We Are Well Able

[132 words] God instructed Moses to send twelve spies out to survey the Promised Land and report back with their findings. After forty days they returned and reported it to be a land that “flows with milk and honey” (Numbers 13:27). However, ten of the spies gave an unfavorable report (Numbers 13:28-29). The text says,…

Apples of Gold in Settings of Silver

[163 words] • Monthly cell phone bill: $90 • Card and envelope: $4 • US postage stamp: .47¢ • A word of encouragement at the right time? Priceless! Jesus told His disciples, just before His death, when they were afraid, “In this world you will have tribulation (trouble), but take courage; I have overcome the…

Some Christian Resolutions for the New Year

[122 words] During the New Year I will: Like Paul, forget those things which are behind and press forward (Philippians 3:13). Like David, lift up my eyes to the hills from which my help comes (Psalm 121:1). Like Abraham, trust my God implicitly (Hebrews 11:8). Like Enoch, walk in daily fellowship with my heavenly Father…

Have You Not Read?

[177 words] This was a statement that Jesus made over and over again to those who would question Him. This was nearly always the case when dealing with those who should have known what the Law taught. The priest and the Pharisees who were supposed masters of the law often were put to shame due…

The Greatest and Foremost

  [168 words] When a lawyer asked Jesus which was the greatest commandment in the law, Jesus answered: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and foremost commandment.” The second is like it; “You shall love your…

Year ‘Round Gifts!

  [159 words] THE GIFT OF PRAISE — Appropriate mention right in front of the other fellow, of superior qualities or of jobs and deeds well done. THE GIFT OF CONSIDERATION — Putting yourself in the other’s shoes, providing genuine understanding of his side of the case. THE GIFT OF CONCESSION — Humbly saying at…


[237 words] December 14, 2016, in Albany, Oregon, a homeowner went outside after a winter storm to an unwelcome surprise. Lying on his driveway, was a fellow whose description sounded a lot like me. He was about my height and weight and age. He even had a beard like mine. He had some cash on…

A Thief With Standards

[397 words] In 1992, Dennis Lee Curtis was arrested for armed robbery in Rapid City, South Dakota. In his wallet, police found a list of rules Curtis had written for himself—guidelines for his robberies. For example, he wrote: • “I will not kill anyone unless I have to.” • “I will take cash and food…

The Power of God’s Word

  [383 words] How often have you been sitting in a worship assembly and listening to the sermon when suddenly a point that is being made from the Bible makes you wonder, “How did he know?” Something was said that really hit home. You are struggling with a temptation, a difficulty, or a Bible question…

Ready or Not…2017

  [259 words] Can you believe another year is in the books? Time marches relentlessly onward without asking for either our consent or approval. 2016 isn’t even cold yet and 2017 is already relentlessly marching forward. Nothing you and I can do will ever get that time back. With each passing day we creep closer…

Consider Your Ways

[371 words] The beginning of a new year is a good time to pause and consider the direction of our lives. It is easy to get into ruts and routines (even extremely hectic ones) and thus never stop to consider where we are going or where we should be going. After the children of Israel…

Review, Reflect, Reset

  [311 words] Before we plan for 2017, can we look back at 2016? We apply this strategy with most anything in our lives. It would behoove us to apply this thinking with our spiritual lives as well. Let’s Review! First Cor. 10:12-13 says, “Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he…

Resolutions for a New Year

  [195 words] I have heard people say that they do not like to call them “New Year Resolutions,” but a “To-Do List” for the new year. I am sure we can all agree that we are great at making resolutions, but we are horrible at following through with them. Decision-making is easy. It is…

Putting The Fun Back In Funeral

[221 words] Would you rather go to a party or to a funeral? Pretty easy choice you might think. Now before you answer let us consider the scriptures. Ecclesiastes 7:2-5 says, “It is better to go to a house of mourning Than to go to a house of feasting, Because that is the end of…

Are We a Friendly Congregation?

