Eternal Punishment

[269 words] One of the most difficult teachings of the Bible involves the reality of eternal punishment for the lost. In order to make Christianity more appealing to a broader audience, some have taken it upon themselves to revise the Bible’s teaching on the subject. Some have preached universalism, claiming that no one will be…
Walking in Park

Walking with God

[272 words] Very few people would be able to recall who Enoch was and what he did. This seventh generation descendant of Adam was one of only two whom God “took.” He did not feel death as humans usually do. Genesis 5:25, “Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him.” He…

What You Have To Wear To Be In Church

[237 words] I guess “what to wear” has always been an issue in the church. As our world goes through a casual dress phase, we see that reflected in church services as well. I oftentimes now see groups advertise their informal attire as an attribute. In times past, include the era of the New Testament,…

Love’s Rollercoaster

[206 words] A male and a female get married. They think they know one another well, but soon learn not that well. They move into their first home together, he leaves the seat up, she has hair everywhere. The roller coaster is halfway up the steep hill. Children come into the family; the son is…

Love With Persistence

[221 words] In his book entitled Love More, Sin Less, Aubrey Johnson says, “The call of the gospel is a call to love. We are summoned by God’s love to share in the fellowship of loving spirits in heaven and on earth (Philippians 2:1-2). Making a commitment to the love-based life is the best decision…

Has God Forgotten Me?

[229 words] We live in the land of opportunity. Our cities are overpopulated but yet we feel alone, discouraged and deserted. Has God forgotten me? The children of Israel accused God of this very thing as recorded in (Isaiah 49:14). Has God forgotten you? Let us examine the evidence. Notice the sparrow, two were sold…

Lessons Learned from Joshua

[289 words] The book of Joshua is so great. Not only is it “for our instruction…and…encouragement” (Romans 15:4), it is captivating! Joshua tells us of war and intrigue, victories and losses, warnings and challenges, miraculous signs and wonders (huge fortified walls crashing down, a river drying up for people to cross, the sun standing still,…

The Bible Still Reads

[251 words] You may have heard of the Reformation doctrinal stance of Martin Luther, which has now become a doctrine so imbedded in the minds of some, to say anything different is to be branded a heretic. It is said by man that one is justified by faith alone through grace alone. When I ask…

What is the World Coming To?

[254 words] These days, any number of issues that play across our television screens and newsfeeds may cause us to exclaim, “What is the world coming to!” Murders, violence, thefts, and perversions of all sorts are shocking, to say the least, but even more disgraceful is the lack of concern many in today’s world have…

Living with Dragons

[244 words] One day, in England, a “gentleman of the road” (we’d call him a hobo) stopped by a restaurant named “St. George and the Dragon.” He knocked at the back door and asked if he might have some leftovers to eat. A very stern lady looked the fellow in the eye and said: “I’ll…

Picking Up the Pieces

[261 words] When Asa was about five years old, we bought him a bicycle for his birthday. Given that his birthday is in December, the weather did not permit him to ride it outside for a while. One morning, he decided to ride down our hallway. He did not know how to use the breaks…

Amazing to Think About!

[218 words] “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance…

Heavy Burdens to Bear

[263 words] Anger, resentment, and bitterness are heavy burdens to be borne. Such qualities cause you to be miserable and to miss the joys of life. Sadly these negative qualities could easily cost a person their soul! An understanding of harm done by these negative qualities helps us appreciate what God said in Romans 12:17-21.…

You Have What It Takes!

[241 words] Figure it out for yourself, my lad,You’ve all that the greatest men have had;Two arms, two hands, two legs, two eyes,And a brain to use if you would be wise,With this equipment they all began–So start from the top and say, “I can!” Look them over, the wise and great,They take their food…

A New Year: Time to Take Inventory

[294 words] As we begin a new year, may we “take inventory” of our spiritual lives. Most businesses or organizations (the ones that are successful) will ask three questions in terms of their direction: “Where have we been? Where are we? Where are we going?” Our spiritual lives are of far greater importance than any…

All Things New

[298 words] Happy New Year!  How many times have you heard that phrase in the last few days? Most likely, the person saying it to you sincerely desires for you to have a great 2022.  Of course, it could also mean that they are just thankful 2021 is gone and a fresh new year has…

‘You shall call His name…’

[280 words] One of the earliest predictions about the birth of Christ came from the prophet Isaiah. Seven centuries before our Lord was born, this Old Testament preacher wrote: “Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel” (Isaiah 7:14). This passage would be repeated later to remind us…

