Ask What You Can Do for Your Congregation

[343 words] President John F. Kennedy proclaimed, “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country!” This challenge is a principle that should be the guide for all the citizens of the United States of America. We should desire to be citizens that want better for the…

Peter’s Final Words

[334 words] The great apostle and evangelist, Peter did some amazing things in his preaching career. In Acts 2, he delivered the first gospel sermon after Jesus’ resurrection and ascension. Acts 2:41 records that an astounding number responded to this and were baptized into Christ—almost 3,000! Peter continued preaching even though arrested several times, beaten,…


[30 words] Whatever your trial, God sees.Whatever your struggle, God knows.Whatever your cry, God hears.Whatever your difficulty, God cares.Whatever your problem, God understands.Whatever your need, God provides…. We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address…

Questions Regarding Your Faith

[112 words] We are told in 2 Corinthians 13:5 that we are to examine ourselves as to whether we are in the faith. To help us do this, may I offer the following questions for you to answer. Be honest and deeply examine yourselves. • Am I growing spiritually? • Am I able to truly…

Happy Families

[34 words] What do people consider the greatest source of pleasure in their lives? According to a study conducted for Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Corporation, the overwhelming answer is “family,” selected by sixty-three percent of respondents…. We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a…

He Bought Us Back

[56 words] When sin put us on Satan’s auction block, Jesus bought us back with His own blood. Paul wrote, “God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). We will never understand that kind of love…How can we not follow a Savior like…

Sunny Side Up

[29 words] A sunrise is God’s way of telling us… …to lighten up,…and brighten up,and start each day anew…to heighten up,…enlighten up,and take the sunny view. Edd SterchiBroadway church of ChristCampbellsville, KY… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet…

Love Beyond Compare

[98 words] I woke one night and looked aboveInto a twinkling starry skyAnd Marveled that God’s endless loveShould come to one as small as I. When there are galaxies up thereWith measurements beyond the mindAnd yet that love beyond compareWas sent instead to humankind. The Heavens march without an endAnd we’re so fragile, and so…

The Sentinel

[93 words] The morning is the gate of day,But ere you enter thereSee that you set to guard it wellThe sentinel of prayer.So shall God’s grace your steps attend,But nothing else pass throughSave what can give the countersign;The Father’s will for you. When you have reached the end of dayWhere night and sleep await,Set there…


[44 words] Heaven above is softer blueEarth beneath is sweeter green.Something lives in every hue,Christless eyes have never seen.Birds with gladder songs o’erflow,Flowers with deeper beauty shineSince I know as now I knowI am His and He is mine…. We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are…

Bible Quiz: 2 Timothy 2:8-13

[76 words] Paul tells Timothy to remember that Jesus Christ, “the __ of David,” was raised from the dead. “…for which I suffer trouble as an __, even to the point of __; but the word of God is not chained.” Paul said he endures all things for the sake of the __. “For if…

Bible Quiz: 2 Timothy 2:14-19

[83 words] Striving about words to no profit can lead to the __ of the hearer. “Be diligent to present yourself __ to God, a __ who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” Profane and idle __ should be shunned, because they will increase to more __. __ and…

Bible Quiz: 2 Timothy 2:20-26

[82 words] In Paul’s illustration of the vessels, there were four materials: __, __, __, and __. “Therefore if anyone __ himself from the latter, he will be a vessel for __, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work.” What did Paul tell Timothy to flee? “And a servant of the…

Bible Quiz: 2 Timothy 3:1-9

[59 words] “But know this, that in the __ days __ times will come…” Paul said in the days he was referring to, men would be __ of themselves and lovers of __. “…having a form of __ but denying its __. And from such people turn away!” “…always __ but never coming to a…

Quotes and Sayings (November 2023)

“In this world it is not what we take up, but what we give up, that makes us rich.” — Henry Ward Beecher “We have become so engrossed in the work of the Lord that we have forgotten the Lord of the work.” — A.W. Tozer “He that well and rightly considereth his own works…