[400 words] While we must be concerned with doing what we do in worship according to Christ’s expressed will, we must also be sure to reflect His love to strangers, newcomers, outsiders, and otherwise unfamiliar faces. To improve upon our friendliness, we should consider the following principles: We must stop expecting that others will represent…
Funny Jokes for Church Bulletin

On the Lighter Side (January 2017)

Sign of Middle Age Middle age is when you finally get your head together and your body starts to fall apart. Time for a Visit Pete and Larry had not seen each other in many years. Now they had a long talk trying to fill in the gap of those years by telling about their…

The Best We Can Be

[107 words] I think that I shall never see A church that’s all it ought to be; A church whose members never stray Beyond the straight and narrow way. A church that has no empty pews; Whose preacher never has the blues; Where elders “eld” and deacons “deek.” And none are proud, all are meek.…

Before He’s One

[55 words] Before your child has come to seven Teach him well the way to heaven! Better still the truth will thrive, If he knows it when he’s five! Better yet, if at your knee He learns it when he is only three! Best of all when you have begun To teach of Jesus before…

If God is Love

[100 words] What Word of love to rule the heart And change my selfish attitude! Let blessed Scripture do its part, With grace my table’s daily food. A bruised reed he will not break, This humble, lowly servant Lord; Though all the hills with justice shake, The smoldering wick will be restored. No cry ignored,…

The Salt Life

[283 words] Just a few years ago, I began seeing a new name brand spread like wild fire through society. The name brand was interesting, catchy, and embodied the “redneck beach bum” persona that so many were striving to carry. The brand was called “Salt Life” and it took the south by storm. In such…

We Ought Not Be Surprised

[264 words] How should a preacher evaluate his sermon? More importantly, how should he evaluate his preaching ministry? Hershel York, professor of preaching at a Louisville seminary has published a guideline to address those questions. One of his tools is this question: Does the sermon divide the audience? Solid preaching leads to some amens and…

On Being Perfect

[202 words] Matthew 5:48 states, “Be ye therefore perfect even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” Can a human being with all their failing, inconsistencies, and sin ever be perfect? The answer is no! What then does this statement mean? I believe that Jesus is presenting us with a message on how…

Heart to Heart, Face to Facebook

[525 words] “A man’s wisdom maketh his face to shine” (Ecc. 8:1). What about the example you set before others on the internet? Does your Christian light shine on Facebook? Do you use wisdom about what you post or share? There is no question that this avenue of communication is used for good. Family, friends,…

As We Headed Out the Door

[365 words] As we headed out the door of our house to load (or should I say cram) our daughter’s final bag of luggage into the car. I went back inside to make sure we had turned off all the lights. For whatever reason, l walked down the hallway to my daughters bedroom, opened the…


[163 words] …A mother is trying to make up her mind whether to let a surgeon do an operation on her only child that may take her life. …A man whose son didn’t come home last night is walking through a door marked “City Morgue.” …A man is sitting on his bed toying with a…

Why Come Back?

[355 words] Is it mandatory? Is it a sin not to? These are questions every Christian needs to be asking and answering from God’s word. (Hebrews 10:24-26 is a good text to study for the right answer.) However, this article takes a look at the benefits of coming back. The first benefit that is available…


[398 words] Hypocrisy is an unpleasant word signaling an empty existence and shallow life. A hypocrite is someone who pretends to be what he is not, or one who pretends to be better than he really is, or wishes to be seen as virtuous without really being so. Thayer defines hypocrisy as “the acting of…

Study. But How?

[215 words] “Did you behave in worship?” asked a mother. “Yes ma’am,” answered her boy, “I even heard the lady behind me say, ‘I’ve never seen a child behave like that in all my life!’” We need to be careful how we interpret the word of another. Such is especially true with the Word of…

Everything I Needed to Know About Life I Learned from a Jigsaw Puzzle

[207 words] 1. When things aren’t going so well, take a break. Everything will look different when you return (compare Mark 6:31). 2. Be sure to look at the big picture (John 4:35). Getting hung up on the little pieces only leads to frustration. 3. Don’t force a fit (Philippians 2:4). 4. Perseverance pays off.…

Who is This?

