Bible Quiz: Revelation 13:1-10

[98 words] “And I saw a __ rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a __ __.”“Now the beast which I saw was like a __, his feet were like the feet of a __, and his mouth like the…

Quotes and Sayings (September 2022)

“An institution is the lengthened shadow of one man.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson “No thoroughly occupied man was ever yet very miserable.” — Letitia Landon “There are very honest people who do not think that they have had a bargain unless they have cheated a merchant.” — Anatole France “Sometimes one pays most for the…

On the Lighter Side (September 2022)

Calling in Sick Negotiations between union members and their employer were at an impasse. The union denied that their workers were flagrantly abusing their contract’s sick-leave provisions. One morning at the bargaining table, the company’s chief negotiator held aloft the morning edition of the newspaper, “This man,” he announced, “called in sick yesterday!” There on…

The Failure of Feelings

[453 words] We all have feelings. We respond to what we perceive around us and within us. Typical feeling statements might include: I feel hungry, I feel sleepy, I feel thirsty, I’m tired, I’m hot, etc. All of these statements describe needs or deficiencies that can be “felt.” You have never asked anyone, “Am I…

Reasons for Enduring Trials

[185 words] When trials hit, we can do one of two things concerning our faithfulness to God: give up, or continue on. Paul knew what it was like. In fact many times in trials, he felt like he was between a rock and a hard place (2 Cor. 4:8), yet he continued remaining faithful to…

What the Church Offers

[337 words] Too many folks look upon church attendance as being secondary to anything else on their schedule. They are not opposed to religion. They may even look upon it as a vital part of life. But they have no conscience against neglecting it. Perhaps the attitude is: “I’ll go to church if nothing comes…

Selfless Christianity

[414 words] True Christianity is selfless. The term selfless means “having no concern for self; unselfish.” The Scriptures teach that selfishness will prevent one from being a follower of Christ. Jesus said, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me” (Matthew 16:24). Practicing self-denial…

Lord Make Me Good – Period

[176 words] Many people who want a relationship with God often add qualifiers to the mix. They want the Lord to make them good, but with a stipulation added. Here are a couple of examples: “Lord, make me good, but not yet.” These people want to live in sin as long as possible. They want…

My Friend and His Text Messages

[505 words] I don’t know what we would do without friends. God created us with a need for them. Each day of God’s creation has the phrase, “God saw that it was good,” in connection with it. However, after God created man, He said, “It is not good that man should be alone.” He created…

The Fountain of Life

[474 words] If you go to the city of St. Augustine, Florida, you can go to an attraction claiming to be the Fountain of Youth. According to legend, Ponce de Leon landed near this site in the year 1535 and claimed a nearby spring to be a source of perpetual youthfulness based on the physiques…

Mr. Lincoln’s Tears

[157 words] The story is told that near the end of his presidency, a woman came to the While House to present Abe Lincoln with a basketful of baked goodies—cakes, pies and breads. “Is there something you want, Madam?” the president asked. “No sir,” she replied, “I only wanted to tell you thank you for…

On Remembering Faithful Soldiers

[443 words] Bradford Freeman was just 18 years old when he dropped out of Mississippi State and enlisted in the U.S. Army to become a paratrooper. He was assigned to be a mortarman in Company E, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division. The company name rings a bell from the work of author Stephen…

What Will Your Checkbook Tell About You?

[232 words] Some time ago I read about a man who had written many biographies. He noted that it was easy to find out what a man said and what he had done, but when it came to finding out what kind of man he really was, the biographer was up a stump. Then he…

Beating Worry

[187 words] Time has a way of improving the conditions of daily lives. What posed as hardship for my grandparents are today’s luxuries. Surrounded with gadgets and gizmos to make life easy, why can’t they invent something, anything that will remove worry from our lives? Volumes have been written to abate the damage worry causes.…

I Have Made Peace with God

[431 words] There is nothing more important in life than having peace with God. There can be no assurance of salvation or hope of heaven without having peace with God. Therefore, we should all desire to have peace with our Maker. But how can we have such peace? The basic answer to the question is…

Flying Above the Storms

[216 words] Did you know that an eagle knows when the storm is approaching long before it breaks? The eagle will fly to some high spot and wait for the winds to come. When the storm hits, it sets its wings so that the wind will pick it up and lift it above the storm.…

To Show Your Work Or Not?