An Exciting Eternity

[248 words] Do you ever wonder how you can live forever without being bored? One fellow said he didn’t want to live forever because life on earth is so monotonous. His comments reminded me of a college professor’s sneering statement to his class (a class I was in) that he couldn’t think of anything more…

Scandalized by Particularity

[288 words] The doctrine of religious pluralism says that all roads, spiritually speaking, end up at the same destination. It’s only that––so goes the belief––we’re all just taking different paths to the same god. But if all religions are the same, Jesus Christ is a liar, and He died in vain. It is the scandal…

Jesus’ Compassion for Lost Souls

[204 words] Matthew describes Jesus’ compassion for lost souls: “But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd” (Matthew 9:36). Jesus saw people. He did not look past them, ignore them, or turn away from them. Jesus was cognizant of…

Finding Favor

[257 words] Numerous times in Scripture we read about godly men and women who “find favor” in the sight of God and the people around them. It seems to be a common characteristic. For example:  Esther is described again and again as one who won favor in the sight of the king and his subordinates…


[270 words] Today, I will live as if it is the most important day I possess, because it is actually the only day I have. Today, I will whine and complain less. I will be thankful more, because I know that gratitude makes a better person out of me. Today, I will criticize less and…

Sleep Well at Night

[201 words] Have you heard another say to you, “How does he sleep at night!” This is not a question asked, but a pointed and judgmental statement about the thinking or bad actions of the one this remark is pointed to. How does one sleep at night? Some have a hardened heart, troubled not by…

When We Lose a Friend

[231 words] I once had an elder in another congregation tell me: “You know you are growing old when you walk into a café and see several widows and realize that they were married to men younger than you.” This article is not about aging, but it is about coping with the loss of a…

Rock of Ages

[282 words] As you know, I like rocks and stones. I find them unique and fascinating. I cannot collect enough of them. But there is one stone that intrigues me more than any other: the Stone – the Rock. No, not Dwayne Johnson. Jesus! From 1 Peter 2:4-10, we see Jesus referenced as a stone…

You Never Know

[242 words] Last year we enjoyed a really nice crop of sunflowers. When their time of prime was over, they were cut and cast onto the burn pile. Lo and behold, what should sprout this year in the middle of that pile but a sunflower. I don’t know how many sunflowers or how many seeds…

Only One Right Way

[237 words] There is only right and wrong. In true religion, there is only one right way, and that way is made plain in the Bible. King David learned this. His decision to have an adulterous affair with Uriah the Hittite’s wife was wrong. His adultery with her violated God’s law in the Ten Commandments…

He is Always the Majority

[228 words] Abraham Lincoln understood that while he was in charge of a democracy, his office wasn’t one. Once at the end of a disagreement with his cabinet, he announced the vote, “Seven nays, one aye; the ayes have it.” He was the one aye and that was all that mattered. Some folks have got…

Eat This, Not That…Maybe

[217 words] Many of us are trying to “eat right”, but it can often be difficult to figure out what is really good for you. Products have all kinds of health claims on the label but how do you figure out which ones are really true? Well, that is why the FDA has a website…

No Excuses

[227 words] On September 26, 2021, Elijah Saolo was about to win the Quad Cities Marathon in Illinois. As he sprinted down the final stretch, not only was he in the lead, he was on pace to set a record time!  But then, instead of turning right and following the designated path, he went straight…

A Dogged Servant

[297 words] If you were to go to the Shibuya train station in Tokyo, Japan, you would see a bronze statue honoring a dog named Hachiko.  Hachiko was born in 1923. His master was a professor at the Tokyo Imperial University. The professor would commute home on the train, get-ting off at the Shibuya train…

A Big Name

[257 words] When Walter P. Paepeke started a carton company and called it the Container Corporation of America, his attorney said it was “a big name for such a small company.” Mr. Paepeke’s reply was, “We’ll take the name and grow into it.” That’s the task we have before us. We have taken a big…

Criticism and the Beehive

[249 words] It is said that someone reported to Abraham Lincoln that Edwin Stanton, one of the President’s cabinet members, had referred to him as a fool. Mr. Lincoln replied, “Well, I must check into that, for I have found that he is usually correct in his judgments.”  This indicated President Lincoln’s great capacity to…