On the Lighter Side (November 2023)

One night a wife found her husband standing over their baby’s crib. Silently she watched him. As he stood looking down at the sleeping infant, she saw on his face a mixture of emotions: disbelief, doubt, skepticism. Touched by this unusual display and the deep emotions it aroused, with eyes glistening she slipped her arm…

The Letters in ‘All’

[184 words] A teacher once gave me some advice: On a test, “all the above” is often the right answer, but rarely is it in life.  When the claim is “everyone” or “always,” it usually isn’t accurate because there is most likely some exception. Consider Romans 3:23: “…for all have sinned and fall short of…

Living in a Right-Hand World

[388 words] I’m left-handed and throughout my life it has been a source of both inconvenience and at times downright difficult. For instance, when I started school as a kid the desk we sat at were right-handed, totally opened on the left side. When I tried to write or draw my left arm was up…

Christians Need Balance

[182 words] Christians need balance in their life. Life is a lot like riding a bicycle. You must have balance if you ride a bicycle safely. We need balance if we are to live a happy and productive life for Jesus. If we have balance; if we “love” God and “fear” God we will avoid…

How Can Increase My Dependence Upon God?

[296 words] “For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong” (2 Corinthians 12:10). I can begin each day with prayer that includes thanks. I can replace the question, “Why has God done this to me?” with, ”How has…

Life After Death

[412 words] Job asked, “If a man die, shall he live again” (Job 14:14)? Jesus answered that question when he said, “But as touching the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the…

Do You Think About the Roman Empire?

[437 words] I am amused and baffled by what amuses and baffles our culture. Trends rise and fall and what is new today is despised and forgotten tomorrow. A video trend today is to ask men how often they think about the Roman Empire. Apparently, it’s a thing now to be amused at (particularly men)…

A Suggestion for More Effective Prayer

[409 words] I hope the title got your attention. Hopefully, every Christian is concerned about not only having a continual habit of prayer, but also that their prayers be effective. Too many times, we start our prayers “Dear God“ and then start our wish list. But I think it’s important to get the proper perspective…

Courage, Strength, Compassion

[151 words] Standing for what you believe in, regardless of the odds against you and the pressure that tears at your resistance…Means Courage. Keeping a smile on your face, when inside you feel like dying, for the sake of supporting others…Means Strength. Stopping at nothing and doing what, in your heart, you know is right…Means…

Writing Down the Reasons

[301 words] I heard of a man who said he was going to decide the question of becoming a Christian in a reasonable way. He was going to write down on one piece of paper all the reasons why he should become a Christian. On another piece of paper he would write down all the…

I Can With God’s Help!

[213 words] God has always worked through His people who say, “With God’s Help, I can!” For forty years the Israelites wandered in the wilderness because ten men said, “We can’t.” The wilderness of Arabia was scattered with the bones of thousands of Israelites who agreed with those two men who said, “We can’t.” “We…

Victory Depends on the Vision

[337 words] I was born with extremely poor eyesight. My poor vision began to manifest itself in elementary school. At one point in the sixth grade my grades were horrible because of my vision. My mother was called in for a conference about my grades. I was terrified! I mean, the meeting wasn’t about some…

Don’t Believe Everything You Think

[411 words] I admit a curiosity for bumper stickers. On occasion, one succinctly states a great truth or at least provokes reasonable thought. Once I stopped at a light, and the car in front of mine had the sticker, “Don’t believe everything you think!” The more I thought about it, that statement struck me as…

Now It’s Personal

[432 words] Deion Sanders has worn numerous monikers. Neon Deion. Prime Time. These days he is referred to as Coach Prime. Sanders was undisputedly one of the greatest athletes of his generation as he was a two-sport star in both professional baseball and football. These days he is the head football coach for the University…