[143 words] When Herod the tetrarch heard about Jesus, and the apostles preaching throughout the villages of Israel, plus the healing they were carrying out, he was perplexed (Luke 9:1-7). Some said John had risen from the dead (though Herod had killed him). Others thought that Elijah had appeared, or one of the prophets had…


[231 words] I don’t like pickles. Any pickles, all pickles. I don’t like sour pickles, sweet pickles, dill pickles, hot pickles…I don’t like pickles. Every time I order a hamburger, I say, “no pickles,” because I don’t like pickles! However, I am given pickles often. Sometimes I send them back and say “I ordered NO…

Doubting Thomas

[111 words] Doubting Thomas has received a bad reputation. You remember why. He was not present on that first day of the week when Jesus appeared to the rest of the apostles. As a result he expressed his doubt saying, “No, I have to see before I will believe” (John 20:19-25). Thomas’ absence resulted in…


[254 words] A few days ago John Wills and I were visiting Glennis Parker and he told us about a visit to the doctor. “The doctor gave me some new pills,” he said, “and I asked him what they were for.“ The doctor replied, “They will help you remember.” Glennis told the doctor, “I don’t…

Do You Hear God?

[279 words] After more than 100 years brother Charles Hodge remains one of the most famous preachers in our brotherhood. He is reported to have baptized more than any other man in the late 19‘“ and 20″‘ centuries. His quips, answers and comments are still quoted in many sermons today. Near the end of his…

Why The Ship Is Sinking

[257 words] In 1628 the Swedish warship Vasa was set to take its maiden voyage. The ship was built upon completion was one of the most powerfully armed vessels in the world. However the maiden voyage didn’t go that well. Less than a mile offshore the ship encountered what was described as a slight breeze…

15 Reasons to Read the Bible Daily

[138 words] 1. To be rid of anxiety and have peace (Psalm 119:165). 2. To set things right when life is out of control (Psalm 19:7-8). 3. To have direction and know God’s will (Psalm 119:105). 4. To experience healing and deliverance (Psalm 107:20). 5. To grow in the Lord (1 Peter 2:2). 6. To…

What Can I Do?

[418 words] There is a disinterest in spiritual matters within our country. People do not attach an importance to morality like they did in the past. Our nation cannot be described as a “Christian” nation as people were in a habit of doing in days gone by. In view of these matters let me make…

How to Observe the Lord’s Supper

[67 words] The Lord’s Supper is observed: • “In spirit and in truth” (John 4:24). • “Decently and in order” (1 Corinthians 14:40). • In remembrance of Christ’s sacrifice (Luke 22: 19). • In anticipation of Christ’s return (1 Corinthians 11:26). • On the first day of each week (Acts 20:7). • Upon self-examination (1…

No More Excuses!

  [391 words] We all know the common excuses people make at times when it pertains to the work of the church. If we were to list them in order of their most frequent use they would fall as follows: 1. l don’t have the time. 2. I don’t have the talent. 3. l don’t…

What ls Conscience?

[75 words] “Ah,” said an Indian. “I know what my conscience is. It is a little triangular thing in here,” and he laid his hand over his heart, “which stands perfectly still when I do what is right, but when I do what is wrong, it turns slowly and causes much pain. And, if I…

God’s Color Line

[182 words] The Bible teaches that God “hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth… ” (Acts 17:26). Through the years, man has drawn racial distinctions of black, white, yellow, red, etc. Racial prejudice was sinful in the life of Simon Peter, whom Paul,…