[452 words] When you were a kid were you told that you had to show your work on the math problems you were given to do in class? I will admit I always hatted doing that. Showing others our work is one of the things I think Christians struggle with. There are verses in the…

‘They Just Don’t Come Anymore!’

[342 words] I recently was in conversation with a gentlemen who has been a Christian for approximately sixty or more years, he remarked to me that back in “his day,” he would have twelve to fifteen teens in his class. He followed that comment with, “They just don’t come anymore!” Not be an alarmist, but…

More, Please

[300 words] Ralph Kramden, the lovable oaf portrayed on television by Jackie Gleason in the 1950s, found it easy to put his foot in his mouth. When asked why he didn’t treat Alice, his wife, in the same romantic way he did before they were married, he replied, “Why keep running after you catch the bus?” His…

If It Smells Like a Skunk…

[230 words] Last week when entering the church building we were met with an all-too-familiar odor. Unfortunately, some of us know firsthand just how bad a skunk can really smell. Whether you’ve encountered a skunk one-on-one or not, when you smell the distinctive odor produced by these little varmints, you can immediately identify it. If…

God, Make Us the Men You Want Us to Be

[267 words] Where can we find strong men to standWith us and You, against all odds?The time we live in now demandsStrong minds, great hearts, true faith and ready handsThat will not yield to others what is God’s. Give us men of honor and good willWhom spoils of office cannot buy.Men with great insight, strength…

Breathe On Me, Breath of God

[92 words] Breathe on me, breath of God,Fill me with life anew,That I may love what Thou dost love,And do what Thou wouldst do. Breathe on me, breath of God,Until my heart is pure,Until with Thee I will one will,To do and to endure. Breathe on me, breath of God,Blend all my soul with Thine,Until…

The Master’s Will, for This I Pray

[119 words] The Master’s will, for this I pray, Whatever it may be!I do not want to miss Your best; Reveal it, Lord, to me. My own desires may lead me wrong, I must consult my God;His counsel will be justified, When all the way I’ve trod. O soul of mine, delight in Him! His…

Hold Fast True Riches

[89 words] Let me hold lightly things of this earth;Transient treasures, what are they worth?Moths can corrupt them, rust can decay;All their bright beauty fades in a day. Let me hold lightly temporal things –I, who am deathless, I, who wear wings!Let me hold fast, Lord, things of the skies;Quicken my vision, open my eyes!…

Bible Study is Hard Work

[74 words] Most of us want our Bibles to give us simple black-and-white bumper sticker quotes, often because we don’t want to do the hard work of living with the Bible and letting God shape us in an ongoing engagement with these powerful words. Study the Bible! “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God,…

Trying to Spell God

[86 words] Poet Edwin Anderson Robinson once wrote, “The world is not a prison house but a kind of kindergarten, where millions of bewildered infants are trying to spell God with the wrong blocks.” That may be true of people who don’t look to the Bible for the “right blocks,” but those who trust God’s…

What the Lord is to Me (from the Psalms)

[120 words] The LORD is my rock and my fortress (Psa. 18:2). He is my solid foundation and will never let me down. The LORD is my shepherd (Psa. 23:1). He is my provider and guide through life. The LORD is my light (Psa. 27:1). He is my revealer of all truth. The LORD is…

Love the Unknown?