Liquid Paper and the Good News

[241 words] With today’s computers, many young people have no idea what “Liquid Paper” was. The liquid could assist anyone using a typewriter. If you made a mistake typing a letter or report, you could simply stop, then paint out the mistake. After the liquid dried, you could type over the mistake and continue your…

Jesus Never Went to Hell

[346 words] Though some translations erroneously use the English word “hell” and much tradition suggests Jesus went to hell, they are mistaken.  Matthew 16:18 (NASB95) says, “I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.” One enters…

Praying for a Hedge of Thorns

[506 words] Today, I read a memoir of a man who lived and died over 200 years ago. His name was John Carrol, and he died at the young age of 22 years. Instead of being bitter about his circumstances (e.g., the death of both his parents and his illnesses), he was somehow able to…

You’ve Never Tried It

[198 words] I recall when I was a boy that sometimes I would turn my nose up at foods that Mama would offer. The answer Mom would give would be, “You’ve never even tried it,” followed by, “Try it; you might like it!” ​It has come to mind many times about those who find Christianity…

Can’t Swim, But Does

[153 words] The Byram River in Greenwich, Connecticut, at the crest was running twelve to fifteen feet deep. A family picnicking at the edge watched in horror as their two-year-old daughter fell into the water. Her 23-year-old mother, who could not swim and was horrified by water, jumped in and pulled her little girl to…

A First Century Perspective

[330 words] The religious world looks at religion through 21st century glasses. Seldom does it really reach back to the first century. Yet, a first century perspective is exactly what is needed. If not, it is easy to make the Bible say things it never intended to say. Too, it causes individuals to use the…

There’s Just One More Thing

[405 words] “Oh, there’s just one more thing…” There are few things more frustrating than thinking that everything is understood and then there is an addition to the instructions. In the book of Colossians, Paul is addressing a people who have been told, “you have Christ and that’s great…oh yeah, but there’s one more thing…

The Greatest Man

[63 words] He had no earthly servants, yet they called Him Master.He had no degree, yet they called Him Teacher.He had no medicines, yet they called Him Healer.He had no army, yet kings feared Him.He won no military battles, yet He conquered the world.He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him.He was buried in a…

Don’t Wait Too Late

[77 words] A gas station employee working the cash register was swarmed with last minute customers on a holiday weekend. He shook his head in disgust and said to a preacher who was in the line, “It is funny to me that people always wait until the last minute to prepare for a trip they…

Things There Won’t Be at the Judgment

[30 words] • Unbelievers (Philippians 2:10; Revelation 1:5-7)• Material possessions (2 Peter 3:10)• Mistrials (Acts 17:31)• Secrets (Romans 2:16)• Baptisms (Matthew 25:31-46)• Invitation songs (Matthew 25:10)… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check…

The Bible is a Library

[32 words] The Bible is an indispensable companion for a complete life. It is carrying a whole library in one volume. It has 66 books, 1,189 chapters, 31,102 verses, 773,746 words, and 3,566,480 letters…. We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register),…

The Word of God

[44 words] For feelings come and go,And feelings are deceiving;My warrant is the Word of GodNaught else is worth believing.I’ll trust in God’s unchanging Word‘Til soul and body sever;For though all things shall pass away,His Word shall stand forever…. We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are…

Joy Is My Strength

[90 words] The joy of my salvation is my strength.It is a joy that makes my heart glad.It is a joy that sets me apart from others.It is a joy that witnesses to the world.It is a joy that makes me want to sing and shout!It is a joy that delights in spiritual things.It is…

Making God Second Best

[137 words] I’m always prompt to punch the clock;I never miss a date,But when I go to worship God,I’m usually always late.I wouldn’t think of leaving work,To visit brother Fred;I just wait ‘til Sunday comes,And forsake the church instead.I never miss a day at work;Perfection’s what I seek;But I miss the worship of my God,Once…