The Study of Love

[203 words] In 1997 Western Christian Foundation published a book by Nelson M. Smith, entitled Agape Study Manual. Brother Smith identified all the places the word love and its related terms appeared in the KJV Bible. Then he wrote comments on every single verse where love was mentioned. The book has 475 pages. Brother Smith…
Funny Jokes for Church Bulletin

On the Lighter Side (March 2017)

Can’t Fool Me So two Irishmen are traveling to Australia. Before they leave home, one of their dads gives them both a bit of advice: “You watch them Aussie cab drivers. They’ll rob you blind. Don’t you go paying them what they ask. You haggle.” At the Sydney airport, the Irishmen catch a cab to…

According to You

[106 words] The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John Are read by more than a few. But the one most read and commented on Is the Gospel according to you. You are writing a gospel, a chapter a day, By the things that you do and the words that you say. Men read what…

Two Are Better Than One

[139 words] Everyone knows that holding hands with your spouse is romantic. But did you know it could be therapeutic? Neuroscientists at the University of Virginia found that married women under extreme stress who reach out and hold their husbands’ hands feel immediate relief. And not just any hand will do—their husband’s touch provided significantly…

The Challenge of the Four Chaplains

[299 words] In a recent article, Phillip Morrison retold the story of four chaplains in the U.S. military who died in heroic fashion on the same day. George Fox, Alexander Goode, Clark Poling, and John Washington had just graduated from Army Chaplains School at Harvard and were headed to Europe for their first WWll assignments.…

Our Purpose

[365 words] An interesting phenomenon is occurring across North America this winter. Individuals and groups are making some things to help those who are cold and in need. The things are scarves and they are turning up in unusual places—wrapped around trees, fire hydrants, light poles, hanging on fences, etc. On a fire hydrant, a…

Reading Bibles Only on the Edges

[195 words] Bible reading, though discouraged by some, is a wonderful privilege as well as an essential for Christian living (Acts 17:11). Being greater than any product of purely human genius, the Bible cannot but be a benefit to man. In studying the Scriptures man receives lasting blessings: 1. Strength. Who doesn’t need greater strength…

Wise Thoughts

[67 words] 1. When we talk we repeat what we already know; when we listen we learn and grow wiser. 2. The brighter you are, the more you know what you don’t know! 3. You alone can use your time and abilities, choose wisely. 4. Learning is the best wealth — no one can ever…

Do You Restore God’s Word?

[232 words] “Go and inquire of the Lord for me and for the remnant … about what is written in this book that has been found. Great is the Lord’s anger that is poured out on us because our fathers have not kept the word of the Lord; they have not acted in accordance with…

Only By God’s Word?

[216 words] “In everything he walked in the ways of his father Asa and did not stray from them; he did what was right in the eyes of the Lord. The high places, however, were not removed, and the people continued to offer sacrifices and burn incense there” (1 Kings 22:43). Jehoshaphat did what was…

How Do You Win Souls?

[214 words] “Finally the temple guards went back to the chief priests and Pharisees, who asked them, ‘Why didn’t you bring him in?’ ‘No one ever spoke the way this man does,’ the guards declared” (John 7:45-46). Word was going around Jerusalem that Jesus might possibly be the Christ, and so those who believed themselves…

Is Your Tongue Tamed?

[222 words] “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger” (Proverbs 15:1). When angry men from another tribe confronted Gideon about why he hadn’t waited for them for judgment on enemy leaders, he replied, “What have I accomplished compared to you?” In minimizing his own role and exalting theirs, Gideon…

Paul’s Test for What’s On Your Mind

[333 words] In Philippians, Paul gave us a litmus test, so to speak, for what should be on or in our minds. “Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue…

Small Congregations: Weak or Strong?

[227 words] When a lot of Christians picked up the August 2016 issue of Gospel Advocate, Eric Welch’s article “The Strength of Small Churches” surely caught their interest. The thought, “Hey, that’s about our congregation” may have crossed their minds. One of the misconceptions mentioned was that small congregations have something wrong with them or…

What Do You Seek in Religion?