[277 words] Ever forget something? Sure you have. If it is any consolation, you are not alone. All of us can forget and often do.  Some years ago, a researcher from Johns Hopkins University compiled a list of what we forget most often. At the top of the list was names (83 percent), followed by…

Spurt and Sputter Religion

[219 words] Did you ever have a car that would run well for a short spurt and then the motor would sputter? It appears that some folks have a spurt and sputter religion. Something will stimulate their interest and they will have a spurt of enthusiasm. For a while they will be seen at all…

The God of the Impossible

[291 words] Amy Brockman worked as a ski instructor for the more prestigious ski areas in the world. This allowed her to train for the U.S. Olympic Ski Team while earning a living.  One day a beginning skier accidentally skied into Amy, knocking her into the path of the lift chair. The operator didn’t see…

Loose Leaf Paper and #2 Pencils

[278 words] “Parents that treat the church as optional, shouldn’t be surprised when their children treat Jesus as unnecessary.” — Unknown “Going back to school” is once again upon us! In our part of the world, August always means “school” will soon be starting! Education was always important to my parents, especially my father. My…

Mourning Without Moaning

[202 words] In His “Sermon on the Mount,” Jesus said, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted” (Matthew 5:4). Did you see that? Read it again just to make sure you got it right. Jesus said, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” There you have it; what Jesus…

Time Management

[289 words] Living the way God wants us to live requires the proper consciousness, commitment, and management of time. Paul exhorted, “See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is”…

Open Your Eyes and Heart, and You Will See

[235 words] There is a theory among some Christians that maybe God created the world and the things in it through the organic evolutionary process. This is an obvious attempt to combine macro evolution (being taught in our public schools) and the Bible. But if we read the Bible carefully, we see that this cannot…

Are You A Good Listener?

[251 words] James tells us that we should be a people who are “swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath” (James 1:19). There is certainly a gift that can be learned in becoming a better listener. James is concerned with the anger of man, within the context of this particular verse, when he…

What Can One Person Do?

[291 words] Nearly eight billion people now inhabit this planet! What difference can one person (you) make? Oh, sure, the President of the United States is only one person, but he can make a huge difference. A multi-millionaire can make a noticeable difference. But ordinary folks like you or me – do we really matter?…

The Word Of God Is…

[286 words] Powerful: “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes…

Giving Thanks

[209 words] The Apostle Paul gave us an important charge. He said: “Always and for everything give thanks in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God the Father” (Ephesians 5:20). This means going to God in prayer and thanking him for what He has given us. And doing this every day. The word…

Why Should I Attend VBS?

[235 words] Vacation Bible School is upon us again and you may be asking, “Why should I attend VBS?” VBS is another opportunity for spiritual growth! Jesus established His church as a community of His followers to worship God, encourage one another, and spread the Good News. Attending VBS will allow you to grow closer…

Behold, I Thought; Now I Know

[287 words] Despite being a leper, Naaman the Syrian army commander retained his pride. Didn’t his status merit a dramatic healing ceremony from Elijah? “Behold, I thought, ‘He will surely come out to me, and stand and call on the name of the Lord his God, and wave his hand over the place, and heal…

If You Stand Firm

[287 words] Paul was worried about the brethren in Thessalonica. He barely had any time with them before circumstances have driven him from the city. Paul had wanted to return to them but Satan had kept that from happening. All he really wanted to know was ‘were they faithful”? Finally, when he receives the news…

The Flag We Fly

[279 words] As Americans, there are few sights that thrill us as much as seeing the “Stars and Stripes” billowing in the breeze over a free nation. When July 4th rolls around, many of us find ourselves rallying around our flag, thankful for the freedom we enjoy in our great country. The common purpose and…

It’s What You Do With It

[290 words] Walter Hunt was great at making things. He just wasn’t good at doing something with what he made. In 1834, he inventing the first sewing machine but never filed a patent on it. Someone else did and made a fortune. He didn’t make that mistake again with the first fountain pen and first…

To Be Noble

[283 words] According to Philippians 4:8, whatever is noble is listed second among the many things upon which we are to think (cf. NKJV). How often do we make the effort to focus on the noble? Do we even really know what the word means? After all, it isn’t a term that is used very…

Christ Wants Us!