Love That Lives

[122 words] From day to day, from heart to heart There lives the hope of a love apart— Apart from the commonplace, content That this is a gift that God has sent.A love that builds, from day to day, A sense of worthiness, and not dismay A bit of heaven, a bit of home — …

Bible Quiz: 2 Timothy 1:1-7

[64 words] In the greeting of this letter, Paul calls Timothy a beloved __. Paul said he served God with a pure __. Timothy’s grandmother was __ and his mother was __. “Therefore I remind you to stir up the __ of God which is in you through the __ on of my hands.” “For…

Bible Quiz: 2 Timothy 1:8-12

[93 words] Paul told Timothy not to be __ of the __ of our Lord. “…share with me in the __ for the gospel according to the power of God, who has saved us and called us with a holy __…” Jesus Christ abolished __ and brought life and __ to light through the gospel.…

Bible Quiz: 2 Timothy 1:13-18

[72 words] “Hold fast the __ of sound __ which you have heard from me, in faith and love which are in Christ Jesus.” “That good thing which was __ to you, keep by the Holy Spirit who __ in us.” Name the two men in Asia who had turned away from Paul. Paul prayed…

Bible Quiz: 2 Timothy 2:1-7

[66 words] “You therefore, my __, be strong in the __ that is in Christ Jesus.” True or False: Paul urged Timothy to teach faithful men who would be able to teach others. Paul urged Timothy to endure hardship as a good __ of Jesus Christ. “ And also if anyone competes in __, he is…

Quotes and Sayings (October 2023)

“Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the autumn tree.” — Emily Brontë “How beautiful the leaves grow old. How full of light and color are their last days.” — John Burroughs “Autumn is the mellower season, and what we lose in flowers we more than gain in fruits.” — Samuel Butler “Wise men…

On the Lighter Side (October 2023)

A Bible school helper was delivering a van full of kids home one day when a fire truck zoomed past. Sitting in the front seat of the fire truck was a Dalmatian dog. The children began discussing the dog’s duties. “They use him to keep crowds back,” said one youngster. “No,” said another, “he’s just…

Bible Quiz: Titus 1:10-16

[73 words] Paul said the idle talkers and deceivers were found especially among the __. “…who subvert whole __, teaching things which they ought not, for the sake of dishonest __.” Paul said some should be rebuked __, that they may be sound in the faith. “To the pure all things are __, but to…

September Update, New Product Offerings

.gb-block-image-d45ea65e{margin-bottom:36px;margin-left:36px;float:right;}.gb-image-d45ea65e{vertical-align:middle;} Fall is almost here, and we wanted to let you know about some exciting new product offerings at the Bulletin Digest website! First, your September articles have been uploaded. Lifetime and Annual members have already received these by email throughout August, so be sure and mark the articles you have used. This not only…

Candidates for Dumbest Criminals

[159 words] Three years ago, Florida police pulled over a speeding car traveling over 90 mph on one of the state’s major intersections. As an officer approached the car, he noticed two zip-lock bags labeled “bag full of drugs.” A drug-sniffing dog alerted the police that illegal drugs were inside the automobile. This gave the…

Full House

[225 words] The follow-up question I always get when people hear I am a minster is the “how big” question. “How big is your congregation,” and, “How many kids are in your youth group?”  I guess that is the way they measure success. The assumption is that the more folks, the better things are going.…

When Jesus Doesn’t Come

[350 words] At separate times, both Martha and Mary said to Jesus, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died” (cf. John 11:21,32). There are a few ways to understand these grief-stricken words. First, it is likely these were often repeated words around the home: “If only Jesus was here.” It…

Call Upon Him

[464 words] For the longest time people had no opportunity to hear the Word of God like we have opportunity today. Not only did this apply to those not trained in the Scriptures, but this applied to those who were supposed to lead and teach the people in matters pertaining to God. However, in a…

