. We have so many choices that usually…

Those Who Know Your Name

[320 words] Names have always been special to God. In Scripture we often find God using names to convey ideas. For example, the prophet Hosea assigned names to his children that stood as indictments of Israel’s sins (Hosea 1:3-9). The Almighty would even change a person’s name to teach a lesson. Abram became Abraham. Sarai…

The Power of Our Silent Influence

[226 words] On a recent beautiful warm Saturday morning, a Christian friend and I were having breakfast at a local restaurant. At a nearby table, we noticed a young woman sitting quietly reading her Bible. She was absorbed in the text, occasionally looking up to consider what she had read. She never said a word,…

What Kind of ‘Sorry’ Are You?

[587 words] While growing up in middle Tennessee I often had occasion to hear expressions used by country folks. Since many of them came from small communities, where everyone knew his neighbors’ foibles and failings, country folks could be unsparingly candid in their evaluation of others. One descriptive phrase that I particularly remember is the…

Easy Overview of the New Testament

[339 words] It isn’t uncommon today to hear someone say that it is impossible to understand the Bible. It seems to me that this is a reflection on God. Is God not powerful enough, smart enough, and loving enough to give us a Book we can understand? Certainly, He is. The problem, therefore, when it…

Great Things in First Peter

[372 words] There are at least nine different Greek words that are used in the New Testament which could be translated “great.” The word appears more than a few times in different books and letters. As we read our Bible, some of these great things stand out. At times, even if the word “great” is…

I Give Up!

[280 words] “Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you” (James 4:7-8). For Christians to have a right relationship with God they may have to get to the point in life where they say, “I give up!” This is…

Keep Serving!

[183 words] One way to find joy in life, even through our own personal struggles, is to keep serving others. “For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another” (Galatians 5:13). Being one who serves is part of what…

Acceptable Worship

[409 words] Religious people these days are clamoring for more exciting and appealing ways to conduct worship services. Lost in the shuffle is that fact that we do not determine what is acceptable worship. We merely recognize what God has authorized in His inspired word. Sadly enough, in an effort to attract larger crowds, some…

Everything We Need

[52 words] God doesn’t give us everything we want, but every good thing we need He provides. And so it alway will be. “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning” (James 1:17). BulletinDigest.com… We…

Truth About Character

[81 words] It has been said that a man’s character is like a fence. It cannot be strengthened by whitewash. That is why Jesus told the religious elite of His day that they were like “whitewashed tombs” (Matt. 23:27). They looked good on the outside, but were full of death and decay on the inside.…

Preach the Word, Church!

[66 words] Jesus tells us that He is the way, the truth, and the life, and no man comes to the Father but by Him (John 14:6). How does the world learn about Jesus? Through the truth of God’s word (John 8:32; 17:17). Who is going to take it to the world? The church  (Ephesians…

Purity of Heart

[45 words] Blest are the pure in heart,For they shall see our God;The secret of the Lord is theirs;Their soul is His abode.Still to the lowly soulHe doth Himself impart,And for His service and His throneSelects the pure in heart. John Keble1792-1866… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only.…

Come, Sound His Praise Abroad

[128 words] Come, sound His praise abroad,And hymns of glory sing;Jehovah is the sovereign God,The universal King. He formed the deeps unknown;He gave the seas their bound;The watery worlds are all His own,And all the solid ground. Come, worship at His throne;Come, bow before the Lord:We are His works, and not our own;He formed us…

Our Savior’s Triumph

[133 words] Thou sweet gliding Kedron, by thy silver streamOur Savior at midnight, when moonlight’s pale beamShone bright on thy waters, would frequently stray,And lose in thy murmurs the toils of the day. How damp were the vapors that fell on his head!How hard was his pillow! how humble his bed!The angels, astonished, grew sad…

There is a Green Hill Far Away

[122 words] There is a green hill far away,outside a city wall,where our dear Lord was crucifiedwho died to save us all. We may not know, we cannot tell,what pains he had to bear,but we believe it was for ushe hung and suffered there. He died that we might be forgiven,he died to make us…