[111 words] The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom. These are exhortations from Proverbs. In addition to that, he who loves instructions loves knowledge (Prov. 12:1). What this translates to is this: he who loves the Lord will take time to know the Lord, learn from His will and apply…

Bible Quiz: Revelation 10:8-11

[63 words] Where did the voice John heard come from?“Go, take the __ book which is open in the hand of the __ who stands on the sea and on the earth.”What did the angel tell John to do with the book?“…it will make your stomach __, but it will be as sweet as __…

Bible Quiz: Revelation 11:1-6

[65 words] “And the angel stood, saying, ‘Rise and __ the __ of God, the altar, and those who __ there.’”He was told not to measure the court of the __.The Gentiles would tread the holy city underfoot for __-__ months.“These are the two __ trees and the two __ standing before the God of…

Bible Quiz: Revelation 11:7-14

[77 words] “Now when they have finished their __, the beast that comes up from the __ will attack them, and overpower and kill them.”“Their bodies will lie in the public square of the great city—which is figuratively called __ and __—where also their Lord was __.”True or False: The people buried the bodies of…

Bible Quiz: Revelation 11:15-19

[76 words] “The kingdom of the __ has become the kingdom of our __ and of his __, and he will reign for ever and ever.”How many elders were seated on their thrones before God?“We give thanks to you, Lord God Almighty, the __ who is and who was, because you have taken your great…

Quotes and Sayings (August 2022)

“The study of God’s Word for the purpose of discovering God’s will is the secret discipline which has formed the greatest characters.” — James W. Alexander “The Bible will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from the Bible.” — Dwight L. Moody “A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than…

On the Lighter Side (August 2022)

Special Golf Ball Two friends went out to play golf and were about to tee off, when one fellow noticed that his partner had but one golf ball. “Don’t you have at least one other golf ball?”, he asked. The other guy replied that no, he only needed the one. “Are you sure?” the friend…

True Freedom

[357 words] In 1776, the 13 British colonies in North America protested the tyranny of the king of England and engaged in a struggle that gave birth to a brand new republic. The infant nation soon adopted that now famous document known as the Declaration of Independence. We celebrate this emancipation every July 4th. Almost…

Celebrate Freedom

[311 words] In a letter dated July 3, 1776, John Adams wrote to his wife: “This will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance,…

Cussing Coaches

[458 words] I have often thought about the challenges of coaching sports. Coaches are often scrutinized and criticized for the many tough decisions they make. I’m sure it is a difficult job. However, all jobs have pros and cons. Regardless of one’s occupation, there will be good days and days when we feel as if…

Don’t Sell the Farm!

[279 words] There was a man that owned a wonderful farm, but over the years he began to take it for granted, and reached the point where he was tired of it. He decided that he would put it up for sale and find a better one. He called a realtor who came out and…

Hearing Your Name

[286 words] There is just something about hearing your name. On some occasions, it is scary. If your mom or dad ever calls you by your whole name—first, middle, and last—you are likely in pretty big trouble. On other occasions, it is a special honor. Graduation ceremonies are a great example of this. Why in…

Abraham and God

[388 words] Among the greatest names in the roll call of faithful saints down through the ages, the name of Abraham must surely rank high on the list. Abraham’s distinction lies in the fact that Abraham listened to God, loved God and leaned upon God. Abraham Listened to God. In Genesis 22:1, God spoke the…

Phone Home?

[569 words] “Mr. Duke, what do you think about the question of life on other planets?” More than one Russian student asked me this question in a Moscow university over thirty years ago. I had expected questions about God, and there were many. But I was surprised at the number of times they asked about…

It’s Okay to Wonder Why, But Don’t Forget Who

[201 words] “O LORD, how long shall I cry, and You will not hear? Even cry out to You, ‘Violence!’ and You will not save…For plundering and violence are before me; there is strife, and contention arises. Therefore the law is powerless, and justice never goes forth. For the wicked surround the righteous…” Twenty-six hundred…

Teaching the Important Things 

[209 words] A mother-mouse was taking her two little mice-kids for a walk. Suddenly, a big ol’ cat jumped out of the bushes. However, the older mouse shouted “Bark!” At that, the cat ran away. Then, the mother-mouse told her youngsters, “See, children, that’s why it’s important to learn a foreign language.” Tongue-in-cheek example aside,…