[203 words] What Paul recorded in 1 Cor. 1:22-23 is not only a commentary on the religious world in his day, it is also very indicative of the religious world today. The text reads: “For Jews request a sign, and Greeks seek after wisdom; but we preach Christ crucified…” Somewhat paraphrased and adapted to today’s…

They Did Not Understand

[165 words] Henry Winkler, (the Fonz), revealed some time ago that he did not know he had a learning problem until he was 31. It turns out he has dyslexia. Sadly, his dad at one time in childhood called him a “dumb dog.” I saw him on TV, and he still has difficulty. Every day…

70×7 – The Formula of Forgiveness

[177 words] The Lord Jesus Christ commands us to forgive people. And he punctuates it with this statement: “so that your Father in heaven may forgive you.” If you forgive, God forgives you. If you don’t forgive, God will not forgive you (Matthew 6:14-15). One of the more challenging things about forgiveness is that it’s…

From Death He Arose

[49 words] From darkest grave, from death he arose, As sacrifice for sin he gave His life, and blood to save flowed freely. I know I’ll rise and never die Again because my God and Lord Was first to be raised, before me. I love the way the Lord has opened. J. Randal Matheny UPLift,…

Selfish Forgiveness

[276 words] Scientific findings have recently confirmed what we Christians have known all along. An unforgiving, grudge-holding spirit is not in our best interest. According to a report heralded by Newsweek, more than 1,200 published studies have now been conducted on the subject and the results are both consistent and conclusive: “…increased blood pressure and…

Fashion Police

[453 words] A few weeks ago my wife and I were preparing to go out for the evening and as she came into the room I asked, “Are you wearing that?” Her quick witted sarcastic response to my question was, “Who are you, the Fashion Police?” Before we go any further I want to clarify…

The Importance of Integrity

[325 words] The term integrity has been defined in various ways. Some would say it is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principals. Others would say it is doing the right thing all the time simply because it is the right thing—doing the right thing knowing no one will know whether you…

Five Powerful Words from Psalm 23

[348 words] Everyone knows the first five words of the 23rd Psalm: “The Lord is my Shepherd…” These words not only introduce the psalm and the God of the Psalm, but are actually powerful words that reveal our relationship with Him. Notice, for example: The – This reveals that Jehovah God is the only God.…

How Can We Help Those Who are Suffering?

[263 words] “Why is there so much pain and suffering in the world? I’m afraid God is going to ask me the same question.” – Brandon Edwards We all have burdens and deal with suffering. Matthew 5:45 says, “that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on…

Evil Under the Sun

[73 words] Why must all these people fight while basking in thy glory’s light? For thine glory’s sake, would thy servants strive under thy wake. Beloved Son, O Prince of Peace, May thy kingdom sure increase. May all find healing in thy bask so all nations may be whole at last. Until thy sweet return,…

What Are You Singing?

[269 words] Over the years I’ve had song leaders that will ask me the topic of my sermon so that they can pick an invitation song that will fit. The invitation song that flows along with the message can be that tipping point that might make someone respond. However, I noticed that many already have…
Funny Jokes for Church Bulletin

On the Lighter Side (April 2017)

Quick Thinking There is a story about a new clerk in a supermarket. A customer asked him if she could buy half a grapefruit. Not knowing what to do, he excused himself to ask the manager. “Some nut out there wants to buy half a grapefruit…” he began, and, suddenly realizing that the customer had…

Jesus, the Answer

[446 words] The young lady could not have been too much over sixteen years old. She came to the office in an old pickup with two men who stayed outside in the cab. Before she was finished filling out a benevolence form, they left and she went outside to wait on the steps going up…

Take Heed Lest Ye Fall

[456 words] There are times when it seems like we are on a roll. Life is good. God is blessing us with smooth sailing. It seems as if it couldn’t be better. And then life takes a 180-degree turn. Our life falls apart. The Old Testament relates the story of Josiah. He was a good…