[261 words] In Philippians 4, we see three things that Christ wants of us: Christ wants us to be what we ought to be. Phil. 4:11, “Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content.” Jesus wants us to be content and satisfied with…

Unapproachable Light

[207 words] The sun, as you know, is pretty hot. In 2018 NASA aimed straight for it, launching the Parker Solar Probe. It is now the first spacecraft to have flown into the low solar corona, the sun’s lower “atmosphere.” as it were. The probe is fitted with a four-inch-thick carbon-carbon material, the most sophisticated…

Right Thinking

[200 words] Our thoughts control our life. “Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things” (Philippians 4:8). The God of peace…

The Worst Part Was the Political Implications

[256 words] Alfred Packer was a man made infamous by his peculiar crime; cannibalism. The fact Packer had murdered and eaten five hunting companions during a Colorado blizzard in 1873 was horrifying. Hardly anyone could think of a worse crime, well except for one person. The judge at the trial M. B. Gerry was quoted…

Ten Percent

[278 words] In Malachi 1:8, the Lord is very put off about the sacrifices offered to Him. He calls out the people because what they offer to Him, they would not offer to a political leader. It is this way today, I am afraid. We offer to the Lord something, but if a prominent leader…


[273 words] I have a riddle for you! What is it that a man does not have, but that he often uses to rob himself of happiness here and heaven hereafter? You looked at the title, didn’t you? The answer is, “Tomorrow.” “Tomorrow” is one of the most dangerous words in our language. It robs…

At What Price?

[271 words] Let’s say a man show up at your home, knocks on the door and says, “I saw your car in the drive, I always wanted one just like it, can I buy it from you?”, what do you do? Well, I guess it depends on how much you like your car. If it…

Is Your ‘Wish List’ Also Your ‘Work List?’

[235 words] There many out there who have wish lists. On this list are all the things they desire. The list proves that the individual is able to dream big. Those who look at the list often smile. The things on it are things that others dream of as well. However, the things on the…

Coincidentally At Fault

[285 words] Robert Todd Lincoln was at the White House when he heard what had happened to his father at Ford Theater. He immediately rushed to be by his side and stayed there till his death. After the death of his father, he would go on to be a very successful lawyer and an important…

The Schemes of Man

[213 words] Solomon said, “Truly this only have I found: that God made man upright but they have sought out many schemes” (Ecclesiastes 7:29). And “All the schemes of the schemer are evil; he devises wicked plans to destroy the poor with lying words…” (Isaiah 32:7). Jezebel schemed to steal Naboth’s vineyard (1 Kings 21:5-16).…

No Higher Calling

[297 words] James is one of my favorite books of the Bible. In the introduction, we learn a great lesson.  James tells us that he is a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ. We have already learned something vastly significant. James lived to serve God and Christ. There is no greater vocation…

A Year of Learning

[235 words] Twelve months ago, our nation and community literally came to a screeching halt due the Coronavirus worldwide pandemic. I think we would all agree, the past twelve months has been a learning experience! When I analyze a situation, I always ask three questions: First, where have we been? Second, where are we? Third,…

Being A Difference-Maker

[240 words] Most of us are pretty good at making excuses and rationalizing as to why we are not more vocal in sharing the truth of the Gospel of Jesus with others.  “I don’t know enough!” “I wasn’t trained for this!” “That is someone else’s job!”  The list goes on but you get the idea. …

The Best You

[291 words] The Koreans have a term to describe a person who’s better at everything than you are, Umchina. If you translate it literally it’s “mom’s friend’s son.” Things are not that different here. Everyone can find that person who we always fall short of (If you can’t ask your Mom). The standard of others…

Staying Faithful in Daily Living

[221 words] The great challenge for Christians is to stay faithful to God in daily living. In Revelation 2:10 we read, “Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful…

Looking Unto Jesus

[230 words] If you have ever watched a choral group or orchestra, you will note one thing each member always does – they look at the conductor from time to time. This is to insure that they are in harmony and performing in accordance with the conductor’s directive. As members of the church, we make…

Is Homework Important?

[205 words] How many of us have asked this question? The answer to that question is incalculable! Depending on when we have been asked this question will depend on how we answer the question. When I was younger, I would probably say, “Homework is important, but can we reduce the amount?” The older I have…

A Worthy Woman

[210 words] “A worthy woman who can find? For her price is far above rubies. The heart of her husband trusteth in her, And he shall have no lack of gain.” (Pro 31:10-11). A worthy woman, similar to a worthy man, is not one with an outward appearance that is so attractive a man says,…

Talk with Your Spouse

[206 words] Over the years, I have been approached by several couples who were having marital problems. Here are two people who have promised to honor and sacrifice for each other for the rest of their lives. And now, their marriage is on the rocks. Often, the major complaint that comes from the wife is,…

Carry the Weight

[238 words] It might seem Paul contradicts himself in just a few verses. In Galatians 6:2 He tells us to “Bear ye one another’s burdens”, then just three verses later he tells us to “every man shall bear his own burden” What gives? Well, a bit of understanding of the original text is in order.…

The Best is Yet to Come!