A Compassionate God

[409 words] In the Bible, we are first introduced to the prophet Jonah in 2 Kings 14:25. “He [King of Israel Jeroboam II] was the one who restored the boundaries of Israel from Lebo Hamath to the Dead Sea, in accordance with the word of the Lord, the God of Israel, spoken through his servant…

Unity of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace

[349 words] How does one keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace? When people willingly join themselves together, they do so with good intentions. Each one comes from a place that is not shared by the others in that group. We all have our experiences, perspectives, and we launch into the…

Hey There Delilah 

[158 words] I don’t know what Samson saw in Delilah, but whatever it was it was enough to destroy him. I don’t think we can hold women like this as a positive example expect maybe in one aspect: persistence. This woman was able to do what no man ever could: She brought down Samson. She…

Lessons from Samson

[391 words] The story of Samson can be found in Judges chapters 13-16. Samson allowed his lust to control his actions and made poor decisions based on impulsive thoughts driven by that same lust. What are some lessons that we can learn from Samson and his pursuit of a wife? Be teachable. Always have a…

Absence And Alarm!

[299 words] There is a correlation, you know. When a Christian is absent from the worshiping assembly, there is cause for alarm. “Why? Whose business is it?” says the absentee, “If I want to miss, let me be — what does it hurt anyway?” Glad you asked the question. It hurts a lot! It hurts…

Should We Preach Jesus and Ignore Doctrine?

[455 words] Sometimes we hear individuals say, “Why should we be so concerned about doctrine? We should just preach Jesus and ignore doctrine. Preaching doctrine creates division, but preaching Jesus will bring unity.” Those who say these things often are motivated to bring about harmony among those who follow Jesus, but we must begin by…

The King of Us All

[179 words] God is the rightful King of us all. As Acts 17:24 says, “The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth.” Since God made you, and all you have is because of Him, He is your King. I encourage you to be okay with that,…

The Danger of Popularity

[352 words] So many people base their life on the pursuit of popularity. I do not believe that I have ever been popular, but as a teenager I can remember wanting to be. The desire to be liked and to have the praise of the people around us can be a strong temptation. Our young…

Diligence and Neglect

[320 words] The apostle Peter, in the early part of his second letter, gives emphasis to the importance of Christians being diligent in the development of spiritual qualities. How diligent did he want them to be? He urges, “…giving all diligence…” (2 Pet. 1:5). Later, he adds, “…be even more diligent…” (2 Pet. 1:12). Since…

We Need Fathers!

[470 words] The TV show “60 Minutes” ran a segment that revealed some disturbing news. Park rangers at a South African wildlife preserve were concerned about the slaughter of 39 rare white rhinos. It turned out that the rhinos were killed not by poachers but rather by juvenile delinquents. You see the story began a…

God Asks, ‘Where is the Honor Due Me?’

[190 words] Using the language of his times, the prophet Malachi spoke words from the mind of God to His people. God asked this question, “‘A son honors his father, and a slave his master. If I am a father, where is the honor due me? If I am a master, where is the respect…

More Than Milk

[443 words] There are several passages in the New Testament that admonish Christians to mature. They need to mature in several facets of their spiritual lives. The one we look at today is the need for growth in their study and understanding of God’s word. There is no other way to mature in all aspects…

Obey God

[428 words] “When they had brought them, they stood them before the Council. The high priest questioned them, saying, “We gave you strict orders not to continue teaching in this name, and yet, you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and intend to bring this man’s blood upon us.” But Peter and the apostles answered,…

‘The Church Has Let Me Down’

[115 words] Does this describe the way you feel? If it does, let me warn you. Don’t expect to get more out than you put in. If you choose to stand aloof from the church, refusing to participate in her programs of work, fail to support her financially, and only occasionally attend worship services, the…