A Persian Fable

[114 words] A Persian fable says: One dayA wanderer found a lump of claySo savory of sweet perfumeIts odor scented all the room.“What are you?”was his quick demand,“Are you some gem from Samarkand,Or pure nard in this plain disguise,Or other costly merchandise?”“No, I am but a lump of clay.”“Then whence this wondrous perfume–say!”“Friend, if the…

Bible Quiz: Revelation 13:11-18

[100 words] “Then I saw another __ coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a __.”The second beast caused the earth and those who dwell in it to __ the first beast.“He was granted power to give __ to the image of the beast, that…

Bible Quiz: Revelation 14:1-5

[91 words] Where was the Lamb standing?“And I heard a voice from heaven, like the voice of many __, and like the voice of loud __. And I heard the sound of __ playing their harps.””They sang as it were a new __ before the throne, before the four living __, and the __; and…

Bible Quiz: Revelation 14:6-13

[87 words] “Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the __ gospel to preach…”“Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His __ has come; and __ Him who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water.”What was the city called that had fallen?Those who…

Bible Quiz: Revelation 14:14-20

[122 words] “Then I looked, and behold, a white cloud, and on the cloud sat One like the Son of __, having on His head a __ crown, and in His hand a sharp __.”Out of what did the angel come in verse 15?“And another angel came out from the __, who had power over…

Quotes and Sayings (October 2022)

“I cannot endure to waste anything so precious as autumnal sunshine by staying in the house. So I have spent almost all the daylight hours in the open air.” — Nathaniel Hawthorne “Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting, and autumn a mosaic of them all.” — Stanley Horowitz “There is…

On the Lighter Side (October 2022)

The Mysterious Sound A man is driving down the road and breaks down near a monastery. He goes to the monastery, knocks on the door, and says, “My car broke down. Do you think I could stay the night?” The monks graciously accept him, feed him dinner, even fix his car. As the man tries…

Can Everyone Sing?

[484 words] Do you believe that everyone can sing?” Does any and everyone who has a voice possess the ability to sing a song? This question is well worth investigating because it has such bearing on our worship and spiritual well-being. The Bible says, “Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,…

The Last Best Hope of Earth

[389 words] One month before signing the Emancipation Proclamation, Abraham Lincoln wrote a letter to Congress in which he addressed freeing the country’s slaves. In it, Lincoln stressed the importance of doing the right thing to “save our country,” which he described as “the last best hope of earth.” I want to borrow and amend…

Your Bible

[173 words] A young child watched her mother reading from the Bible for a few minutes each morning. Finally one day she asked, “Aren’t you ever going to get finished reading that book?” The mother replied, “No honey, we never get finished with this Book. It always has something that helps encourage, challenge, and make…

The Voice of the Empty Pew

[531 words] Each day when I leave my home, I don’t get too far down the road before I start missing my wife and children. As we age, we all are going our separate ways, but each time I leave my family, I can’t wait to see them again! Upon departure, I anxiously want to…

Worse Before It Gets Better

[193 words] Standing up for what’s right can make things worse before they get better. Like when Moses went to Pharaoh and said it was time to let the people go. I’m sure the enslaved Israelites were thrilled that someone was sticking up for them. But not for long. Pharaoh’s response was to make their…

Solving All the World’s Problems

[216 words] Just take a look at the news headlines and you will see problem after problem that humanity has created: wars, violence, murders, theft, scandals, abuse of power, the misuse of resources, immorality – the list goes on and on. What a mess we have made of this world! And with all of these…

Keep Seeking the Kingdom

[176 words] I was a new minister right out of college, and I was performing my third wedding ceremony. It was one of those days like Murphy’s Law when everything that could go wrong did. I forgot a couple of cues. The groom could not remember the lines he had planned to say. The ring…

No Young People at Church?

[519 words] “It’s sad because they have no young people at that congregation.” How many times have you heard or made that comment? It’s understandable. When you see a church or you are in a church of mostly older people, you fear for its future. In some cases the older members may be at fault.…

Make Good on Your Promises

[191 words] “Whoever falsely boasts of giving Is like clouds and wind without rain” (Proverbs 25:14). Over the past few weeks, the afternoon clouds have gathered with pregnant possibility. The smell of rain has come and the cool wind has blown promising my scorched yard some relief. Yet, for weeks, the clouds with such promise…

The Changing Seasons

[157 words] One of the times of year I like the most is fall. The leaves begin to change colors. The weather becomes cooler. It reminds me of what the Psalmist wrote: “The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork.” (Ps.19:1 KNJV). God indirectly speaks to us through nature. When…

Not a Good Idea?