Reading the Bible

[431 words] The story is told of an old man who lived on a farm in the mountains of eastern Kentucky with his young grandson. Each morning, Grandpa was up early sitting at the kitchen table reading from his old worn-out Bible. His grandson who wanted to be just like him tried to imitate him…

They Are Blessed

[155 words] When the Israelites defeated the Amorites as they drew closer to the Promised Land, Balak, the King of Maob called on Balaam to come and curse the people of Israel. God said to Balaam: “Do not go with them, you shall not curse the people for they are blessed” (Numbers 22:12). The story…

Enjoy While You Can

[75 words] A young mother, holding her toddler-sized child, was enjoying playful time with her daughter and the daughter was loving the attention and time from her mother. I rejoice when I see parents enjoying their small children. Certainly, children can be burdensome at times but, speaking as one whose youngest grandchild is just about…

New Songs, Old Songs

[178 words] Neither new songs or old songs should be accepted or rejected just because they are old or new. There are unscriptural songs in both categories, songs that are trite and drivel in both categories, beautiful, biblical, uplifting songs among both old and new. A song does not have to be written by someone…

Into Texting?

[602 words] The word “text” has taken on a different meaning in this generation. In light of our familiarity with texting, we should be able to relate to a few lessons about the most important text message that has ever been sent. Context. A text of Scripture must be understood in its context. The verses…

Small Things — Or Are They Small?

[260 words] We must not despise “the day of small things” (Zech 4: 10). The flame emerging from a match when it is struck is little, but “behold, how much wood is kindled by how small a fire!” (James 3:5). “A cup of cold water only” is a small gift, but Jesus promised that the…

The Joyful Things

  [87 words] At times I’m so discouraged With problems of the day, I fail to see the joyful things That are along the way. When troubles overwhelm me, It’s then my nerves may fray, That’s when I need to take the time To simply sit and pray. Reflecting on God’s many gifts Does make…

Incorruptible Seed

[249 words] First Peter was written to Christians scattered throughout Asia. He says that they had been “born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever” (1 Peter 1:23). Seeds are remarkable things in their ability to reproduce. Gardeners love them and farmers live by them.…

What a Day That Will Be!

[211 words] Some years ago Paul Harvey reported that a poll indicated just 27.4 percent of the people in this country attend worship services at least once a week. That’s slightly more than one-fourth! There are many legitimate things such as illness, health, necessary work, and other things that can prevent us from attending worship.…

Finding the Ancient Paths

[408 words] Twenty-five hundred years ago, through Jeremiah, God said to the southern kingdom of Judah, “Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.” However, they said, “We will not walk therein” (Jer. 6:16).…

How to Face Fiery Trials

[373 words] The Roman Emperor Nero began persecuting Christians on a very horrible and violent level. Tacitus, the Roman historian, records that “Nero falsely accused and executed with the most exquisite punishments those people called Christians…And perishing they were additionally made into sports: they were killed by dogs by having the hides of beasts attached…

The Palmyra Massacre

[290 words] One of the darkest chapters of the Civil War is “The Palmyra Massacre.” In 1862, the Confederate Army released 45 Confederate prisoners from a Union stronghold and arrested an Union sympathizer, Andrew Allsman. Union Provost Marshal William R. Strachan re-took the post and demanded that Allsman be returned or 10 Confederate POWs would…

Revealing Authenticity

[272 words] An online dictionary defines the term authentic as the following: not false or copied; genuine; real. With the use of social media in today’s world, being authentic has taken a backseat to having the “perfect” image online. We have become obsessed with ourselves and making ourselves as near-perfect as possible. Social media is…

Are We Bringing Our Children Up or Down?