A Christian Pledge of Allegiance

[33 words] I pledge allegiance to the Fatherof the united saints of the kingdom,and to the Redeemerby Whom we stand,one Body, unified in Spirit,indivisible,with liberty and charity for all Author Unknown… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to…

The Time to Trust

[27 words] When nothing whereon to lean remains,When strongholds crumble to dust;When nothing is sure but that God still reigns,That is just the time to trust…. We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check…

Special Times

[72 words] There are times when we let favors go unmentioned.When we leave a warm and loving word unsaid,There are times when we forget our kind intentions,When we’re wrapped up in our private world instead– But though we often fail to show our feelings,We hope the ones we love will somehow know–And that’s why there…

Take Time

[100 words] Take time to laughIt is the music of the soul.Take time to thinkIt is the source of power.Take time to playIt is the source of perpetual youth.Take time to readIt is the fountain of wisdom.Take time to prayIt is the greatest power on earth.Take time to love and be lovedIt is a God-given…

The Unerring Guide

[71 words] I have a proved, unerring Guide,Whose love I’m loth to grieve;He brings me golden promisesMy heart can scare receive;He leaders me, and hope and cheerDoth for my path provide,For dreary nights and days of drought:Have you not so sure a Guide?Quench not the faintest whisperThat the heavenly dove may bring;He seeks with holy…

Teach Me to Obey

[48 words] I do not ask to understandThe way Thou leadest me,But this I ask: Teach me to doThe thing that pleases Thee.I want to know Thy guiding voice,To walk with Thee each day.Dear Master, make me swift to hearAnd ready to obey Author Unknown… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and…


[90 words]      ConsiderThe lilies of the field whose bloom is brief:—     We are as they;     Like them we fade away,As doth a leaf.      ConsiderThe sparrows of the air of small account:     Our God doth viewWhether they fall or mount,—     He guards us too.      ConsiderThe lilies that do neither spin nor toil,     Yet are most fair:—     What profits all this careAnd all…

If God Should Go on Strike…

[192 words] How good it is that God abovehas never gone on strike,Because He was not treated fairin things He didn’t like. If only once, He’d given up andsaid, “That’s it. I’m through,I’ve had enough of those on Earthso this is what I’ll do: I’ll give my orders to the sun,cut off the heat supply!And…

A Hymn of Morning Praise

[135 words] O God, inspire our morning hymnOf love and gratitude;Oh, bless the sacrifice we bring,Thou Source of every good.Thy miracle of love so sweetPreserved us all secure;While helpless in unconscious sleep,Thy presence kept us pure. ’Tis blest to rise, O Lord, and joinWith nature’s minstrelsy;To hymn Thy praise at early morn,And offer thanks to…

Bible Quiz: Revelation 8:1-6

[69 words] “When He opened the __ seal, there was __ in heaven for about half an hour.”How many angels are said to stand before God in this section?What object did the angel hold who came and stood at the altar?“And the smoke of the __, with the __ of the saints, ascended before God…

Bible Quiz: Revelation 8:7-13

[79 words] At the first trumpet, __ and __, mingled with __ were thrown to the earth.What was burned up during the first trumpet?“Then the second angel sounded: And something like a great __ burning with fire was thrown into the sea, and a third of the sea became __.”What was the name of the…

Bible Quiz: Revelation 9:1-12

[95 words] When the fifth angel sounded the trumpet, what fell from heaven to the earth?What came out of the smoke that arose from the bottomless pit?“They were commanded not to harm the __ of the earth, or any green thing, or any __, but only those men who do not have the seal of…

Bible Quiz: Revelation 9:13-21

[64 words] “Then the sixth angel sounded: And I heard a voice from the four __ of the golden __ which is before God…”Where were the four angels bound?How much of mankind was killed by the plagues?For their power is in their __ and in their __; for their tails are like __, having heads;…

Bible Quiz: Revelation 10:1-7

[119 words] This mighty angel was clothed with a __.“He had a little __ open in his hand. And he set his right foot on the __ and his left foot on the __, and cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roars.”How many thunders uttered their voices?“__ up the things which the…