[387 words] I was watching a television program in which a number of preachers were asked questions from viewers. One viewer asked a very important question. The question dealt with why there are different denominations. The viewer asked, “Wouldn’t it be better to have just one church?” The moderator of the program stated that would…

Do You Believe the Bible?

[162 words] The late Batsell Barrett Baxter once told the story about the 19th century agnostic, Robert Ingersoll, who often displayed animosity toward the Christian faith. One noted denominational preacher wanted to debate Ingersoll, but the atheist refused every challenge. Then, one day, the two met by accident. The preacher said, “Mr. Ingersoll, some months…

Three Questions to Keep Your Worship Focused

[308 words] Worshiping God is something that takes real effort to do properly and acceptably. (Note the word “do.”) While the word “worship” can be used as a noun, God uses the word as a verb. Furthermore, it is not used as a passive verb (of something that happens “to” me or “around” me). Worship…

Harmony with One Another

[180 words] In some ways, being a Christian would be easier if you didn’t have to deal with people. You could just study God’s Word and have a personal relationship with God. But that lifestyle (isolation) isn’t what being a Christian is all about. If we are truly “Christ-Like” we must interact and have relationships…

God Knows Your Potential

[423 words] The first time the Bible speaks of Gideon is in Judges 6:11. Gideon is hiding in a winepress beating out wheat so the Midianite oppressors will not find it. An angel of the Lord appears and calls him a “mighty man of valor.” The Lord then tells Gideon to “Go in this might…

Faith Despite Persecution

[186 words] Approximately 64 A.D., The Great Fire of Rome devastated the city. If you were alive during that time, it would have had the sort of shock value that we all experienced in our own national tragedy. Before then, Christianity was growing. However, it was thought of as “just another religion” in the mixing…

How Strong is Your Strength?

[352 words] Stephen was a great man of faith (Acts 7). Earlier the Lord had identified him as a man of conviction, reputation, wisdom, and the Holy Spirit. All these traits of character were going to be necessary for what he was about to face. It is easy to speak favorably of one’s commitment to…

The Logic of Humility

[401 words] Someone once said, “No one stands at the edge of the Grand Canyon and says, ‘I am awesome.’” Why not? Because when we are confronted by that which is immense and sublime, we are designed to feel at least two things: (1) our own smallness, and (2) the assurance that something huge and…

Never Too Old!

[55 words] When the famous French painter Henri Matisse was in his 80’s, he could no longer sit up to paint on a canvas, so he attached a brush to a long stick and painted while lying in bed. Christians, we should never let age nor challenges stop us from serving the Lord (Gal. 6:9)!…

My Prayer

[49 words] My life must touch a million lives in some way ere I goFrom this dear world of struggle to the land I do not know.So this wish I always wish, the prayer I ever pray:Let my life help the other lives it touches by the way! Author UnknownBulletinDigest.com… We are sorry, but this…

What is Love?

[33 words] It is silence when your words would hurt,Patience when your neighbor is curt,Deafness when the scandal flows,Thoughtfulness for another’s woes,Promptness when stern duty calls, and,Courage when misfortune falls. Selected… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to…


[42 words] Forenoon and afternoon and night,—And day is gone,—So short a span of time there is‘Twixt dawn and evensong. Youth,—Middle life,—Old age,—And life is past,—So live each day that God shall say,“Well done!” at last. Edward Rowland Sill1841-1887… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are…


[69 words] He that is down needs fear no fall,He that is low, no pride;He that is humble ever shallHave God to be his guide. I am content with that I have,Little be it or much;And Lord, contentment still I crave,Because thou safest such. Fullness to such a burden isThat go on pilgrimage;Here little, and…

Christ the Friend We Need

[124 words] Oft my heart has bled with sorrow,Not a friend my grief to share;But I yielded, Christ to follow,And He took my load of care. Once I sighed for peace and pleasure,Felt a painful void within;Life was gloomy, death a terror,Till my soul was saved from sin. All this world is dark and dreary,And…