God is the God of Peace

[382 words] God told Moses to tell the priests how to bless God’s people in Numbers 6:23-27. The blessing we know, “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; The Lord lift His countenance upon you, and give you peace.” The Jewish…

Living Hope

[236 words] John Maxwell tells about a small town in Maine that was proposed for the site of a great hydroelectric plant. A dam would be built across the river and the town submerged. When the project was announced, the people were given many months to arrange their affairs and relocate. During those months, a…

The Excellent Ones

[280 words] “As for the saints in the land, they are the excellent ones, in whom is all my delight” (Psalm 16:3, ESV). In the passage above, David revealed his love for his kinsmen. They were God’s people, which made them majestic and noble. That’s high praise for people who weren’t perfect. David’s fellow-Israelites made…

Living Water

[559 words] I have a picture of our youngest daughter, Haley, holding an earthworm above her open mouth pretending that she is about to eat it. As a fun-loving teenager on a trip with her church youth group, this was yet another moment of laughter as the group served together at Rainbow Omega. The word…

Recommending the Great Physician

[304 words] A critical Pharisee once asked why Jesus ate with tax collectors and sinners. The Bible says, “When Jesus heard that, He said to them, ‘Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick’” (Matthew 9:12).When we are sick, it is to our great benefit to see a…


[186 words] HABIT. The only way to get rid of a bad habit is to stop it at once. If you try tapering off, this is the result. You drop the “H” and you still have… A BIT. You think you are getting over it by dropping a little bit of the evil thing, so…

Wait, Who Did Shoot J.R.?

[242 words] In the summer of 1980, everyone was asking the question, “Who shot J.R.?” For those of you not around then, J.R. Ewing was the villainous character on the hit series Dallas.  That year’s season ended on a cliffhanger where J.R. is shot by an unseen assailant outside his office. The mystery became a…

Thoughts About Drought

[226 words] I hate times of drought. The grass is brown. Trees begin to wilt. Often, the excessive heat of summer is a constant companion. Our prayers always include the constant plea with God: “We need rain.” Thursday evening, parts of Abilene and the surrounding area got rain. It was good to feel a slightly…

The High Cost of Health Care

[258 words] It is reported that our country has one of the highest costs of healthcare in the world. In 2021, U.S. healthcare spending reached $4.3 trillion, which averages to about $12,900 per person. Without health insurance, it is likely that most of us could not afford to be cared for and treated if we…

Don’t Kill the Zeal!

[439 words] An older preacher once said to a very energetic and zealous younger preacher, “Slow down boy! You act like you are trying to set the world on fire!” The younger preacher said to the older preacher, “Well, if Jesus returned today, I want to be striking matches!” Of course, the context of the…

Understanding with the Heart

[385 words] He had been to a funeral during which he began thinking about the condition of his soul. He knew that he was lost and wanted to be saved. Now, sitting on the shoulder of the highway in his truck, sin-burdened and guilt-ridden, he looked up into the sky and began pouring out his…

The Value of Work

[432 words] Working is a part of God’s plan for man’s fulfillment and happiness. After creating the world and making man of the dust, “the LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it” (Gen. 2:15). Paradise was not then nor is now a place of…

What True Fellowship Involves

[251 words] “Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? And what agreement has the temple of God with idols?” (2 Corinthians 6:14-16a, NKJV). Even…

The Value of Worship

[338 words] Have you ever asked the question, “Is worship valuable?” If you have not, ask yourself, “Is worship valuable to me?” Regarding worship, Jesus said, “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God…

God’s Payment Plan

[542 words] Micah was a prophet of God from 740-700 BC who had a message of destruction for both the northern and southern kingdoms of God’s people. Population centers of both kingdoms would be destroyed and become places of desolation. The capital of Israel in the north was Samaria. Micah foretold that it would become…