[259 words] We know we need some good news. In fact, we need as much good news as we can get! With 2020 behind us, we are desperate now to be told that something good, something better and brighter is on the way. Well…it is! “But the path of the righteous is like the light…

What Great Things God’s People Can Do!

[275 words] The Baseball Hall of Fame is in Cooperstown, New York. A player must be voted for by 75 percent of the voters for election to the National Baseball Hall of Fame. If you go to Titus, Alabama where my wife Janice grew up, you will see a sign that reads, “Welcome to Titus,…

A Nation Wounded

[259 words] It seems our nation is wounded, and respect for the views of others and the Constitution has left us uncertain and in chaos. We do not know what might happen in days to come. We have no regard for mob behavior and despise violence. Uncontained violence has reared its ugly head for a…

Amen to What is Right

[211 words] Of all the goofy, depressing, and astounding things that happened recently (take your pick), my jaw literally dropped at the choice of a veteran congressman and denominational minister to finish his congressional prayer with “amen and a-woman” (not to mention the blasphemous content of his prayer). Did you know the word “amen” is…

The End of the Matter

[290 words] Stephen Covey famously suggested that one of the habits of highly effective people is that they “begin with the end in mind.” I was thinking of that phrase recently while studying the book of Ecclesiastes at the very time that we have started a brand new year.  Seeing that this is January of…


[284 words] In James 1:14-15, James explained the process that leads to the birth of sin. “Each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin.” It’s interesting to note that temptation isn’t something that enters into people; rather, people…

A New Car! (Just Kidding)

[202 words] A few years ago some friends and I attended the Fort Worth Stock Show. There a local radio station was having a drawing to win a truck. A girl from our group decided to fill out as many entry forms as she could. Turns out it worked!  The next week she gets a…

A Gift for God

[203 words] This is a gift-giving season. We have been given more gifts from God than we could possibly count. So, what are you giving God this season? In Ephesians 4:30, we are warned not to grieve the Holy Spirit. Given that warning, what can we “give” to God this season?  • Read your Bible…

Oh Be Careful What You Sing

[241 words] How can we sing… …that we are “Standing on the Promise” when we are rarely even sitting on the premises (Hebrew 10:23-25)? …that we have “Victory in Jesus” when we are AWOL from his army (2 Timothy 2:4)? …“When We All Get To Heaven” when we can’t even get to church (Hebrew 10:38-39)?…

Pray for Others Without Ceasing

[288 words] Paul’s famously inspired words in 1 Thessalonians 5:17, “pray without ceasing” really come to light when observing all of his two letters to the church in Thessalonica. As documented in Acts 17, Paul, Silas, and Timothy establish the Lord’s church there after spending three Sabbaths reasoning with them from the Scriptures (v. 2).…

Joseph’s Integrity Needed by All

[214 words] Marriage and fatherhood are not just quaint human traditions. They didn’t evolve out of ancient needs or convenience. The humanists and feminists all assume this and that is where they are very wrong. Fathers are important. Not just to physically produce children. But to raise them and produce a Godly home. Marriage and…

An Important Question

[295 words] The question asked in Psalm 116:12, “What shall I render to the Lord for all His benefits toward me?”, could only come from the lips of humans. Humans alone are endowed with the ability to be concerned about gratitude and its obligations.  Two thoughts might be considered in regard to that question. They…


[210 words] We all need reminders. If not for our digital calendars and alarms, our post-it notes, and our spouses, most of us would be lost and would fail to meet most deadlines. The Lord let Peter know that he had a responsibility to remind his fellow Christians about what was truly important (2 Peter…

The Empty Swing

[268 words] Last Sunday afternoon, I walked for about forty minutes at home. It was a nice, brisk fall after-noon. I finished up walking as the darkness was moving in on our part of the world. As the wind blew, I could see out of the corner of my eye a swing in a tree…