It’s All About the Lord

[49 words] The Lord’s people,having been baptized with the Lord’s baptism,cleansed with the Lord’s blood,and added to the Lord’s body,gather around the Lord’s table,in the Lord’s name,upon the Lord’s day,to remember the Lord’s death and resurrection,until the Lord comes. Are you the Lord’s? Edd SterchiBroadway church of ChristCampbellsville, KY… We are sorry, but this content…

All Needs Met

[46 words] Grace that never can be toldFlows for Jesus’ sake;No good thing does He withhold,Have we faith to take.Rise, my soul, begin to liveFree to ask as He to give.Why so poor?A boundless storeWaits the asking;—want no more. J.H. Sammis1846-1919… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You…

Bible Quiz: Revelation 12:1-6

[84 words] “Now a great __ appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve __.”“Then being with __, she cried out in __ and in pain to give __.”The dragon was fiery __ and had seven __.“His __ drew a…

Bible Quiz: Revelation 12:7-12

[99 words] Archangel who fought with the dragon.“…and the dragon and his __ fought, but they did not __, nor was a place found for them in __ any longer.”Two other names for the dragon.“Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, ‘Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the…

Bible Quiz: Revelation 12:13-17

[97 words] To what place was the dragon cast down?”But the woman was given two wings of a great __, that she might fly into the __ to her place, where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time, from the presence of the __.”What did the serpent spew out of…

Bible Quiz: Revelation 13:1-10

[98 words] “And I saw a __ rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a __ __.”“Now the beast which I saw was like a __, his feet were like the feet of a __, and his mouth like the…

Quotes and Sayings (September 2022)

“An institution is the lengthened shadow of one man.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson “No thoroughly occupied man was ever yet very miserable.” — Letitia Landon “There are very honest people who do not think that they have had a bargain unless they have cheated a merchant.” — Anatole France “Sometimes one pays most for the…

On the Lighter Side (September 2022)

Calling in Sick Negotiations between union members and their employer were at an impasse. The union denied that their workers were flagrantly abusing their contract’s sick-leave provisions. One morning at the bargaining table, the company’s chief negotiator held aloft the morning edition of the newspaper, “This man,” he announced, “called in sick yesterday!” There on…

The Failure of Feelings

[453 words] We all have feelings. We respond to what we perceive around us and within us. Typical feeling statements might include: I feel hungry, I feel sleepy, I feel thirsty, I’m tired, I’m hot, etc. All of these statements describe needs or deficiencies that can be “felt.” You have never asked anyone, “Am I…

Reasons for Enduring Trials

[185 words] When trials hit, we can do one of two things concerning our faithfulness to God: give up, or continue on. Paul knew what it was like. In fact many times in trials, he felt like he was between a rock and a hard place (2 Cor. 4:8), yet he continued remaining faithful to…

What the Church Offers

[337 words] Too many folks look upon church attendance as being secondary to anything else on their schedule. They are not opposed to religion. They may even look upon it as a vital part of life. But they have no conscience against neglecting it. Perhaps the attitude is: “I’ll go to church if nothing comes…

Selfless Christianity

[414 words] True Christianity is selfless. The term selfless means “having no concern for self; unselfish.” The Scriptures teach that selfishness will prevent one from being a follower of Christ. Jesus said, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me” (Matthew 16:24). Practicing self-denial…

Lord Make Me Good – Period

[176 words] Many people who want a relationship with God often add qualifiers to the mix. They want the Lord to make them good, but with a stipulation added. Here are a couple of examples: “Lord, make me good, but not yet.” These people want to live in sin as long as possible. They want…

My Friend and His Text Messages

[505 words] I don’t know what we would do without friends. God created us with a need for them. Each day of God’s creation has the phrase, “God saw that it was good,” in connection with it. However, after God created man, He said, “It is not good that man should be alone.” He created…

The Fountain of Life

[474 words] If you go to the city of St. Augustine, Florida, you can go to an attraction claiming to be the Fountain of Youth. According to legend, Ponce de Leon landed near this site in the year 1535 and claimed a nearby spring to be a source of perpetual youthfulness based on the physiques…