Giving Back to Jesus

[373 words] The little book of Jude begins with some big reminders for Christians of all ages (both in time periods and in years). Let’s examine three from the first three verses. Always put Jesus first (v.1).The author of the epistle, Jude, was the half brother of Jesus Christ. And yet, rather than boasting about…

A House is Not a Home

[94 words] A house is not a home; it is many things.It is a kitchen stove on which a kettle sings. It is a table set with care and loving thoughtWhere conversations dear and fellowships are wrought. It is a well-worn chair beneath shaded light,Or perhaps a cherished book by a log fire at night. …


[101 words] If all my days were summer, could I knowThe meaning of my Lord’s “made white as snow”? If all my hours were joyous could I say,“In His fair land, all tears are wiped away”? If I were never weary could I keepClose to my heart, “He gives His loved ones sleep”? Were no…

If I Had My Child Over Again I’d …

[82 words] • Finger paint more and point fingers less.• Do less correcting and more connecting.• Take my eyes off my watch and watch with my eyes.• Take more hikes and fly more kites.• Stop playing serious and more seriously play.• Run through more fields and gaze at more stars.• Do more hugging and less…

What Happened at the Cross of Christ?

[11 words] A life was given.Love was lifted.Sins forgiven.Salvation gifted. Edd SterchiBroadway church of ChristCampbellsville, KY… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet…

Is This Progress?

[55 words] We have too many men of science, too few men of God. We have grasped the mystery of the atom and rejected the Sermon on the Mount… Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. We know more about war than we know about peace, more about killing than we know…

Exactly Like You

[94 words] In her autobiography, Linda Ellerbee, then co-anchor of NBC News Overnight, once received a letter from a little girl that said, “Dear Miss Ellerbee, when I grow up I want to do exactly what you do. Please do it better.” What a thought! Little eyes are watching us, little feet are following us,…

He is Everything to Me

[45 words] In His life, Christ is an example. In His death, He is a sacrifice. In His resurrection, He is a conqueror. In His ascension, He is a king. In His intercession, He is a high priest. Christ is full and sufficient for all his people. John Spencer1630-1693… We are sorry, but this content…

From Bibles to Missiles

[37 words] The first great communications revolution followed the invention of the printing press. The first thing they printed was the Bible. The second communications revolution was due to the computer, and the first things computed were missile trajectories…. We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are…

Bible Quiz: 1 Timothy 5:1-8

[97 words] Paul told Timothy not to rebuke an older man, but to exhort his as a __. Older women were to be treated as __, and younger women as __. “Honor widows who are __ widows. But if any widow has children or grandchildren, let them first learn to show piety at home and…

Bible Quiz: 1 Timothy 5:9-16

[90 words] A widow under the age of __ was not to be taken into the care of the church. “But refuse the __ widows; for when they have begun to grow __ against Christ, they desire to marry, having condemnation because they have cast off their first faith.” “And besides they learn to be…

Bible Quiz: 1 Timothy 5:17-25

[86 words] The elders who rule well should be counted worthy of __ honor. “For the Scripture says, ‘You shall not __ an ox while it treads out the grain,’ and, ‘The laborer is worthy of his __.’” Timothy was instructed to only receive an accusation against an elder if there are __ or __…

Bible Quiz: 1 Timothy 6:1-10

[83 words] Bondservants were to count their masters as worthy of all __, and if they are believers, they were not to __ them because they are brethren. True or False: Timothy was supposed to withdraw himself from those who teach against the wholesome doctrine of Christ. “Now godliness with __ is great __.” “For…

Bible Quiz: 1 Timothy 6:11-21

[88 words] “But you, O man of God, flee these things and pursue __, godliness, faith, love, patience, __.” Paul told Timothy to fight the __ fight of __. Jesus is called the blessed and only __, the __ of kings and __ of lords. “Command those who are rich in this present age not…

Quotes and Sayings (September 2023)

“Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” – John Wooden “The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.” – Aristotle “Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.” – Socrates “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I…