Thankful For What We Don’t Have

[214 words] “Bless the LORD, O my soul, And forget none of His benefits;” (Psalms 103:2). This time of year we think about ‘counting our many blessings’. It’s easy to look at all of our stuff all our friends and family, our homes, our jobs and understand the need to be grateful. Yet do we…

The Thanksgiving Attitude

[222 words] In 1623, Governor William Bradford issued the first proclamation of American Thanksgiving. In that decree, he directed the Pilgrim Fathers to gather and “render thanksgiving to ye Almighty God for all His blessings.” Since that time, there have been countless Thanksgiving proclamations by presidents and governors of our land. In the words of…

Blessings of Worship

[204 words] First and Second Chronicles offers us several great reminders about what a wonderful blessing worship should be to our lives. Especially right now when our routines have been disrupted, we need to make sure we are participating with heart, soul, mind, and strength.  When the Ark of the Covenant was brought to Jerusalem,…

We Must Learn Our Lesson

[218 words] What was God’s response to the sins of Israel and what will His response be to our sins? God would beat His fist in anger at the violent crimes of Israel. “Behold, therefore, I beat My fists at the dishonest profit which you have made, and at the bloodshed which has been in…

Forgiving Others

[224 words] Jesus told a parable about a king who forgave a servant who owed a very large sum of money. However, this same servant refused to forgive another a very small amount. In the story, when the king heard about the actions of this unmerciful servant, he was “white hot” with anger and punished…

When Small Fires Become Big Fires

[264 words] A few weeks ago, I was burning the wood from two trees that had to be cut down. I’d piled the wood as far from any other tree as possible, but the fire was so hot that a branch about 30 feet above and off to the side of the fire started to…

When Losers Are Finders

[253 words] Most of us have had the delight of finding something of value—a dollar bill on the sidewalk, a piece of jewelry in the grass, a tool by the wayside. I recall hearing this saying in my boyhood: “Finders keepers, losers weepers.” In the spiritual realm, however, the expression sounds like this: “Keepers weepers,…

Coexistence or Confrontation?

[236 words] How do you approach the sinful world in which we live? Are we content to coexist with sinful people or do we creatively confront sinners? If we are content to coexist nothing changes. But if we creatively confront sinners they may repent; they may get angry with us; and they may even persecute…

That’s Some Real Long Distance

[273 words] In 2006 the Federal government did something rather unusual, they repealed a tax. This was a three percent federal charge on long-distance phone calls. It was about time. The original purpose of the tax was to help fund American efforts in the Spanish-American War, which ran from April to August of 1898!  The…

Upside Down

[293 words] What impact should you as a Christian have on society? Should you be passive or active in the lives of the people around you? How do we help people become better? How can we help the sinner become a saint? We are sometimes reluctant to become involved in social change. We would rather…

Awaiting Justice

[211 words] Current events cause us to consider the idea of justice, and why some people seem to “get away” with hurting other people. This is not a new question, of course. David wrote about such things many times in the scriptures.  In Psalm 10, David voices the temptation to feel that God is “afar…

The Six Most-Needed Things in the Church

[283 words] Conversion of the Members. The new birth consists of more than baptism. One has to be born of the Spirit and of the water. Those of us who have been baptized must have been led to believe in Jesus as the Son of God and the Lord of life. Conversion is in reality…

Providence Does Not Interfere With Nature

[236 words] Providence is one of the hardest concepts to understand in the Bible, yet it is taught, without any doubt. When Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery, they did not have anything in mind other than ridding themselves of a “nuisance” and making a little extra money. Though Joseph handled the situation very well,…

Henry Ford and Idle Words

[271 words] Ever say something you wish you hadn’t? Henry Ford did. In a 1916 interview with the Chicago Tribune, the American motor vehicle pioneer said, “What do we care about what they did 500 or 1,000 years ago? I don’t know whether Napoleon did or did not try to get across and I don’t…

Age and Emotion

[225 words] Growing older brings emotions closer to the surface, for some of us anyway. Using a sentimental illustration in a sermon or singing a song that touches our hearts becomes difficult. While I do not fear death, I dread the prolonged pain or loss of mental faculties that often precede death. A frequent prayer…

Moving Past It

[229 words] Do you have one experience in life that you can’t shake from your memory? Try as you might to put it behind you, it won’t go! Perhaps you have more than one. In the long ago, there was a man name Esau who thought so little of his “birthright” that for an occasion…