[309 words] Rules for Bringing Up a Child: 1. Make home the brightest and most attractive place we can. 2. Make him responsible for helping in some daily duties at home. 3. Never punish in anger nor to relieve our own feelings, but only in love and for disobedience. 4.Do not ridicule his ideas; talk…


[196 words] An Old Chinese proverb goes like this: “If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow.” I’m not sure about the number of days, but the basic idea is certainly true. Any of these sound familiar? “I wish I hadn’t said what I did.” “I…

Effectiveness vs. Busy-ness

[289 words] We all are given the same amount of time in a day. We strive to be busy when it comes to the work of the church. Being busy is good but being effective bears fruit for the Kingdom. The difference between effectiveness and busy-ness is the result! Effective Christians do what they say…

She’s Got It?

[287 words] One of Abraham Lincoln’s favorite stories was about a horse that was about sold near where he once lived. He told it as follows: The horse was supposed to be fast, and quite a number of people were present at the time appointed for the sale. A small boy was employed to ride…

Sentence Sermons from Acts (Part 3)

[266 words] The book of Acts vividly records the first thirty years of the history of the church of Christ. As Wayne Jackson noted, “Christianity burst into existence with a debut more dramatic than anything history had ever known” (The Acts of the Apostles: From Jerusalem to Rome, p. 1). Embedded within this thrilling description…

Sentence Sermons from Acts (Part 2)

[281 words] The book of Acts vividly records the first thirty years of the history of the church of Christ. As Wayne Jackson noted, “Christianity burst into existence with a debut more dramatic than anything history had ever known” (The Acts of the Apostles: From Jerusalem to Rome, p. 1). Embedded within this thrilling description…

Sentence Sermons from Acts (Part 1)

[284 words] The book of Acts vividly records the first thirty years of the history of the church of Christ. As Wayne Jackson noted, “Christianity burst into existence with a debut more dramatic than anything history had ever known” (The Acts of the Apostles: From Jerusalem to Rome, p. 1). Embedded within this thrilling description…

Why Did They Leave The Church?

Flavil Yeakley, Jr. wrote a book entitled “Why They Left: Listening to Those Who Have Left Churches of Christ.” Yeakley does a good job compiling his findings. He digs deep into various reasons as to why people have left the church literally and figuratively. He explores doctrinal differences, neglect, instrumental music issues, the role of…

When I Was Absent from Worship

[251 words] 1. It made some people question the reality of my religious faith (James 2:17). 2. It set an example of neglecting the assembly and failing to obey an inspired command (Hebrews 10:25). 3. I failed to observe the example set by the early church in partaking of the Lord’s Supper on the Lord’s Day (Acts 20:7). 4. It…

March 2017 Issue Uploaded

The March 2017 issue of Bulletin Digest has been uploaded and is now available for members to view or download. Visit our website today to learn more about our church bulletin resources and preaching and teaching materials.…

March Print Edition in Mail

The March issue of Bulletin Digest will go into the mail today! Another great issue filled with doctrinally sound, appealing church bulletin articles and fillers. If you are interested in a print-only subscription, use our Contact Form to let us know. Otherwise, we’d love for you to visit our new website and consider a Free…

Vintage Graphics Added to Members Area

Vintage church bulletin graphics from January 2011 were added to the graphics section. You can access them in your members area. If you are not yet a BulletinDigest.com member, visit our website today to learn about the church bulletin and teaching resources we offer!…

New Poetry Section Added to the Site

Bulletin Digest has added a new poetry section with short poems to use in your church bulletin or for preaching and teaching. Members can access the page from their member area. If you are not a BulletinDigest.com member, visit our website to learn more!…

New Jokes Added to Humor Section

We’ve added several more funny stories to our humor section for our members to use in their church bulletins, or as sermon and teaching illustrations. If you are not a BulletinDigest.com member, visit our website to learn more!…

New Bible Word Search Added

A new word search puzzle was added to the site, The Parable of the Mustard Seed (Mark 4:30-32). It can be downloaded in the members area. If you are not a BulletinDigest.com member, visit our website to learn more!…