Quotes and Sayings (July 2022)

“One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters.” — George Herbert “My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me.” — Jim Valvano “A father is a man who expects his son to be as good a man as he meant to be.” — Frank A. Clark “If…

On the Lighter Side (July 2022)

A mangy-looking guy walks into a very classy restaurant and orders a steak. The waitress says: “I’m sorry, but I don’t think you can pay for your meal.” The guy admits, “You’re right. I don’t have any money, but if I show you something you haven’t seen before, will you give me my supper?” The…

Tragedy in Uvalde, Texas

[256 words] Inevitably, when bad things happen to good people, folks ask “why?” and “where was God when the bad thing happened?” At the time of the writing of this article, we have had several tragedies in the Unites States. The one closest to home was the shooting in Uvalde, Texas, where nearly 20 people…

It Is My Body

[451 words] Abortion is likely the leading discussion in the spring of 2022. It may very well be for some time. Abortion is the murder of a living child in the womb, and is supported by many. Supporters of abortion do not want to call this action murder. They want to have all believe that…

The Unopened Love Letters

[276 words] “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways,” is perhaps one of the best-known lines of poetry ever written. But do you know the story of the creator of those words? Elizabeth Barrett was a poet who lived many years with her parents. Her father was bizarre. He had forbidden all…

The Toddler’s Creed

[288 words] Children are special people, especially toddlers. They have a rather unique view of the world. Someone has shared this insight into their thinking, called, “The Toddler’s Creed”: If I want it, it’s, mine. If I give it to you and change my mind later, it’s mine. If I can take it away from…

The Mirror

[204 words] I don’t like mirrors. Mirrors make me look fat. They make it seem like my hairline is in full retreat. Mirrors make my face older, my hair thinner, my shape more rounded. I don’t know what is wrong with these mirrors. I know what you are thinking, you are going to say there…

Why Your Family Needs to Be in Worship

[241 words] It is important for family to worship together. The God who created each and ordained marriage and the family knew the importance of families worshiping together. To a woman who had miserably failed in her family life, Jesus said, “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the…

Paradoxical Commandments of Leadership

[136 words] People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered.Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.Be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies.Succeed anyway.  If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you.Be honest and frank anyway. What…

Am I Strong?

[338 words] How do I know if I am strong? There are numerous ways to measure physical strength. One example of a physical strength test would be the bench press. Each year at the NFL combine players demonstrate how many times they can press 225 pounds. Fifteen to twenty-five times seems to be about the…

A Judgment Jesus Reserves for Himself

[519 words] I know of no congregation of the Lord’s church that can claim perfection. If churches are composed of people, they will have their problems. It is true that we are saved people (Acts 2:47), holy people (1 Pet. 2:9), and sanctified people (1 Cor. 6:11). But we are also weak people (Matt. 26:41)…


[464 words] How easy it is for us to become puffed up and prideful. We all have talents and areas in our lives where we excel. We receive complements, awards, promotions at work, and other recognition for the good job that we may have done. Each of us at one time or another have probably…

Summer Plans

[404 words] It is coming faster than we would think, and not soon enough for kids in school! Summer is near, and that means a whole different kind of busyness for a lot of families. Vacations, camps, travels, and family reunions quickly fill up the calendar (if they haven’t already)! Consider three ideas to help…

Watch Out for the Traps

[349 words] Once there was a little fly who saw a spider’s web in the corner of the room. “I’ll fly away from it,” he thought; “For if I should get one foot in it I might get two, and soon I would be caught all together.” Wasn’t this little fly a wise fellow? In…

The Threefold Witness of Good Character

[447 words] In 3 John 12, we have reference made to a fine Christian individual. In fact, this short verse is all that is said of this man of God, but what is said of him and the standard he sets is truly amazing. The verse begins by saying of him, “Demetrius has a good…