On the Lighter Side (September 2023)

Perspective is Good Dear Mom and Dad, I guess you heard by now that the dorm burned. We were all in the basement smoking pot, and I guess somehow we set the dorm on fire. But no one was hurt, and we got most of our belongings out in time. Oh, and I’m getting married…

Bring Christ Your Broken Life

[395 words] When I visited Ukraine several years ago, I was impressed how beautiful everyone looked on the street and in the community. Men were wearing their finest suits and polished shoes, and women were wearing their most beautiful dresses, designer heels, and name-brand accessories. When I asked one of my Ukrainian companions about their…

What Can You Do to Help?

[443 words] Church growth is not an accident—it’s deliberate. Churches that do not have plans or goals for growth usually do not grow. Having goals are nice, but every member must do their part to achieve these goals. Here are some suggestions for helping the church achieve its goals in attendance and conversions. Identify people.…

Fight, Finish, Fulfill

[271 words] Second Timothy 4:7 has often been referred to as Paul’s valedictory: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” It has also been observed that this statement had something for every group of people in the first century. The idea of fighting the fight appealed…

Considering the Shepherd

[321 words] Considering men who may serve as elders in the church is a critical time within the life of a congregation. They will be entrusted with leadership which will affect the health and future of the congregation. The process is never to be taken lightly, and biblical guidance must be the criteria upon which…

Joy Springs from Your Relationship with God

[136 words] David wrote Psalm 16 as a prayer to God. In it, David asks for the Lord’s protection during a trying time. Also, David begs the Lord for His guidance. Then David made a commitment to follow God’s direction. Many call this a “messianic psalm” (a prophecy of some aspect of Jesus’ life). From…

We Don’t Study the Bible

[472 words] In a Bible study a few years ago at an assisted living facility, a lady made a startling revelation. She mentioned the name of the group she was associated with; then she said, “We don’t study the Bible.” She then admitted they needed to study it more. When another lady in the class…

Was Paul a Woman-Hater?

[525 words] “Imitate me, just as I imitate Christ. I praise and appreciate you because you remember me in everything and you firmly hold to the traditions [the substance of my instructions], just as I have passed them on to you. But I want you to understand that Christ is the head (authority over) of…

Supper with the King

[208 words] I want you to imagine a scene with me, a scene of beauty and wonder and grace. The King of heaven and earth has prepared a feast in honor of His Son. The table has been prepared, the Son has taken His place at the head, and we are the ones who have…

The Demise of the Sunday Night Service

[282 words] Traditions come and go. One such tradition in American churches is the Sunday evening service. It’s unclear when the tradition started, but records would indicate that churches have been holding evening services for well over 100 years. In recent history, there has been a sharp decline in those who attend Sunday evening services.…

Jesus is a Priest Forever

[354 words] Jesus is “a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek (Heb. 7:17). What does that even mean? Melchizedek is described earlier in the chapter as the “king of righteousness,” the “king of Salem,” and the “king of peace” (vs. 2). He is the one to whom Abraham paid tithes following his victory…

A Godly Conduit

[420 words] An electrical conduit is a pathway that delivers electricity safely to an outlet. When electrical wires are not properly passed through a conduit, they carry the potential of being extremely dangerous. The wires need to be protected from fraying and grounding and likewise, we need to be protected from the potential threat of…

Jesus’ Family Tree

[315 words] Someone said, “Don’t shake the family tree too hard because some fruits and nuts may fall out!” I’ve found that to be true in my own family history research, and it holds true in the genealogy of Jesus too. I wonder how many people, as they begin reading the New Testament, just skip…

Assumptions: Some Do’s and Don’ts

[295 words] You can safely assume: • That God loves you (John 3:16; Romans 5:8). • That the price of your sins was paid by Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:21). • That your past sins were washed away— forgiven—at your baptism (Acts 22:16; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11). • That you can be faithful to God (Revelation 2:10).…