When You Are Blessed

[195 words] How do you respond when you are blessed? Do you respond gratefully when someone says something nice to you, or does something for you? Picture a wife who spends two hours making a delicious meal for her husband because she wants to give him something special. The husband eats it without comment and…

The Great Transition

[243 words] Making big changes or transitions in life can often usher in things like anxiety, apprehension, and even down right fear. Moving from one stage of life to the next can be really hard. I think one of the most difficult transitions comes between adolescence and adulthood. Making that transition well is super important.…

Memorial Day

[247 words] “Since the first shots fired in the Revolutionary War, Americans have answered the call to duty and given their lives in service to our Nation and its sacred founding ideals. As we pay tribute to the lives and legacies of these patriots on Memorial Day, we also remember that they sacrificed to create…

A Man of Many Hats

[336 words] Have you ever heard the phrase “He is a man of many hats”? I can remember hearing this growing up. I remember thinking how funny a man would look with a stack of hats on his head. The real meaning goes back to the days when everyone was wearing hats and different professions…

In the Doing of It

[427 words] Nothing will motivate us more than becoming better at what we do. As we dedicate ourselves to having Jesus at the center of our thoughts, our actions, and our words, we will begin to be motivated by “Christ being formed in us” (Gal. 4:19). This does not happen by accident but it has…

God and the Big Bang

[300 words] I was surprised to learn the Big Bang Theory is credited to Georges Lemaître (1894-1966), a Belgian Catholic priest. It’s concerning that an alleged “man of God” promoted such rubbish. Lemaître postulated that the observable universe began with the explosion of a single primeval atom. Aside from contradicting God’s Word (Genesis 1:1), this…

Beauty and Substance

[87 words] Beauty is skin deep, but it does not even exist at skin level when a woman of beauty fails to understand her role in the Lord’s eyes. She is like a ring of gold in the snout of a pig because she lacks discretion (cf. Prov. 11:22). What does “discretion” mean in this…

Have You Stumbled?

[78 words] Stumbling is considered a bad omen in many countries. When Napoleon’s horse stumbled as he led his army to attack Russia in 1812 many of the French soldiers thought they should immediately turn back. Napoleon continued the advance, but it turned out his soldiers were right. When it comes to faith, stumbling is…

Thieves of Time

[28 words] Dwelling on past mistakes…Failing to make decisions…Failing to follow through on plans…Procrastinating…Laziness…Not sticking to the task at hand…Doubting God’s ability to help…… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email),…

Because of Sin

[78 words] Our Lord arrived at the Gardenwith darkness in full array, He poured out His heart to the Father,as He fell on His face to pray.He was carrying a heavy burden,And from it He must not run.  With love He promised faithfullynot My will, but Yours be done.The cup of the cross was bitter,yet…

Let All Creation Bless the Lord

[130 words] Let all creation bless the Lord,till heaven with praise is ringing.Sun, moon, and stars, peal out a chord,stir up the angels’ singing.Sing, wind and rain! Sing, snow and sleet!Make music, day, night, cold, and heat:exalt the God who made you. All living things upon this earth,green fertile hills and mountains,sing to the God…


[123 words] I shall do so much in the years to come,But what have I done today?I shall give out gold in princely sum,But what did I give today?I shall lift the heart and dry the tear,I shall plant a hope in the place of fear,I shall speak with words of love and cheerBut what…

There is a Green Hill Far Away

[122 words] There is a green hill far away,outside a city wall,where our dear Lord was crucifiedwho died to save us all. We may not know, we cannot tell,what pains he had to bear,but we believe it was for ushe hung and suffered there. He died that we might be forgiven,he died to make us…

Just a Weaver

[84 words] My life is but a weaving,between my God and me,I do not choose the colors,He worketh steadily. Of times He weaveth sorrow,and I in foolish prideforget He sees the upper,and I the underside. Not till the loom is silent,and the shuttles cease to fly,will God unroll the canvas,and explain the reasons why. The…